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View Full Version : Christmas Spending?

11-23-2009, 07:51 PM
Thought about putting in the lounge, but it's the economy. Are you spending more or less than last year?

Me? Probably a tad more. I've already bought Wii and Wii Fit for the house. Amazon had great deal, figure we can use Christmas night. I'll use 'fit' for when I miss going to club.

I'm figuring about $100 for each kid and $75 for the two significant others. I'm making homemade Bailey's for adult family and friends.

All told=$1500

11-23-2009, 08:04 PM
I'm spending muuuuuuuuch less this year, nothing to do with the economy, however i no longer have a better half to shower with gifts, so its just my Mum, dad, Brother and Grandparents, so all in all will prob be spending about £100 ($160)

11-23-2009, 08:06 PM
about the same as usual, gift giving feels like a presure to me, so for the most part I don't do it. There are a few people that get something and thats it.:cool:

11-23-2009, 09:22 PM
Much less than last year, I bought a house last year for Christmas. :coffee:

I'm also going to buy a Wii this year. We have an Xbox 360 that never gets used but my wife and daughter really liked a friends Wii they played with so I'll get one of those. Other than that I'm not sure what I'm getting for people. I'll probably give my pastor a Taurus 40 cal from my collection.

11-23-2009, 09:25 PM
Much less than last year, I bought a house last year for Christmas. :coffee:

I'm also going to buy a Wii this year. We have an Xbox 360 that never gets used but my wife and daughter really liked a friends Wii they played with so I'll get one of those. Other than that I'm not sure what I'm getting for people. I'll probably give my pastor a Taurus 40 cal from my collection.

Umm, the 'special' with Amazon ended yesterday. But if experience is a teacher, they'll be giving up more.

I bit yesterday. Wii@199. Wii fit @ 89. $50 gift card for Amazon.

11-23-2009, 09:49 PM
times are tuff money's hard here's your fuckin' Christmas card :laugh2:


11-23-2009, 09:59 PM
Thought about putting in the lounge, but it's the economy. Are you spending more or less than last year?

Me? Probably a tad more. I've already bought Wii and Wii Fit for the house. Amazon had great deal, figure we can use Christmas night. I'll use 'fit' for when I miss going to club.Except for my 19 month old baby granddaughter, everybody gets gift cards.

I'm figuring about $100 for each kid and $75 for the two significant others.Hmmm?....What exactly is "the two significant others"???

I'm making homemade Bailey's for adult family and friends.

All told=$1500What?....No spiced rum and egg nog?

cat slave
11-24-2009, 02:12 AM
Well, Ill probably overspend like I always do.....I really do like the giving more
than the receiving!

11-24-2009, 03:13 AM
I don't plan on spending anything..

11-24-2009, 06:42 AM
Except for my 19 month old baby granddaughter, everybody gets gift cards.

Hmmm?....What exactly is "the two significant others"???

What?....No spiced rum and egg nog?

The two oldest have serious relationships, so they'll get gifts. ;)

I'll stick with Bailey's. Egg Nog doesn't do it for me. Spiced rum? I'd be thinking of pirates! :eek:

11-24-2009, 12:25 PM
In my family, we always had a present exchange. Each person got ONE present. This was to emphasize that Christmas was about family, not about presents.
We continue this today. My daughter gets one thing for Christmas. Which makes that present more special.

Abbey Marie
11-29-2009, 12:26 AM
Probably about the same. I try to cut back, but we tend (big surprise) to spoil our only child. We are blessed that my husband is employed in this economy.

11-29-2009, 12:30 AM
I already spent more than I planned too. I bought a Wii family bundle at Sams Club for my daughter. I bought a 308 Lever action rifle for my son and a new pocket knife to replace the one he lost. My wife is decorating the house so that will probably be our gift.

11-29-2009, 08:40 PM
Holy crow Christmas spending, my 15 year old told me this weekend he JUST wants a Remington 30=06 and a carhart jacket, I told him is that all, and he said yea if I can have them I am fine, The little ones want a X box a wii ooo hell I forgot most of there order, LOL, I had to remind them Obama is in office, no telling how long daddy will have a job

11-29-2009, 09:53 PM
You people must enjoy spending your way into debt. Spare no expense, spoil the child.

11-29-2009, 10:01 PM
Spending a lot less..........just presents for the grandchildren......we have a wedding (son is finally getting married) coming up next year that we are saving up for.

11-29-2009, 10:03 PM
Spending a lot less..........just presents for the grandchildren......we have a wedding (son is finally getting married) coming up next year that we are saving up for.

Congrats on that, weddings are Crazy fun, exciting and drama ! :laugh2:

11-29-2009, 10:16 PM
Yep - my daugther got married in December 2007 with over 350 people attending and less then 25 were her family and the rest were his!!!

This wedding will be less than 100 people because the bride and groom have a special place picked out and it will not accommodate more than that! Yay!!!

11-29-2009, 10:17 PM
Yep - my daugther got married in December 2007 with over 350 people attending and less then 25 were her family and the rest were his!!!

This wedding will be less than 100 people because the bride and groom have a special place picked out and it will not accommodate more than that! Yay!!!

Yay for sure !!!:laugh2:

11-29-2009, 10:18 PM
In my family, we always had a present exchange. Each person got ONE present. This was to emphasize that Christmas was about family, not about presents.
We continue this today. My daughter gets one thing for Christmas. Which makes that present more special.

Gabby that is a great idea, and we try it to a point, my kids get more than one present and god knows they ask for the world, but we try and teach them the real meaning of Christmas, but no way do we go over board, my problem is I have a 15 year old and a 20 year old, there 1 present can be very expensive, LOL, as I stated even the little guys are asking for the moon this year

11-30-2009, 04:24 AM
In my family, we always had a present exchange. Each person got ONE present. This was to emphasize that Christmas was about family, not about presents.
We continue this today. My daughter gets one thing for Christmas. Which makes that present more special.

My friends and I used to do a 'grab bag', limit on cost. We'd all get together for dinner and drinks the Friday before Christmas. Then when we all started up with kids, sort of fell to the wayside. Kind of a good idea to start it up again, maybe?

Right now though, not in so much of a Christmas mode. Living in the zipper house is not fun. Going in bathroom with no walls, not fun. I may have to give into a hotel tomorrow-Wednesday after all. My claustrophobia doesn't go well with the zippers. :eek:

We do the 'family exchange' at Thanksgiving-can't get a family member that lives in your house. Only a $20 limit, but everyone that is coming for Christmas is in, no one is left without a present.

11-30-2009, 04:27 AM
You people must enjoy spending your way into debt. Spare no expense, spoil the child.

Not a problem, my kids are on their own. Only presents I buy are at Christmas and birthdays. Last year when things were really tight, held it down to less than $300, not counting dinner. I really wish I didn't have to think of dinner. Whether here, if all the contract work, then decorations can go up; or at my brother's house, I'll still cook dinner and yeah, pay for it. :laugh2:

11-30-2009, 11:18 AM
Well I'm kind of making up for last year, not that its necessary. We were so busy with buying the house and moving in on Dec. 22nd we really didn't get the kids anything, which was no real big thing to them.

They understand that Christmas isn't about gifts and stuff. Christmas is about celebrating and remembering the birth of Christ.

11-30-2009, 12:00 PM
You are not obliged to buy expensive gifts. Many people do it because they feel the need to keep up with others. They don't want to be seen as cheap.
Christmas is about God and family. My daughter loves the story of Christ's birth. She loves getting to see her relatives. Those are her presents.
The adult members of my family don't exchange presents.

11-30-2009, 02:55 PM
You are not obliged to buy expensive gifts. Many people do it because they feel the need to keep up with others. They don't want to be seen as cheap.
Christmas is about God and family. My daughter loves the story of Christ's birth. She loves getting to see her relatives. Those are her presents.
The adult members of my family don't exchange presents.

Gabs the look on a child's face Christmas morning, when they think Santa came the night before and placed all the presents under the tree is my present, I do for my kids what I can, although I agree with you 100% kids must learn the real meaning of Christmas, but I see no harm in them getting gifts

As I have said I have 4 kids to buy for and I have done so when times were tuff for under 300 bucks including dinner

Two of my kids are old enough to understand what Christmas is really about, the other 2 are 7 and 8, they are at the age where they know Daddy is Santa but still want to believe in that magic, and I won't take that from them for no reason

My kids don't get things handed to them all year, they earn things, about the only time they receive anything for doing nothing is Birthday, Christmas, and school clothes

I wonder does your little girl have a TV , play station ( or any of the video games) you have stated on here more than once your husband makes a terrific living, and it is easy to see in your old avatar the love you have for that beautiful little girl so I am sure she has nice things( and she should)

But to go on with a holier than though attitude is not right either, my kids learn the true meaning of Christmas and all threw the year they learn you must earn things ( and no gabs I am not saying you don't practice that) but I disagree with teaching my kids others are doing things wrong just cause it isn't the way we do it

As for family, we have my wife's family to the house every holiday and Christmas will be no exception , but my kids don't look at that as a gift, cause we stay close with them all year round, Know my family is all up North, and one year I took my family up there to see my Mom, Brothers and sister and there children and yes that was the majority of there present and they had a blast

Last year I am like crin, we bought a house, we didn't move in till after the new year but were in the process during the holidays so the present department were slim, to say the least

I guess the moral of all this jibberish is we all do things our own way, there is no right or wrong

11-30-2009, 05:30 PM
Jeff, I agree with everything you said. I was merely responding to those people who feel they are somewhat obliged to spend a lot of money.
I suppose it goes back to how my sister and I were raised. My mom and dad grew up in Dallas. So each Christmas, we flew there for a big family celebration. We all got together on Christmas morning and had a gift exchange -- everyone got a present.
To me, the joy of Christmas was seeing my relatives -- my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and my cousins.

My daughter does not have a TV in her room, because my husband and I prefer to supervise what she watches. She does have a boom box, which she can play approved CDs on. She also has Guitar Hero and a laptop that plays educational games and such.

I approve of all Christmas celebrations that are centered around the meaning of Christmas. I simply don't want the holiday diverted to a excess of spending.

11-30-2009, 05:48 PM
Jeff, I agree with everything you said. I was merely responding to those people who feel they are somewhat obliged to spend a lot of money.
I suppose it goes back to how my sister and I were raised. My mom and dad grew up in Dallas. So each Christmas, we flew there for a big family celebration. We all got together on Christmas morning and had a gift exchange -- everyone got a present.
To me, the joy of Christmas was seeing my relatives -- my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and my cousins.

My daughter does not have a TV in her room, because my husband and I prefer to supervise what she watches. She does have a boom box, which she can play approved CDs on. She also has Guitar Hero and a laptop that plays educational games and such.

I approve of all Christmas celebrations that are centered around the meaning of Christmas. I simply don't want the holiday diverted to a excess of spending.

Gabby ya just reminded me that my 7 year old wants a boom box, LOL, seriously gabs if I came off nasty like I apologize, that wasn't my intent, and like I said my family had a blast when we went up North to see family, I think that is a great idea, but with only a couple weeks a year off I like to spend them in the summer, and the last couple of years seems like I use them up in the hospital

Gabs sounds like you are doing a fantastic job with that little beauty, keep up the good work, smile

11-30-2009, 06:32 PM
All told=$1500

May I be on your list? :)

I'm having a new Christmas, or more appropriately named to you Seinfeld fans - Festivus! http://seinfeld.wikia.com/wiki/Festivus

I will now begin with the airing of my grievances:

Mommy - You've been very ill for the past few years. I took too many Xanax because of worrying over surgeries and hospital stays. You get nothing.

Dad - You're a fair weathered football fan and have a new favorite team each year. You get nothing for being a bad NFL fan.

My eldest brother, Jeff - You made me eat unsalted and dry roasted peanuts at a football game in Georgia. You also made me watch a poor little cow have his nuts cut off. I know this was a few years ago, but I don't forget easily. You get jack shit!

My sister, Janeen - You ignore 99% of my phone calls. I'm ignoring you for Christmas.

My brother, John (Sir Evil) - You annoyed the fuck out of me all year with damn website and computer questions. Fuck off

My brother, Dan - Hasn't logged in here in months. I'm not logging in and getting him anything for Christmas.

My wife, Diana - Oh boy, where do I begin? Nothing of any value as I believe she is slowly trying to kill me. She took all the white meat left over from Thanksgiving and made some casserole dish. It stunk. Now I get no turkey sandwiches with stuffing. And she gets no gift. Well, she gets to have me for another year, which I believe is priceless. :)

My son, Jordan - I will do whatever I have to do to get him something cool for Christmas. He takes my side in all the arguments with the wife! We have an awesome bond, especially on the nights that the woman works late.

Nieces and Nephews? You little bastards never gave me any gifts in your short lives, why should I get you anything?

So, as you can see, my list is rather short this year.

I don't know who to have the "Feats of Strength" with, but it could be anyone if I visit family. We always fight anyway, so it'll fit into our agenda for the day!

11-30-2009, 06:55 PM
I want everyone to know that just because I'm not getting you guys anything doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy the spirit of Xmas by buying me something.

It won't be easy but I will make a sincere effort to deal with the pain of receiving while not giving.......Let me know if anyone would like a wish-list. :dance:

11-30-2009, 07:32 PM
May I be on your list? :)

I'm having a new Christmas, or more appropriately named to you Seinfeld fans - Festivus! http://seinfeld.wikia.com/wiki/Festivus

I will now begin with the airing of my grievances:

Mommy - You've been very ill for the past few years. I took too many Xanax because of worrying over surgeries and hospital stays. You get nothing.

Dad - You're a fair weathered football fan and have a new favorite team each year. You get nothing for being a bad NFL fan.

My eldest brother, Jeff - You made me eat unsalted and dry roasted peanuts at a football game in Georgia. You also made me watch a poor little cow have his nuts cut off. I know this was a few years ago, but I don't forget easily. You get jack shit!

My sister, Janeen - You ignore 99% of my phone calls. I'm ignoring you for Christmas.

My brother, John (Sir Evil) - You annoyed the fuck out of me all year with damn website and computer questions. Fuck off

My brother, Dan - Hasn't logged in here in months. I'm not logging in and getting him anything for Christmas.

My wife, Diana - Oh boy, where do I begin? Nothing of any value as I believe she is slowly trying to kill me. She took all the white meat left over from Thanksgiving and made some casserole dish. It stunk. Now I get no turkey sandwiches with stuffing. And she gets no gift. Well, she gets to have me for another year, which I believe is priceless. :)

My son, Jordan - I will do whatever I have to do to get him something cool for Christmas. He takes my side in all the arguments with the wife! We have an awesome bond, especially on the nights that the woman works late.

Nieces and Nephews? You little bastards never gave me any gifts in your short lives, why should I get you anything?

So, as you can see, my list is rather short this year.

I don't know who to have the "Feats of Strength" with, but it could be anyone if I visit family. We always fight anyway, so it'll fit into our agenda for the day!

No present, OK , come on back down Jim, this time Boiled P nuts and for desert deep fried cow nuts
OOO and my Boys said to tell you , well you can imagine, LOL

11-30-2009, 09:07 PM
May I be on your list? :)

I'm having a new Christmas, or more appropriately named to you Seinfeld fans - Festivus! http://seinfeld.wikia.com/wiki/Festivus

I will now begin with the airing of my grievances:

Mommy - You've been very ill for the past few years. I took too many Xanax because of worrying over surgeries and hospital stays. You get nothing.

Dad - You're a fair weathered football fan and have a new favorite team each year. You get nothing for being a bad NFL fan.

My eldest brother, Jeff - You made me eat unsalted and dry roasted peanuts at a football game in Georgia. You also made me watch a poor little cow have his nuts cut off. I know this was a few years ago, but I don't forget easily. You get jack shit!

My sister, Janeen - You ignore 99% of my phone calls. I'm ignoring you for Christmas.

My brother, John (Sir Evil) - You annoyed the fuck out of me all year with damn website and computer questions. Fuck off

My brother, Dan - Hasn't logged in here in months. I'm not logging in and getting him anything for Christmas.

My wife, Diana - Oh boy, where do I begin? Nothing of any value as I believe she is slowly trying to kill me. She took all the white meat left over from Thanksgiving and made some casserole dish. It stunk. Now I get no turkey sandwiches with stuffing. And she gets no gift. Well, she gets to have me for another year, which I believe is priceless. :)

My son, Jordan - I will do whatever I have to do to get him something cool for Christmas. He takes my side in all the arguments with the wife! We have an awesome bond, especially on the nights that the woman works late.

Nieces and Nephews? You little bastards never gave me any gifts in your short lives, why should I get you anything?

So, as you can see, my list is rather short this year.

I don't know who to have the "Feats of Strength" with, but it could be anyone if I visit family. We always fight anyway, so it'll fit into our agenda for the day!



I'm kidden....I'm kidden

11-30-2009, 09:28 PM


I'm kidden....I'm kidden

Chicken, LOL

11-30-2009, 09:31 PM
Chicken, LOL

What can I say? He's the Godfather of this board.....:cool:

11-30-2009, 09:43 PM
What can I say? He's the Godfather of this board.....:cool:

He is a Grinch , LOL

12-01-2009, 05:21 PM
In our house we pay cash for everything. When the money dries up, so do the gifts. We are cutting waaaaaaay back this year. Grandkids want mostly clothes. Toy days have come and gone. In the spring I'll get them each a new bike. Right now, we adults are only getting a token gift or two. No more dolls and such.....rather takes the fun out of it but what the hey, they're both either entering teens or knockin' on the door.....