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11-13-2009, 09:49 PM
How long has chesswarsnow had the swamp/bigfoot avatar...Im wondering if he would like an extreme make-over I have plenty of avatars to share...:cool:

11-13-2009, 09:55 PM
I've never known him to have a different one, thats been like 2 years,

11-13-2009, 09:56 PM
What Does Your Avatar Say About YOU?

Do we select our friends in the on-line world by what their avatar looks like? You bet we do. What does your avatar say about you to the world? Are you projecting what you had hoped?

Your avatar is that postage stamp image you pin directly to your name. It’s your welcome wagon, your greeting, your handshake, your first impression and everything else that comes with a non-verbal greeting. Even if your self-esteem could withstand a small tornado, uploading and embracing the right photo can bring even a supermodel to their knees.

The Selection Process

It’s the moment of fret. You’ve just joined the latest and greatest social site (insert spunky name here) and while customizing your profile, you’re asked to select an image from your desktop that represents you… the dreaded “profile picture”. You quickly rummage your flickr memory, and come up with your selections. You wonder who will happen upon it, maybe an old flame (do I look fat?), maybe an employer (do I look responsible?), maybe your kids (will they laugh?), maybe a current friend (is this how I REALLY look?). The list of doubts between you & your ego could go on forever.

These random selections are more important than we realize. Many people stick with the idea that something professional on Linkedin is appropriate, and something more anonymous on Yelp is a good idea.

Your avatar is your passport to the online social world. When others see your name (mine is typically birdsall when it’s available), they make an instant connection. I connect my user name with the same profile photo/avatar on each site. When people see me pop up on Twitter vs. Facebook vs. Shelfari vs. Yelp, I am instantly recognizable as someone they already know, and have a relationship with.

Changing Your Avatar

When you change your avatar on a site like Twitter – you confuse the HECK out of everyone. People know you mostly by your tiny smiling square, it’s your “hello, I’m saying something”, and your followers take notice. When you change your avatar, your voice is no longer recognizable, and you may be shunned by your friends. That’s not to say that you can’t change your profile photo, but switching from your smiling mug to your pet fish could be the difference in being heard, and being recognized (unless you’re in a fish bowl).

One very clever Twitter user, social media guru Mari Smith has come up with her own solution. Mari takes her widely recognized image and drops in the desired elements to reflect seasonal changes & celebrations. Here is a sampling of her avatars, which she graciously sent me for this article. Mari is always current, hip and changing, but she never loses her voice. Regardless of how she changes her avatar, I always recognize her when she pops onto my screen with something to say. If you’d like to view all of Mari’s avatars, you can watch her fun animation here.

A Sampling of Avatars & What They Project

Here are a sampling of avatars from Twitter that I have selected (user IDs have not been used – to protect the innocent). What do these profile pictures say to you? Would you follow them? I’ve selected them randomly without reading any of their profiles or updates. This is what they say to me at a glance. See if you agree.

Spiritual - I am expecting kind and inspirational content and quotes. I am not expecting them to entertain me, or really be sending me content that I’m looking for. I won’t check them out any further.

Creative - these are my peeps, I’m instantly intrigued and want to check them out. I’ll read through their profile and hopefully find some good matches for myself.

Family Oriented - I get the vibe that there are a lot of family connections here. This is not generally an area I am looking to explore. I have a wide circle of family and friends that I converse with on Facebook.

Funny - I am thinking I’ll be getting some very funny blips from these users. I’m attracted to wit, and entertainment, so I’ll check out their profiles. Whatever their professions are, I’m betting they’ll be talking about it in an interesting way.

Hobbies and Interests - This is a great way to project something about your interests at a glance. I know who attends Burning Man, who digs Apple products, who blogs, and who likes to take photos. All people I’d like to connect with.

Locations - I generally know where these folks reside. I may still take a peek at their profiles, but I’m not really drawn to locations.

Animal Lovers - what’s not to love about any of these? I bring my dog Millie to work every day, and will read these profiles. Fido’s mug popping onto my screen is welcome if your interests match mine.

Creepy - No thanks, I don’t want any of these popping into my conversation stream.

The Eyes - I’m not a big fan, but a lot of people do this. I feel like you’re spying on me.

The dreaded ZERO - the worst offense. I will not view your profile, follow you, or be your friend. You are an empty square.

Me - happy, creative, looking for stimulating content relating to social media, art, wine, travel, entrepreneurship, Lupus, entertainment, pop culture and technology (to name a few).


11-13-2009, 10:04 PM
Sorry bout that,

How long has chesswarsnow had the swamp/bigfoot avatar...Im wondering if he would like an extreme make-over I have plenty of avatars to share...:cool:

1. A very long time.
2. What do you think it says about me?
3. Yes, and I know I'm walking into this one!:laugh2:


11-13-2009, 10:10 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. A very long time.
2. What do you think it says about me?
3. Yes, and I know I'm walking into this one!:laugh2:


he he....I feel like my therapist now.....ok well it says your a little bit stubborn but fiscally responsible, also you fear change....:poke: ....Im thinking you need an extreme makeover eh???? what about it???

11-13-2009, 10:34 PM
Sorry bout that,

he he....I feel like my therapist now.....ok well it says your a little bit stubborn but fiscally responsible, also you fear change....:poke: ....Im thinking you need an extreme makeover eh???? what about it???

1. Well thats not bad, but I think it says,......
2. I'm the 800 pound gorilla on this site. good or bad.:laugh2:
3. That doesn't always use tact, I'm crude to some extent.
4. I say what I think, and at times, many seem to disagree with me, even if they basically agree with me..
5. What I say doesn't always pass the smell test, but thats ok, I meant it to smell that way.
6. I am full of rankor, and always make *Growling God Awful Noises*, on the *Issues*.
7. I have big feet, and don't mind much if I step on toes.
8. I'm rather hard to see, and or corner, can't prove I'm alive or just an idea.
9. I stride my own stride, never follow.
10. I like people, never have killed one, no plans too.


11-13-2009, 10:44 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Well thats not bad, but I think it says,......
2. I'm the 800 pound gorilla on this site. good or bad.:laugh2:
3. That doesn't always use tact, I'm crude to some extent.
4. I say what I think, and at times, many seem to disagree with me, even if they basically agree with me..
5. What I say doesn't always pass the smell test, but thats ok, I meant it to smell that way.
6. I am full of rankor, and always make *Growling God Awful Noises*, on the *Issues*.
7. I have big feet, and don't mind much if I step on toes.
8. I'm rather hard to see, and or corner, can't prove I'm alive or just an idea.
9. I stride my own stride, never follow.
10. I like people, never have killed one, no plans too.


Hey maybe you could make all those subtle yet bold statements about yourself with a sexier more updated baboon avatar????...or.....here's an idea....maybe you could get a New improved statement by picking a new avatar and we can guess your latest symbollic statement....yeah ??? :cool:.....if not I accept your 2 yr old statement no problemo !!!


11-13-2009, 10:56 PM
Sorry bout that,

Hey maybe you could make all those subtle yet bold statements about yourself with a sexier more updated baboon avatar????...or.....here's an idea....maybe you could get a New improved statement by picking a new avatar and we can guess your latest symbollic statement....yeah ??? :cool:.....if not I accept your 2 yr old statement no problemo !!!

1. Get used to it.
2. You do your thing, I will do mine.


11-13-2009, 11:02 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Get used to it.
2. You do your thing, I will do mine.


Right Captain !!!! This thread is me doing my thing....wink...it was worth a shot, and hey I got to know more about the complicated swampy that is you...not to shabby eh?:salute:

11-14-2009, 10:46 AM
Your right Chloe the avatar does say something about people. And often the message they send is a reflection of their mood when they pick it. The count has had his for a long time. But for me it just says that I can skip that post because of his annoying numbering. I seldom do more than skim his posts.

Care to analyze my avatar?

11-14-2009, 10:55 AM
Your right Chloe the avatar does say something about people. And often the message they send is a reflection of their mood when they pick it. The count has had his for a long time. But for me it just says that I can skip that post because of his annoying numbering. I seldom do more than skim his posts.

Care to analyze my avatar?

Gaffer, you avatar says to me that you are a very proud person,

you enjoy nostalgia, history or your family heritage, you may take pride in

something about "country" whether its usa or not your patriotic, brave, the

strength in your family. Also on occasion you've been quite the snazzy

dresser when you go uptown baby !!!

(you realize that article I posted about avatar's was taking from someone else's blog....so Im winging it here....he he):beer:

11-14-2009, 11:34 AM
Gaffer, you avatar says to me that you are a very proud person,

you enjoy nostalgia, history or your family heritage, you may take pride in

something about "country" whether its usa or not your patriotic, brave, the

strength in your family. Also on occasion you've been quite the snazzy

dresser when you go uptown baby !!!

(you realize that article I posted about avatar's was taking from someone else's blog....so Im winging it here....he he):beer:

I figured it was from an article. But thought I would test you anyway. Your pretty good though. The only part you missed was the snappy dresser. And I never go downtown unless I have too. An avatar and what someone types can say a lot about a person.

11-14-2009, 02:37 PM
Gaffer what do my ever changing avatars say? (and it's a given that it must say in real life I have a jay leno chin, karl maulden nose, so I hide behind pretty divas of wishful thinking LOL) but thats my own self analsys what say you???? hmmm.....:poke:

11-14-2009, 03:56 PM
Your avatars tend to make me think your a romantic. Due to the fact they are all black and white. Pictures from old movies and silhouettes. The changes reflect your moods.

Your post made me think of the song "Betty Davis Eyes" and all the parodies that came out of it.

11-14-2009, 04:11 PM
Hmmm, I guess I just like Turkey. ;) But gee it's cool to have inspired someone. Thanks, Chloe! :cheers2:

11-14-2009, 05:51 PM
Gaffer cool analysis, my eyes are big n creepy like betty davis !!! I do love romantic photographs and movies. I'm pretty moody too.

Kathianne snoopy is also adorable, cute, cuddly and silly, and thanksgiving adds gratitude:cool:

Sir Evil
11-14-2009, 06:13 PM
What Does Your Avatar Say About YOU?


11-14-2009, 06:49 PM
Gaffer cool analysis, my eyes are big n creepy like betty davis !!! I do love romantic photographs and movies. I'm pretty moody too.

Kathianne snoopy is also adorable, cute, cuddly and silly, and thanksgiving adds gratitude:cool:

But at least you don't have Marty Feldman eyes.

Kath does tend to be seasonal when she's not brandishing that ruler.

Sir Evil has been known to change avatars three or four times a day. He's a special occasion kinda guy. :slap:

11-14-2009, 07:04 PM
But at least you don't have Marty Feldman eyes.

Kath does tend to be seasonal when she's not brandishing that ruler.

Sir Evil has been known to change avatars three or four times a day. He's a special occasion kinda guy. :slap:

Hey, not much need for the ruler around here since MFM and PB been gone. :cheers2:

11-14-2009, 09:40 PM
SirEvil's avatar seems pretty clear.......:eek:

11-14-2009, 09:55 PM
Sorry bout that,

Your right Chloe the avatar does say something about people. And often the message they send is a reflection of their mood when they pick it. The count has had his for a long time. But for me it just says that I can skip that post because of his annoying numbering. I seldom do more than skim his posts.

Care to analyze my avatar?

1. I'm surprised you don't read my stuff.
2. While I read all your posts, even check for spelling.:laugh2:


11-14-2009, 10:09 PM
What Does Your Avatar Say About YOU?

http://www.birdsallsocialmedia.com/2009/05/21/what-does-your-avatar-say-about-you/I use a pic of myself as my avatar to remind me to never say anything I would not say to someone's face.

Everytime someone reads my post, they will see the face of the man responsible for writing it...It keeps me honest.

The world is filled with cowards who use the anonimity of the internet to say what they would never publicly speak out loud.

You can agree or disagree with my opinions but you can never accuse me of being a cowardly internet rambo hiding behind a pc monitor.

I am HogTrash...I have more balls, street smarts and education, both formal and worldly, than anyone hiding behind their silly cartoon avatars.

Barr none!

11-14-2009, 10:15 PM
I use a pic of myself as my avatar to remind me to never say anything I would not say to someone's face.

Everytime someone reads my post, they will see the face of the man responsible for writing it...It keeps me honest.

The world is filled with cowards who use the anonimity of the internet to say what they would never publicly speak out loud.

You can agree or disagree with my opinions but you can never accuse me of being a cowardly internet rambo hiding behind a pc monitor.

I am HogTrash...I have more balls, street smarts and education, both formal and worldly, than anyone hiding behind their silly cartoon avatars.

Barr none!

Yes and you look like a very strong man too who can take care of his adversaries, I imagine it would be great to have that strength and confidence !!!

11-14-2009, 11:13 PM
Yes and you look like a very strong man too who can take care of his adversaries, I imagine it would be great to have that strength and confidence !!!I have no adversaries...I am well liked and respected because I am a fair, honest and caring man.

11-14-2009, 11:22 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I'll give you that, you got balls HogTrash.
2. I think it comes with being a biker too.
3. Rough and tumble, I bet you lost track of how many bar fights you've been in.
4. Am I right?


11-14-2009, 11:27 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I'll give you that, you got balls HogTrash.
2. I think it comes with being a biker too.
3. Rough and tumble, I bet you lost track of how many bar fights you've been in.
4. Am I right?

SirJamesofTexasThere was much chaos in my life during my younger years....I have wised up considerably.

11-15-2009, 10:01 PM
Joyful HoneyBee

Your Avatar says you are very Giving, You project a wonderful charisma, you like to do things on a grand scale, meaning large family get-togethers, warm exchanges with several friends, and you are fiercely protective of those you love !!!

11-15-2009, 10:10 PM
Maybe there is something to this anylizing Avatar stuff. When I changed my Avatar to the axe wielding hitch hiker I began to awake at four in the morning and go drink milk out of a frosted mug and smoke in the carport.

Oh...wait a minute.....

I've always dont that! LOL

11-15-2009, 10:14 PM
Maybe there is something to this anylizing Avatar stuff. When I changed my Avatar to the axe wielding hitch hiker I began to awake at four in the morning and go drink milk out of a frosted mug and smoke in the carport.

Oh...wait a minute.....

I've always dont that! LOL

:laugh2: Gotta spread rep around

11-15-2009, 10:15 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I liked the pic you used to have, the one of your old freind driving the big rig.
2. Now that was a cool dog!


Joyful HoneyBee
11-15-2009, 10:15 PM
Joyful HoneyBee

Your Avatar says you are very Giving, You project a wonderful charisma, you like to do things on a grand scale, meaning large family get-togethers, warm exchanges with several friends, and you are fiercely protective of those you love !!!

That all sounds wonderful, but in all honesty I can be a terrible homebody at times, sitting in front of the computer and posting on a debate site.

11-15-2009, 10:17 PM
Maybe there is something to this anylizing Avatar stuff. When I changed my Avatar to the axe wielding hitch hiker I began to awake at four in the morning and go drink milk out of a frosted mug and smoke in the carport.

Oh...wait a minute.....

I've always dont that! LOL

Well emmett, we all know you ain't right. :poke:

11-15-2009, 10:17 PM
That all sounds wonderful, but in all honesty I can be a terrible homebody at times, sitting in front of the computer and posting on a debate site.

Well maybe your the Queen Honey Bee at the Debate Board....wink

11-15-2009, 10:59 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I liked the pic you used to have, the one of your old freind driving the big rig.
2. Now that was a cool dog!


That was my little "Peanut". I couldn't handle seeing him every time I posted. I miss him terribly but I still have the picture.

He was a cool little dog. I'm surprised that you remembered that James. As you know he was attacked by stray dogs one night when I let him out at two in the morning. I couldn;t get ti him in time to save him and they killed him. I still have the other little chihuahua.

11-15-2009, 11:05 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah understood, its not easy mon.
2. Anyway, this new tar, is kinda cool as well.
3. I bet the dude who ever would actually try doing that, would more than likely find a jail cell though, real fast!:laugh2:
