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red states rule
12-10-2009, 09:16 AM
Finally, Pres Obama admits the obvious, and is a huge understatement

President Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize

U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize with the acknowledgment that he is only at the beginning of his "labors on the world stage."

At the awards ceremony Thursday in Oslo, Norway, Mr. Obama said his "accomplishments are slight" compared to previous Nobel laureates such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. He said activists who have been "jailed and beaten in the pursuit of justice" and humanitarians around the world are far more deserving of the honor.

The first-year U.S. president acknowledged the irony of accepting the Nobel Peace Prize as he prepares to send an additional 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan. He told the gathered dignitaries the war against the Taliban and al Qaida terrorist network was a conflict the U.S. did not seek - a reference to America's response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States.

President Obama said he acknowledged "the hard truth" that war will never be eradicated in our lifetimes.


12-10-2009, 10:03 AM
I wonder if this is what living in the land of Oz is like..

someone wake me when this nightmare is over..

red states rule
12-10-2009, 10:10 AM
I wonder if this is what living in the land of Oz is like..

someone wake me when this nightmare is over..

The nightmare will start to end with the 2010 midterms when Dems get their clocks cleaned

As far as Obama and the Nobel prize, Obama didn't even "Accomplish" his full term in the US Senate before moving into the Oval Office.

Obama did admit he did nothing to earn the award - unlike his rabid supporters in the liberal media and who stand on the sidelines waving the pom poms for him

12-10-2009, 10:17 AM
it will just be seen as Humility.

red states rule
12-10-2009, 10:19 AM
it will just be seen as Humility.

He does have alot to be humble about

12-10-2009, 10:32 AM
His Accomplishments are zippo the big goose egg, he can't even get that right, all he has accomplished in a year was to show the American people , the world for that matter his is a spineless Liar!!

red states rule
12-10-2009, 10:37 AM
His Accomplishments are zippo the big goose egg, he can't even get that right, all he has accomplished in a year was to show the American people , the world for that matter his is a spineless Liar!!

Now Jeff, lets be fair

I got this in an email and it lists some of Obama's accomplishments. So lets give the man credit where credit is due

1. Offended the Queen of England.

2. Offended British PM By snubbing him and offering trade gifts that were a joke (DVD’s that wont play in England).

3. Offended the British People by returning a bust of Winston Churchill that they gave the United States (its like sending the Statue of Liberty back to France).

4. Offended the President of France by snubbing him multiple times.

5. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.

6. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega.

7. Kissed Socialist Hugo Chavez on the cheek.

8. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia.

9. Sided with Hugo Chavez and Communist Fidel Castro against Honduras.

10. Announced we would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions while they’re building their nuclear weapons.

11. Reneged on a missile shield agreement with Eastern Europe almost ending all relations with Poland and the Czech Republic.

12. Left the country of Georgia in the cold after the Russian invasion.

13. Gave away billions to AIG also without pre-conditions.

14. Expanded the bailouts.

15. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian.

16. Doubled our national debt.

17. Announced the termination of our new missile defense system the day after North Korea launched an ICBM.

18. Released information on U.S. Intelligence gathering despite urgings of his own CIA director and the prior four CIA directors.

19. Accepted without comment that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes and two other nominees withdrew after they couldn’t take the heat.

20. Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who identified military veterans and abortion opponents as “dangers to the nation.”

21. Ordered that the word “terrorism” no longer be used and instead refers to such acts as “man made disasters.”

23. Circled the globe to publicly apologize for America’s world leadership.

24. Told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was because of us.

25. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from the Department of Commerce.

26. Appointed as Attorney General the man who orchestrated the forced removal and expulsion to Cuba of a 9-year-old whose mother died trying to bring him to freedom in the United States.

27. Salutes as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life and the next day announces members of the Bush administration may stand trial for “torturing” three 9/11 terrorists by pouring water up their noses.

28. Low altitude photo shoot of Air Force One over New York City that frightened thousands of New Yorkers.

29. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure them that the US will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslims.

30. Praised Jimmy Carter’s trip to Gaza where he sided with terrorist Hamas against Israel.

31. Nationalized General Motors and Chrysler while turning shareholder control over to the unions and freezing out retired investors who owned their bonds. Committed unlimited taxpayer billions in the process.

31. Passed a huge energy tax in the House that will make American industry even less competitive while costing homeowners thousands per year.

32. Quietly ended the Washington DC school voucher program dooming promising children to one of the worst school districts in the nation.

33. Reversed himself on his transparency pledges multiple times.

34. After promising lobbying reform he had a financial responsibility summit that ended up being a lobbyist meet up with government. He also signed an order relaxing the lobbyist rules.

35. Allowed multiple lobbyists in the administration after promising not to.

36. After promising a new era of bi-partisanship his party locks Republicans out of bill negotiations.

37. Helped protect the bonuses at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

38. Signed a bill containing over 9,000 pork earmarks after promising earmark reform.

39. Instead of using the TARP bailout funds to buy peoples mortgages and renegotiate them with citizens as promised he used the money to buy up/nationalize banks and leave citizens in the cold.

40. Committed multiple violations of the Hatch Act (see HHS.GOV).

41. Declared War on Fox News.

42. Declared War on the Chamber of Commerce.

43. Suppressed an EPA Report showing that global warming skeptics are largely correct.

44. Participating in the dismantling of the Dollar as the world reserve currency.

45. Signed into law the reversal of Bill Clinton & Newt Gingrich’s very successful and hugely popular bi-partisan welfare reform (which was the main plank of Bill Clinton’s legacy).

46. Announced nationalized health care “reform” that will strip seniors of their Medicare, cut pay of physicians, increase taxes yet another $1 trillion, and put everyone on rationed care with government bureaucrats deciding who gets care and who doesn’t. Bloomberg: Daschle says, “Health care reform will not be pain free. Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them,” while former Colorado Governor Dick Lamm says seniors have “a duty to die.” If this does not sufficiently raise your ire, just remember that the President, Senators and Congressmen have their own special gold plated health care plan which is guaranteed the remainder of their lives and they are not subject to this new law if they pass it.

12-10-2009, 10:51 AM
LOL, my mistake, seems the messiah has been busy:laugh2::laugh2:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to red states rule again.

12-10-2009, 06:11 PM
Finally, Pres Obama admits the obvious, and is a huge understatement

If he thought others were far more deserving than he was, then he should've turned it down.................... Notice he accepted it anyway......

12-10-2009, 06:22 PM
Like RSR's email, I think he's managed to accomplish quite a lot:


Why Are We Tiring of Obama?
Posted By Victor Davis Hanson On December 10, 2009 @ 10:28 am In Uncategorized | 75 Comments

The China Presidency

I have an heirloom china pitcher on my mantle that has dozens of glued cracks—so much so that it is now purely ornamental and will not hold water. When I was a boy I’d ask my mother when, and under what circumstances, did the china crack apart.

She would provide stories about each fissure and mend, many of the break narratives handed down to her from her own grandparents in the house. There wasn’t one single accident, but instead dozens that rendered a once useful pitcher into an non-functional art object.

Something of the same is happening with our President. He is experiencing the sharpest popularity decline in the history of first-year administrations. The problem is not just that he inherited a bad economy; Reagan did too. Or that the war in Afghanistan heats up, since it is not nearly as bad as the mess Nixon inherited in Vietnam.

Instead, after 11 months there has emerged a series of bothersome incidents that the public has come to associate with Obama, both the man and his philosophies. Some are major policy issues; others trivial acts of no cosmic importance. None in themselves matter all that much. Each gaffe or mistake was contextualized and mended, or attended to by Robert Gibbs. Some are Obama’s fault; others the work of associates. Sometimes mere chance is the culprit.

I know Bush had his own list of catastrophes; other Presidents did as well. Again, my point is not trying to adjudicate relative culpability, but rather just to remind us all how and why Obama dived over 20 points in the polls in just 11 months—and his speeches transformed from inspirational to caricatures.

In short, taken together, after nearly a year, these fissures have nearly ruined the once pretty texture of the Obama administration, and almost rendered it incapable of effective governance.

Here is a random selection. I provide no chronology or theme. Nor do I judge the relative importance of any one incident. The point, again, is only that each was a fissure, some small, some major—all were glued over. The result is that now the public understands that its china presidency is fragile and held together by mere glue.

Here it goes:

Constant apologies abroad for everything from slavery to Hiroshima...The list continues and continues...

12-10-2009, 06:27 PM
LOL, my mistake, seems the messiah has been busy:laugh2::laugh2:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to red states rule again.

OMG! Just reading all he had in that post made me want to hurl..... How can a person, being that busy and stirring up all that bullpucky, have enough time to golf? His hands have not been idle..... God only knows how much America will suffer in the future from all he's had his hands into.....

red states rule
12-11-2009, 09:40 AM
OMG! Just reading all he had in that post made me want to hurl..... How can a person, being that busy and stirring up all that bullpucky, have enough time to golf? His hands have not been idle..... God only knows how much America will suffer in the future from all he's had his hands into.....

Pres Obama - Much Ado About Nothing

12-11-2009, 10:15 AM
What Obama meant to say was "The damage I have done to America is slight compared to what lies in store for you suckers".

12-12-2009, 07:28 PM
OMG! Just reading all he had in that post made me want to hurl..... How can a person, being that busy and stirring up all that bullpucky, have enough time to golf? His hands have not been idle..... God only knows how much America will suffer in the future from all he's had his hands into.....

Yes it really is a shame when ya think of it isn't it, and yet with all this to show for his first year in office there are still those that support him, liberals are a bright bunch aren't they