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View Full Version : Educate me Agnapostate...

11-25-2009, 02:54 PM
I have a few questions for someone well versed in marxism/communism/socialism/anarchy?

What do you know about 'Cultural Marxism' and 'critical theory'?

I would like to get your take on what these things mean to you?

We could google them but your professional opinions would be much better.

Please explain these things in simple terms so that all of us may understand.

What do they mean?

Why did they come about?

What are they suppose to accomplish?

Have they had any affect on american society, culture, politics, etc?

Are they a success, a failure or a work in progress?

Anything else interesting you can think of would be helpful.

Thank You for your help and expertise on this matter.

11-26-2009, 12:09 AM
I was really looking forward to your assistance here.

11-26-2009, 12:27 AM
I know nothing of Marxism except Marx's critique of capitalism and some aspects of Marxist organizational theory, that I regard as flawed. This is due to the fact that I belong to an entirely different school of socialist thought, anarchism. Perhaps you should inquire at RevLeft (http://www.revleft.com/vb/) for an answer to these thrillingly insightful queries.

11-26-2009, 12:52 AM
I know nothing of Marxism except Marx's critique of capitalism and some aspects of Marxist organizational theory, that I regard as flawed. This is due to the fact that I belong to an entirely different school of socialist thought, anarchism. Perhaps you should inquire at RevLeft (http://www.revleft.com/vb/) for an answer to these thrillingly insightful queries.Impossible...Your "socialist thought" and "anarchy" are at opposite ends of the political spectrum.

No form of advanced socialism can exist without big government holding a gun to the people's heads, forcing them to comply.

And I don't need revleft...I know perfectly well what they are and all about The Frankfurt School.

I was interested in the programmed views of someone fully indoctrinated and totally brainwashed.

11-26-2009, 12:56 AM
Impossible...Your "socialist thought" and "anarchy" are at opposite ends of the political spectrum.

No form of advanced socialism can exist without big government holding a gun to the people's heads, forcing them to comply.

You seem to be confusing yourself with state capitalism. I've already explained this fallacy. In contrast to capitalism, which requires a substantial government presence to function, socialism requires no such government influence. Indeed, the most theoretically advanced forms of socialism are republican market socialism, which involves a minimal republic's presence in the market economy, and decentrally planned socialism, which involves either a minimal state's presence in decentralized coordination of economic affairs or an anarchist framework of horizontal confederations of decentralized collectives and communes.

11-27-2009, 12:04 AM
You seem to be confusing yourself with state capitalism. I've already explained this fallacy. In contrast to capitalism, which requires a substantial government presence to function, socialism requires no such government influence. Indeed, the most theoretically advanced forms of socialism are republican market socialism, which involves a minimal republic's presence in the market economy, and decentrally planned socialism, which involves either a minimal state's presence in decentralized coordination of economic affairs or an anarchist framework of horizontal confederations of decentralized collectives and communes.I have grown bored with your whimsical fatasies...You are young, innocent, ignorant and the mindless zombie pawn of some marxist radical.

Your political desires and goals have been tried countless times and proven to be failures countless times but your idea is different, huh?

You young far-left brainwashed peckerwoods keep showing up and trying to convince the rest of us you have a new idea...Duhhh?...LOL!

You may resume bashing whitey and capitalism and preaching socialism...I will leave you alone now so bye-bye sheep boy, you run along back to the flock.

11-27-2009, 12:23 AM

Peckerwoods? Isn't that the kind of palefaced hillbilly clan that you belong to? :)

cat slave
11-28-2009, 02:12 AM
I was really looking forward to your assistance here.

Hell, Im wondering what Ags handle means! Me being a red necked
southerner and all....I dunno those big words!:lol:

cat slave
11-28-2009, 02:16 AM
Peckerwoods? Isn't that the kind of palefaced hillbilly clan that you belong to? :)

Watch it with dissing "hillbillies"....I have found the best people in the world
since I moved to the "hills"! True blue, real live "neighbors"...the kind that
consider your need for a new water line (all 1300 feet of it) their mission,
and wiring the barn and running water to said same! Try to find people like
that around some university or librul conclave!

Hurray for hillbillies!

11-28-2009, 09:45 AM
Watch it with dissing "hillbillies"....I have found the best people in the world
since I moved to the "hills"! True blue, real live "neighbors"...the kind that
consider your need for a new water line (all 1300 feet of it) their mission,
and wiring the barn and running water to said same! Try to find people like
that around some university or librul conclave!

Hurray for hillbillies!I'm kind of curious as to what the significance of the word "palefaced" is and in what context Aggy is using it?

Originally Posted by Agnapostate
Peckerwoods? Isn't that the kind of palefaced hillbilly clan that you belong to?Hmmm, you don't suppose young Aggy is making some sort of racial slur towards the evil white man who speaks with forked tongue do you?

cat slave
11-28-2009, 11:55 AM
....GASP!!!!! I didnt catch that! R word, r word...alarm, alarm....politically
incorrect....40 lashes!

But seriously...excellent point.

Hey Aggie, what did you mean by "pale faced"......huh???????????????
Share that with us.

11-28-2009, 12:37 PM
Being part Iroquois should I be offended by his use of paleface?

11-28-2009, 12:45 PM
Watch it with dissing "hillbillies"....I have found the best people in the world
since I moved to the "hills"! True blue, real live "neighbors"...the kind that
consider your need for a new water line (all 1300 feet of it) their mission,
and wiring the barn and running water to said same! Try to find people like
that around some university or librul conclave!

Hurray for hillbillies!Aggy's derogatory use of the word "hillbilly" leads me to believe he has delusions of geographical superiority.

Of all the indicators of ignorance and stupidity, this is very near the top of the list.....Poor-Poor Aggy!

....GASP!!!!! I didnt catch that! R word, r word...alarm, alarm....politically
incorrect....40 lashes!

But seriously...excellent point.

Hey Aggie, what did you mean by "pale faced"......huh???????????????
Share that with us.What were we thinking Cat?...Everybody knows that "racist" only applies to the right according to the rules of political correctness.

11-28-2009, 12:52 PM
Being part Iroquois should I be offended by his use of paleface?

My wife is part Seneca. Her grandparents grew up on the reservation. Maybe I should be offended as well.

11-28-2009, 02:35 PM
Hell, Im wondering what Ags handle means! Me being a red necked
southerner and all....I dunno those big words!:lol:This is just a guess, taking into account Agnapostate's claim to be an "anarchist".

AGainst NAtional POlice STATE.

Kind of oxymoronic considering he espouses a socialist ideology.

11-28-2009, 07:21 PM

Do you realize how rigidly dogmatic some of you have gotten that you'll side with Confederate Cletus here despite his admitted racism just so that you can boldly take the "anti-PC" position and attack my "reverse racism." You're getting to be pretty PC yourselves with that kind of kneejerk ideological reaction. :laugh:

11-28-2009, 08:09 PM
Perhaps you should take note that your all alone here. We all agree with Hog. Not a dogma, just common sense, which, for all your education, your sadly lacking.

11-28-2009, 08:19 PM
Perhaps you should take note that your all alone here. We all agree with Hog. Not a dogma, just common sense, which, for all your education, your sadly lacking.

So rightists agree with white nationalists before leftists with no such views. That doesn't surprise me, but it should surprise the people who deny such connections. :)

11-28-2009, 11:36 PM

Do you realize how rigidly dogmatic some of you have gotten that you'll side with Confederate Cletus here despite his admitted racism just so that you can boldly take the "anti-PC" position and attack my "reverse racism." You're getting to be pretty PC yourselves with that kind of kneejerk ideological reaction. :laugh:Other than the 7 years I once spent in Tampa and a short stretch in the Marines, I was born raised and resided in a big yankee city and my first 13 years were spent in a ghetto.

Although white southerners are wonderful people, I cannot in all honesty claim to be one of them except maybe in spirit.

The most disgusting lowlifes I have met in my domestic travels are elements of the Big Apple and Gold Coast crowds.

11-29-2009, 03:20 AM
Other than the 7 years I once spent in Tampa and a short stretch in the Marines, I was born raised and resided in a big yankee city and my first 13 years were spent in a ghetto.

Although white southerners are wonderful people, I cannot in all honesty claim to be one of them except maybe in spirit.

The most disgusting lowlifes I have met in my domestic travels are elements of the Big Apple and Gold Coast crowds.

You have the redneck mentality, the one spawned in the most backwater dirt farms of Alabama and Mississippi. There's a reason that I say that you could drop the population of the Deep South into Saudi Arabia and the only way they'd realize that anything was amiss is that cousin marriage would be slightly less prevalent. So yeah, that's regionalism. But not any more so than your hatred of the coasts and the apparent dislike of my state here despite the fact that we constitute the most populous state in the country. :)

11-29-2009, 07:51 PM
You have the redneck mentality, the one spawned in the most backwater dirt farms of Alabama and Mississippi. Ah hell naw, say it ain't so boss!

But not any more so than your hatred of the coasts and the apparent dislike of my state here despite the fact that we constitute the most populous state in the country. :)Let me guess?...Hmmm?...........Frisco?.....Or maybe LA?

Hey, I'll bet you like them little blond haired surfer boys, huh?

Awwwh don't be sore, I'll bet you're one of the smart ones!?

11-29-2009, 09:28 PM
Ah hell naw, say it ain't so boss!

Let me guess?...Hmmm?...........Frisco?.....Or maybe LA?

Hey, I'll bet you like them little blond haired surfer boys, huh?

Awwwh don't be sore, I'll bet you're one of the smart ones!?

I think you're projecting your own fantasies this way, son. Maybe if they taught basic reading in the South, Johnny Reb, you'd see that my location is clearly marked as Los Angeles.

11-29-2009, 09:38 PM
Hey Ag,

I was born in Texas and have lived the last 50 years in CA......am I an elitist or a redneck?

11-30-2009, 06:14 PM
I think you're projecting your own fantasies this way, son. Maybe if they taught basic reading in the South, Johnny Reb, you'd see that my location is clearly marked as Los Angeles.Hmmm?...You sound familiar?

Hmmm?...The politics is right?

Hmmm?...Your geography is right?

Hmmm?...Is that you BC?

Naaa, probly not?!

Maybe he's your buddy?

Did you pick that "son" up from BC?

11-30-2009, 08:23 PM
Hmmm?...You sound familiar?

Hmmm?...The politics is right?

Hmmm?...Your geography is right?

Hmmm?...Is that you BC?

Naaa, probly not?!

Maybe he's your buddy?

Did you pick that "son" up from BC?

who is BC?

11-30-2009, 09:15 PM
Well, I'm glad I've been able to educate you this time. :)

12-01-2009, 02:07 PM
Are you still worshipping at the alter of Che Guevara?

12-02-2009, 02:24 AM
Are you still worshipping at the alter of Che Guevara?

Now, as an injun, how could I hold my Mongoloid head high if I was a fan of an Argentine of Irish and Basque descent who disliked Native Americans? Think these things through, sparky.

12-02-2009, 12:37 PM
Now, as an injun, how could I hold my Mongoloid head high if I was a fan of an Argentine of Irish and Basque descent who disliked Native Americans? Think these things through, sparky.Many young rebelious people of all races have idolized Che for no other reason than he has been glorified by the marxist.

Many people who claim to be native americans actually have very little injun blood in their veins.

If you don't mind saying, who was your last family member that was full blood native american?

The wording of your post displays a bit of racial pride and racism...Unlike me you are permitted to display racial pride.

You don't care much for white folks, do ya Aggy?...Does your people have a plan for the evil white man who stole your land?

As with me, many people here don't care much for you either and no one can see your face so you may as well be honest.

If you're man enough to speak the truth I'm man enough to handle the truth...Cut the crap and lay it on us, geronimo.

And maybe someday if we're lucky we will meet face to face on a battlefield to find out if the red man or the white man is the best man.

cat slave
12-02-2009, 09:23 PM
You have the redneck mentality, the one spawned in the most backwater dirt farms of Alabama and Mississippi. There's a reason that I say that you could drop the population of the Deep South into Saudi Arabia and the only way they'd realize that anything was amiss is that cousin marriage would be slightly less prevalent. So yeah, that's regionalism. But not any more so than your hatred of the coasts and the apparent dislike of my state here despite the fact that we constitute the most populous state in the country. :)

Hmmm.....thats the "brokest" state in the country, known for in your face
deliberately offensive practices, led by a RHINO who hasnt paid his taxes,
hasnt got the sense of a fruit fly in developing and building on muck and
sand then whining when Mother Earth decides to rearrange things....then
you Goofuses rebuild again on the same spot to wait for the next rampage
of nature....kinda falls under the definition of "insanity"...doing the same
thing over and over and expecting a different result. Dont whine when
the "big one" hits and you want aid from the rest of the country, including
the South.....!

At least in the south.....we actually have a clue!!!!!

What...me wander...yeah!:lol:

12-03-2009, 04:09 AM
Many young rebelious people of all races have idolized Che for no other reason than he has been glorified by the marxist.

I am an anarchist.

Many people who claim to be native americans actually have very little injun blood in their veins.

I've met plenty of "1/16 Cherokee" whites. Insinuating that I'm one of them is a tad misguided. :lol:

If you don't mind saying, who was your last family member that was full blood native american?

You don't pay attention, do you, Cletus? I've already posted a picture of me and my grandfather when I was in my younger years on here:


I dunno...does he look like a fake Indian to you? :poke:

The wording of your post displays a bit of racial pride and racism...Unlike me you are permitted to display racial pride.

What's the basis for racial pride again? After all, racial membership is not a consciously made choice or substantive accomplishment, so it doesn't seem like much to be proud of.

You don't care much for white folks, do ya Aggy?...Does your people have a plan for the evil white man who stole your land?

Don't you pay attention? Check your PM's on SF. :salute:

As with me, many people here don't care much for you either and no one can see your face so you may as well be honest.

Hell, plenty of people on here know who I am or can find out easily if they wanted to. I'm not hiding anywhere. :beer:

If you're man enough to speak the truth I'm man enough to handle the truth...Cut the crap and lay it on us, geronimo.

And maybe someday if we're lucky we will meet face to face on a battlefield to find out if the red man or the white man is the best man.

That promises to be a fairly one-sided thing this time around. :)


Hmmm.....thats the "brokest" state in the country, known for in your face
deliberately offensive practices, led by a RHINO who hasnt paid his taxes,
hasnt got the sense of a fruit fly in developing and building on muck and
sand then whining when Mother Earth decides to rearrange things....then
you Goofuses rebuild again on the same spot to wait for the next rampage
of nature....kinda falls under the definition of "insanity"...doing the same
thing over and over and expecting a different result. Dont whine when
the "big one" hits and you want aid from the rest of the country, including
the South.....!

At least in the south.....we actually have a clue!!!!!

What...me wander...yeah!:lol:

Pffft, I don't give a shit. I'm not Johnny Reb and don't exactly have any more dedication to the political regime and governors of "my" state than I do to "my" country. I make my own decisions.

12-03-2009, 09:37 AM
I am an anarchist.

What you are is delusional geronimo.

All the reasons you hate White America for are the same things every race of people on the planet, have been guilty of at one time or other.

Guilt is one area where the white race is not unique and some of us will no longer be held accountable for the shortcomings of other races.

12-03-2009, 10:22 AM
What you are is delusional geronimo.

All the reasons you hate White America for are the same things every race of people on the planet, have been guilty of at one time or other.

Guilt is one area where the white race is not unique and some of us will no longer be held accountable for the shortcomings of other races.

The only deluded one is you, Cletus. There's no empirical justification for white supremacy, which is why attempts to justify it fail. Moreover, even if there was some justification for racial separatism, it wouldn't end in whites' ownership of America...have you noticed that everyone's been losing in that thread I linked you to on SF? :laugh:

12-03-2009, 10:24 AM
That promises to be a fairly one-sided thing this time around. :)


Pffft, I don't give a shit. I'm not Johnny Reb and don't exactly have any more dedication to the political regime and governors of "my" state than I do to "my" country. I make my own decisions.[/QUOTE]

Interesting that you choose to depict two men attacking a woman.

12-03-2009, 10:51 AM
Interesting that you choose to depict two men attacking a woman.

Going by Cletus's etiquette standards, that's just pure reciprocation. Maybe swine flu should be spread like smallpox too. :lol:

12-03-2009, 11:39 AM
So perhaps then we should judge all races based on the worst representative. All whites are labeled as evil for giving smallpox to native Americans because of the few con men that came from Europe in the 14th century. So perhaps we should look at Native Americans as all being drunk, gambling addicts since that is the worst representation we see of them now.

12-03-2009, 11:42 AM
So perhaps then we should judge all races based on the worst representative. All whites are labeled as evil for giving smallpox to native Americans because of the few con men that came from Europe in the 14th century. So perhaps we should look at Native Americans as all being drunk, gambling addicts since that is the worst representation we see of them now.

Actually, I'm doing what you're attempting to do now; show the absurdity of some of Cletus's principles by applying them consistently.

12-03-2009, 01:44 PM
The truth when broken down to the cold hard facts of life is, when races are thrown together, the less productive, skilled, creative, inventive and intelligent race/races will grow to hate, envy and blame those with superior abilities and accomplishments...For this reason the minorities have chosen the white race as the scape goat for their inadequecies and failures.

The races indigenous to the European and North Asian Continents which we know as the white and oriental races, have been responsible for the great majority of the worlds explorations, discoveries, inventions, technology, medical procedures, medicines, serums, vaccines, and philosophies and have contributed more to civilization and the betterment of humanity than any other race.

This is why we rarely hear of white/asian crime on black/hispanic, but the other way around is an all to common everyday occurance that shows no sign of letting up soon...As kind, good hearted and charitable people we have been moved to make excuses for their bad and/or criminal behavior and dismissing them as victims of their social and economic conditions...The hatred is not ours.

These people's hatred for us will never change...They will always see themselves as victims and view us as racist, oppressors and obsticles to their happiness and prosperity...Anyone not aware of this hasn't spent enough time around them and see only the television and movies false portrayal of what they want you to believe...The politically correct image you are suppose to believe.

The few hours a day you spend at work or in school with them will deceive you as efficiently as hollywood has...If you invite them to your home, the face they wear is the one they put on just for you and the occassion...I hope no one is offended because I only live in the real world and don't make the rules, I just pass them on.

12-03-2009, 03:30 PM
The races indigenous to the European and North Asian Continents which we know as the white and oriental races, have been responsible for the great majority of the worlds explorations, discoveries, inventions, technology, medical procedures, medicines, serums, vaccines, and philosophies and have contributed more to civilization and the betterment of humanity than any other race.

Actually, certain ethnic groups within those races have accomplished some of the deeds you speak through their subjugation of other peoples and societies and deprivation of those peoples' access to productive resources, thereby robbing them of the opportunity to engage in any innovative activity. This disingenuous racial amalgamation, however, won't hold up. The fact that Irish and Italians were once regarded with the same disdain by the WASP population that racial minorities now are by some among them is evidence of that.

This is why we rarely hear of white/asian crime on black/hispanic, but the other way around is an all to common everyday occurance that shows no sign of letting up soon...

Once again, Hispanics are not a race and "Hispanics" may be of any race. Most interestingly, the term is derived from "Hispania," which was the Roman word for Iberia, which contains Spain and Portugal. Application of the term to the Indians of Latin America because they speak Spanish and have been given Spanish names is about as valid as the application of the term "Anglo" to African-Americans because they speak English and have been given English names. Clearly, you need to spend a little more time on your racial awareness studies. :beer:

12-03-2009, 03:44 PM
I'm kind of curious as to what the significance of the word "palefaced" is and in what context Aggy is using it?

Hmmm, you don't suppose young Aggy is making some sort of racial slur towards the evil white man who speaks with forked tongue do you?

:laugh2::laugh2: You are such an evil white man, Hog. Shame on you. Mend your ways you heathen.....:laugh2: And if sounds like a slur, and slithers as one, chances are, it's a slur.....

12-03-2009, 03:47 PM
That promises to be a fairly one-sided thing this time around. :)


Pffft, I don't give a shit. I'm not Johnny Reb and don't exactly have any more dedication to the political regime and governors of "my" state than I do to "my" country. I make my own decisions.

Interesting that you choose to depict two men attacking a woman.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, guess they felt like bullying her.....with a tomahawk....or an axe, or whatever.....

12-03-2009, 03:50 PM
What you are is delusional geronimo.

All the reasons you hate White America for are the same things every race of people on the planet, have been guilty of at one time or other.

Guilt is one area where the white race is not unique and some of us will no longer be held accountable for the shortcomings of other races.

Here, here, Sir Hog.....:clap::beer:

cat slave
12-03-2009, 07:01 PM
That promises to be a fairly one-sided thing this time around. :)


Pffft, I don't give a shit. I'm not Johnny Reb and don't exactly have any more dedication to the political regime and governors of "my" state than I do to "my" country. I make my own decisions.

Interesting that you choose to depict two men attacking a woman.[/QUOTE]

Odd, isnt it? Wonder what underlying issues Aggie has with women!

cat slave
12-03-2009, 07:05 PM
Interesting that you choose to depict two men attacking a woman.

Yeah, guess they felt like bullying her.....with a tomahawk....or an axe, or whatever.....[/QUOTE]

Hmm....wonder if it was....gasp.....a "hate crime"????????? Of course that
would change the outcome of the attack and that didnt become the way to
think until the last few years. Guess the victim was just scalped and murdered..no hate, no racism, just plain old murder.

It must be racist though...just look, red against white...race, race, race!!!!!
Hate and race all in one painting....they must have had some stuff going
on even way back then.

12-03-2009, 10:51 PM
Yeah, guess they felt like bullying her.....with a tomahawk....or an axe, or whatever.....

Hmm....wonder if it was....gasp.....a "hate crime"????????? Of course that
would change the outcome of the attack and that didnt become the way to
think until the last few years. Guess the victim was just scalped and murdered..no hate, no racism, just plain old murder.

It must be racist though...just look, red against white...race, race, race!!!!!
Hate and race all in one painting....they must have had some stuff going
on even way back then.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I lot of arrows got slung and tomahawks took flight......What was racial back then, is and forever will be still racial.....just more advanced....

Yeah that's only been considered a hate crime less than 10 years. Pretty fuckin' sad, when you think about it....

12-03-2009, 11:16 PM
The boys like to banter back n forth with their racial tauntings, but don't ya think the lady should be left out of it ?:laugh2:

12-04-2009, 11:27 AM
Actually, certain ethnic groups within those races have accomplished some of the deeds you speak through their subjugation of other peoples and societies and deprivation of those peoples' access to productive resources, thereby robbing them of the opportunity to engage in any innovative activity. This disingenuous racial amalgamation, however, won't hold up. The fact that Irish and Italians were once regarded with the same disdain by the WASP population that racial minorities now are by some among them is evidence of that.

Once again, Hispanics are not a race and "Hispanics" may be of any race. Most interestingly, the term is derived from "Hispania," which was the Roman word for Iberia, which contains Spain and Portugal. Application of the term to the Indians of Latin America because they speak Spanish and have been given Spanish names is about as valid as the application of the term "Anglo" to African-Americans because they speak English and have been given English names. Clearly, you need to spend a little more time on your racial awareness studies. :beer:Not much of an argument for your position Aggy.

It's times like this that weaker opponents usually resort to attacking my spelling.

cat slave
12-04-2009, 12:00 PM
The truth when broken down to the cold hard facts of life is, when races are thrown together, the less productive, skilled, creative, inventive and intelligent race/races will grow to hate, envy and blame those with superior abilities and accomplishments...For this reason the minorities have chosen the white race as the scape goat for their inadequecies and failures.

The races indigenous to the European and North Asian Continents which we know as the white and oriental races, have been responsible for the great majority of the worlds explorations, discoveries, inventions, technology, medical procedures, medicines, serums, vaccines, and philosophies and have contributed more to civilization and the betterment of humanity than any other race.

This is why we rarely hear of white/asian crime on black/hispanic, but the other way around is an all to common everyday occurance that shows no sign of letting up soon...As kind, good hearted and charitable people we have been moved to make excuses for their bad and/or criminal behavior and dismissing them as victims of their social and economic conditions...The hatred is not ours.

These people's hatred for us will never change...They will always see themselves as victims and view us as racist, oppressors and obsticles to their happiness and prosperity...Anyone not aware of this hasn't spent enough time around them and see only the television and movies false portrayal of what they want you to believe...The politically correct image you are suppose to believe.

The few hours a day you spend at work or in school with them will deceive you as efficiently as hollywood has...If you invite them to your home, the face they wear is the one they put on just for you and the occassion...I hope no one is offended because I only live in the real world and don't make the rules, I just pass them on.

I still have one question.....whens the last time some primitive white tribe
was found living the most primitive life and culture and killing
its neighbors over a few yams?

12-04-2009, 12:30 PM
Not much of an argument for your position Aggy.

It's times like this that weaker opponents usually resort to attacking my spelling.

I'm glad that you accepted your loss there, sonny. :beer:

12-06-2009, 01:56 AM
Yeah that's only been considered a hate crime less than 10 years. Pretty fuckin' sad, when you think about it....

Ever wonder why when a couple beat the hell out of each other it's just called domestic violence and not a "hate crime"? Would it be a "hate crime" if they were not of the same race?

Let me ask - if an Native American man beat his black/white (?) wife (or vice versa), would it be considered domestic violence or a hate crime....I mean, what if he really did hate her? What exactly are the qualifications of a hate crime?

12-06-2009, 08:46 AM
Ever wonder why when a couple beat the hell out of each other it's just called domestic violence and not a "hate crime"? Would it be a "hate crime" if they were not of the same race?

Let me ask - if an Native American man beat his black/white (?) wife (or vice versa), would it be considered domestic violence or a hate crime....I mean, what if he really did hate her? What exactly are the qualifications of a hate crime?


12-06-2009, 11:27 AM
I'm so confused