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View Full Version : GAO to Investigate ACORN

12-17-2009, 04:53 PM
fox (fox)

The Government Accountability Office is expected to investigate ACORN's use of federal funds.

In a Dec. 7 letter to the House Judiciary Committee's ranking Republican, Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's ranking Republican, Rep. Darrell Issa of California, the GAO said it will provide Congress with a report on how ACORN has used taxpayer dollars.

The embattled community organization has been at the center of controversy for months -- first over allegations of voter fraud during the 2008 presidential election and again this year, when a series of undercover videos were released showing some of the group's employees offering advice on how to skirt tax laws and avoid detection by authorities while operating a brothel.

Congress voted to prohibit the provision of federal funds to the group following the revelation.

"I am pleased that the GAO has agreed to review ACORN's receipt and use of federal funds," Smith said Thursday in a written statement. "Congress has a responsibility to ensure that no taxpayer dollars are allocated to an organization supporting or engaged in criminal conduct."

But while lauding the GAO's decision, he said ACORN needs to be scrutinized even further.

"The GAO review is a good start, but given ACORN's extensive record of criminal conduct, the FBI must also step in," he said. "Only an independent criminal investigation conducted by the FBI can get to the bottom of the nationwide allegations against ACORN."

white wash ???? our power of the vote is gone unless this criminal outfit is gone. seems to me there were other investigations. in the mean time this disease rolls merrily along.

12-17-2009, 05:13 PM
fox (fox)

white wash ???? our power of the vote is gone unless this criminal outfit is gone. seems to me there were other investigations. in the mean time this disease rolls merrily along.

And it will continue to do so, They helped get a Dem in, the Dems run everything , there is no way they will be guilty of anything, they should have been shut down way back when they were caught registering make believe voters back in the primary's