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12-02-2009, 03:32 PM
from Der Spiegel:eek:

By Gabor Steingart

President Barack Obama's Tuesday speech left a bad taste in many mouths.

Never before has a speech by President Barack Obama felt as false as his Tuesday address announcing America's new strategy for Afghanistan. It seemed like a campaign speech combined with Bush rhetoric -- and left both dreamers and realists feeling distraught.

One can hardly blame the West Point leadership. The academy commanders did their best to ensure that Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama's speech would be well-received.

Just minutes before the president took the stage inside Eisenhower Hall, the gathered cadets were asked to respond "enthusiastically" to the speech. But it didn't help: The soldiers' reception was cool.

One didn't have to be a cadet on Tuesday to feel a bit of nausea upon hearing Obama's speech. It was the least truthful address that he has ever held. He spoke of responsibility, but almost every sentence smelled of party tactics. He demanded sacrifice, but he was unable to say what it was for exactly.

An additional 30,000 US soldiers are to march into Afghanistan -- and then they will march right back out again. America is going to war -- and from there it will continue ahead to peace. It was the speech of a Nobel War Prize laureate.

Just in Time for the Campaign

For each troop movement, Obama had a number to match. US strength in Afghanistan will be tripled relative to the Bush years, a fact that is sure to impress hawks in America. But just 18 months later, just in time for Obama's re-election campaign, the horror of war is to end and the draw down will begin. The doves of peace will be let free.

The speech continued in that vein. It was as though Obama had taken one of his old campaign speeches and merged it with a text from the library of ex-President George W. Bush. Extremists kill in the name of Islam, he said, before adding that it is one of the "world's great religions." He promised that responsibility for the country's security would soon be transferred to the government of President Hamid Karzai -- a government which he said was "corrupt." The Taliban is dangerous and growing stronger. But "America will have to show our strength in the way that we end wars," he added.

It was a dizzying combination of surge and withdrawal, of marching to and fro. The fast pace was reminiscent of plays about the French revolution: Troops enter from the right to loud cannon fire and then they exit to the left. And at the end, the dead are left on stage.

Obama's Magic No Longer Works

But in this case, the public was more disturbed than entertained. Indeed, one could see the phenomenon in a number of places in recent weeks: Obama's magic no longer works. The allure of his words has grown weaker.

It is not he himself who has changed, but rather the benchmark used to evaluate him. For a president, the unit of measurement is real life. A leader is seen by citizens through the prism of their lives -- their job, their household budget, where they live and suffer. And, in the case of the war on terror, where they sometimes die.

Political dreams and yearnings for the future belong elsewhere. That was where the political charmer Obama was able to successfully capture the imaginations of millions of voters. It is a place where campaigners -- particularly those with a talent for oration -- are fond of taking refuge. It is also where Obama set up his campaign headquarters, in an enormous tent called "Hope."

In his speech on America's new Afghanistan strategy, Obama tried to speak to both places. It was two speeches in one. That is why it felt so false. Both dreamers and realists were left feeling distraught.

The American president doesn't need any opponents at the moment. He's already got himself.

Joe Steel
12-02-2009, 05:51 PM
Political dreams and yearnings for the future belong elsewhere. That was where the political charmer Obama was able to successfully capture the imaginations of millions of voters. It is a place where campaigners -- particularly those with a talent for oration -- are fond of taking refuge. It is also where Obama set up his campaign headquarters, in an enormous tent called "Hope."

In his speech on America's new Afghanistan strategy, Obama tried to speak to both places. It was two speeches in one. That is why it felt so false. Both dreamers and realists were left feeling distraught.

The American president doesn't need any opponents at the moment. He's already got himself.

While Obama may not have helped himself with his planned escalation of Bush's War on Aghanistan, it's not because Obama sought refuge in his "enormous tent called 'Hope.'" It's because he dashed the hopes of his supporters. We elected him to stop Bush's War on Afghanistan. Unless he does, and soon, he will have no hope of a second term.

12-02-2009, 05:55 PM
While Obama may not have helped himself with his planned escalation of Bush's War on Aghanistan, it's not because Obama sought refuge in his "enormous tent called 'Hope.'" It's because he dashed the hopes of his supporters. We elected him to stop Bush's War on Afghanistan. Unless he does, and soon, he will have no hope of a second term.

bull, he campaigned against McCain saying the war was in Afghanistan not Iraq..so was he lying then also?
now don't get me wrong having you Progressives-commies turning on him doesn't mean a thing for me, but it is probably good for Republicans

12-02-2009, 05:56 PM
While Obama may not have helped himself with his planned escalation of Bush's War on Aghanistan, it's not because Obama sought refuge in his "enormous tent called 'Hope.'" It's because he dashed the hopes of his supporters. We elected him to stop Bush's War on Afghanistan. Unless he does, and soon, he will have no hope of a second term.

Were you under a rock prior to voting? Obama clearly stated his intentions for Afghanistan, which he said was the "right war". You elected him to stop the war even though he stated on the campaign trail that he was a strong supporter of the war in Afghanistan?

Joe Steel
12-02-2009, 06:10 PM
It doesn't make any difference what he said, we want him to end Bush's War on Afghanistan.

Unless he does, he will not get a second term.

12-02-2009, 06:13 PM
It doesn't make any difference what he said, we want him to end Bush's War on Afghanistan.

Unless he does, he will not get a second term.

well then you all go go go, no second term, yea..:dance:

12-02-2009, 06:24 PM
Joe states his qualifications for voting for a presidential canidate.

It doesn't make any difference what he said,

12-02-2009, 06:29 PM
It doesn't make any difference what he said, we want him to end Bush's War on Afghanistan.

Unless he does, he will not get a second term.

Let me get this straight...

You don't care what Obama said, you just want him to end the war in Afghanistan. Did you think he lied on the campaign trail? Why would you think he would end the war when he stated the exact opposite on the campaign trail? The fact that you even thought for a second that he would do what you wanted shows that you either felt he lied on the trail, or you were ignorant in your voting choice.

cat slave
12-02-2009, 09:42 PM
It doesn't make any difference what he said, we want him to end Bush's War on Afghanistan.

Unless he does, he will not get a second term.

No, it doesnt make any difference what he says...nothing out of his mouth
makes any sense and the sooner his supporters wake up and see him for
the neophyte, empty suit he really is with heavy shadings of Marxism and
the intent to change our country forever, the better.

Wake up and smell the coffee for gawds sake. The man is not only a liar,
but unimaginably incompetent.


Joe Steel
12-03-2009, 08:00 AM
Let me get this straight...

You don't care what Obama said, you just want him to end the war in Afghanistan. Did you think he lied on the campaign trail? Why would you think he would end the war when he stated the exact opposite on the campaign trail? The fact that you even thought for a second that he would do what you wanted shows that you either felt he lied on the trail, or you were ignorant in your voting choice.

No it doesn't.

He talked about a plan which reflected what he knew about Bush's War. As he did about so many other things, Bush probably lied about Afghanistan. It would have been perfectly acceptable for Obama to change his plan when he had access to the truth.

red states rule
12-03-2009, 08:09 AM
It doesn't make any difference what he said, we want him to end Bush's War on Afghanistan.

Unless he does, he will not get a second term.

The 4 year long performance of Amateur Night at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave continues to drag on.

I am happy to see liberal wack jobs like you getting pissed off Joe - you now know how the rest of us have felt since the manchild president took over 11 months ago

You are like Virgil. You do not care what Obama said to get elected. You do not care what he said yesterday. You only care what he says today - and you actually think Obama can fix all the worlds ills by rolling over and cowering to the terrorists

red states rule
12-03-2009, 08:10 AM
No it doesn't.

He talked about a plan which reflected what he knew about Bush's War. As he did about so many other things, Bush probably lied about Afghanistan. It would have been perfectly acceptable for Obama to change his plan when he had access to the truth.

Hate to break the bads news to you Joe

Like the economy - this is now Obama's war

The blame Bush BS is no longer working. Dems will actually have to govern and fix things now

12-03-2009, 08:25 AM
No it doesn't.

He talked about a plan which reflected what he knew about Bush's War. As he did about so many other things, Bush probably lied about Afghanistan. It would have been perfectly acceptable for Obama to change his plan when he had access to the truth.

Well, I guess Bush told the truth then - because Obama's stance on Afghanistan remains the same now as it did when he was on the trail.

I'm still cracking up at the fact that you claim to have voted for him to end the war in Afghanistan, when he clearly stated he supported the war there, it was the right war, and that he would concentrate his efforts there.

Seriously, did you even listen to what he stated all last year, or did you just blindly vote for him? I'm trying to reconcile how you could have possibly imagined he would have ended the war when he always spoke pretty much the opposite.

Either way, I don't care, I'm just elated to be reading about more and more Dem supporters every day who are getting tired of not getting what they expected with Obama!

red states rule
12-03-2009, 08:28 AM
Well, I guess Bush told the truth then - because Obama's stance on Afghanistan remains the same now as it did when he was on the trail.

I'm still cracking up at the fact that you claim to have voted for him to end the war in Afghanistan, when he clearly stated he supported the war there, it was the right war, and that he would concentrate his efforts there.

Seriously, did you even listen to what he stated all last year, or did you just blindly vote for him? I'm trying to reconcile how you could have possibly imagined he would have ended the war when he always spoke pretty much the opposite.

Either way, I don't care, I'm just elated to be reading about more and more Dem supporters every day who are getting tired of not getting what they expected with Obama!

Like Virgil - Joe only cares who has that "D" at the end of their name when he votes

If they lie - hell he blames Republicans and gives the Dem a pass

12-03-2009, 09:24 PM
It doesn't make any difference what he said, we want him to end Bush's War on Afghanistan.

Unless he does, he will not get a second term.

LMAO , that second term passed about 8 months ago, if I was a Obama supporter I would be praying he makes it the next 3 years

12-04-2009, 07:58 AM
It doesn't make any difference what he said, we want him to end Bush's War on Afghanistan.

Unless he does, he will not get a second term.

why?....... it didn't make any difference to you what he said before you elected him the first time......why should he think it will make a difference to you the second time?.........

12-04-2009, 08:48 AM
While Obama may not have helped himself with his planned escalation of Bush's War on Aghanistan, it's not because Obama sought refuge in his "enormous tent called 'Hope.'" It's because he dashed the hopes of his supporters. We elected him to stop Bush's War on Afghanistan. Unless he does, and soon, he will have no hope of a second term.

So, were we right to go after the Taliban for their support and maintenance of Al Qaeda? Should we have apologized to them for our buildings getting in the way of their planes? What?

For the sake of the whole country, lets all pray that Hopenstein doesn't get another chance in 2012. Maybe he will have taxed and spent us to prosperity by then, but since 2+2 still equals 4 for consistent values of 2 I don't see it happening.