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View Full Version : Damn It's Cold - I Want Some Global Warming

red states rule
01-05-2010, 08:52 AM
I am already fed up with the extreme cold, high winds, and the snow, It is to damn cold to go anywhere or do anything

So where the hell is all that global warming I keep hearing about?

U.S. East Coast Faces Deep Freeze; Florida Oranges Threatened

Jan. 2 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. East Coast faces the coldest night of the season as frigid air spills south and threatens agriculture in Georgia, Alabama and the orange crop in Florida.

Freeze warnings were posted by the National Weather Service as far south as the Orlando area, which may be as many as 20 degrees below normal tonight, the National Weather Service said. The advisory alerts growers that subfreezing temperatures are imminent and may kill crops or other sensitive vegetation.

Tampa and others cities in the central part of the state are under a freeze warning from 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. local time tomorrow. Temperatures may fall below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero Celsius) for more than three consecutive hours, the National Weather Service in Tampa said on its Web site.

“This is a pretty significant cold snap,” Matt Keefe, a meteorologist with AccuWeather.com Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania, said in a telephone interview. “This could really put a hurting on the citrus crop.” He said the jet stream, which normally keeps the coldest air north of the Hudson Bay in Canada, is centered over parts of Alabama and Mississippi. “The cold temperatures could last for a good part of the week,” he said.

Jacksonville, Florida, may see a record low tonight, Keefe said. The Miami area will see temperatures 12 degrees to 13 degrees below normal for this time of year, Keefe said.

Tonight will be the coldest and offer the greatest danger of crop damage, Keefe said. The next chance for freezing will come next week.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture last month estimated Florida’s orange crop will be 0.7 percent smaller than earlier forecast because adverse weather reduced fruit size.

In New York, overnight lows may be 22 degrees, with wind chills dropping the experience to single digits. Philadelphia may see a low of 20 degrees, Keefe said. Washington may slip to 19 degrees, he said.


01-05-2010, 09:05 AM
It was 2 fucking below at my cabin last Sunday morning- too cold to go skiing in fact. And two weeks earlier it snowed 2 feet up there.

red states rule
01-05-2010, 09:08 AM
It was 2 fucking below at my cabin last Sunday morning- too cold to go skiing in fact. And two weeks earlier it snowed 2 feet up there.

With the wind it is about -13 here

I wish that hole in the Ozone would open up and let some damn heat thru

01-05-2010, 09:42 AM
Just goes to show that Gore, the bore, is truly full of it.... I could use some global warming myself..... And some sunlight.....rather than grey days.....

01-05-2010, 10:45 AM
Wonder what Gore is wearing as he takes yet another deposit to the bank, it blows my mind that there are actually some idiots still buying into Global warming, I bet Gore bought himself one hell of a warm jacket with these idiots money

cat slave
01-05-2010, 11:19 AM
Just goes to show that Gore, the bore, is truly full of it.... I could use some global warming myself..... And some sunlight.....rather than grey days.....

ROTFL....we dont hear much from Fat A*** these days do we? Putz!
Rich putz too with the carbon footprint of Sasquatch.

01-05-2010, 02:39 PM
ROTFL....we dont hear much from Fat A*** these days do we? Putz!
Rich putz too with the carbon footprint of Sasquatch.

Nope....we don't hear much from his ugly ass. He's in hiding hoping the idiots will forget his bullpucky and then at a later date, he'll begin anew....only this time it'll be all about global cooling......:laugh2::laugh2:

My carbon footprints have made a path back and forth to the wood shed to bring in endless loads of wood to keep the house warm....So much for global warming.....

01-05-2010, 07:06 PM
standing by for blizzard like conditions here tomorrow night into thurs. then temps will drop to minus 25 thurs and fri nite. with high winds. frost bite warnings up

red states rule
01-06-2010, 08:05 AM
Nope....we don't hear much from his ugly ass. He's in hiding hoping the idiots will forget his bullpucky and then at a later date, he'll begin anew....only this time it'll be all about global cooling......:laugh2::laugh2:

My carbon footprints have made a path back and forth to the wood shed to bring in endless loads of wood to keep the house warm....So much for global warming.....

On nights like these why not curl up with the one you love Binky and watch "An Inconvenient Truth"?

01-07-2010, 11:09 AM




we've had 6 of these monsters since Christmas eve. don't know how many inch's here. but it may be up to the axles on my 4X4. I refused to let my wife go to work today and her boss threw a fit. hell she can't even get out of the drive way. these storms have caught the city and metro's by surprise. budget cuts laid off a ton of plow drivers. zero today headed for 30 below tonight. haven't seen it this bad in years !!

red states rule
01-08-2010, 09:17 AM
Got just a dusting of snow here in Creso, PA. Roads are fine and people are out and about

Has anyone heard if Al Gore has any lectures set anywhere in the country on the growing problem of global warming?

01-09-2010, 12:23 PM
On nights like these why not curl up with the one you love Binky and watch "An Inconvenient Truth"?

I curl up with Me, Myself and I.....that's enough truth for me right now. And I wouldn't waste a nickle on that piece of bullpucky......

red states rule
01-10-2010, 09:08 AM
Watching the global warming folks during this cold wave is comical


Cold weather in a hot climate

When covering a heat wave, I would be on solid scientific footing if I were to say that the event is consistent with observations and projections of global climate change. A recent study, for example, found that record highs are already outpacing record lows in the continental United States.

But what about covering the cold and snow? Obviously such weather is inconsistent with the popular, albeit erroneous storyline of a world that is warming uniformly. But should stories detailing heavy snows and record cold temperatures even mention that this weather is occurring in the context of a climate that is warming overall, with the 2000s going down in history as the warmest decade in the instrumental record? Or should they assume that the reader understands what most scientists have long maintained, which is that weather patterns will continue to vary tremendously, even as the climate warms over the longer term?

So far this winter, most reporters haven't been mentioning climate change when covering the unusual cold and snow. To a large extent, the media is reporting the cold weather in a straightforward "it was extremely cold today in x" or "it snowed a ton today in y" manner. For example, recent news stories, both of which were highlighted on the heavily trafficked Drudge Report, detailed record snows in Seoul, South Korea, and Burlington, Vermont. These distant cities set new records for their all time greatest snowfall in either a single day (in Seoul's case) or a single storm (in Burlington).

The lack of climate change discussion in stories about cold and snow opens the door for skeptics to claim that the press purposely ignores any climate implications of cold weather, but hypes the potential connections between unusual heat and climate change. As a piece in the conservative Business and Media Institute put it yesterday, "The news media constantly misuse extreme weather examples to generate fear of global warming, but when record cold or record snow sets in journalists don't mention the possibility of global cooling trends."

Lately the prominent skeptic Web site Climate Depot has been full of headlines about cold and snow, ranging from "World Under Arctic Seige" to "How cold is it? Fargo N. Dakota breaks 1885 temp record -- sees 33 below zero!" One can easily come away from the site, and others like it, with the impression that the world is turning into an icebox, a la "The Day After Tomorrow," rather than a tinderbox, a la Australia, 2009.

To some extent, I agree with that line of criticism. It's absolutely true that extreme heat generates coverage of climate change, whereas extreme cold does not. But where skeptics see a media conspiracy to ignore cooling, I see an effort to accurately communicate climate science to the public. Of course there is a "possibility" that the earth is cooling, but virtually every peer reviewed climate study has shown the opposite to be true.

A larger problem with the media's approach to covering the recent cold is that it ignores how people tend to think about climate change, which is squarely in the context of extreme weather and climate events. Such events are much more tangible to everyday experience than long-term climate change is, but they are not always related to climate change. Sometimes weather is just weather.

So what, then, should the press be doing differently today? In my view, journalists should make an effort to include the broader climate context whenever it is scientifically justified. That means that it might be unnecessary to mention climate change in a story about a short-term cold snap, but could be integral to a story on heavy snowfall.


01-10-2010, 07:12 PM
I went to cook steaks last night and had to defrost the grill with a propane torch!

01-10-2010, 07:19 PM
[QUOTE=glockmail;401869]I went to cook steaks

My heart bleeds for ya......You're complaining to someone who lives in cold temps for months......and ice......and snow........and more cold.....And, my dear, I don't give a damn......:laugh2::laugh2:

red states rule
01-11-2010, 06:09 AM
This is too good not to share

Hey Al—'Frostproof, Florida' Forecast: 22 Degrees


Less than a year ago, ABC global-warmist weatherman Sam Champion was warning people against moving to Florida because of the supposed danger of disastrous sea-level rises due to global warming. Maybe Sam was on to something—but for the diametrically opposite reason . . .

Check out the Weather Channel's forecast for the town of "Frostproof, Florida" for tonight: 22 degrees—a full 10 degrees below freezing. Yikes! Maybe Sam's right: a mistake to move to Florida because the climate is . . . just too darn cold.

Hey Algore: we want our global warming, and we want it now. Has anyone noticed near the MSM attention to the weather trends that might be derived from the current cold snap compared to the hysteria they exhibited when temps get above normal?

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/mark-finkelstein/2010/01/10/hey-al-forecast-frostfree-florida-22-degrees#ixzz0cIj5r5RP

01-11-2010, 08:24 AM

My heart bleeds for ya......You're complaining to someone who lives in cold temps for months......and ice......and snow........and more cold.....And, my dear, I don't give a damn......:laugh2::laugh2:

Who's complaining? :lame2:

red states rule
01-11-2010, 08:34 AM
It is always something to watch 2 libs who agree on the issue "debate" the issue

Rachel Maddow Insists Climategate Is 'All Made Up,' Conservatives 'Refuse to Acknowledge Reality'

By Tim Graham

January 11, 2010 - 08:28 ET

Rachel Maddow was playing the Church Lady of Political Discourse again on Thursday, doing the Superiority Dance of political seriousness. She wants a serious and civil discussion of the issues, but the conservatives keep failing her with "weird lies." She called Climategate "all made up" and insisted "I don‘t want to be fighting with people who refuse to acknowledge reality."

This was MSNBC, so Maddow wasn't discussing this with a conservative opponent. She was complaining to David Corn of the hard-left magazine Mother Jones:

MADDOW: I have to tell you, David, I — without being snarky, I despair over this. I despair over this because there are real fights to have over the response to terrorism. You know, there are real fights to have over health reform But what did we do? We followed the Republicans‘ lead and spent all that time talking about death panels—which is made up.

CORN: Government takeover. Yes.

MADDOW: Yes. And on climate change. There are a lot of interesting ways to talk about the right way to respond to that, but instead, it‘s Climate-gate, it‘s all made up. Following the Republican framing into nonsense land and we‘ve ended up talking about stuff that is not real instead of talking about policy. I want to have policy fights. I don‘t want to be fighting with people who refuse to acknowledge reality.

Inside the Mother Jones echo chamber of MSNBC, Corn and Maddow agreed on everything, and in terms of denying reality, they think Barack Obama is every bit as serious about tackling terrorism as George W. Bush. They cannot believe Republicans would insist otherwise

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2010/01/11/rachel-maddow-insists-climategate-all-made-conservatives-refuse-acknowle#ixzz0cJJFbUKz

01-11-2010, 11:04 AM
Who's complaining? :lame2:

Sorry Glock, I mistook your jest, for a whine....You know.........the nasally kind, and not the type you drink.....:laugh2::laugh2:

01-11-2010, 12:56 PM
Sorry Glock, I mistook your jest, for a whine....You know.........the nasally kind, and not the type you drink.....:laugh2::laugh2: No problem babe. I feel your pain, stuck up there with no way to get away from the cold unless inside. I can head over to the Piedmont, 2 hours away where the daily highs are seldom below freezing, or out to the coast, a 7 hour drive, to where palm trees and alligators live. :laugh2:

01-11-2010, 01:06 PM
Tell algore I have his global warming and if he wants it back he'll have to pony up some bucks. If I don't get lots of money real soon he'll never see global warming again.

Jack Frost

01-11-2010, 02:51 PM
No problem babe. I feel your pain, stuck up there with no way to get away from the cold unless inside. I can head over to the Piedmont, 2 hours away where the daily highs are seldom below freezing, or out to the coast, a 7 hour drive, to where palm trees and alligators live. :laugh2:

Shame on you for gloating.....that's just :lame2: :laugh2: I make carbon tracks back and forth to my wood shed to gather more wood for the fires....I stay warm and toasty......Me, myself and I are not dummies....We have learned to manuever some kindling and paper around to get a fire going....The trick is to keep it going so it doesn't go out.....Grrrrrrrrrrr........!!!!!:laugh2: :laugh2:

01-11-2010, 03:03 PM
Tell algore I have his global warming and if he wants it back he'll have to pony up some bucks. If I don't get lots of money real soon he'll never see global warming again.

Jack Frost

:laugh2: Why should he care? He's already made some dough off the global warming crapola.............Now he's biding his time until the time is right and then he'll begin a regimend of global cooling....Wait and see............at some point in time, he'll be screaming about that.....He thinks the public is a bunch of idiots.....(some are, but most aren't)

01-11-2010, 03:09 PM
:laugh2: Why should he care? He's already made some dough off the global warming crapola.............Now he's biding his time until the time is right and then he'll begin a regimend of global cooling....Wait and see............at some point in time, he'll be screaming about that.....He thinks the public is a bunch of idiots.....(some are, but most aren't)

He is a true snake oil salesman. Can you imagine what things would have been like with him in the white house.

01-11-2010, 03:32 PM
He is a true snake oil salesman. Can you imagine what things would have been like with him in the white house.

Yes, he is.... And considering what they are like now I can only go..........

01-11-2010, 03:33 PM
He is a true snake oil salesman. Can you imagine what things would have been like with him in the white house.

Yes, he is.... And considering what they are like now I can only go..........:eek::eek:

01-11-2010, 06:11 PM
He is a true snake oil salesman. Can you imagine what things would have been like with him in the white house.

I have to join Binky on this one, considering BHO, don't see how he could be worse.

red states rule
01-12-2010, 08:35 AM