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View Full Version : The depths of Demcare demagoguery

12-09-2009, 03:09 PM
lots of links in article at her site.we need to be prepared folks, they are just getting started...look at the dirty lows they are going to try and destroy Sarah Palin..we are in a fight for our freedoms and country..now lets Roll..:salute:

By Michelle Malkin • December 9, 2009 11:04 AM

My column today looks at the Democrats’ rhetorical morass on health care.

I spotlight the targeting of Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue by a nutroots website with the gall to call itself “Velvet Revolution” after the citizen-led democracy movements in eastern Europe. The group is on a thuggish fishing expedition akin to the Goon Squad tactics of Team Obama and its supporters during the campaign. Investor’s Business Daily hits the nail on the head in diagnosing the Alinksy tactics of these “thugs in velvet:” “…the biggest problem seems to be the malevolent tone the bounty sets, something that in the current political climate is only growing worse as the Obama administration does nothing to rein it in.”

I also feature the health care horror fables of NYTimes columnist Nick Kristof and President Barack Obama. Propaganda recyclers continue to parrot the John Brodniak plight despite its debunking and crumbling under scrutiny. Guy Benson follows up on the Oregon health plan here.

While they chain us in debt, they accuse us of standing with slavemasters. While they accuse us of inciting violence, they put bounties on the heads of business leaders. While they accuse us fear-mongering, they spread bogus health-care horror stories. Brace yourselves: It’s only going to get worse.

If you are in the Washington DC area on December 15, there’s a Code Red Rally protest on the Capitol against the Demcare beast. Laura Ingraham has details here. Don’t let up.


The depths of Demcare demagoguery
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2009

read it all here..