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View Full Version : Kentucky Census Worker Killed Himself

red states rule
11-25-2009, 07:50 AM
Lt Columbo could have solved this case in a few minutes

The word "FED" was written on his chest was written from the bottom-up

Just like you would do if you were looking down at your own chest and writing on it

So much for all the libs who screamed about "lynching" by racist whites

A Kentucky census worker found hanging from a tree with the word "fed" written on his chest killed himself and staged his death to look like a murder, authorities said Tuesday.

Kentucky State Police said Bill Sparkman died at the same location where his body was found Sept. 12 near a cemetery in a heavily wooded area of southeastern Kentucky.

A man who discovered the body in the Daniel Boone National Forest said the 51-year-old was bound with duct tape, gagged and had an identification badge taped to his neck.

Police told a news conference Tuesday that Sparkman was naked except for socks and had his glasses taped to his face "so he could see what he was doing."

Kentucky State Police Capt. Lisa Rudzinski said the investigation revealed that the letters "fed" scrawled on his chest in black pen had been written from the bottom up and Sparkman's DNA was the only forensic evidence found at the scene.

He was touching the ground, and to survive "all Mr. Sparkman had to do at any time was stand up," she said.

Sparkman spoke to a witness they wouldn't name about hanging himself and making it look like someone else killed him, according to Rudzinski.

Authorities say Sparkman acted alone in manipulating the scene to conceal the suicide.

"Our investigation, based on evidence and witness testimony, has concluded that Mr. Sparkman died during an intentional, self-inflicted act that was staged to appear as a homicide," Rudzinski said.

Sparkman's mother, Henrie Sparkman of Inverness, Fla., bristled at the conclusion: "I disagree!" she wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press.

Investigators believe he killed himself and made it look like a murder because he'd recently taken out two life insurance policies that wouldn't pay out for suicide.

But they didn't say what motivated Sparkman to end his life in the first place. He didn't leave a note, Rudzinski told reporters.

If Sparkman had been killed on the job, his family also would have been be eligible for up to $10,000 in death gratuity payments from the government.


red states rule
11-25-2009, 09:02 AM
Anyone remember how the liberal media "reported" the death of Mr Sparkman? they blamed Fox News, Michelle Machmann, and talk radio

In case anyone does not recall those comments - here is a sample



The Census Bureau field-training manual advises employees on everything from walking only in lighted areas to staying away from political issues, especially when someone is hostile: "Do not defend yourself or the government with respondents who say they hate you and all government employees. Indicate that you regret this opinion and express a desire to provide them with a positive experience." Perhaps Bill Sparkman wasn't given the time to follow that sage advice.

New York Magazine:

Twelve days ago, in a Kentucky cemetery, a the body of a census worker was found hanging from a tree. Scrawled across his chest was the word "fed." Though it's too early to conclude that the man, 51-year-old Bill Sparkman, was targeted in an act of anti-government violence, that is an angle that authorities are currently looking into. And if that turns out to be the case, it wouldn't be all that surprising, considering the sheer volume of vitriol directed at the federal government and the Obama administration these days by conservative media personalities, websites, and even members of Congress.

Think Progress:

The gruesome lynching of this Census worker seems to bear a disturbing similarity to some of the worst hate crimes committed across this country. Regardless of what the motive for the killing may have been, why would a murderer(s) take such pains to so blatantly convey anger, fear, and vitriol towards a Census employee? Perhaps because some on the right have created an impression that Census employees are terrifying.

Andrew Sullivan:

It's possible, I suppose, that anger at the feds in general could make a drug dealer murder a census worker. But the most worrying possibility - that this is Southern populist terrorism, whipped up by the GOP and its Fox and talk radio cohorts - remains real.


If conservative politicians and opinion leaders keep stoking fears about the government using census data to steal from or perhaps even round up law-abiding citizens, I am concerned that mentally unstable individuals will commit further acts of violence against census-takers next year.


11-26-2009, 04:11 PM
I have heard people trying to blame Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann and doing so with absolute certainty. I haven't heard much in the way of a retraction since the truth has come out.......hmmmm.

red states rule
11-27-2009, 08:09 AM
I have heard people trying to blame Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann and doing so with absolute certainty. I haven't heard much in the way of a retraction since the truth has come out.......hmmmm.

Reminds me of the Duke rape case. The liberal media "reported" the guilt of the players, the faculity of Duke said the players should be expelled. and the usual liberal talking head "experts" played the race card about the racist south and the poor black women who has to strip for a living

When the players were proven to be innocent, the "vicitim" proved to be a liar - total silence and no apologies to the players from those who "knew" what happened before the facts were known

11-27-2009, 10:25 AM
If we could somehow do away with liberals, within a short time,

40% of all the world's problems would automaticly self correct,

and another 40% could be easily corrected with simple solutions.

Such a small sacrifice to make for such a great benefit to humanity.


11-27-2009, 12:22 PM
I have heard people trying to blame Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann and doing so with absolute certainty. I haven't heard much in the way of a retraction since the truth has come out.......hmmmm.

Glenn Beck is going to become the target of a lot of "blame" in the next three years. Someone as successful in their quest against the left is certain to become the target of this kind of propaganda for sure.


11-27-2009, 12:41 PM
Glenn Beck is going to become the target of a lot of "blame" in the next three years. Someone as successful in their quest against the left is certain to become the target of this kind of propaganda for sure.

:laugh2:Beck already is at the top of the rabid left's hit-list along with Palin.

If they are anything like me, they wear the liberal hatred as a Badge Of Honor.

Rule #1...If liberals don't hate you then you are doing something wrong!

Rule #2...The more they hate you the better you are doing whatever it is you are doing!

11-27-2009, 12:41 PM
Glenn Beck is going to become the target of a lot of "blame" in the next three years. Someone as successful in their quest against the left is certain to become the target of this kind of propaganda for sure.


I think Beck will move into the number one spot over Rush as the most hated by Liberals. He lays out the truth so simply and clearly that even the children in the MSM can understand.