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View Full Version : Obama: Job creation not goal of Dec. 3 jobs forum

red states rule
11-18-2009, 11:53 PM
With each passing day, Obama shows again and again he is in way over his head as President of the United States

With unemployment at 10.2% and expected to get much higher, what the hell is Obama's "jobs summit" all about if not about finding ways for the PRIVATE SECTOR to create more permanent jobs?

Obama: Job creation not goal of Dec. 3 jobs forum
(AP) – 17 hours ago

BEIJING — President Barack Obama says creating jobs isn't the goal of a coming White House forum on jobs and economic growth.

The president told NBC News on Wednesday that the purpose of the Dec. 3 summit is to figure out how to encourage hiring by businesses still reluctant to do so.

The U.S. unemployment rate hit 10.2 percent last month, the highest in decades. Before departing on his trip through Asia, Obama said the high jobless rate is one of the biggest challenges for an economy that has begun to show signs of recovery.

Obama told NBC that the forum will give him and other administration officials a chance to talk to CEOs, small-business owners and other experts to find out what's going on.