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View Full Version : A&E focuses on teenage Utah psychic

12-16-2009, 03:42 PM
SALT LAKE CITY -- Despite being a legal adult at the ripe old age of 19, Travis Hill thought he'd be a great fit on the A&E show "Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal." Sure enough, he got a call from the producers in March.
"I was pretty shocked about that," Travis says. "Then they told me to make my own video about myself."
Producers brought Travis to Boston's Colonial Inn, which is known for having paranormal activity. They asked Travis what he felt happened in some of the rooms. Travis got it right. He and another teen then were asked for help in a real missing person's case.
"Me and this girl, Vicki, both got 'Jeep. Red Jeep.' Then we both got, 'Woods, in a really moist area,' he says.
Producers drove Travis to the spot he described.
"I was kind of feeling his emotions and his anxiety. I can literally see him run into the woods," he says.
Officers told him they would look in an area he signaled to with search dogs. Travis says he loved helping officers and would love to do it again sometime. Travis says he's had special abilities since he was 9 years old. He fell out of a tree and had a near death experience, which he says changed his life.
