View Full Version : There is evidence of God's existance...

12-17-2009, 10:06 PM
Not that evidence of God's existance should be necessary but there is alot of critisism of the believers by atheist.

I became an atheist long before it was cool during my early teens and remained so untill my early 40's...That's 30 years.

In fact I never even met another atheist for many years after I announced my atheism in a 9th grade science class on evolution.

Untill one day while not looking for God I found evidence of God...I hadn't see it before because quite frankly, it was easier not to believe.

The clues were everywhere but I had always assumed if there was a God it must be something profound...After all, this is God we're talking about.

My grandmother had told me our bodies are the temple of God and God lives in our hearts...God is within us...She was right;

The evidence that God exists is that lump in your throat when you try to speak when your heart is broken.

The joy in your heart when you hold your new born child or grandchild in your arms for the first time and look into their tiny little faces.

The loss you feel when you put your first born on the bus on his first day of school and you realize things will never be the same.

The pride in your heart for your childrens accomplishments and the realization that the happiness it brings them is because of the happiness it brings you.

The empty place you feel in your heart at your daughters wedding because you are sure you are losing your little girl.

The fear in your heart that you will never see your son again when he boards a plane to a far away land to fight a war.

The pain in your heart when a loved one dies and you realize you will never see their face or hear their voice again.

The oneness you feel with the woman you share love and life with and you know in your heart she will always be there and never let you down, no matter what.

These emotions that are felt by no other creature as they are felt by humans is the evidence that we are not an accident of nature...These are the qualities of God.

12-17-2009, 10:15 PM
Not that evidence of God's existance should be necessary but there is alot of critisism of the believers by atheist.

I became an atheist long before it was cool during my early teens and remained so untill my early 40's...That's 30 years.

In fact I never even met another atheist for many years after I announced my atheism in a 9th grade science class on evolution.

Untill one day while not looking for God I found evidence of God...I hadn't see it before because quite frankly, it was easier not to believe.

The clues were everywhere but I had always assumed if there was a God it must be something profound...After all, this is God we're talking about.

My grandmother had told me our bodies are the temple of God and God lives in our hearts...God is within us...She was right;

The evidence that God exists is that lump in your throat when you try to speak when your heart is broken.

The joy in your heart when you hold your new born child or grandchild in your arms for the first time and look into their tiny little faces.

The loss you feel when you put your first born on the bus on his first day of school and you realize things will never be the same.

The pride in your heart for your childrens accomplishments and the realization that the happiness it brings them is because of the happiness it brings you.

The empty place you feel in your heart at your daughters wedding because you are sure you are losing your little girl.

The fear in your heart that you will never see your son again when he boards a plane to a far away land to fight a war.

The pain in your heart when a loved one dies and you realize you will never see their face or hear their voice again.

The oneness you feel with the woman you share love and life with and you know in your heart she will always be there and never let you down, no matter what.

These emotions that are felt by no other creature as they are felt by humans is the evidence that we are not an accident of nature...These are the qualities of God.

Nice Hog:salute:

12-17-2009, 10:16 PM
When I was a kid I had 2 brothers and a sister, every time we went down to see My Grandparents, they lived about a hour away, My Grandfather would give us each a dollar to get a ice cream on the way home, the night he died my family was all at his house, when he passed he had 4 singles in his wallet and his watch stopped at the exact time he died

When my father in law passed I was awaken at 4:35 am, I was awaken by a tapping on my shoulder, I looked and it was him waving, not a word was spoke, I thought it was a dream when the phone rang to tell us to get to the hospital, when we got there the nurses met us at the elevator and told us he had passed, I later found out the exact time of death was 4:35

12-17-2009, 10:28 PM
Is it the pain I feel in my rear after too much pretzels and chili too?

12-17-2009, 10:30 PM
These emotions that are felt by no other creature as they are felt by humans is the evidence that we are not an accident of nature...These are the qualities of God.[/I]

Well I think this is all a load of hoggle.

First off, emotions are chemical reactions, they can be produced in a science lab, doesn't seem godly to me.

But, more obviously...no other creatures have emotions? Anyone who has a Pet knows this to be untrue

12-17-2009, 10:35 PM
Is it the pain I feel in my rear after too much pretzels and chili too?

Naa that was someone's foot, lol

12-17-2009, 11:16 PM
If God miraculously appeared right in front of you out of thin air you would say;

It is nothing more that the transmission followed by the transformation of energy into matter by means of electro magnetic carbonic osmosis on a sub atomic molecular level.

They do it in the laboratory all the time Hog. :read: LOL!

I've been where you are and that's why I know there's still hope for you peckerwood. :slap:

12-17-2009, 11:18 PM
Not that evidence of God's existance should be necessary but there is alot of critisism of the believers by atheist.

I became an atheist long before it was cool during my early teens and remained so untill my early 40's...That's 30 years.

In fact I never even met another atheist for many years after I announced my atheism in a 9th grade science class on evolution.

Untill one day while not looking for God I found evidence of God...I hadn't see it before because quite frankly, it was easier not to believe.

The clues were everywhere but I had always assumed if there was a God it must be something profound...After all, this is God we're talking about.

My grandmother had told me our bodies are the temple of God and God lives in our hearts...God is within us...She was right;

The evidence that God exists is that lump in your throat when you try to speak when your heart is broken.

The joy in your heart when you hold your new born child or grandchild in your arms for the first time and look into their tiny little faces.

The loss you feel when you put your first born on the bus on his first day of school and you realize things will never be the same.

The pride in your heart for your childrens accomplishments and the realization that the happiness it brings them is because of the happiness it brings you.

The empty place you feel in your heart at your daughters wedding because you are sure you are losing your little girl.

The fear in your heart that you will never see your son again when he boards a plane to a far away land to fight a war.

The pain in your heart when a loved one dies and you realize you will never see their face or hear their voice again.

The oneness you feel with the woman you share love and life with and you know in your heart she will always be there and never let you down, no matter what.

These emotions that are felt by no other creature as they are felt by humans is the evidence that we are not an accident of nature...These are the qualities of God.

Hog - thank you for such a personal explanation of why there is a God.

12-17-2009, 11:37 PM
Is it the pain I feel in my rear after too much pretzels and chili too?

no, that's Satan.....

12-17-2009, 11:49 PM
If God miraculously appeared right in front of you out of thin air you would say;

It is nothing more that the transmission followed by the transformation of energy into matter by means of electro magnetic carbonic osmosis on a sub atomic molecular level.

They do it in the laboratory all the time Hog. :read: LOL!

I've been where you are and that's why I know there's still hope for you peckerwood. :slap:

I know where i am, i know where i'm going and i know where i belong, and it is nothing alike you in any way.

12-17-2009, 11:54 PM
Confederate Cletus here is calling other people "peckerwoods"? :laugh:

12-18-2009, 07:14 AM
Not that evidence of God's existance should be necessary but there is alot of critisism of the believers by atheist.

I became an atheist long before it was cool during my early teens and remained so untill my early 40's...That's 30 years.

In fact I never even met another atheist for many years after I announced my atheism in a 9th grade science class on evolution.

Untill one day while not looking for God I found evidence of God...I hadn't see it before because quite frankly, it was easier not to believe.

The clues were everywhere but I had always assumed if there was a God it must be something profound...After all, this is God we're talking about.

My grandmother had told me our bodies are the temple of God and God lives in our hearts...God is within us...She was right;

The evidence that God exists is that lump in your throat when you try to speak when your heart is broken.

The joy in your heart when you hold your new born child or grandchild in your arms for the first time and look into their tiny little faces.

The loss you feel when you put your first born on the bus on his first day of school and you realize things will never be the same.

The pride in your heart for your childrens accomplishments and the realization that the happiness it brings them is because of the happiness it brings you.

The empty place you feel in your heart at your daughters wedding because you are sure you are losing your little girl.

The fear in your heart that you will never see your son again when he boards a plane to a far away land to fight a war.

The pain in your heart when a loved one dies and you realize you will never see their face or hear their voice again.

The oneness you feel with the woman you share love and life with and you know in your heart she will always be there and never let you down, no matter what.

These emotions that are felt by no other creature as they are felt by humans is the evidence that we are not an accident of nature...These are the qualities of God.

Where'd you cut and pate this from? It's evidence of nothing beyond the human capacity for feeling, which is not a bad thing. But it is evidence of nothing beyond that.

You want proof of some invisible sky wizards existence, provide emirical, independently and repeatably verifiable evidence of such.

Now go back to huffing your carb cleaner.

12-18-2009, 09:09 AM
Where'd you cut and pate this from? It's evidence of nothing beyond the human capacity for feeling, which is not a bad thing. But it is evidence of nothing beyond that.

You want proof of some invisible sky wizards existence, provide emirical, independently and repeatably verifiable evidence of such.

Now go back to huffing your carb cleaner.It is 100% pure heart mind and spirit of Hog...No cut and paste was necessary.

12-19-2009, 09:09 AM
I know where i am, i know where i'm going and i know where i belong, and it is nothing alike you in any way.It's absolutely amazing that you have managed to figure everything out in such a short period of time on planet earth.

Your life experiences must be considerably extensive despite your tender young age...Maybe you should write a book!

12-19-2009, 10:35 AM
To the Agnostics and Atheists on this board

You may laugh or deride the existence of God. But, someday, you will be faced with a crisis in which you will have no control over. You will have your back to the wall and nothing to cling on to.

On that day, you will either be calling on the guidance of the Lord Almighty or you will fall into deep dark despair. On that day, you will wish you had faith to hang on to.

I say this because it has been my own experience. Faith is something like money in the bank, but better.

I offer this piece of advice in the spirit of friendship. Because I've been there and done that. I used to think as you do. But during a crisis, I only had one thing left to hang on to, my faith in God. In the end only God was left to help me.

I hope that you will benefit from my mistakes and listen to what I've said.

12-19-2009, 10:37 AM
To the Agnostics and Atheists on this board

You may laugh or deride the existence of God. But, someday, you will be faced with a crisis in which you will have no control over. You will have your back to the wall and nothing to cling on to.

On that day, you will either be calling on the guidance of the Lord Almighty or you will fall into deep dark despair. On that day, you will wish you had faith to hang on to.

I say this because it has been my own experience. Faith is something like money in the bank, but better.

I offer this piece of advice in the spirit of friendship. Because I've been there and done that. I used to think as you do. But during a crisis, I only had one thing left to hang on to, my faith in God. In the end only God was left to help me.

I hope that you will benefit from my mistakes and listen to what I've said.

Thanks for sharing that Marx !:beer:

12-19-2009, 10:40 AM
For me, I have always believed there was a God! It just made more sense than some random series of accidents that created such complex beings as ourselves. I did not understand the complexity of God or how God could be a Triune being. I later figured out that I didn't have to understand because it was okay to just have faith that God is who He says He is.

There were 20 years where I completely rejected all religion, not because I didn't believe there was a God but because of the hypocrisy and lunacy I saw coming out of all the religions I had been exposed too. I began pondering my life and the direction I was going to go, I was kinda at a crossroads. I have to say that it was at that point where God intervened and I realized that unless I was reconciled to God that all else was for naught. It was at that point that I decided I was willing to do whatever it was that God had planned for my life. I began to read my Bible and pray to God for the direction He would have me to go as well as for the church He would have me to go too.

This part is bit mystical for me, however it is what it is. It was a Tuesday afternoon in February 1995 that I went a different way than I had ever gone to pick up my boys from school. As I was driving by a church I heard a voice that said, "There's a church you can try". Some have speculated that it was the voice of God others an angel. I cant tell you who or what but I looked over and saw the church. I know it was audible because I turned my head when I heard it. It was a Baptist Church and I though to myself, "HMMM, a Baptist Church, I never considered a Baptist Church". I expected to end up in some community church somewhere. I kind of took it all with a grain of salt and continued on my with my week. Thursday night rolled around, it was dark outside and I lived in a back house that really wasn't noticeable from the street. Well there came a knock on my back door. I answered it and it was 3 men from that same Baptist Church there to invite me and my family to church. We went on that following Sunday night and I have been there ever since. About 18 months later I came to Christ and became a Christian.

BTW, I had never heard a voice before that or since then. That was the one and only time in my life.

I'm thankful everyday that God intervened in my life.

12-21-2009, 11:07 AM
For me, I have always believed there was a God! It just made more sense than some random series of accidents that created such complex beings as ourselves. I did not understand the complexity of God or how God could be a Triune being. I later figured out that I didn't have to understand because it was okay to just have faith that God is who He says He is.

There were 20 years where I completely rejected all religion, not because I didn't believe there was a God but because of the hypocrisy and lunacy I saw coming out of all the religions I had been exposed too. I began pondering my life and the direction I was going to go, I was kinda at a crossroads. I have to say that it was at that point where God intervened and I realized that unless I was reconciled to God that all else was for naught. It was at that point that I decided I was willing to do whatever it was that God had planned for my life. I began to read my Bible and pray to God for the direction He would have me to go as well as for the church He would have me to go too.

This part is bit mystical for me, however it is what it is. It was a Tuesday afternoon in February 1995 that I went a different way than I had ever gone to pick up my boys from school. As I was driving by a church I heard a voice that said, "There's a church you can try". Some have speculated that it was the voice of God others an angel. I cant tell you who or what but I looked over and saw the church. I know it was audible because I turned my head when I heard it. It was a Baptist Church and I though to myself, "HMMM, a Baptist Church, I never considered a Baptist Church". I expected to end up in some community church somewhere. I kind of took it all with a grain of salt and continued on my with my week. Thursday night rolled around, it was dark outside and I lived in a back house that really wasn't noticeable from the street. Well there came a knock on my back door. I answered it and it was 3 men from that same Baptist Church there to invite me and my family to church. We went on that following Sunday night and I have been there ever since. About 18 months later I came to Christ and became a Christian.

BTW, I had never heard a voice before that or since then. That was the one and only time in my life.

I'm thankful everyday that God intervened in my life.

A wholly subjective, internal experience which cannot be independently verified or subjected to empirical evaluation.

The voice you "heard" was no more than a manifestation of your own internal, psychological processes. This does not mean that it was not real and did not occur. Only that there is no basis for attributing it to some external power. Doing so hearkens back to the animism practiced by early human societies.

12-21-2009, 12:37 PM
A wholly subjective, internal experience which cannot be independently verified or subjected to empirical evaluation.

The voice you "heard" was no more than a manifestation of your own internal, psychological processes. This does not mean that it was not real and did not occur. Only that there is no basis for attributing it to some external power. Doing so hearkens back to the animism practiced by early human societies.

I'm not saying what the voice I heard was because I cannot verify it. I'm quite certain it was an audible voice because the sound of it turned my head to look the direction of the voice (kind of like when someone calls your name in a crowd). It also did not prove God's existence to me because I was already convinced long before that time. I do however believe that it was God in one way or another insinuating Himself into my life for which I am quite grateful and try to live my life as such, however poor a job that might be.

12-21-2009, 12:48 PM
A wholly subjective, internal experience which cannot be independently verified or subjected to empirical evaluation.

The voice you "heard" was no more than a manifestation of your own internal, psychological processes. This does not mean that it was not real and did not occur. Only that there is no basis for attributing it to some external power. Doing so hearkens back to the animism practiced by early human societies.


I am always impressed with how well defined a dissenter can be in their interpretation of how something that happened to someone else, can be explained so cleverly.....by them!

Faith is a very vague subject. "Subject to empirical evaluation". That is interesting indeed. Subject to whose empirical evaluation. Crin's? He has already made it quite clear what he experienced, what further evaluation is necessary? He believes it, has faith in it and seems to think no further evaluation is required. At least that is the way I recieved it yet you Bully, seem to as you always do, dispute anything based on faith.

Faith is such a wonderful thing. It is ours, like our body. We can lend it to anything we like...good or bad. We get to choose, as it is said that God allows us....the ultimate choice. It is made quite clear, even by writers in the bible that "faith" is required to believe. You do not believe very sinply because you have no "faith."

Now while I appreciate a well based argument in almost anything, certainly we know that, I sometimes wonder where the motivation to argue religion, the bible and theological philosophy in a negative way comes from. You already know a Christian cannot produce the body of Christ in a physical form, Noah's Ark or the Commandments yet you continue to argue that everything a christian experiences is wrong or "unverified." Why do you, if you are so sure, even waste your time? Are you perhaps struggling with something you may find the answers to in the bible and not a science book?

If one wants to look face value into the claims of the writers of the bible, one could say that there is hardly a shredd of evidence to support their claims. My argument is this: Where are the science books written during the period of the times mentioned in the bible that undeniably discount their claims. Show me one! Ok then. Empirical rule again! Every single claim must be true then. :laugh2:

Let me ask you simple question that has not I'm afraid...a simple answer. And please...explain it to me as I am a real buff for good information.

Do you believe there is God? Why? How did we get here?

12-21-2009, 01:21 PM


Luna Tick
12-21-2009, 01:39 PM
Thanks for writing this, HogTrash. This was a really good post.

12-21-2009, 03:27 PM
Thanks for writing this, HogTrash. This was a really good post.Your beauty is rivaled only by your kindness and I have long awaited your approval fair lady.

Abbey Marie
12-21-2009, 09:27 PM
Well said, Karl.

To the Agnostics and Atheists on this board

You may laugh or deride the existence of God. But, someday, you will be faced with a crisis in which you will have no control over. You will have your back to the wall and nothing to cling on to.

On that day, you will either be calling on the guidance of the Lord Almighty or you will fall into deep dark despair. On that day, you will wish you had faith to hang on to.

I say this because it has been my own experience. Faith is something like money in the bank, but better.

I offer this piece of advice in the spirit of friendship. Because I've been there and done that. I used to think as you do. But during a crisis, I only had one thing left to hang on to, my faith in God. In the end only God was left to help me.

I hope that you will benefit from my mistakes and listen to what I've said.

Joyful HoneyBee
12-21-2009, 09:59 PM
It was interesting to me to discuss faith and impending certain death with a friend of mine a number of years ago. She was a nurse in the intensive care ward at a large metropolitan hospital and was exposed to numerous people facing certain death, both people of faith and people of no faith.

She stated that she couldn't help but notice that people who expressed faith in God would typically settle into death rather peacefully, with acceptance of the fact that their physical life on earth was coming to a close. Some welcomed it serenely and some expressed only regrets that they knew their friends and family members would be sad.

On the other hand, she noticed that people who expressly had no faith would thrash and struggle with death. They moaned and cried and agonized over the fact that they were going to die and face something they could not fathom. Many, in the last stages would curse God or try to bargain with Him...the very same God they had no faith in, nor claimed belief in.

I, like my friend, find that very interesting; and, I wonder how many atheist go through such a phase in the last moments or even hours of their lives. Does the icy breath of death suddenly make the warmth of God feel real to them?

Abbey Marie
12-22-2009, 05:59 PM
I don't doubt it, Bee.

Btw, I like your sig. :beer: