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12-26-2009, 07:08 AM
I sent this to the two senators who consistently fail to represent me, Levin and Stabinow

The recent health care reform bill exempts Nebraska and Nevada from Medicare expenses that we in Michigan have to pay.

For that life of me I cannot imagine why anyone would agree to something like that, especially when they are supposed to represent the people of a state that consistently falls on the bottom of every list of economic indicators.

If the final bill does not treat all states equally, you have no business still being in the senate.

12-27-2009, 02:19 PM
I think if the bill still passes, it is open for court challenges galore. I mean how many back-room, behind closed doors deals were made to get the support of 60???????

Nancy Pelosi said she was going to take on the insurance industry, well, she did, and this bill is a loss to her. Now with the heavy tax on the Cadillac health plans, it is a smack in the face to unions, the Democrats biggest money donors.

I bet they will be the first challenge the bill under the equal protection clause.


12-27-2009, 06:34 PM
Now with the heavy tax on the Cadillac health plans, it is a smack in the face to unions, the Democrats biggest money donors.

I bet they will be the first challenge the bill under the equal protection clause.

unions were made exempt from day one....

12-27-2009, 11:47 PM
unions were made exempt from day one....

Back in June that was true, however, the bill that has passed the Senate does not exempt the unions. Another one of those behind closed door, back-room deals.


12-28-2009, 05:06 AM
Oh how quickly you, conveniently, forget...

<center><a href=http://rudepundit.blogspot.com/2009/12/harry-reid-and-sad-facts-of-american.html>Harry Reid and the Sad Facts of American Compromises:</a></center>

<center><a href=http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2004/10/05/medicare_bill_a_study_in_dc_spoils_system/>Medicare bill a study in D.C. spoils system</a></center>

Think back to 2003 and Medicare reform. The articles linked to above, details the spoils dloed out to supporters of Meidcare reform under a GOP controlled Congress. Makes the dough promised to Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson look like small potatoes in comparison. Hopefully these provisions will be stripped out in the conference committee as a simple majority is all that is needed for final passage.

But don't let a few facts interfere with your mindless parroting of right wing-nut punditocracy talking points...Not that you ever do.

And while you're bitching about "equal protection under the law" tell that to same gender couples whose marriages in Massachusetts, and three other states aren't recognized in the rest of the country or by the federal gubmint...hypocrite.

12-30-2009, 04:44 AM

12-30-2009, 07:04 AM
Oh how quickly you, conveniently, forget...

<CENTER>Harry Reid and the Sad Facts of American Compromises: (http://rudepundit.blogspot.com/2009/12/harry-reid-and-sad-facts-of-american.html)</CENTER>

<CENTER>Medicare bill a study in D.C. spoils system (http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2004/10/05/medicare_bill_a_study_in_dc_spoils_system/)</CENTER>

Think back to 2003 and Medicare reform. The articles linked to above, details the spoils dloed out to supporters of Meidcare reform under a GOP controlled Congress. Makes the dough promised to Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson look like small potatoes in comparison. Hopefully these provisions will be stripped out in the conference committee as a simple majority is all that is needed for final passage.

But don't let a few facts interfere with your mindless parroting of right wing-nut punditocracy talking points...Not that you ever do.

And while you're bitching about "equal protection under the law" tell that to same gender couples whose marriages in Massachusetts, and three other states aren't recognized in the rest of the country or by the federal gubmint...hypocrite.

I merely posted an article that is relevant to the state I reside in, if you ever bother to read what I have stated as an opinion, you would have noticed my exchange with redstatesrule on health care reform and how I believe something must be done. What I notice about your posts is everything turns into a "gay rights" issue, and any conservative viewpoint posted is automatically turned into a you against them argument whether the topic was about gay rights or not. Here is a fact that I have stated many times I support gay marriage, I support gay, rights my cousin's son is gay. At least get your facts staright before you distort them on making things personal.:laugh2:

12-30-2009, 07:35 AM
And while you're bitching about "equal protection under the law" tell that to same gender couples whose marriages in Massachusetts, and three other states aren't recognized in the rest of the country or by the federal gubmint...hypocrite.

but they are getting equal protection.......gay marriages from Michigan aren't recognized, so gay marriages from Massachusetts aren't either......how equal could you get?.....