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12-11-2009, 10:38 AM
lots of links in article at site.

By Michelle Malkin • December 11, 2009 09:46 AM

Hollywood & Howard Zinn’s Marxist education project
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2009

The two most important questions for society, according to the Greek philosopher Plato, are these: What will we teach our children? And who will teach them? Left-wing celebrities have teamed up with one of America’s most radical historians to take control of the classroom in the name of “social justice.” Parents, beware: This Hollywood-backed Marxist education project may be coming to a school near you.

On Sunday, December 13, the History Channel will air “The People Speak” – a documentary based on Marxist academic Howard Zinn’s capitalism-bashing, America-dissing, grievance-mongering history textbook, “A People’s History of the United States.” The film was co-produced/written/bankrolled by Zinn’s Boston neighbor and mentee Matt Damon. An all-star cast of Bush-bashing liberals including Danny Glover, Josh Brolin, Bruce Springsteen, Marisa Tomei, and Eddie Vedder, will appear. Zinn’s work is a self-proclaimed “biased account” of American history that rails against white oppressors, the free market, and the military.

Zinn’s objective is not to impart knowledge, but to instigate “change” and nurture a political “counterforce” (an echo of fellow radical academic and Hugo Chavez admirer Bill Ayers’ proclamation of education as the “motorforce of revolution.”) Teachers are not supposed to teach facts in the school of Zinn. “There is no such thing as pure fact,” Zinn asserts. Educators are not supposed to emphasize individual academic achievement. They are supposed to “empower” student collectivism by emphasizing “the role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements.” School officials are not facilitators of intellectual inquiry, but leaders of “social struggle.”

Zinn and company have launched a nationwide education project in conjunction with the documentary. “A people’s history requires a people’s pedagogy to match,” Zinn preaches. The project is a collaboration between two “social justice” activist groups, Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change. Rethinking Schools recently boasted of killing a social studies textbook series in the Milwaukee school system because it “failed to teach social responsibility.” A Rethinking Schools guide on the September 11 jihadi attacks instructs teachers to “nurture student empathy” for our enemies and dissuade students from identifying as Americans. “It’s our job to reach beyond this chauvinism.” And a Rethinking Schools guide to early childhood education written by Ann Pelo disparages “a too-heavy focus on academic skills” in favor of “social justice and ecological teaching” for preschoolers.

Teaching for Change’s objective, in Obama-esque fashion, is to train students not to achieve actual proficiency in core academic subjects, but to inspire them to “become active global citizens.” Today’s non-achieving aspirants are tomorrow’s Nobel Peace Prize winners, after all.

read it all here..

12-11-2009, 12:08 PM
McCarthy was right.

12-11-2009, 02:09 PM
lots of links in article at site.

By Michelle Malkin • December 11, 2009 09:46 AM

Hollywood & Howard Zinn’s Marxist education project
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2009

The two most important questions for society, according to the Greek philosopher Plato, are these: What will we teach our children? And who will teach them? Left-wing celebrities have teamed up with one of America’s most radical historians to take control of the classroom in the name of “social justice.” Parents, beware: This Hollywood-backed Marxist education project may be coming to a school near you.

On Sunday, December 13, the History Channel will air “The People Speak” – a documentary based on Marxist academic Howard Zinn’s capitalism-bashing, America-dissing, grievance-mongering history textbook, “A People’s History of the United States.” The film was co-produced/written/bankrolled by Zinn’s Boston neighbor and mentee Matt Damon. An all-star cast of Bush-bashing liberals including Danny Glover, Josh Brolin, Bruce Springsteen, Marisa Tomei, and Eddie Vedder, will appear. Zinn’s work is a self-proclaimed “biased account” of American history that rails against white oppressors, the free market, and the military.

Zinn’s objective is not to impart knowledge, but to instigate “change” and nurture a political “counterforce” (an echo of fellow radical academic and Hugo Chavez admirer Bill Ayers’ proclamation of education as the “motorforce of revolution.”) Teachers are not supposed to teach facts in the school of Zinn. “There is no such thing as pure fact,” Zinn asserts. Educators are not supposed to emphasize individual academic achievement. They are supposed to “empower” student collectivism by emphasizing “the role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements.” School officials are not facilitators of intellectual inquiry, but leaders of “social struggle.”

Zinn and company have launched a nationwide education project in conjunction with the documentary. “A people’s history requires a people’s pedagogy to match,” Zinn preaches. The project is a collaboration between two “social justice” activist groups, Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change. Rethinking Schools recently boasted of killing a social studies textbook series in the Milwaukee school system because it “failed to teach social responsibility.” A Rethinking Schools guide on the September 11 jihadi attacks instructs teachers to “nurture student empathy” for our enemies and dissuade students from identifying as Americans. “It’s our job to reach beyond this chauvinism.” And a Rethinking Schools guide to early childhood education written by Ann Pelo disparages “a too-heavy focus on academic skills” in favor of “social justice and ecological teaching” for preschoolers.

Teaching for Change’s objective, in Obama-esque fashion, is to train students not to achieve actual proficiency in core academic subjects, but to inspire them to “become active global citizens.” Today’s non-achieving aspirants are tomorrow’s Nobel Peace Prize winners, after all.

read it all here..

I'll watch it, just to see what the enemy is using for the brainwashing tactics.

Joe Steel
12-11-2009, 03:57 PM
On Sunday, December 13, the History Channel will air “The People Speak” – a documentary based on Marxist academic Howard Zinn’s capitalism-bashing, America-dissing, grievance-mongering history textbook, “A People’s History of the United States.” The film was co-produced/written/bankrolled by Zinn’s Boston neighbor and mentee Matt Damon. An all-star cast of Bush-bashing liberals including Danny Glover, Josh Brolin, Bruce Springsteen, Marisa Tomei, and Eddie Vedder, will appear. Zinn’s work is a self-proclaimed “biased account” of American history that rails against white oppressors, the free market, and the military.

Thanks for posting this. I've seen Matt Damon promoting it and I thought it was just PC, do-gooder peace and love. I didn't realize it was Marxist capitalist bashing. Now that I know, I'll be sure to watch.

12-11-2009, 04:31 PM
Thanks for posting this. I've seen Matt Damon promoting it and I thought it was just PC, do-gooder peace and love. I didn't realize it was Marxist capitalist bashing. Now that I know, I'll be sure to watch.

:laugh2:, oh my goodness, your naughty just because you like to be, I bet you don't even believe in anything....(I used to be a Nihilist too but I got over it)

12-11-2009, 05:02 PM
lots of links in article at site.

By Michelle Malkin • December 11, 2009 09:46 AM

Hollywood & Howard Zinn’s Marxist education project
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2009

The two most important questions for society, according to the Greek philosopher Plato, are these: What will we teach our children? And who will teach them? Left-wing celebrities have teamed up with one of America’s most radical historians to take control of the classroom in the name of “social justice.” Parents, beware: This Hollywood-backed Marxist education project may be coming to a school near you.

On Sunday, December 13, the History Channel will air “The People Speak” – a documentary based on Marxist academic Howard Zinn’s capitalism-bashing, America-dissing, grievance-mongering history textbook, “A People’s History of the United States.” The film was co-produced/written/bankrolled by Zinn’s Boston neighbor and mentee Matt Damon. An all-star cast of Bush-bashing liberals including Danny Glover, Josh Brolin, Bruce Springsteen, Marisa Tomei, and Eddie Vedder, will appear. Zinn’s work is a self-proclaimed “biased account” of American history that rails against white oppressors, the free market, and the military.

Zinn’s objective is not to impart knowledge, but to instigate “change” and nurture a political “counterforce” (an echo of fellow radical academic and Hugo Chavez admirer Bill Ayers’ proclamation of education as the “motorforce of revolution.”) Teachers are not supposed to teach facts in the school of Zinn. “There is no such thing as pure fact,” Zinn asserts. Educators are not supposed to emphasize individual academic achievement. They are supposed to “empower” student collectivism by emphasizing “the role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements.” School officials are not facilitators of intellectual inquiry, but leaders of “social struggle.”

Zinn and company have launched a nationwide education project in conjunction with the documentary. “A people’s history requires a people’s pedagogy to match,” Zinn preaches. The project is a collaboration between two “social justice” activist groups, Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change. Rethinking Schools recently boasted of killing a social studies textbook series in the Milwaukee school system because it “failed to teach social responsibility.” A Rethinking Schools guide on the September 11 jihadi attacks instructs teachers to “nurture student empathy” for our enemies and dissuade students from identifying as Americans. “It’s our job to reach beyond this chauvinism.” And a Rethinking Schools guide to early childhood education written by Ann Pelo disparages “a too-heavy focus on academic skills” in favor of “social justice and ecological teaching” for preschoolers.

Teaching for Change’s objective, in Obama-esque fashion, is to train students not to achieve actual proficiency in core academic subjects, but to inspire them to “become active global citizens.” Today’s non-achieving aspirants are tomorrow’s Nobel Peace Prize winners, after all.

read it all here..

I've not been happy with History Channel for the past 4 years or so. Believe it or not, today I got at school, through the mail an advertisement for this program. Included was a flashdrive and handouts for the kids. When I saw the 'participants,' I grabbed the drive and recycled the handouts. ;)

12-11-2009, 05:11 PM
The marxist grow bolder because they believe their long awaited utopia has finally arrived and Obama has brought them to power.

Like the rats and coackroaches creeping and crawling from the cracks and crevices in the night, except now they do so in the light of day.

When they have all exposed themselves we should crush them like the dirty, filthy, deseased vermin they are and end the marxist threat for all time.

12-11-2009, 05:22 PM
a lot more on this here..


Be sure to take advantage of our Howard Zinn Study Guide:

- Howard Zinn Blames America For 9/11 on Iranian TV
- Kids to Meet Marx in School – Care of Hollywood and The History Channel
- ZINN 101: A Radical’s History of the United States
- CHART: The Howard Zinn Players — Those Targeting Your Child’s Classroom
- Why “The People Speak” and the Zinn Education Project May Be Illegal in Public Schools
- Illegality of Using Zinn Education Project in California Schools
- A Nation of Star-F%*#ers: Why We Embrace “The People Speak”
- Howard Zinn, Intellectual Moron

12-11-2009, 05:42 PM
The marxist grow bolder because they believe their long awaited utopia has finally arrived and Obama has brought them to power.

Like the rats and coackroaches creeping and crawling from the cracks and crevices in the night, except now they do so in the light of day.

When they have all exposed themselves we should crush them like the dirty, filthy, deseased vermin they are and end the marxist threat for all time.

I truly believe that Obama is just the tail of the snake. He's what you hear (the rattle), but the venom is stored in the head and the only way to kill this is to cut off the head. The head of the monster of fundamentally changing America is George Soros.

He helped create The Open Society Foundation, MoveOn.org, Center for American Progress and Americans Coming Together among other organizations. On the outside their ideology seems benign, however, they are totally progressive think tanks. I wouldn't doubt that this re-educating of American children has ties to one of his organizations.

12-11-2009, 05:46 PM
I truly believe that Obama is just the tail of the snake. He's what you hear (the rattle), but the venom is stored in the head and the only way to kill this is to cut off the head. The head of the monster of fundamentally changing America is George Soros.

He helped create The Open Society Foundation, MoveOn.org, Center for American Progress and Americans Coming Together among other organizations. On the outside their ideology seems benign, however, they are totally progressive think tanks. I wouldn't doubt that this re-educating of American children has ties to one of his organizations.

I agree to a great extent. Soros first backed Hillary, but flipped when necessary. Obama perhaps was a sock puppet, but now is truly on path to world dictator through a UN that he is empowering.

12-11-2009, 05:54 PM
I am so glad that my grandchildren attend the Basis Charter School. If anyone wants to know more about this school there is a documentary called "2 Million Minutes".

Here's what was discussed on Meet the Press -


and here is their website:


Teachers don't belong to a union or necessarily have teaching certificates. Listen/read and you'll discover what they have that makes them help the school to have a 100% college acceptance rate.

There are people who actually move across country so their children can go to the school.

12-11-2009, 05:55 PM
I agree to a great extent. Soros first backed Hillary, but flipped when necessary. Obama perhaps was a sock puppet, but now is truly on path to world dictator through a UN that he is empowering.

And, who controls Obama?

12-11-2009, 06:33 PM
And, who controls Obama?

Seriously? I think he may be out of control. It's all about him and he's perceived superiority.

12-11-2009, 06:41 PM
I truly believe that Obama is just the tail of the snake. He's what you hear (the rattle), but the venom is stored in the head and the only way to kill this is to cut off the head. The head of the monster of fundamentally changing America is George Soros.

He helped create The Open Society Foundation, MoveOn.org, Center for American Progress and Americans Coming Together among other organizations. On the outside their ideology seems benign, however, they are totally progressive think tanks. I wouldn't doubt that this re-educating of American children has ties to one of his organizations.I agree and it is very possible that Soros is one of the puppet masters pulling the strings.

12-11-2009, 07:04 PM
I agree and it is very possible that Soros is one of the puppet masters pulling the strings.

Absolutely he is pullings strings.......everyone who is part of the Obama team has some type of connection to one or more of his organizations. If people are no on board with his ideology, he is able to buy them.

12-11-2009, 07:10 PM
Seriously? I think he may be out of control. It's all about him and he's perceived superiority.

He's not out of control........every move is calculated way in advance. He is just one of the pawns in the long term chess game that Soros and his cabal have been planning for decades. Soros thought he would be able to accomplish it with Kerry but that fell through, and now he has Obama to be his front man. Trust me, he's also in bed with the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. He's the power behind the throne.

12-11-2009, 07:27 PM
He's not out of control........every move is calculated way in advance. He is just one of the pawns in the long term chess game that Soros and his cabal have been planning for decades. Soros thought he would be able to accomplish it with Kerry but that fell through, and now he has Obama to be his front man. Trust me, he's also in bed with the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. He's the power behind the throne.

Ya know? I'm not going to disagree with you, too much truth that is obvious.