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View Full Version : CBO: Real 10-Year Cost of Senate Bill Still $2.5 Trillion

red states rule
12-20-2009, 03:17 PM
More proof this Obamacare bill is all about more government power and control. Dems could not care about the cost to the US taxpayer - as long as they ram this thru so the can feel really good about themselves

CBO: Real 10-Year Cost of Senate Bill Still $2.5 Trillion
With Obamacare, you get the good, the bad, and the ugly -- except for the first part.

The Congressional Budget Office's score is in for the final Senate health bill, and it's amazing how little Americans would get for so much.

The Democrats are irresponsibly and disingenuously claiming that the bill would cost $871 billion over 10 years. But that's not what the CBO says. Rather, the CBO says that $871 billion would be the costs from 2010 to 2019 for expansions in insurance coverage alone. But less than 2 percent of those "10-year costs" would kick in before the fifth year of that span. In its real first 10 years (2014 to 2023), the CBO says that the bill would cost $1.8 trillion -- for insurance coverage expansions alone. Other parts of the bill would cost approximately $700 billion more, bringing the bill's full 10-year tab to approximately $2.5 trillion -- according to the CBO.

In those real first 10 years (2014 to 2023), Americans would have to pay over $1 trillion in additional taxes, over $1 trillion would be siphoned out of Medicare (over $200 billion out of Medicare Advantage alone) and spent on Obamacare, and deficits would rise by over $200 billion. They would rise, that is, unless Congress follows through on the bill's pledge to cut doctors' payments under Medicare by 21 percent next year and never raise them back up -- which would reduce doctors' enthusiasm for seeing Medicare patients dramatically.

And what would Americans get in return for this staggering sum? Well, the CBO says that health care premiums would rise, and the Chief Actuary at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services says that the percentage of the Gross Domestic Product spent on health care would rise from 17 percent today to 21 percent by the end of 2019. Nationwide health care costs would be $234 billion higher than under current law. How's that for "reform"?

Even MoveOn.org says that the bill is "a massive giveaway" to private insurance companies. The CBO estimates that, from 2015-25, private insurers would receive $1.0 trillion in subsidies from the American taxpayer -- the insurers' apparent price for giving up their freedom and being controlled by the government. Congress would mandate that Americans buy the insurers' product and would redirect massive sums of taxpayer money to make that mandate more feasible. So, if insurance companies are your idea of a worthy object of philanthropy, then Obamacare is for you.

And this is the bill that Ben Nelson has decided to support?

One hopes that Nebraska voters -- and all other voters in other states who have sent Democrats to Washington -- are making a list and checking it twice, keeping track of votes on Obamacare.

As Harry Reid keeps senators in session rather than letting them go home to be with their families and celebrate Christmas, it's important to remember that this bill would not go into effect in any meaningful way until more than an Olympiad from now. Thus, it is the American voters -- and not the current Democratic Congress or the current president -- who will ultimately decide its fate. Providing reminders to representatives in both chambers of that in the coming days will be crucial to beating back the onslaught of proposed legislation that, even if it passes the Senate, would at least have to passed again by the House and would likely have to go back through both chambers in compromised form.


red states rule
12-21-2009, 10:26 AM

12-21-2009, 10:32 AM
There is absolutely no way to even guess at how much a plan like this would cost. It is too far wide scale, too unpredictable on what effect will have and we have no idea what a dollar willbe worth or what it will buy even next year.

I'm at a point where I say...PASS IT. Pass it and everything else they want. Just write it all in. Let em see it fail. It mayu be the only way that these college kids, fags and ultra lefties who elected this idiot will see that they are stupid, uninformed and about to be unemployed (for many years).

Boycott the Tax System / Just stop paying! Don;t pay another dollar until our government becomes one that wiull spend what they get responsibly. The Constitution basically allows you this right. This would be a civil way to form a militia that could win this war without firing a shot. No violence, no hatred, no more debate.......JUST RESULTS!

red states rule
12-21-2009, 10:38 AM
There is absolutely no way to even guess at how much a plan like this would cost. It is too far wide scale, too unpredictable on what effect will have and we have no idea what a dollar willbe worth or what it will buy even next year.

I'm at a point where I say...PASS IT. Pass it and everything else they want. Just write it all in. Let em see it fail. It mayu be the only way that these college kids, fags and ultra lefties who elected this idiot will see that they are stupid, uninformed and about to be unemployed (for many years).

Boycott the Tax System / Just stop paying! Don;t pay another dollar until our government becomes one that wiull spend what they get responsibly. The Constitution basically allows you this right. This would be a civil way to form a militia that could win this war without firing a shot. No violence, no hatred, no more debate.......JUST RESULTS!

According to economic and political expert Cokie Roberts - we will all love Obamacare once we know whats in it

Of course she does not know what is in the bill. Harry Reid is keeping it tucked away until it is passed - THEN the details MAY be released to the public so they will know what they are now paying for

“There's a lot in” the health care bill as it now stands -- even without the “public option” or expanded Medicare -- “that people are going to like” and a “lot of people are going to like a whole lot once they see what's in it,” ABC News veteran Cokie Roberts contended on Sunday's This Week as she blamed Democratic messaging, not the substance, for declining support: “I think the Democrats lost control of the argument – the message – and that's why the polls are as they are.”

If the public just understood all the great things in it, she scolded, they'd realize the Christmas gift they're getting from those Democrats: “It's just a question of understanding it and the Democrats should have been getting that out there more.” As if hey haven't had the news media on their side. Amongst the wonderful benefits: “For he first time” there will be “totally paid-for long term care insurance.” Totally paid for by whom?

Roberts soon praised Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's deal-making and payoffs: “The person that I have really new-found respect for is Harry Reid, who just has this Senate in session relentlessly until they do this.”

12-21-2009, 10:47 AM
^^ I honestly just got stomach sick.

There's no way folks can't see what's coming - it's been foretold.

12-21-2009, 09:02 PM
Hmmm, let's see. Senator Whitehouse D -Rhode Island believes that 61% of Americans are part of the lunatic fringe.

Someone really needs to teach these Senators that words have meanings. Seeing that fringe means something regarded as peripheral, marginal, secondary, or extreme in relation to something else: It would seem that the majority of Americans no longer count.

No wonder why the Democrats want to get Healthcare passed before Christmas break, cause God forbid that the Senators actually have to go home and hear more town halls again against what they are doing. We all know how much smarter these politicians are than the rest of us, Gods be aghast if we question their choices.

I just find it funny, Nancy Pelosi bragged about taking on the insurance industry. Well looking at the bills that passed, it would seem that Nancy took them on and lost BIG!!!!!!!!!!!! Despite majorities in both houses, looks like the Insurance Industries won hands down, poor Nancy!!!!

BTW, I was just wondering what happened to the supposed 47 million Americans without healthcare. According to both bills, they only cover 23 million Americans, less than half, what happened to the rest??? Despite a price tag of trillions, we sill have not covered everybody, what a piss poor job if you ask me.
