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View Full Version : Holy shit Man from maine!!!

11-25-2009, 05:41 PM
Holy shit man for Maine your now in the freaking minority, how does it feel


I think its f***ing hilarious!!! You posted day after day that this wouldn't happen well it only took 11 months but here we are. He has tanked so quickly it is actually scary!!!!

Now eat it you pig :poke::lol::lol:

11-25-2009, 06:39 PM
A trip down memory lane;

and the approval line is STILL above 50% MORON

and the disapprove line is STILL below 50% MORON....

which means, you mathematically challenged idiot, that YOU ARE STILL IN THE MINORITY!!!!

GOT IT???? MORON????? good
oh...and I guess you can't figure out that the disapprove line has DROPPED four percent in the past two weeks.

what an idiot.


how do I figure you are in the minority? Well...first, let's go to Real Clear Politics and check out the Presidential Approval Rating page. Then... let's notice that the APPROVAL percentage is greater than the DISAPPROVAL percentage. Then... think about what that means as far as your initial question... if you still are having difficulties with the math, let me know.


that is only one poll. I seem to recall that you used to really discount any ONE poll and would always prefer to go with an average of polls... like the one contained at Real Clear Politics. It is a site you really used to promote....until you found one poll that suited you partisan hackery better, obviously.

Look again Red:


you'll notice that, of the eight polls averaged, YOUR poll is the ONLY one that has the President under 50% approval.

Coincidence? I think not.



too easy? what do you mean?

I merely point out that you USED to be such a HUGE fan of Real Clear Politics but now, not so much. NOW, you seem to rely solely on Rasmussen, even though, in RCP, it is clear that the Rasmussen data point is an outlier.

Answer my question: why aren't you a fan of RCP anymore?

ah, memories.


11-25-2009, 07:01 PM
Rub his nose in it and he can't even respond. That's the really great part. Does my heart good.

11-25-2009, 07:24 PM
Rub his nose in it and he can't even respond. That's the really great part. Does my heart good.

That's to F***ing funny, you know that beocth is reading all this , LOL

Hey Virgil where ya posting nowadays, LMAO

11-25-2009, 08:16 PM
The funniest part of ALL is that there are many more like MM that thought Obama was the answer to everything, and now they're watching his approval rating drop like a rocket while still in his first year. The rock star show is over, his media parades are over & his time to continually blame the past for all the problems is over. Now it's time for all of his "experience" and "promises" to kick in, and many are realizing his whopping 143 days in office voting "present" didn't exactly meet their expectations.

red states rule
11-25-2009, 08:32 PM
Perhaps ol' Virg will use his work computer, register under yet another alais, and enlighten all of us how we are misreading the poll numbers

I suspect it would be something like this:

"After all, it is typical for any politicans numbers to come down from election highs, and once Pres Obama has has time to clean up the humongous mess he inheritied from Bush - then you will have to give Pres Obama the apology he will so richly deserve

Does anyone want to admit that every politican sees a slight decrease in their poll numbers?

I'll wait"

11-25-2009, 09:26 PM
I think it does nothing but underscore the issue of how it doesn't matter who gets elected cause it's the global elite that control it all anyways... the whole D vs. R and L vs R is a shell game to keep us distracted why the ones in real power have their way with our country..

red states rule
11-25-2009, 10:45 PM
Speaking of the devil :laugh2:

10:33 PM maineman Viewing Index
Debate Policy - Political Forum for Debates & Discussion

12-08-2009, 04:09 PM

RCP Average 11/13 - 12/7 -- 48.6 45.3 +3.3
Marist 12/2 - 12/7 858 RV 46 44 +2
Gallup 12/5 - 12/7 1547 A 50 45 +5
Rasmussen Reports 12/5 - 12/7 1500 LV 47 52 -5
CNN/Opinion Research 12/2 - 12/3 1041 A 48 50 -2
USA Today/Gallup 11/20 - 11/22 1017 A 50 44 +6
FOX News 11/17 - 11/18 900 RV 46 46 Tie
CBS News 11/13 - 11/16 1167 A 53 36 +17

http://http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html)

red states rule
12-09-2009, 12:46 AM

RCP Average 11/13 - 12/7 -- 48.6 45.3 +3.3
Marist 12/2 - 12/7 858 RV 46 44 +2
Gallup 12/5 - 12/7 1547 A 50 45 +5
Rasmussen Reports 12/5 - 12/7 1500 LV 47 52 -5
CNN/Opinion Research 12/2 - 12/3 1041 A 48 50 -2
USA Today/Gallup 11/20 - 11/22 1017 A 50 44 +6
FOX News 11/17 - 11/18 900 RV 46 46 Tie
CBS News 11/13 - 11/16 1167 A 53 36 +17

http://http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html)

Poor Virgil. This is for him

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