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View Full Version : Episcopal lesbian bishop calls election liberating

12-10-2009, 08:54 AM

AP Religion Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - The lesbian priest who was elected assistant bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles said Tuesday that she was upset by claims that her role in the church is divisive.

The Rev. Mary Glasspool said that she was aware her win troubles some people, but that she believes her election last weekend was mostly "liberating" for the denomination.

"I've had hundreds, probably a thousand, e-mails from people all over the world who don't know me but who are expressing through the fact of my election a pride in the Episcopal Church," Glasspool said in a phone interview with The Associated Press.

"I've committed my life as a life of service to the people of Jesus Christ, and what hurts is the sense that anybody might have that my name or my servanthood could be perceived as divisive."

Glasspool is the second openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church and the world Anglican fellowship. The first was New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson, whose 2003 consecration caused an uproar and widened long-developing rifts over what Anglicans should believe.

Just hours after Glasspool's election, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, the Anglican spiritual leader, said in a statement that the vote raised "very serious questions" for the divided church, and he urged restraint in moving forward with her consecration.

Glasspool needs the consent of a majority of Episcopal dioceses before she can take the job of bishop suffragan. The 55-year-old clergywoman, who has been with her female partner since 1988, said she read the archbishop's comments on her laptop in her California hotel Sunday and found the statement "a tiny bit absurd" because he doesn't know her.


12-10-2009, 12:58 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I call it one step deeper into the *Shithole*.
2. What a disgrace for anyone who calls themselves a Christian.


12-10-2009, 07:23 PM
she will be able to marry gay couples, and the other churches wont have to worry about it.:cool:

12-10-2009, 07:31 PM
liberating? I suppose in the sense that the denomination is falling apart because her "liberating" nature.

I dont know why anyone would be offended by being called divisive when they are divisive.

I also dont know why people seem to think they can change the laws of God.

12-11-2009, 03:43 PM
Marrying same-gender couples, or not, is a matter for individual congregations. The state has no compelling interest in determining who can, and can't, get married so long as it is between two consenting adults.

12-11-2009, 03:45 PM
Marrying same-gender couples, or not, is a matter for individual congregations. The state has no compelling interest in determining who can, and can't, get married so long as it is between two consenting adults.

I was just focusing on the brightside:beer: