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View Full Version : Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges

red states rule
12-07-2009, 10:28 AM
This is another "Do as I say, Not as I do" liberal summit

On a normal day, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen's biggest limousine company, says her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the "summit to save the world", which opens here tomorrow, she will have 200.

"We thought they were not going to have many cars, due to it being a climate convention," she says. "But it seems that somebody last week looked at the weather report."

Ms Jorgensen reckons that between her and her rivals the total number of limos in Copenhagen next week has already broken the 1,200 barrier. The French alone rang up on Thursday and ordered another 42. "We haven't got enough limos in the country to fulfil the demand," she says. "We're having to drive them in hundreds of miles from Germany and Sweden."

And the total number of electric cars or hybrids among that number? "Five," says Ms Jorgensen. "The government has some alternative fuel cars but the rest will be petrol or diesel. We don't have any hybrids in Denmark, unfortunately, due to the extreme taxes on those cars. It makes no sense at all, but it's very Danish."

The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers.

As well 15,000 delegates and officials, 5,000 journalists and 98 world leaders, the Danish capital will be blessed by the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio, Daryl Hannah, Helena Christensen, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Prince Charles. A Republican US senator, Jim Inhofe, is jetting in at the head of an anti-climate-change "Truth Squad." The top hotels – all fully booked at £650 a night – are readying their Climate Convention menus of (no doubt sustainable) scallops, foie gras and sculpted caviar wedges.

At the takeaway pizza end of the spectrum, Copenhagen's clean pavements are starting to fill with slightly less well-scrubbed protesters from all over Europe. In the city's famous anarchist commune of Christiania this morning, among the hash dealers and heavily-graffitied walls, they started their two-week "Climate Bottom Meeting," complete with a "storytelling yurt" and a "funeral of the day" for various corrupt, "heatist" concepts such as "economic growth".


cat slave
12-07-2009, 12:27 PM
Isnt the hypocrisy and elitist attitude of the left absolutely amazing??????

Do they think no one notices or are they just so out of touch they never
consider it???? OK, it would be the latter.....

Their carbon footprints (which I think ridiculous) are any less harmful to
the atmosphere than anyone elses, which its not, because CO2 is not
a pollutant.

If they manage to suck all the co2 out of the air and "store" it, the plants
will die, the oxygen level will decrease and we will all die.

Why not plant trees?????? No dirty money in that apparently.

And how long before we get taxed for the co2 we exhale based on our
weight and height? Of course fit people aka the rich who will be anyone
who has a job, will pay a higher offset tax!

It could happen. Did you ever dream youd see such absurdity and corruption
coming out of our country, led by the corrupt messiah??? What a nightmare.

12-07-2009, 02:32 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if they left the engines running on the tarmac to keep them warm for their departure.

How can liberals be so blind to the obvious???...Duhhh! :gives: Simply amazing! :dunno:

12-07-2009, 07:04 PM
This sounds much more like a meeting of the worlds wealthiest elites concluding the final stages of their plans for total control of the worlds wealth rather than of climate experts and government officials trying to save us from ourselves despite mounting evidence against their claims.

This is what our ever so wise founding fathers warned us of if we should ever give too much power to government and they even told us what to do when we realized our mistake...This is why the governments of the world have worked so hard to disarm us over the last few decades.

Americans are the last armed civilians of the world...We are the lone threat to tyranny and the only hope of democracy for all the people of the world who still desire to live free of such tyrrany...There is still time to do it peacibly at the ballot box, but 2010 and 12 are our last chances.

The mainstream media and press are allies of our enemies...What they tell us to do we should do the opposite...Who they tell us is good is evil...Who they tell is bad is our salvation...If enough of us will use their information against them to find the truth in their lies, we will win...We will be free.

cat slave
12-08-2009, 12:03 AM
Thats exactly what is going on.

red states rule
12-08-2009, 12:05 AM
Liberal elitists slapping each other on the back for a job well done and for caring while stuffing themselfes with caviar, riding in limos, and banning Christmas trees

Such compassion for the little people

Mr. P
12-08-2009, 12:36 AM
Isnt the hypocrisy and elitist attitude of the left absolutely amazing??????

Do they think no one notices or are they just so out of touch they never
consider it???? OK, it would be the latter.....

Their carbon footprints (which I think ridiculous) are any less harmful to
the atmosphere than anyone elses, which its not, because CO2 is not
a pollutant.

If they manage to suck all the co2 out of the air and "store" it, the plants
will die, the oxygen level will decrease and we will all die.

Why not plant trees?????? No dirty money in that apparently.

And how long before we get taxed for the co2 we exhale based on our
weight and height? Of course fit people aka the rich who will be anyone
who has a job, will pay a higher offset tax!

It could happen. Did you ever dream youd see such absurdity and corruption
coming out of our country, led by the corrupt messiah??? What a nightmare.

Hold on there, CS. Your not properly informed....

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said in a written statement that the finding, which declares carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases a threat to public health,



red states rule
12-08-2009, 12:41 AM
Hold on there, CS. Your not properly informed....



If that is the real problem, I am taking my employer to court for forcing me to sit next to people emitting that deadly poison known as CO2. there are about 100 people in my section and we are all in cubes.

You mean I have been breathing that poison they breath out?

Talk about a unsafe work enviroment!

Mr. P
12-08-2009, 12:53 AM
If that is the real problem, I am taking my employer to court for forcing me to sit next to people emitting that deadly poison known as CO2. there are about 100 people in my section and we are all in cubes.

You mean I have been breathing that poison they breath out?

Talk about a unsafe work enviroment!

Pelosi wants to tax stocks..is a breathing tax on CO2 far fetched?

red states rule
12-08-2009, 08:01 AM
Pelosi wants to tax stocks..is a breathing tax on CO2 far fetched?

Would not be surprised me Mr P


12-08-2009, 09:23 AM
It is a religion. If you review how the Catholic Church operated during the Middle ages with indulgences, this is exactly the same thing. Then they paid money to get to heaven and avoid damnation for any sins they had. Now they want us to pay money to absolve our polution sins and avoid damnation. In both cases, throwing money at an imaginary problem only does one thing. It makes those that collect the money richer.

red states rule
12-08-2009, 09:26 AM
It is a religion. If you review how the Catholic Church operated during the Middle ages with indulgences, this is exactly the same thing. Then they paid money to get to heaven and avoid damnation for any sins they had. Now they want us to pay money to absolve our polution sins and avoid damnation. In both cases, throwing money at an imaginary problem only does one thing. It makes those that collect money richer.

and Al Gore is the one who will make the money

Al Gore’s investments could make him world’s first carbon billionaire

Washington, Nov 3(ANI): Former US Vice President Al Gore could become the world’s first carbon billionaire following his investments in green energy companies after anticipating the need to reinvent the way the world produces and consumes energy.

Gore’s venture capital company has been investing to develop energy-saving technologies, which could make electricity grids more efficient.

Last year, they had loaned a California firm, Silver Spring Networks, 75 million dollars to produce hardware and software to improve electricity grid efficiency.

The deal appeared to pay off in a big way last week, when the Energy Department announced 3.4 billion dollars in smart grid grants and of the total, more than 560 million dollars went to utilities with which Silver Spring has contracts, The Telegraph reports.

The move means that Gore’s venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins and its partners could recover their investment many times over in coming years.

Meanwhile, critics, mostly on the political right and among global warming sceptics, have been vocal about Gore becoming world’s first ‘carbon billionaire,’ profiteering from Government policies, which he supports that would direct billions of dollars to the business ventures he has invested in.

Among his critics is Representative Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, who has claimed that Gore stood to benefit personally from the energy and climate policies he was urging Congress to adopt.

However, Gore has maintained that he is simply putting his money where he has been advised to, and said: “Do you think there is something wrong with being active in business in this country? I am proud of it. I am proud of it.”


red states rule
12-08-2009, 10:40 AM

12-13-2009, 02:17 AM
Isnt the hypocrisy and elitist attitude of the left absolutely amazing??????

Do they think no one notices or are they just so out of touch they never
consider it???? OK, it would be the latter.....

Their carbon footprints (which I think ridiculous) are any less harmful to
the atmosphere than anyone elses, which its not, because CO2 is not
a pollutant.

To answer your questions:

No, the hypocrisy and elitist attitudes are not amazing, but rather status quo.

They think no one notices what they are doing and then are surprised when it is mentioned, they never really think about it, for they are so much smarter and caring than the rest of us, that we should not be able to judge how they live their lives.

And yes they are so far out of touch with the rest of us that they do not realize what the rest of us think or feel or have to do. Who cares if they tax us so much we live a bare existence, it is because they care and that is all that matters.

They have no carbon footprint, remember they are rich enough to buy carbon offsets so that their footprint is nonexistent, they create no pollution with their jets and limosines, they give off no CO2 when they open their mouths and speak. They are the chosen ones.


cat slave
12-14-2009, 01:50 AM
And another thing....all those self righteous demonstrators outside got there
how....uh, on foot?.....bicycles?.....wings?......guess they need to purchase
carbon offsets for their carbon footprints or are they exempt from such things?

But of course!

12-14-2009, 08:26 PM
If that is the real problem, I am taking my employer to court for forcing me to sit next to people emitting that deadly poison known as CO2. there are about 100 people in my section and we are all in cubes.

You mean I have been breathing that poison they breath out?

Talk about a unsafe work enviroment!

Actually.... that idea is not half bad... Ill need to find a disgruntled employee working for some rich environmental company.

12-14-2009, 08:50 PM
Would not be surprised me Mr P

http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/climatology_dees.jpgI can't figure out why Sarah Palin is portrayed attending Al Gore's, Church of Climatology?

The Global Warming crowd depicted in this poster just don't seem like Palin's kind of people?

12-17-2009, 05:19 PM
Just think of those 3rd World country's reps. that don't experience the extreme cold Winters of the Northern and Southern extreme latitudes.

They walk out of the conference building into a blizzard; while being bombarded with "Man Caused" Global Warming crapola!

Quite ironic.

Copenhagen is experiencing a record cool period/snow storm.

Normally Copenhagen weather is not unlike Seattle.

It's not normal for Seattle to have a White Christmas, nor is it for Copenhagen.
As for the myriads of private jets, Limo's etc.. that transport these folks, HYPOCRITES!, should be written all over their planes and Limo's.
The real story behind this story is "power" grabbing in incremental ways. It's all Marxian at it's roots. That's why Chavez gets a resounding ovation when he speaks there.

Call it Communism, Socialism, or Marxism........it's all from the same rotten root of wealth re-distribution.

red states rule
12-19-2009, 07:19 AM
Sometimes libs have perfect timing

Journalists Freeze Waiting To Get Into Global Warming Conference
By Noel Sheppard

December 15, 2009 - 15:14 ET

A group of journalists stood for many hours in near-freezing temperatures Monday waiting to get into the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen.

Marvelously among them was Associated Press science writer Seth Borenstein who regularly reports on the dire consequences of -- wait for it! -- global warming.

Ironically, his articles are so filled with inflammatory hyperbole concerning Nobel Laureate Al Gore's favorite bogeyman that scientists have denounced him.

But before we get there, the Climate Pool reported at Facebook Monday (h/t Tom Nelson):

With U.N. security letting in only those cleared last week, hundreds of accredited delegates, journalists and NGO representatives were left to stand for hours in near-freezing temperatures before being let through. "It was crazy," AP's Seth Borenstein said. "You couldn't leave the line. You couldn't go to the bathroom, you couldn't eat. Then snowflakes started falling. One woman even said, 'if lightning strikes me, would they take me out of line?'"

People started handing out food -- one gave out tangerines, another croissants. A man screamed "I don't need food. I need socks! I'm freezing my ass off out here." At one point, a U.N. official announced the wait would be longer, prompting the crowd to boo and chant "Let Us In!"

Seth himself stepped into the line at 7:55 a.m. and was through at 3:15 p.m., but only after another AP reporter, John Heilprin, "saved my bacon" by persuading a U.N. security guard to go out and fetch him. "John was afraid to go out himself in case they wouldn't let him back in ... the first thing I did when I saw him was give him a big hug. I have never been so grateful to be indoors." Seth's neighbors in line? "Oh they're still out there."


12-20-2009, 01:38 PM
Isnt the hypocrisy and elitist attitude of the left absolutely amazing??????

Do they think no one notices or are they just so out of touch they never
consider it???? OK, it would be the latter.....

Their carbon footprints (which I think ridiculous) are any less harmful to
the atmosphere than anyone elses, which its not, because CO2 is not
a pollutant.

If they manage to suck all the co2 out of the air and "store" it, the plants
will die, the oxygen level will decrease and we will all die.

Why not plant trees?????? No dirty money in that apparently.

And how long before we get taxed for the co2 we exhale based on our
weight and height? Of course fit people aka the rich who will be anyone
who has a job, will pay a higher offset tax!

It could happen. Did you ever dream youd see such absurdity and corruption
coming out of our country, led by the corrupt messiah??? What a nightmare.

I don't think it's because they feel no one notices...or the fact that they are out of touch....I think it all comes down to the fact that they just don't give a damn and are only focused on whatever their agendas may be....And lining their pockets with 30 pieces of silver.....Corruption and greed are the name of their game.....

They'll tax us for every time we have sex once they figure out how to do it....Some won't be paying any sex tax while others will be building a mountain of tax debt.....

12-20-2009, 02:12 PM
This sounds much more like a meeting of the worlds wealthiest elites concluding the final stages of their plans for total control of the worlds wealth rather than of climate experts and government officials trying to save us from ourselves despite mounting evidence against their claims.

This is what our ever so wise founding fathers warned us of if we should ever give too much power to government and they even told us what to do when we realized our mistake...This is why the governments of the world have worked so hard to disarm us over the last few decades.

Americans are the last armed civilians of the world...We are the lone threat to tyranny and the only hope of democracy for all the people of the world who still desire to live free of such tyrrany...There is still time to do it peacibly at the ballot box, but 2010 and 12 are our last chances.

The mainstream media and press are allies of our enemies...What they tell us to do we should do the opposite...Who they tell us is good is evil...Who they tell is bad is our salvation...If enough of us will use their information against them to find the truth in their lies, we will win...We will be free.

This all sounds like the exact same thing Alex Jones has been talking about for years. Gov't controlling us all.... You should send for some of his vids, Hog, and see what he has to say....Much of what he has mentioned has already come to pass. This whole thing is a scheme of the elites that has been taking place for decades....It's all about controlling the masses, containment, servitude and annihilation.... I highly recommend that you get those vids, and over time, sit and watch and pay attention. Here are some: Matrix of Evil, 911 The Road to Tyranny, End Game, America Freedom to Fascism, Police State 2000, Police State2 (The Takeover) and 3 (Total Enslavement), In Lies We Trust, Dark Secrets, Terror Storm and Gulag USA. They are free.... Just pay shipping and handling.... You will find them very informative. People will yell, hollar and scream conspiracy theory, but you can watch, listen and decide for yourself......

red states rule
12-20-2009, 03:29 PM
and now the big question- What did Pres Obama accomplish with his trip to the Global Warming Conference?

His supporters wil give the usual response - "Well, he tried, aand at least more people are talking about global waming"

Like his trip to bring the Olympics to Chicago - it was another failure for the Rookie in Chief

EDITORIAL: Obama's cold day in Denmark

Copenhagen was a cold town last week for the global-warming crowd. The expected reorganization of the world economy to fit the green template vanished amid blizzard conditions in a country that has had just seven white Christmases in the past century. God certainly has a sense of humor.

President Obama showed up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference having been assured he would be able to make history, only to find that the proceedings were a flop. The promised treaty - billed with the characteristic understatement of the alarmist community as "the single most important piece of paper in the world today" - was an anticlimax. Earlier drafts conjured images of world government, command economies and a future free of the evils of greenhouse gasses. It promised a green utopia.

However, as the conference neared, huge gaps in the treaty language persisted. The final three-page version was tossed together in the closing hours with little deliberation and wound up saying little. The much-ballyhooed treaty promises next to nothing, other than a $100 billion slush fund for Third World dictators to "adapt to climate change," which probably involves buying mansions in southern France.

Mr. Obama's speech reflected the general frustration of the hour and was uncharacteristically flat and angry. The president fumed that it was "not a time to talk but to act," but we wonder why he's in such a hurry. There is no particular crisis. The inflated gravitas of the event was punctured by the ongoing collapse of the scientific basis for global-warming theory in the wake of the scandal about fudged scientific research.

The latest hit to climate-change credibility comes via an embarrassing revelation from Ben Santer, one of the lead authors of the 1995 U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group I report, which is one of the holy documents of global-warming theology. Mr. Santer admitted that he deleted sections of the document that stated that humans were not responsible for climate change.

Also on Tuesday, the Institute of Economic Analysis in Moscow claimed that the influential Hadley Centre for Climate Change at the headquarters of the British Meteorological Office in Exeter, England, apparently had tampered with Russian climate data. According to the Russians, the Hadley Centre used numbers that showed temperatures rising and omitted data that did not support global-warming conclusions. We are witnessing the rolling collapse of one of history's great intellectual frauds. Global warming is turning out to be a lot of hot air.

The Chinese seem to have been on the right side of this debate all along. China was viewed as the major stumbling block at the conference, and Mr. Obama met privately with Premier Wen Jiabao to try to iron out the wrinkles. It's ironic that dictatorial goons like Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe blamed capitalism for the world's global-warming ills while China puts the brakes on monitoring emissions. Having weighed all the factors, Beijing would rather be an economic powerhouse.

The only reason China gives lip service to the global-warming alarmist agenda is to hamper the competition - and our Democratic president is falling for the trap. Mr. Obama pledged that the United States would move forward with strict emissions limits whether or not the international community did the same. From Beijing's perspective, if the foolish Americans want to wreck their economy based on the misguided belief that they are saving polar bears, who is China to say no?


Mr. P
12-20-2009, 11:27 PM
Ironic that he got the "cold shoulder" in Copenhagen at the "Global Warming Conference". :laugh2: