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View Full Version : Number of Democrats Falls to Four-Year Low

red states rule
12-02-2009, 10:03 AM
Are people to embarrassed to admit they are Dems?

The number of Americans identifying themselves as Democrats fell by nearly two percentage points in November. Added to declines earlier in the year, the number of Democrats in the nation has fallen by five percentage points during 2009.

In November, 36.0% of American adults said they were Democrats. That’s down from 37.8% a month ago and the lowest number of Democrats since December 2005. See the History of Party Trends from January 2004 to the present.

The number of Republicans inched up by just over a point in November to 33.1%. That’s within the narrow range that Republicans have experienced throughout 2009 - from a low of 31.9% to a high of 33.6%.

The number of adults not affiliated with either party grew half a point last month to 30.8%.
Despite the changes, there are still more Democrats than Republicans in the nation. But the gap is down to 2.9 percentage points, the smallest since December 2007.


12-02-2009, 10:16 AM
More people call themselves democrats then republican. Are people embarrassed to admit they are republicans?

12-02-2009, 10:21 AM
I would say yes. I don't call myself a republican anymore. I call myself a conservative or a libertarian even though I'm registered Republican.

red states rule
12-02-2009, 10:29 AM
I would say yes. I don't call myself a republican anymore. I call myself a conservative or a libertarian even though I'm registered Republican.

Ditto. I tell my liberal co-worker I am a Reagan conservative

He has finally admited he is a liberal Dem (not the moderate he had been calling himslelf) - so he is in that shrinking minority

12-03-2009, 05:28 AM
Of course,the number of folks claiming to be Republican has fallen to a 26 year low...around 20%. Nice to know the GOP is going the way of the Whigs. Heh.

red states rule
12-03-2009, 07:54 AM
Of course,the number of folks claiming to be Republican has fallen to a 26 year low...around 20%. Nice to know the GOP is going the way of the Whigs. Heh.

Our drive by poster strikes again! Yell me BP, how is that hope and change going for you? How is our resident anti war, and anti war liberal from New York doing these days?

Seems to me, many of your fellow far left liberals are pissed off at Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. You guys have total and complete power in DC and you still can't ram thru your bills

Republicans are powerless, and you guys still can't cut and run form 2 wars, close GITMO, put Bush and Chency on trial, and toss those CIA guys in jail for preventing terrorist attacks

Bottom line is, liberal voters stayed home in VA and NJ, it looks like they might do the same in the 2010 midterms - and they are to pissed off to fess up they are Democrats