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View Full Version : Reid Better Hurry With Health Reform

11-15-2009, 11:17 AM
It's going down, otherwise. ;)


CMS: House bill increases health care costs

Democrats have promised that health reform would reduce health care costs, but legislation the House passed last week would increase costs over the next decade by $289 billion. By 2019, health costs would rise to 21.1 percent of GDP compared to 20.8 under current law, according to an actuarial report prepared by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

“With the exception of the proposed reductions in Medicare payment updates for institutional providers, the provisions of H.R. 3962 would not have a significant impact on future health care cost growth rates. In addition, the longer-term viability of the Medicare update reductions is doubtful,” the report said.

In other words, outside of Medicare payment cuts to hospitals, the bill doesn’t curb increasing health care costs. And even the Medicare payment cuts will be difficult to sustain.

The analysis is more bad news for Democrats, who are facing increasing criticism that their reforms don’t do enough to control costs. Republicans released the analysis and jumped on the news.

“This report confirms what virtually every independent expert has been saying: Speaker Pelosi’s health care bill will increase costs, not decrease them,” said Rep. Dave Camp, the ranking Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee. “This is a stark warning to every Republican, Democrat and Independent worried about the financial future of this nation. I hope my colleagues in the Senate heed CMS’ findings and refuse to rush ahead until any bill under consideration can be certified to actually reduce health care costs.”

I’m reading over the report and will update the post shortly.

Update: The 31-page report also analyzes the impact of a number of the House bill’s other policy proposals. After the jump, I’ve listed the most interesting ones, page by page....

11-16-2009, 11:36 AM
The longer it takes, the closer to elections it gets and the less likely this goes through with that threat over their heads. Hopefully it will take a bit and it doesnt get rahmmed through.

11-16-2009, 11:45 AM
that's exactly what Ried wants to do. ram it through before the end of the year. but he'll have to recall the dums from all their holiday recess's.

11-16-2009, 12:26 PM
Reid especially would want this taken care of now. Because if it goes to next year, then he is going to have serious trouble in his election.

he will anyway though.