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11-10-2009, 10:22 PM
I just wanna hide under a shelf in my room

I had this nagging feeling for a week, that i missed my gays (san diego pride). And i thought I cant help them it would hurt april, and now she is hurt and angry at me, and jeremy is no longer my friend, and i feel hurt

i called san diego pride and apologized for leaving so abruptly last time, and left a message with one of their workers asking if i could come back.

can anyone relate to this?

11-10-2009, 10:33 PM
If i may try and put this together, does this tie back into previous threads of yours about having gay and Christain friends?

11-10-2009, 10:36 PM
Yes it does tie in. I knew I was gonna hurt/disapoint/let some one down

appears i did that :(---

If i may try and put this together, does this tie back into previous threads of yours about having gay and Christain friends?

11-10-2009, 10:49 PM
Yes it does tie in. I knew I was gonna hurt/disapoint/let some one down

appears i did that :(---

Well it all sounds daft to me, what your friends are at i do not know,

in the words of Moz "There are more than enough to fight and oppose, why waste good time fighting the people you like, who will fall defending your name."

11-10-2009, 10:53 PM
One of them is not christian, the other is , but they both believe homosexuality is wrong, and they both oppose me volunteering for a pro gay organization

Well it all sounds daft to me, what your friends are at i do not know,

in the words of Moz "There are more than enough to fight and oppose, why waste good time fighting the people you like, who will fall defending your name."

11-11-2009, 08:34 AM
One of them is not christian, the other is , but they both believe homosexuality is wrong, and they both oppose me volunteering for a pro gay organization

I oppose you volunteering for a queer organization. Are you going to lose sleep over that?

The queers want recruits for their life style. You really need to understand that. Fix things up with the girlfriend. Don't worry about the queer.

11-11-2009, 09:20 AM
I just wanna hide under a shelf in my room

I had this nagging feeling for a week, that i missed my gays (san diego pride). And i thought I cant help them it would hurt april, and now she is hurt and angry at me, and jeremy is no longer my friend, and i feel hurt

i called san diego pride and apologized for leaving so abruptly last time, and left a message with one of their workers asking if i could come back.

can anyone relate to this?My guess is, you are either very young or immature.

Did you ever consider that you may possibly be over-reacting?

11-14-2009, 10:39 AM
its possible.

My guess is, you are either very young or immature.

Did you ever consider that you may possibly be over-reacting?

11-14-2009, 10:41 AM
actually i talked to april this morning about it, and I changed my mind (again) :slap:

after talking to a gay supporter, and feeling this nagging question of: but god is against it, how can they and others support it, i asked him, and he couldnt answer me.

I cant go against god or april.

I love my precious princess too much to go against her or god

God said homosexuality is wrong wrong wrong, no matter what i or anyone else thinks, whether we understand it or not, it is wrong

so, i told the gay organization I couldnt volunteer for them, and consider the matter closed.

11-14-2009, 10:54 AM
Ya know the bible says many things,


11-14-2009, 10:58 AM
which is why i have my spiritual guide april to explain to me what the bible says and means.

She is like my christian imam :laugh2:

Ya know the bible says many things,


11-14-2009, 11:03 AM
God said homosexuality is wrong wrong wrong, no matter what i or anyone else thinks,

which is why i have my spiritual guide april to explain to me what the bible says and means

I'm sure you can see the contradiction between your two posts

11-14-2009, 11:15 AM
not really, april has read the bible from beginnning to end countless times

have you?

I'm sure you can see the contradiction between your two posts

11-14-2009, 11:24 AM
No ofcourse i haven't, but that is not what i'm saying, what i'm getting at is that you are applying your morals (or the morals of others) to pick and chose what parts of the bible to accept.

11-14-2009, 11:36 AM
im not picking anything, i have a spiritual guide to help me with any questions i have about the bible, and believe me ive had many questions

but im not picking and choosing anything

No ofcourse i haven't, but that is not what i'm saying, what i'm getting at is that you are applying your morals (or the morals of others) to pick and chose what parts of the bible to accept.

11-14-2009, 11:45 AM
im not picking anything, i have a spiritual guide to help me with any questions i have about the bible, and believe me ive had many questions

but im not picking and choosing anything

Either you believe every word, or you pick and chose (or in your case it seems let others pick and chose)

So which is it? Everything or only some things?

11-15-2009, 10:36 AM
as i said, I dont pick and choose. I am learning about god's word. I believe in it, but i dont know all of it yet.

I am not an avid relgious person :), but more spiritual

I learn from others all the time

Either you believe every word, or you pick and chose (or in your case it seems let others pick and chose)

So which is it? Everything or only some things?

11-15-2009, 11:36 AM
There's nothing wrong in picking and chosing, infact it's almost a given, due to the amount of really horrid tales and teachings,

You are learning of gods word? Well I have surly just shown you what gods word says about women in tim 2:11. But Im sure that because you are a sensable person you will chose to ignore it's teaching.

11-15-2009, 11:53 AM
Im sure you reaize, there is a literal translation of words, and then their is a context of what the words mean in context to other words and phrases

One has the right to pick and choose if they want, but I have not made that choice

with all due respect my friend :dance:

have a nice weekend

There's nothing wrong in picking and chosing, infact it's almost a given, due to the amount of really horrid tales and teachings,

You are learning of gods word? Well I have surly just shown you what gods word says about women in tim 2:11. But Im sure that because you are a sensable person you will chose to ignore it's teaching.

11-15-2009, 12:16 PM
Erm, so what is the context of "Let a women learn in silence with full submission. I permit no women to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent"?

And surly if you are saying that you must apply "context" then you are picking and chosing, as you are applying the context.

11-15-2009, 12:20 PM
I will ask april about that passage.

It is timothy 2:11?

I will ask her, as she is my spiritual guide

Erm, so what is the context of "Let a women learn in silence with full submission. I permit no women to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent"?

And surly if you are saying that you must apply "context" then you are picking and chosing, as you are applying the context.

11-15-2009, 12:24 PM
Ah, so what April says is law, so much for -

God said homosexuality is wrong wrong wrong, no matter what i or anyone else thinks, whether we understand it or not, it is wrong

What if April said homosexuality was right!


11-15-2009, 12:31 PM
I trust her with my life, dont you have anyone you ask about matters of religion?

I know their are smarter people then me when it comes to many issues, this is just one of them.

Ah, so what April says is law, so much for -

What if April said homosexuality was right!


11-15-2009, 12:46 PM
I trust her with my life, dont you have anyone you ask about matters of religion?

I know their are smarter people then me when it comes to many issues, this is just one of them.

So its not what god says thats important its Aprils interpretation.

i have a simple philosophy that applies to anything religious, 'believe nothing, no matter who said it, unless it agrees with your own reasoning' so no, i don't ask others,

Its nothing to do with smartness, I was just questioning why you pick and chose parts of the bible to believe, but it has become clear that you just let someone else pick and chose for you,

11-16-2009, 10:23 AM
I was given april, by god.

April has helped me, in more ways then you will ever know

especially when i hated god, and she brought me back to my own understanding, and helped me sort through my feelings, which she helps me do not just on religion, but on life in general too.

Its a lot more complicated then you try to simplify it as.

So its not what god says thats important its Aprils interpretation.

i have a simple philosophy that applies to anything religious, 'believe nothing, no matter who said it, unless it agrees with your own reasoning' so no, i don't ask others,

Its nothing to do with smartness, I was just questioning why you pick and chose parts of the bible to believe, but it has become clear that you just let someone else pick and chose for you,

11-16-2009, 10:29 AM
I have no doubt you are sincier (sp?) in what you are saying, however, you were the one that tried to simplify the arguement by saying "God said homosexuality is wrong wrong wrong, no matter what i or anyone else thinks, whether we understand it or not, it is wrong"
When it is now clear that you do not believe that is the case.

Abbey Marie
11-16-2009, 02:22 PM
Erm, so what is the context of "Let a women learn in silence with full submission. I permit no women to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent"?

And surly if you are saying that you must apply "context" then you are picking and chosing, as you are applying the context.

The Bible had a cultural prohibition on women being spiritual advisors to men. Far different form its calling homosexuality an abomination. Which it does. Do you not see the difference between the two?

You are mixing apples and oranges here, and it is really not fair to Martin to confuse him without the facts. When you have read through the Bible at least once, you will have earned more credibility on the subject.

11-16-2009, 09:53 PM
The Bible had a cultural prohibition on women being spiritual advisors to men. Far different form its calling homosexuality an abomination. Which it does. Do you not see the difference between the two?

You are mixing apples and oranges here, and it is really not fair to Martin to confuse him without the facts. When you have read through the Bible at least once, you will have earned more credibility on the subject.

See the thing there is you're applying 20th Century liberal politics to some of the bible, basied on the context of the time it was written, but not to other parts, ergo you are picking and chosing.

You're 20th century perspective is changing what was once all apples into apples and oranges, and there would be no point in me reading the bible, no way i'd understand it or get to the end, so i fear i am as credible as i will ever be, if thats not enough for you then fair enough, such is life.