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View Full Version : NY Times Attacks Man Who Stopped Terrorist Attack

red states rule
12-29-2009, 08:40 AM
So Mr. Schuringa does not give an interview to the NY Times, so they trash him

Passenger Hailed as Hero Quickly Finds Spotlight Can Have a Harsh Glow

Media attention has a downside, as Jasper Schuringa, who helped thwart an attempted terrorist attack on a Christmas Day flight to Detroit, is discovering.

Mr. Schuringa was hailed as a hero for jumping onto the suspect, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, as, the authorities said, Mr. Abdulmutallab ignited an explosive powder that burst into flames but did not explode while Northwest Flight 253 was approaching the Detroit airport on a flight from Amsterdam.

Initially, Mr. Schuringa appeared to seek the limelight — and some money.

The flight landed just before noon Friday. By that afternoon, a person identifying himself as a friend of Mr. Schuringa had called CNN’s viewer tip line, said a network spokeswoman, Carolyn Disbrow.

“It was a person saying he was a friend of Jasper’s and that he had a still cellphone picture of the guy who had explosives on the plane,” Ms. Disbrow said.

The network and a representative of Mr. Schuringa negotiated and signed a contract for the photograph early on Dec. 26. Ms. Disbrow would not say exactly how much CNN paid for the blurry photograph, but said rumors that it was more than $10,000 were incorrect.

Mr. Schuringa then appeared in a CNN interview on Dec. 26, but Ms. Disbrow said that the network did not pay for interviews, and that the payment had been only for the photograph.

CNN pays for photos and videos from witnesses to “breaking news situations,” like Sept. 11 and Hurricane Katrina, she said.
