View Full Version : Interesting Article Re Redstate.com

01-05-2010, 04:40 AM
Well I'd never have thought:


Conservative blogger a GOP world-shaker

By Adam C. Smith, Times Political Editor

Published Monday, January 4, 2010

MACON, Ga. — Between pecks at his laptop, Macon City Council member Erick Erickson ticked off some of his goals for the new year:

• Beating Gov. Charlie Crist and electing Marco Rubio as Florida's junior senator.

• "Taking out" Republican Sen. Bob Bennett of Utah because he's a centrist.

• Ensuring the Republican establishment receives no credit for whatever success the GOP has in November.

This die-hard Republican doesn't even necessarily hope Republicans win congressional majorities.

"If they get back into power, who's going to be in leadership again? The same guys that led them into the minority, and they're going to think that nothing was wrong," Erickson said. "The top priority has to be beating the Republican establishment."...

These days, though, Erickson receives a lot more attention for the ripples he causes in the national political scene than around Macon. He's scheduled to appear tonight on The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. It's a pretty heady time.

"When our second child was born last December, I had a letter show up from the president congratulating us. Sen. Jim DeMint (of South Carolina) called. Dick and Lynn Cheney sent us a book," he recounted. "It's surreal. I mean, I'm just a guy with a laptop."