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12-24-2009, 05:09 AM
...Saraaaaah Paaaaalin! (Game show music swells in background)

This for her coining of the term "death panel" to describe non-existent (except in her imagination) government panels which would determine who is, and is not, worthy of receiving medical care.

For this singular and noteworthy achievement, Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska, former V.P. candidate, former Mayor of Wasilla, former beuty pageant contestant...receives the award for...

<center><h1><a href=http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2009/dec/18/politifact-lie-year-death-panels/>POLITICAL LIE OF THE YEAR</a></h1></center>

I know this will do nothing to shake the unshakable faith her slavish followers continue to exhibit towards her. If anything they will be more convinced than ever of the righteousness of her, and thus their, cause. But it will make it that much easier to point at them and laugh, ignore them, and hope that there is a god who will render them all sterile so as not to drag the rest of the gene pool down with them.

12-24-2009, 05:30 AM
Yes what a lie it was. Within hours of her facebook note, the Senate met, behind closed doors and magically removed that section from the Bill they were preparing.

I guess unlike Politico and you, Sarah recognized the unintended consequences that can occur from legislation.

If it was such a great lie, like Politico and you proclaim, riddle me this and riddle me that, why was the section removed from the Bill???????????


red states rule
12-24-2009, 05:48 AM
...Saraaaaah Paaaaalin! (Game show music swells in background)

This for her coining of the term "death panel" to describe non-existent (except in her imagination) government panels which would determine who is, and is not, worthy of receiving medical care.

For this singular and noteworthy achievement, Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska, former V.P. candidate, former Mayor of Wasilla, former beuty pageant contestant...receives the award for...

<center><h1><a href=http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2009/dec/18/politifact-lie-year-death-panels/>POLITICAL LIE OF THE YEAR</a></h1></center>

I know this will do nothing to shake the unshakable faith her slavish followers continue to exhibit towards her. If anything they will be more convinced than ever of the righteousness of her, and thus their, cause. But it will make it that much easier to point at them and laugh, ignore them, and hope that there is a god who will render them all sterile so as not to drag the rest of the gene pool down with them.

So you have started another thread BP

How long before you run away from this one like your why people hate the soldiers thread?

Oh well it is always fun to watch you take off with your tail between your legs

Here are a few facts and Ms Palin's reply to this left wing crap

On Tuesday, the former Alaska Governor responded at her Facebook page, and did so with skill and aplomb (emphasis hers):

Last weekend while you were preparing for the holidays with your family, Harry Reid’s Senate was making shady backroom deals to ram through the Democrat health care take-over. The Senate ended debate on this bill without even reading it. That and midnight weekend votes seem to be standard operating procedures in D.C. No one is certain of what’s in the bill, but Senator Jim DeMint spotted one shocking revelation regarding the section in the bill describing the Independent Medicare Advisory Board (now called the Independent Payment Advisory Board), which is a panel of bureaucrats charged with cutting health care costs on the backs of patients – also known as rationing. Apparently Reid and friends have changed the rules of the Senate so that the section of the bill dealing with this board can’t be repealed or amended without a 2/3 supermajority vote. Senator DeMint said:

“This is a rule change. It’s a pretty big deal. We will be passing a new law and at the same time creating a senate rule that makes it out of order to amend or even repeal the law. I’m not even sure that it’s constitutional, but if it is, it most certainly is a senate rule. I don’t see why the majority party wouldn’t put this in every bill. If you like your law, you most certainly would want it to have force for future senates. I mean, we want to bind future congresses. This goes to the fundamental purpose of senate rules: to prevent a tyrannical majority from trampling the rights of the minority or of future congresses.”

In other words, Democrats are protecting this rationing “death panel” from future change with a procedural hurdle. You have to ask why they’re so concerned about protecting this particular provision. Could it be because bureaucratic rationing is one important way Democrats want to “bend the cost curve” and keep health care spending down?

The Congressional Budget Office seems to think that such rationing has something to do with cost. In a letter to Harry Reid last week, CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf noted (with a number of caveats) that the bill’s calculations call for a reduction in Medicare’s spending rate by about 2 percent in the next two decades, but then he writes the kicker:

“It is unclear whether such a reduction in the growth rate could be achieved, and if so, whether it would be accomplished through greater efficiencies in the delivery of health care or would reduce access to care or diminish the quality of care.”

Though Nancy Pelosi and friends have tried to call “death panels” the “lie of the year,” this type of rationing – what the CBO calls “reduc[ed] access to care” and “diminish[ed] quality of care” – is precisely what I meant when I used that metaphor.


12-24-2009, 05:54 AM
As usual , Red, you mistake my boredom with the unshakable, dogmatic adherence to right wing doctrine evidenced by you and you fellow travelers with "running away", or "defeat". I simply have better things to do with my time than endlessly debate you on issues which facts will not move you from your dogma. Although, I do admit to a certain level of amusement at your attempts to rebut those facts with dogma. Heh.

12-24-2009, 05:55 AM
Yes what a lie it was. Within hours of her facebook note, the Senate met, behind closed doors and magically removed that section from the Bill they were preparing.

I guess unlike Politico and you, Sarah recognized the unintended consequences that can occur from legislation.

If it was such a great lie, like Politico and you proclaim, riddle me this and riddle me that, why was the section removed from the Bill???????????


And you, old son, simply prove my point. :laugh2:

12-24-2009, 05:57 AM
Thanks Red State Rules, must have missed that one!!!!!

Liberal thought is so near sighted, they never really stop and think about what they are doing.

Thanks to LBJ we are still fighting the war on poverty, I listened for what 6 years as the liberals demanded an extra strategy for the War on Terror, when are they going to figure out an exit strategy for their War on Poverty.

Each year, the bureaucracy they created finds more and more people to serve, so instead of the program ending, it is always expanding. Another of those Unintended consequences they never thought about, more proof that instead of it being a lie, Sarah told the Truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!


red states rule
12-24-2009, 05:59 AM
As usual , Red, you mistake my boredom with the unshakable, dogmatic adherence to right wing doctrine evidenced by you and you fellow travelers with "running away", or "defeat". I simply have better things to do with my time than endlessly debate you on issues which facts will not move you from your dogma. Although, I do admit to a certain level of amusement at your attempts to rebut those facts with dogma. Heh.

BP I can undersatnd your "bordedom"

You were hear alot when Pres Bush was in office, and had the power

But since the Dems have taken over, and the long list of their "accomplishments" grows - your time here has greatly decreased

Seems like alot of Obama supporters and far left libs - you do not seem to be in mood for many discussions on the success of the Hope and Change Express

But have no fear BP, alot of other people will take up the slack for you in Nov 2010 and many will express their approval of the Dems unchecked liberalism

And I can count on the fact we will see even less of you after that election

And as usual BP, you ignored the facts I posted. Some things never change

12-24-2009, 06:00 AM
As usual , Red, you mistake my boredom with the unshakable, dogmatic adherence to right wing doctrine evidenced by you and you fellow travelers with "running away", or "defeat". I simply have better things to do with my time than endlessly debate you on issues which facts will not move you from your dogma. Although, I do admit to a certain level of amusement at your attempts to rebut those facts with dogma. Heh.

No it is not ur lack of wanting to participate in answer facts, but rather your inability to have facts to argue.

Come BP I want an exit strategy for the War on Poverty. 46 years, when is the war going to end???? Give us an exit strategy NOW!!!!!!!!!!


red states rule
12-24-2009, 06:04 AM
No it is not ur lack of wanting to participate in answer facts, but rather your inability to have facts to argue.

Come BP I want an exit strategy for the War on Poverty. 46 years, when is the war going to end???? Give us an exit strategy NOW!!!!!!!!!!


and do not leave out the $9 trillion price tag on this war

Of course, if it keeps people dependent on givernment - libs are all for keeping up the good fight. The exit strategy for libs in this war is keep throwing money at the problem, and tag people like you as meanspirited and greedy

12-24-2009, 07:44 AM
Hard to believe anything could have topped Obama's "if elected I promise to......."

oh, wait....that would have been 08, wouldn't it......

12-24-2009, 08:41 AM
Yepper, the lefties see the little Marxist Obama tanking with the American people so they have to drag out Sarah Palin AGAIN..it's about all they have left..PATHETIC BUT EXPECTED..


and I don't remember seeing Bully this desperate since Bush was in office...and that was what, ONE YEAR AGO....:laugh2:

12-24-2009, 08:55 AM
Maybe you should put off presenting Sarah Palin the award, at least untill after Obama's government medical plan is up and running, to make sure she is deserving.

It would be embarrassing to have to ask her for it back and besides, the whopper Al Gore has been spreading around dwarfs any lie Mrs Palin or anybody else has told.

12-24-2009, 09:23 AM
Isn't it strange how the libs/lefties have become taken with the idea that people should be given awards they don't deserve? They proudly point to Obama's Nobel Prize (something he did absolutely NOTHING to achieve) and now the OP wants to give an "award" to Palin for something she did not do; i.e. tell the big lie!

I think I should be awarded the following as I have never done anything to achieve them:

Most Valuable Player (pick any or all professional sports!)
Businessman of the Year
People's Choice
Freedom Medal

12-24-2009, 10:27 AM
How do you win a grand prize for lying about something you never lied about?

12-24-2009, 10:37 AM
When it comes to lying bully has everybody beat. He even lies to himself, and then believes it.

12-25-2009, 05:07 AM
And you, old son, simply prove my point. :laugh2:

Prove your point How??????

If this was such a big lie, as Politico and you are claiming, why did the Senate remove the section from the Bill??????

Answer that question. Until you or Harry Reid answer the question, one can only assume that Sarah's statement was the plain truth. I mean come on, if what Sarah had to say wa a lie, why would the Senate remove the section from the bill??? I mean, if there was no way it could cause Death Panels, why would they have to remove it right??????

But they did remove it, in fact they removed it within a week of Sarah's facebook note. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what does that tell you.

So I await your answer. If there was no fear of death panels why did Harry Reid and the Democrats remove the section in question???????? Of was it the unintended consequence that Sarah and Harry both knew would occur???


12-25-2009, 05:27 AM
Prove your point How??????

If this was such a big lie, as Politico and you are claiming, why did the Senate remove the section from the Bill??????

Answer that question. Until you or Harry Reid answer the question, one can only assume that Sarah's statement was the plain truth. I mean come on, if what Sarah had to say wa a lie, why would the Senate remove the section from the bill??? I mean, if there was no way it could cause Death Panels, why would they have to remove it right??????

But they did remove it, in fact they removed it within a week of Sarah's facebook note. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what does that tell you.

So I await your answer. If there was no fear of death panels why did Harry Reid and the Democrats remove the section in question???????? Of was it the unintended consequence that Sarah and Harry both knew would occur???


Since there was no "death panel" language in either the House or Senate bill, there was nothing to remove, you pitiful lemming.

12-25-2009, 05:41 AM
Since there was no "death panel" language in either the House or Senate bill, there was nothing to remove, you pitiful lemming.

Hmm let's see how accurate that statement is. Here is a news article from the Alaska Daily News, a paper that hates Sarah Palin even more than you.

Article (http://www.adn.com/sarah-palin/v-printer/story/897395.html)

In case you missed it a direct quote from the article:

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, one of six lawmakers negotiating on a Senate bill, said Thursday they had dropped end-of-life provisions from consideration "entirely because of the way they could be misinterpreted and implemented incorrectly."

WOW it would seem that I was right, and the only lemming is coming from you from either your inability to know the facts, or your blatant and outright misinterpretation of the facts (for those that don't understand big words, you lying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

So again I await an answer, to my original question. Why was the section dropped. If there was never any fear of a death panel, why would would the Senate need to drop the section.

I anxiously await your next lie.

Perhaps Politico should be made aware of you, and then this debate would rapidly end as they exchange the award from Sarah to you. Although there are a few other awards you might be in contention to receive.


12-25-2009, 05:48 AM
And BTW here is yet another article showing how the SFC dropped the questioned section.

Article (http://thebulletin.us/articles/2009/08/25/top_stories/doc4a8c3acbe3fbc163330669.prt)

Hmmmm I guess you must not read much.


12-25-2009, 12:33 PM
Bully doesnt have to read, he knows all already.

12-25-2009, 12:46 PM
we can now write off Politifact as a non-biased web sourse...just like media matters, puffertonpost, dailykos, the State run media, etc etc etc...not that I take anything they say as truth anyway..

GO SARAH, ya got them crapping in their diapers and now they're starting to smear it on themselves..:thumb:

12-25-2009, 02:41 PM
funny how these retarded liberals just can't let her go. its because they know she's a threat to their security.

but, whoever they hate is ALWAYS a real American. go Palin. drive em all up the wall :laugh2::laugh2:

12-25-2009, 03:11 PM
funny how these retarded liberals just can't let her go. its because they know she's a threat to their security.

but, whoever they hate is ALWAYS a real American. go Palin. drive em all up the wall :laugh2::laugh2:

They are scared to death of what is a threat, Palin is much brighter than any in Washington and is a major threat, She may just tell the American people the truth of what the idiots in the white house are doing

She is a Libs worse Friggin Nightmare

12-25-2009, 03:17 PM
telling the truth to a libtard is akin to holding a cross in front of a vampire !!!

12-25-2009, 09:45 PM
Do you know why liberals are so afraid of Sarah Palin, I mean the true reason is really quite simply.........Sarah Palin has pretty much proven that many of their deeply held beliefs are false.

The feminist movement for years was telling woman that couldn't have it all they had to choose family or career. So for decades women were entering the workforce and choosing to wait on family, over time, many gave up entirely on family, or if they choose family they gave up on the workforce.

But here comes Sarah Palin, she has a family of three and gets involved first with the PTA. Then after encourgagement she joins the City Council. But it does end their, with kids in tow, she campaigns for Mayor, and wins. Now with four kids, here is a mother who has family and a career, she is doing it all. But it doesn't stop there, no it is far from over. Unhappy with her own party and disappointed with the direction her state was heading, Sarah took on the big boys, an incumbent Governor with powerful friends, and won yet again.

Then we see the true courage, informed of having a Child with Down's syndrome, Sarah does the unthinkable, she holds to her convictions, and does not have an abortion but instead, has the child. All while governor of the largest state in the country. That's right Texas, you are barely half our size. And then she is choosen to be a Vice President Candidate.

Well guess it would seem that you really can have it all, can't you. This shatters the myth that you can't so deeply held by the liberal feminists as well as shatters their idea that a woman cannot get a head in a man's world. Their world is spinning out of control, and if Sarah's story gets out then they are confronted with having spent the past 4 decades of their lives living a lie.

Of course they hate Sarah Palin, she has succeeded where they have failed.


12-25-2009, 09:57 PM
if she runs the ER's will resuscitate liberals by the millions

12-26-2009, 12:45 AM
Do you know why liberals are so afraid of Sarah Palin, I mean the true reason is really quite simply.........Sarah Palin has pretty much proven that many of their deeply held beliefs are false.

The feminist movement for years was telling woman that couldn't have it all they had to choose family or career. So for decades women were entering the workforce and choosing to wait on family, over time, many gave up entirely on family, or if they choose family they gave up on the workforce.

But here comes Sarah Palin, she has a family of three and gets involved first with the PTA. Then after encourgagement she joins the City Council. But it does end their, with kids in tow, she campaigns for Mayor, and wins. Now with four kids, here is a mother who has family and a career, she is doing it all. But it doesn't stop there, no it is far from over. Unhappy with her own party and disappointed with the direction her state was heading, Sarah took on the big boys, an incumbent Governor with powerful friends, and won yet again.

Then we see the true courage, informed of having a Child with Down's syndrome, Sarah does the unthinkable, she holds to her convictions, and does not have an abortion but instead, has the child. All while governor of the largest state in the country. That's right Texas, you are barely half our size. And then she is choosen to be a Vice President Candidate.

Well guess it would seem that you really can have it all, can't you. This shatters the myth that you can't so deeply held by the liberal feminists as well as shatters their idea that a woman cannot get a head in a man's world. Their world is spinning out of control, and if Sarah's story gets out then they are confronted with having spent the past 4 decades of their lives living a lie.

Of course they hate Sarah Palin, she has succeeded where they have failed.



cat slave
12-26-2009, 01:16 AM
Yes what a lie it was. Within hours of her facebook note, the Senate met, behind closed doors and magically removed that section from the Bill they were preparing.

I guess unlike Politico and you, Sarah recognized the unintended consequences that can occur from legislation.

If it was such a great lie, like Politico and you proclaim, riddle me this and riddle me that, why was the section removed from the Bill???????????


They are not unintended consequences........they are intended. One of many things intended to direct costs to those still working to support the
machine to maintain the two tiered system of elites and workers. Let the old people die. Redirect resources.

12-26-2009, 01:32 PM
How do you win a grand prize for lying about something you never lied about?

Become the target of the looney left and it's easy!!!:coffee:

12-26-2009, 01:33 PM
Since there was no "death panel" language in either the House or Senate bill, there was nothing to remove, you pitiful lemming.

Now who's lying?:laugh2:

12-26-2009, 01:40 PM
Do you know why liberals are so afraid of Sarah Palin, I mean the true reason is really quite simply.........Sarah Palin has pretty much proven that many of their deeply held beliefs are false.

The feminist movement for years was telling woman that couldn't have it all they had to choose family or career. So for decades women were entering the workforce and choosing to wait on family, over time, many gave up entirely on family, or if they choose family they gave up on the workforce.

But here comes Sarah Palin, she has a family of three and gets involved first with the PTA. Then after encourgagement she joins the City Council. But it does end their, with kids in tow, she campaigns for Mayor, and wins. Now with four kids, here is a mother who has family and a career, she is doing it all. But it doesn't stop there, no it is far from over. Unhappy with her own party and disappointed with the direction her state was heading, Sarah took on the big boys, an incumbent Governor with powerful friends, and won yet again.

Then we see the true courage, informed of having a Child with Down's syndrome, Sarah does the unthinkable, she holds to her convictions, and does not have an abortion but instead, has the child. All while governor of the largest state in the country. That's right Texas, you are barely half our size. And then she is choosen to be a Vice President Candidate.

Well guess it would seem that you really can have it all, can't you. This shatters the myth that you can't so deeply held by the liberal feminists as well as shatters their idea that a woman cannot get a head in a man's world. Their world is spinning out of control, and if Sarah's story gets out then they are confronted with having spent the past 4 decades of their lives living a lie.

Of course they hate Sarah Palin, she has succeeded where they have failed.


Well dmk, to be fair, Sarah has an awesome hubby who supports her and her choices, as well as she has family and friend networks that allow her to pursue her principles. She is definitely a force to consider, especially with the support team she has/is building.

Even if she doesn't run for a political office her endorsement for others will hold a lot of weight!!

Want to hear something funny - I bought her book for myself and one for my daughter in Tucson. For Christmas I received the book from her husband and my brother gave one on tape to her!! We gave Sarah as a gift to each other all around! Too funny.:laugh2:

12-26-2009, 01:55 PM
Want to hear something funny - I bought her book for myself and one for my daughter in Tucson. For Christmas I received the book from her husband and my brother gave one on tape to her!! We gave Sarah as a gift to each other all around! Too funny.:laugh2:

That was funny..:thumb:

12-26-2009, 03:26 PM
A question for BP.

If you can, remember back to the days of Katrina, and New Orleans. You defended the 'bridge people", those people that gave up hope, and wondered from one bridge to another, wanted the givermint to provide for their ever need. You DO recall the debate during those times do you not?

Seems like we are returning to those bygone days BP.

The givermint is suppose to provide for YOUR EVER NEED, sorry big guy, it don't work that way, at least not YET.

Get a REAL job, work hard, show up to work EVERY day, and you TOO will find happiness, or at the least, PAID health insurance, and then just maybe, Sarah Palin will start to make sense to you.

12-27-2009, 01:53 PM
Well dmk, to be fair, Sarah has an awesome hubby who supports her and her choices, as well as she has family and friend networks that allow her to pursue her principles. She is definitely a force to consider, especially with the support team she has/is building.

Even if she doesn't run for a political office her endorsement for others will hold a lot of weight!!

Want to hear something funny - I bought her book for myself and one for my daughter in Tucson. For Christmas I received the book from her husband and my brother gave one on tape to her!! We gave Sarah as a gift to each other all around! Too funny.:laugh2:

I am still waiting to buy her book. Even though I live in Alaska, the book has not made it to my town yet. Maybe if we had a bookstore. I would order it online, but alas, no mailing address. The post office here in Bethel will not give you a box unless you plan on living here. I plan to stay here for a couple of years for this job, so once I sign my contract, look out.

But I hope you like the book. Although as a Southeast Alaskan, I disagreed with many of her political decisions concerning us, but, it was politics. I look forward to getting her book soon.


12-27-2009, 02:52 PM
A question for BP.

If you can, remember back to the days of Katrina, and New Orleans. You defended the 'bridge people", those people that gave up hope, and wondered from one bridge to another, wanted the givermint to provide for their ever need. You DO recall the debate during those times do you not?

Seems like we are returning to those bygone days BP.

The givermint is suppose to provide for YOUR EVER NEED, sorry big guy, it don't work that way, at least not YET.

Get a REAL job, work hard, show up to work EVERY day, and you TOO will find happiness, or at the least, PAID health insurance, and then just maybe, Sarah Palin will start to make sense to you.Over the past 5 decades black Americans have developed a sense of entitlement mainly because of white guilt, affirmative action, political correctness and quite frankly have simply grown accustomed to it.

They are like spoiled pampered children, refusing to leave the nest and forever demanding more...Our good intentions have created a monster.

We have damaged ourselves, our nation and especially blacks by making them helpless government dependents...New Orleans had a weeks warning to evacuate before Katrina hit.

People had so much time they could have crawled to safety on all fours but instead remained in their homes believing it was governments responsibility to take them to safety.

It is a sad state when people have become so helpless and dependent that they have even lost their survival instincts.

12-27-2009, 03:34 PM
Well dmk, to be fair, Sarah has an awesome hubby who supports her and her choices, as well as she has family and friend networks that allow her to pursue her principles. She is definitely a force to consider, especially with the support team she has/is building.

Even if she doesn't run for a political office her endorsement for others will hold a lot of weight!!

Want to hear something funny - I bought her book for myself and one for my daughter in Tucson. For Christmas I received the book from her husband and my brother gave one on tape to her!! We gave Sarah as a gift to each other all around! Too funny.:laugh2::clap: That sounds like a very intelligent clan you have there Princess. :beer: :thumb: :salute:

12-27-2009, 03:49 PM
I am still waiting to buy her book. Even though I live in Alaska, the book has not made it to my town yet. Maybe if we had a bookstore. I would order it online, but alas, no mailing address. The post office here in Bethel will not give you a box unless you plan on living here. I plan to stay here for a couple of years for this job, so once I sign my contract, look out.

But I hope you like the book. Although as a Southeast Alaskan, I disagreed with many of her political decisions concerning us, but, it was politics. I look forward to getting her book soon.


Hey dmk - I am interested in the decisions she made that you disagreed with (and any that you did agree with). All the negative I've heard about her was what the left came up with after she ran for VP. You have experience with the decisions she made for Alaska and I would rather hear from you than from people who have an axe to grind politically.

12-27-2009, 03:50 PM
:clap: That sounds like a very intelligent clan you have there Princess. :beer: :thumb: :salute:

Of course they are - at least the ones that agree with me!!! LOL!!!:laugh2:

PS - we are all capitalist pigs that want very small government so there some extended family members that think Obama is a genius and will make them rich like the rest of us - ugh............gives me indigestion just thinking about it!

12-27-2009, 03:55 PM
Over the past 5 decades black Americans have developed a sense of entitlement mainly because of white guilt, affirmative action, political correctness and quite frankly have simply grown accustomed to it.

They are like spoiled pampered children, refusing to leave the nest and forever demanding more...Our good intentions have created a monster.

We have damaged ourselves, our nation and especially blacks by making them helpless government dependents...New Orleans had a weeks warning to evacuate before Katrina hit.

People had so much time they could have crawled to safety on all fours but instead remained in their homes believing it was governments responsibility to take them to safety.

It is a sad state when people have become so helpless and dependent that they have even lost their survival instincts.

A few years back, Star Parker had a great book about this fact, it was called "Uncle Sam's Plantation".

She talked of how blacks have become trapped by entitlements to being nothing more that slaves to the government today.
