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11-21-2009, 10:43 PM
Billboards, rather than buses, will be the new vehicle of children's right to choose their own faith, in a campaign launched by the British Humanist Association (BHA) today.

The organisation behind the 'Atheist's bus campaign' have unveiled a series of billboards featuring children with the message: 'Please don’t label me. Let me grow up and choose for myself'.

The campaign launch coincides with Universal Children’s day on the 20 November.

The billboards, which will show images of happy children on a backdrop of labels such as 'Marxist', 'Anarchist' and 'Libertarian', will appear in Cardiff, Edinburgh, Belfast and London.

"We urgently need to raise consciousnesses on this issue," said Richard Dawkins, vice president of the BHA.

"Nobody would seriously describe a tiny child as a 'Marxist child' or an 'Anarchist child' or a 'Post-modernist child', yet children are routinely labelled with the religion of their parents.

"We need to encourage people to think carefully before labelling any child too young to know their own opinions and our adverts will help to do that."

But the new campaigns have a strong message for the government as well as parents.

The organisation is condemning the use of public money to fund faith schools which it says do nothing to promote social cohesion in a diverse society.

Andrew Copson, BHA director of education, said, "The labelling of children becomes even worse when it is implemented as a matter of public policy.

"One of the issues we hope to highlight is the continuing and increasing segregation of children in state-funded faith schools."

One third of state schools in Britain are faith schools. The new BHA campaign will aim to phase out them out.

full article below



Children who front Richard Dawkins' atheist ads are evangelicals

The two children chosen to front Richard Dawkins’s latest assault on God could not look more free of the misery he associates with religious baggage. With the slogan “Please don’t label me. Let me grow up and choose for myself”, the youngsters with broad grins seem to be the perfect advertisement for the new atheism being promoted by Professor Dawkins and the British Humanist Association.

Except that they are about as far from atheism as it is possible to be. The Times can reveal that Charlotte, 8, and Ollie, 7, are from one of the country’s most devout Christian families.

Their father, Brad Mason, is something of a celebrity within evangelical circles as the drummer for the popular Christian musician Noel Richards. Now a web designer and photographer, Mr Mason has been supplementing his income for years by providing photographs to agencies who sell them on to newspapers and advertising campaigns.

He said: “It is quite funny, because obviously they were searching for images of children that looked happy and free. They happened to choose children who are Christian. It is ironic. The humanists obviously did not know the background of these children.”


11-21-2009, 11:07 PM
Well played, a wonderful campain, there is no such thing as a christain child,

as for the kids being of a christain family, that it clearly smoke and mirrors, and i'm rather disapointed in the times for taking that line, but then again, it is the times,

11-22-2009, 01:11 AM
Do people really think the world will be a better place if no one has faith in anything?

11-22-2009, 01:12 AM
Do people really think the world will be a better place if no one has faith in anything?

I'm not saying no one shouold ahve faith in anything, however, children should not be forced into a religion because of who their parents are.

11-22-2009, 02:41 AM
I'm not saying no one shouold ahve faith in anything, however, children should not be forced into a religion because of who their parents are.

Parents have the right to raise the children in the religion that they believe, especially if parents are held responsible for the children. If a child does something wrong that damages property or injures someone it is the parents that are held liable. It is the parents that pay for the child's clothing, food, medical care, schooling (yes, those nasty school supplies do cost money).

Now I am sure that if the atheist are willing to pay for all of the children's needs then many parents would be more than willing not to label a child. But until they cough up that dough, they can bugger off!!!


11-22-2009, 08:25 AM
Noir, it just seems like a double standard, so atheists are allowed to read their children bedtime stories specifically geared to teach there is no God, and they can have a summer atheist camp for kids, but that is not indoctrinating ??? So if Richard Dawkins was raising atheist kids and one day one of the kids said they wanted to go to church or read the bible or pray to God, is he going to follow his own philosophy and allow them to decide for themselves? It is one thing to say dont label, but how come his summer camp is "secular", what he's really doing is raising philosphers,they teach socratres and such at the camp. Then he's slamming religion. So now he is in fact just like what he claims he's against.


11-22-2009, 01:35 PM
Parents have the right to raise the children in the religion that they believe, especially if parents are held responsible for the children. If a child does something wrong that damages property or injures someone it is the parents that are held liable. It is the parents that pay for the child's clothing, food, medical care, schooling (yes, those nasty school supplies do cost money).

Now I am sure that if the atheist are willing to pay for all of the children's needs then many parents would be more than willing not to label a child. But until they cough up that dough, they can bugger off!!!


So because a Parent is paying, it can do as it pleases to its child?

I assume you are a chirstain? If so, does it not worry you that some children who grow up is Muslim households, who are feed Muslim teachings day and daily will never be able to find Christ, simply by the fact that they were born into a Muslim family? And would not the same be said for anyone of any faith looking upon another?

You seem to, rather coldly i think, believe that money takes the right of choice and freedom away from the child, cold indeed.

11-22-2009, 02:38 PM
I'm not saying no one shouold ahve faith in anything, however, children should not be forced into a religion because of who their parents are.

From that mindest, children shouldnt be forced into organized atheism, humanism or philosophy either.

11-22-2009, 02:46 PM
From that mindest, children shouldnt be forced into organized atheism, humanism or philosophy either.


I am not saying that kids should be told there is no god i schools or anything, i'm saying that it shouldn't be raised at all.

11-22-2009, 06:21 PM
I'm not saying no one shouold ahve faith in anything, however, children should not be forced into a religion because of who their parents are.It's hard to believe you are so ignorant that you can't see the fallacy of your rediculous argument, even at your naive young age.

11-22-2009, 06:34 PM
Well played, a wonderful campain, there is no such thing as a christain child,

as for the kids being of a christain family, that it clearly smoke and mirrors, and i'm rather disapointed in the times for taking that line, but then again, it is the times,You have bought into your marxist indoctrination, hook line and sinker.....You poor gullible young sucker.

I have often wondered why the young mind has historicly been so susceptible to marxist indoctrination and propaganda?

The only rational reasoning I have been able to conclude is the rebelious nature of youth.

11-22-2009, 06:34 PM
It's hard to believe you are so ignorant that you can't see the fallacy of your rediculous argument, even at your naive young age.

Going on about my age again =/

Care to point out my fallacies?

11-22-2009, 06:39 PM
You have bought into your marxist indoctrination, hook line and sinker.....You poor gullible young sucker.

I have often wondered why the young mind has historicly been so susceptible to marxist indoctrination and propaganda?

The only rational reasoning I have been able to conclude is the rebelious nature of youth.

I'm a marxist, and a free market capitalist all in one xD Seriously dude, keep it on topic.

11-22-2009, 06:49 PM
Going on about my age again =/
Your age is the key factor of your fallacies.

Care to point out my fallacies?
No I would not...The only thing that is important is the marxist indoctrination and political correctness programming that shaped all of your beliefs.

Your religious beliefs are the result of the marxist hatred of religion and is one of the main points of indoctrination in the universities and other liberal recruiting institutions.

11-22-2009, 06:55 PM
I'm a marxist, and a free market capitalist all in one xD Seriously dude, keep it on topic.You are totally controlled and will go in whatever direction your marxist programmers point you.

You are very typical of much of todays youth and oh so easy to spot, young Noir.

11-22-2009, 08:17 PM
This is merely more atheist propaganda as Richard Dawkins wonders whether there is occasion for “society stepping in” and hopes that such efforts “might lead children to choose no religion at all.” Dawkins also supports the atheist summer camp “Camp Quest.”

Phillip Pullman states the following about his “fictional” books for children, “I don't think I'm writing fantasy. I think I'm writing realism. My books are psychologically real.” But what does he really write about? As he has admitted, “My books are about killing God” and “I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief.”

Yet again, atheists are collecting “amazing sums” during a time of worldwide recession not in order to help anyone in real material need but in order to attempt to demonstrate just how clever they consider themselves to be—while actually loudly, proudly and expensively demonstrating their ignorance and arrogance—need any more be said?

11-22-2009, 08:56 PM
This is merely more atheist propaganda as Richard Dawkins wonders whether there is occasion for “society stepping in” and hopes that such efforts “might lead children to choose no religion at all.” Dawkins also supports the atheist summer camp “Camp Quest.”

Phillip Pullman states the following about his “fictional” books for children, “I don't think I'm writing fantasy. I think I'm writing realism. My books are psychologically real.” But what does he really write about? As he has admitted, “My books are about killing God” and “I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief.”

Yet again, atheists are collecting “amazing sums” during a time of worldwide recession not in order to help anyone in real material need but in order to attempt to demonstrate just how clever they consider themselves to be—while actually loudly, proudly and expensively demonstrating their ignorance and arrogance—need any more be said?

I don't mind atheists being atheists, they certainly have that right, and if they want to recruit people that is their right too. What bothers me is the attitude that religious people should not be allowed to do the same thing. It seems like a double standard. The attitude is what religious people might call "holier then thou" but since they are atheists I will have to say more "intellectually clever then thou"....:cool:, worship God, worship academia, worship materialism, but don't imply you have those rights and then in the next breath try to take away my rights to practice my belief albeit different then yours.

11-23-2009, 11:47 PM

11-23-2009, 11:49 PM

11-23-2009, 11:53 PM
it's what we do.....

Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

11-23-2009, 11:57 PM
campfires without Kum Bai Ya?......

11-24-2009, 12:02 AM
campfires without Kum Bai Ya?......

:laugh2:, they sing john lennons Imagine is what the clip says.

11-28-2009, 05:20 AM
And the problem with this is...? Nothing. Is it so unreasonable that children not be forced into any given religion, but rather given time to learn and grow and make an informed choice as to which path they follow? No.

Perhaps protests against this are rooted more in fear than fact. That fear being that children will reject the faith of their parents and find their own path. After all William James, one of the greatest philosophers and scholars America has ever produced, pointed out in "<a href=http://www.amazon.com/Varieties-Religious-Experience-Study-Nature/dp/1439297274/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1259403255&sr=1-1>The Varieties of Religious Experience</a>" that the general garment of any one religion is not cut to fit all people. Just as the capacities and abilities of individuals differ so too does their need for religious experience differ. For some it provides comfort and support in a troubled world. For others it is just so much mystical nonsense.

11-28-2009, 05:27 AM
Parents have the right to raise the children in the religion that they believe, especially if parents are held responsible for the children. If a child does something wrong that damages property or injures someone it is the parents that are held liable. It is the parents that pay for the child's clothing, food, medical care, schooling (yes, those nasty school supplies do cost money).

Now I am sure that if the atheist are willing to pay for all of the children's needs then many parents would be more than willing not to label a child. But until they cough up that dough, they can bugger off!!!


Parents are responsible for the actions of their children by mere dint of having brought them into this world. They carry that responsibility until the child either emancipates itself from its parents, as our great-niece did (mom was bipolar, alcoholic and a drug abuser), or the reach the age of legal independence.

11-28-2009, 05:30 AM
Your age is the key factor of your fallacies.

No I would not...The only thing that is important is the marxist indoctrination and political correctness programming that shaped all of your beliefs.

Your religious beliefs are the result of the marxist hatred of religion and is one of the main points of indoctrination in the universities and other liberal recruiting institutions.

Damn...! Will you PLEASE stop huffing carb cleaner and stinkin' up the board with the resulting brain droppings you try to fob off as posts!

11-28-2009, 08:28 AM
ROFL, a camp "free of religious propaganda". It's total propaganda if its outright anti-religious. Brought to you by none other than Richard Dawkins, who openly attakcs religion and anyone who is religious.

red states rule
11-28-2009, 08:59 AM
Right here in my town, the atheists - with the support of the liberals - are attacking Christmas once again

A local liberal was offended when he saw the Nativity scene in the public square

This is what this guy found "offensive"


The so-called “war on Christmas” has come to Chambersburg, Franklin County’s seat.

For many years, the borough has allowed a garden club to place a Nativity scene on the ground surrounding the Memorial Fountain. Borough council decided this week to amend its policy and prohibit all displays on the fountain.

The change came after PA Nonbelievers Inc. (PAN), an organization of atheist, agnostic and secular humanists from around the midstate, notified Chambersburg it wanted to erect a sign reading “Celebrating Solstice — Honoring Atheist War Veterans.”

Earlier this month, PAN Capital Area director Carl Silverman of Camp Hill wrote the borough a letter stating its intention to erect the sign. While the group believed it did not need the borough’s permission because the creche required none, it was submitting a proposed design in “the spirit of cooperation,” the letter said.

“We didn’t want to take Jesus out of the public square,” Silverman said. “We want to put atheism in the public square.”

Bill McLaughlin, president of Chambersburg’s borough council, said that after discussion with the borough’s solicitor, two practical options emerged — it could either allow everything or allow nothing to be displayed on the fountain. Council chose to allow nothing, he said.

Lisa Blackstock of Mercersburg is spearheading a demonstration at noon Saturday in Chambersburg’s downtown. She believes the majority of people in the community want the creche to remain. “This is Christ-mas. It’s a no-brainer if you ask me,” Blackstock said. “There’s no way people in Chambersburg should let (PA Nonbelievers) win.”


11-28-2009, 09:14 AM
And the problem with this is...? Nothing. Is it so unreasonable that children not be forced into any given religion, but rather given time to learn and grow and make an informed choice as to which path they follow? No.

Perhaps protests against this are rooted more in fear than fact. That fear being that children will reject the faith of their parents and find their own path. After all William James, one of the greatest philosophers and scholars America has ever produced, pointed out in "<a href=http://www.amazon.com/Varieties-Religious-Experience-Study-Nature/dp/1439297274/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1259403255&sr=1-1>The Varieties of Religious Experience</a>" that the general garment of any one religion is not cut to fit all people. Just as the capacities and abilities of individuals differ so too does their need for religious experience differ. For some it provides comfort and support in a troubled world. For others it is just so much mystical nonsense.

As long as atheists continue to discriminate against religion they will find it coming back at them as well. I think its very hypocritical to act offended over bible camps , religious schools, childrens bible stories, all the while atheists have an atheist camp for kids, teach them their atheist beliefs & philosophy, humanism, and then want to strip away the rights of religious parents to teach their religious values to their kids.

Atheists now have become the new religious fanatic that are so sure they are right, they arer determined to convince everyone else to join their point of view. I am not a member of a church or religion, but this is exactly what the atheist militia reminds me of. They are so self-righteous and judgemental towards religious people, it seems hypocritical since that judgemental attitude is supposedly a reason alot of people turned off from religion in the first place.:cool:

11-28-2009, 09:16 AM
Parents are responsible for the actions of their children by mere dint of having brought them into this world. They carry that responsibility until the child either emancipates itself from its parents, as our great-niece did (mom was bipolar, alcoholic and a drug abuser), or the reach the age of legal independence.

I'm sorry for what your niece wnet through I hope she is doing better now.

red states rule
11-28-2009, 09:18 AM
As long as atheists continue to discriminate against religion they will find it coming back at them as well. I think its very hypocritical to act offended over bible camps , religious schools, childrens bible stories, all the while atheists have an atheist camp for kids, teach them their atheist beliefs & philosophy, humanism, and then want to strip away the rights of religious parents to teach their religious values to their kids.

Atheists now have become the new religious fanatic that are so sure they are right, they arer determined to convince everyone else to join their point of view. I am not a member of a church or religion, but this is exactly what the atheist militia reminds me of. They are so self-righteous and judgemental towards religious people, it seems hypocritical since that judgemental attitude is supposedly a reason alot of people turned off from religion in the first place.:cool:

Chloe, I leanred early in life liberals spend all their time running around looking for things to be offended over

Christmas and Easter are holidays liberals always get upset over. It is like they can't stand people being happy

Most disturbing to them, IMHO, is they can't tolerate people thanking God for what they have in life - and NOT the Federal governemt and all thise federal programs put into place by Dems to provide for the general welfare

11-28-2009, 09:26 AM
Chloe, I leanred early in life liberals spend all theri time running around looking for things to be offended over

Christmas and Easter are holidays liberals always get upset over. It is like they can't stand people being happy

Most disturbing to them, IMHO, is they can't tolerate people thanking God for what they have in life - and NOT the Federal governemt and all thise federal programs put into place by Dems to provide for the general welfare

It is sad, nice find red states rule!

red states rule
11-28-2009, 09:30 AM
It is sad, nice find red states rule!

People here are not taking this crap any longer. I plan to attend the afternoon rally and I hope the folks can make these cowardly politicans stand up to these control freaks who want to control as many aspects of our lives as possible

The left says they are tolerant - but when you watch them and listen to what they say - they are the most intolerant people you could ever come in contact with

11-28-2009, 09:34 AM
People here are not taking this crap any longer. I plan to attend the afternoon rally and I hope the folks can make these cowardly politicans stand up to these control freaks who want to control as many aspects of our lives as possible

The left says they are tolerant - but when you watch them and listen to what they say - they are the most intolerant people you could ever come in contact with

I agree they seem very intolerant, Liberals are not open minded, they have their own agenda and want things their way, they have no desire to be all-inclusive or allow others their differences, and they have a huge campaign attack specifically against religious people.

red states rule
11-28-2009, 09:38 AM
I agree they seem very intolerant, Liberals are not open minded, they have their own agenda and want things their way, they have no desire to be all-inclusive or allow others their differences, and they have a huge campaign attack specifically against religious people.

Chloe I have been called a racist, a Nazi, and evey other name in the book. I have gotten death wishes and death threats from those tolerant peace loving liberals

Why? Because I dare to speak out against them, and worse yet - I offer facts while they offer emotions as arguments

How anyone could be offended by a Nativity scene is something I will never understand

11-28-2009, 09:40 AM
Chloe I have been called a racist, a Nazi, and evey other name in the book. I have gotten death wishes and death threats from those tolerant peace loving liberals

Why? Because I dare to speak out against them, and worse yet - I offer facts while they offer emotions as arguments

How anyone could be offended by a Nativity scene is something I will never understand

Agreed, it's petty. I wonder if buddhists have to put their celebration decorations away on holidays too.

red states rule
11-28-2009, 09:43 AM
Agreed, it's petty. I wonder if buddhists have to put their celebration decorations away on holidays too.

Here is how your typical liberal "celebrates" Christmas

The Liberal Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land,
Not a creature was celebrating, just as the liberals had planned.
The war had been waged with consummate glee,
And they had finally vanquished the foul bourgeoisie.
They were now out of power, but oh those libs had a vision-
A secular state guised as multiculturalism.
And they knew that in order to accomplish this heist,
First and foremost they must get rid of Christ!
The first line of attack had been at the greeting,
Now no one could say it except at a prayer meeting.
“Down with this imperial “Merry Christmas” phrase!
From now on, be PC- Say “Happy Holidays.”
Next they had set their sights on the tree,
Striking the “Christmas” from it by liberal decree.
“They’re Wishing Trees now, and if you disagree,
You’re prob’ly a hick from red state Tennessee.”
All this they carried out with the help of the press,
Naďve college freshmen and celebrity noblesse.
But there was only so much they could accomplish by squawking.
Too many were not buying all that they were hawking.
It was time to implement the next step in their coup d’etat.
“We must file suit,” they said, “and make it the law.
In our pledge, on our money, we think it’s unjust!
God’s too democratic- in judges we trust!”
"Now Moore! Now, Newdow! Now, Reid and Pelosi!
On, Boxer! On, Franken!, Johns Edwards and Kerry!
To the top of the bench! To the top of The Hill!
Now dash away! Dash away! Go impose our will!"
So they dashed to the courts, and they made it obscene,
To be caught wearing anything made of red or of green,
To have sugar plums or fig pudding on the cuisine,
Or to think of setting up a Nativity scene.
Finally the conservatives were set all agog,
Could this mean the end of elves and eggnog?
No carols? No candy canes? they thought with dismay.
Was the only tinsel to be found in L.A.?
No harking the herald, no decking the halls.
No cheesy Christmas concerts or frantic shopping at malls.
No late night visits from St. Nicholas.
No mistletoe under which to stand and be kissed.
Away went the manger, no jingle bell did rock.
Tiny Tim and The Grinch now as distasteful as Halliburton stock.
Gone were frankincense, myrrh, and Joy to the World.
Two thousand years of tradition had now been unfurled.
And if from the street they could see stockings,
Then you could be sure that the libs would come knocking.
“If from private celebrating you cannot refrain,
Then by Souter we shall invoke imminent domain!”
So Christmas Eve had come with nary one string of lights,
(Even putting a damper on all eight Hanukkah nights).
The activists were left to ponder the next crusade to embark upon.
Should it be Easter next time? Rosh Hashanah? Ramadan?
When what to their wondering eyes did appear,
Not any size sleigh or a single reindeer.
Not Santa Claus or Frosty the Snowman,
But the lights of church, and the inside was glowing.
People were laughing and holding hands,
Catching up with neighbors and family and friends.
Singing of how their lives were restored,
Proclaiming loudly, “Happy Birthday, dear Lord!”
The liberals were furious. How could this be?
They’d done away with the greeting, done away with the tree.
No halls had been decked- They’d passed resolutions!
How could it not have been the solution?
On his way out of the church they stopped an old man,
Asked desperately what had gone wrong with their plan.
He led them aside and pointed into the sky,
Placed a hand on their shoulder and said kindly “That’s why.”
“You cannot control what you don’t understand.
You can’t wipe away faith with the wave of your hand.
You can take away the trees and the elves and the bells,
The colors, the lights, but none of that tells
“The story of Christmas, and you knew all along,
the trappings and presents aren’t what make us strong.
It’s hope, and it’s love, and it’s prayers we have prayed,
And that’s what has for so long made you afraid.
“Maybe our faith fails analytical review,
But we love God, one another… We even love you.”
He walked away several steps, then turned, eyebrows raised.
“Oh, and one more thing… Happy Holidays.”


11-28-2009, 09:49 AM
Here is how your typical liberal "celebrates" Christmas

:laugh2:....OH NO ! Your gonna get beat up now by the liberals for posting that....

red states rule
11-28-2009, 09:51 AM
:laugh2:....OH NO ! Your gonna get beat up now by the liberals for posting that....

Yea, the truth does hurt :laugh2:

11-28-2009, 09:57 AM
Yea, the truth does hurt :laugh2:

I wonder if they will protest Kwanza?

red states rule
11-28-2009, 10:02 AM
I wonder if they will protest Kwanza?

'Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa

'Twas the night before Kwanzaa, and all through the slum,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a bum.
The children had braided their cornrows with care,
In the hope that Saint Malcolm would soon be there.

The Crips and the Bloods made their holiday peace;
The protesters protested: "Fuck tha' police!"
The Jews and Koreans hid under their beds,
While visions of rioters danced in their heads.

In a crackhouse, some pipeheads were lighting a rock,
When all of a sudden there came a loud knock.
And what to their wondering eyes did appear,
But Los Angeles Sheriffs in full riot gear!

Boards fell from the doorway and crashed to the floor,
And landed in front of a twelve year old whore.
The cops went to work with their nightsticks in hand,
Swinging at skulls as the Africans ran.

A beating ensued as they tried to escape,
But nobody got it on videotape.
A loud cry was heard as they managed to flee:
"Merry Christmas, you punks, from the L.A.S.D.!"


11-28-2009, 10:11 AM
'Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa

'Twas the night before Kwanzaa, and all through the slum,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a bum.
The children had braided their cornrows with care,
In the hope that Saint Malcolm would soon be there.

The Crips and the Bloods made their holiday peace;
The protesters protested: "Fuck tha' police!"
The Jews and Koreans hid under their beds,
While visions of rioters danced in their heads.

In a crackhouse, some pipeheads were lighting a rock,
When all of a sudden there came a loud knock.
And what to their wondering eyes did appear,
But Los Angeles Sheriffs in full riot gear!

Boards fell from the doorway and crashed to the floor,
And landed in front of a twelve year old whore.
The cops went to work with their nightsticks in hand,
Swinging at skulls as the Africans ran.

A beating ensued as they tried to escape,
But nobody got it on videotape.
A loud cry was heard as they managed to flee:
"Merry Christmas, you punks, from the L.A.S.D.!"



I owe ya

OOOO and you at the very least have racist tendencies, LOL

red states rule
11-28-2009, 10:15 AM

I owe ya

OOOO and you at the very least have racist tendencies, LOL

It will not be the first - or the last time - I have been tagged a racist

Of course it is fine for the libs to post satire about Christains and Christmas of course

11-28-2009, 12:25 PM
Atheist at Christmas

Why I, as an Atheist, celebrate the Christmas season.

Being at atheist at this time of the year, I am sometimes asked why I celebrate Christmas. This is my attempt to explain it.

To be honest, my family celebrated Christmas in a non-religious way. In fact, the only thing I remember that had religious meaning was a Nativity scene my parents had. I knew what it represented, but that was it. We never went to church for Christmas. Santa Claus was the reason for our season.

Now that I am married with children of my own, our Christmas is religion-free. My wife does have a Nativity scene, but she sets it up only in honor of her family. My children know who Jesus is, but they also know that I do not believe he is the “son of God”, or that there even is a God. But they do respect that others do believe.

For some reason, when many people hear the word “Atheist”, they automatically assume “immoral”. This always amazes me. I lead a very moral, very traditional life. I teach my children to be good human beings. I just do not believe in a “superior being”.also do not force my views on my children. They are exposed to my beliefs, as well as the beliefs of the varied family members and friends around them. They are related to, or are friends with, not only Christians, but also people who are Jewish and Muslim. And other Atheists. When they are old enough, they can decide for themselves what they believe in.


11-29-2009, 05:16 AM
Right here in my town, the atheists - with the support of the liberals - are attacking Christmas once again

A local liberal was offended when he saw the Nativity scene in the public square

This is what this guy found "offensive"


Red, you've been listening to Bill Orally again...Haven't you. There is no war, let alone and "attack" on Christmas. If they are protesting anything, it it the endorsement of religion by the government. Christmas was long ago killed by those interested solely in making a buck off of it.