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01-04-2010, 11:01 AM
Seems the poor guy just can't get a vacation without being disturbed, He thinks a little thing Like being the President shouldn't interrupt his Vacation , damn he only had like 5 this year already, hell the poor guy had to make phone calls in between golf outings


01-04-2010, 11:13 AM
now now, we shouldn't pick on the little Marxist. He needed a vacation from his job of reading speech's written for him from a teleprompter..that has got to be hard work.:laugh2:

01-04-2010, 01:11 PM
you both need to stop being so racist.

01-04-2010, 02:54 PM
Damn, I wouldn't mind going back to Hawaii....I wonder if I can get a stimulas package to stimulate my wallet so I can head on back that way!?! :laugh2:

01-04-2010, 02:59 PM
you both need to stop being so racist.

oh dear my bad...I :slap:myself..


cat slave
01-04-2010, 06:54 PM
Seems the poor guy just can't get a vacation without being disturbed, He thinks a little thing Like being the President shouldn't interrupt his Vacation , damn he only had like 5 this year already, hell the poor guy had to make phone calls in between golf outings


Yeah, poor ole guy....he just never gets out of the house..that would be the
WH, where most presidents actually have worked or at least been there...
until this globe trotting, campaigning, socio pathic Marxist took office.

LOL! I just cant get over how bad he looks. Hes actually ashen and has
bags under his eyes....guess its getting hot in the kitchen he professed to
be the savior of. ROTFL. Maybe we will have the last laugh....not happening yet though.

cat slave
01-04-2010, 06:55 PM
you both need to stop being so racist.

Im not racist, I hate his white side too.:lol:

01-04-2010, 06:55 PM
He doesn't seem to be enjoying the job, just the perks.

01-04-2010, 07:26 PM
He doesn't seem to be enjoying the job, just the perks.

his masters pulling the stings didn't tell him how damn hard his first REAL job was going to be..

01-04-2010, 08:00 PM
you both need to stop being so racist.

:laugh2::laugh2: Can't be helped given the way the country is heading , LOL

01-04-2010, 08:17 PM
Seems the poor guy just can't get a vacation without being disturbed, He thinks a little thing Like being the President shouldn't interrupt his Vacation , damn he only had like 5 this year already, hell the poor guy had to make phone calls in between golf outings

Damn, I wouldn't mind going back to Hawaii....I wonder if I can get a stimulas package to stimulate my wallet so I can head on back that way!?! :laugh2:Why is there an "N" in the word "damn"? :confused:

01-04-2010, 08:19 PM
Why is there an "N" in the word "damn"? :confused:

To differentiate between those which beavers build?

01-04-2010, 08:28 PM
To differentiate between those which beavers build?

that must be it..
I have to say I never really thought about it...

01-04-2010, 08:32 PM
To differentiate between those which beavers build?If that be the case, two M's would have worked better.

01-04-2010, 08:34 PM
If that be the case, two M's would have worked better.

:laugh2::laugh2: I have no idea why there is a N in Damn, just how I typed it, hell watch long enough you will see me do a whole lot worse, LOL

01-04-2010, 08:56 PM
If that be the case, two M's would have worked better.

nah, then it would have been dahm, phonics wise. Short a.

01-04-2010, 08:59 PM
She said the word "damn" was derived from the language from the southern slave plantations and at one time it was the compound word "damnigger".

Well to make a long story short, with the introduction of politcal correctness in the early 1970's the dictionaries were told to remove the "nigger" word from the "dam" word.

In doing so the "N" was inadvertently left attached to the "dam" word and we ended up with the spelling error of D-A-M-N as the proper dictionary spelling...Go figure! :dunno:

01-04-2010, 09:16 PM
She said the word "damn" was derived from the language from the southern slave plantations and at one time it was the compound word "damnigger".

Well to make a long story short, with the introduction of politcal correctness in the early 1970's the dictionaries were told to remove the "nigger" word from the "dam" word.

In doing so the "N" was inadvertently left attached to the "dam" word and we ended up with the spelling error of D-A-M-N as the proper dictionary spelling...Go figure! :dunno:

Ya ever think I just might want to keep my nigga, LOL

01-04-2010, 09:31 PM

Etymology of the Word "Damn"

By Gary Amirault
The words "damn" and "Hell" are among favorite words spoken by theologians of the "hell-fire" type, that is, as long as they are used in church. These same words used in the local bar or on the athletic field would constitute "cussing" which would not be considered proper. If you are a little uncomfortable even reading about the word "damn" just remember the "Authorized" King James Bible uses it quite frequently. Let us look into the etymology of this word "damn." We may find some interesting surprises.
The Dictionary of Word Origins written by John Ayto and published in 1990 states the following about the word "damn":

Damn: Damn comes via Old French "damner" from Latin "damnare," a derivative of the noun "damnum." This originally meant 'loss, harm' (it is the source of the English 'damage'), but the verb damnare soon spread its application to 'pronounce judgment upon,' in both the legal and the theological sense. These meanings (reflected also in the derived 'condemn') followed the verb through Old French into English, which dropped the strict legal sense around the 16th century but has persisted with the theological one and its more profane offshoots. Condemn, damage, indemnity.
As we can see, originally the word was neither a "cuss" word nor did it have theological significance. It was a perfectly good word with which to translate the Biblical Greek words "apollumi," "krino," and "apolleia." But when theologians twisted this word out of its original meaning, it became a word which would smear the character of our Father. The world followed the church and used it as a "cuss" word, but it should be noted, that it was the church that turned it into its present meaning, not unbelievers.

The present meaning of the word does great injustice in rendering the Greek words in the Bible that have been translated "damn," "damnable," "damnation," etc. Many scholars have raised their voices protesting the use of this word in the Bible and it seems the trend presently is to remove it from scriptures. Below is given an example of the view of some very orthodox scholars on this subject The author is F.W.Farrar, a canon of the Church of England. In his book Mercy and Judgment he writes:

The words "damn" and its derivative do not once occur in the Old Testament. In the New Testament they are the exceptional and arbitrary translation of two Greek verbs or their derivatives; which occur 308 times. These words are "apollumi" and "krino." "Apolleia" (destruction or waste) is once rendered "damnation" and once "damnable." (2 Peter 2:3, and 2 Peter 2:1); "krino," (judge) occurs 114 times, and is only once rendered "damned." (1 Thess. 2:12) "Krima, (judgment or sentence) occurs 24 times, and is 7 times rendered "damnation." "KataKrino," (I condemn) occurs 24 times, and is twice only rendered "be damned."...Go to town...

01-04-2010, 09:43 PM

Go to town...

See Hog Binky and I are godly, they spell it like us, LOL