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View Full Version : Airports Set To Become Primary Peddlers Of Child Porn

01-05-2010, 02:19 PM
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The establishment is ensuring that pedophiles and perverts are kept entertained at airport security checkpoints by mandating the mass rollout of naked body scanners that provide detailed images of your child’s genitalia, to be enjoyed by officials sitting alone in back rooms.

Despite official assurances and media talking points that claim the naked body scanners now being implemented in airports worldwide do not show enough detail to be considered a violation of privacy, the true measure of how much of an intrusion they really are is proven by the fact that they break child pornography laws in the UK that bar the production of indecent images of children.

Ministers in the UK will be forced to exempt under-18’s from the virtual strip searches or pass new legislation that protects airport workers from being prosecuted as pedophiles.

“They also face demands from civil liberties groups for safeguards to ensure that images from the £80,000 scanners, including those of celebrities, do not end up on the internet,” reports the Guardian. “The Department for Transport confirmed that the “child porn” problem was among the “legal and operational issues” now under discussion in Whitehall after Gordon Brown’s announcement on Sunday that he wanted to see their “gradual” introduction at British airports.”

“They do not have the legal power to use full body scanners in this way,” said Terri Dowty, of Action for Rights of Children, adding there was an exemption in the 1978 law to cover the “prevention and detection of crime” but the purpose had to be more specific than the “trawling exercise” now being considered.
As the Guardian report highlights, despite the fact that news organizations routinely blur out sensitive areas of the body when showing images produced by the scans, the actual resolution of the images allows airport workers to see “genitalia and breast enlargements”.

Despite the promise that the images would immediately be deleted, Simon Davies of Privacy International warns that scans of celebrities or of people with unusual or freakish body profiles would prove an “irresistible pull” for some employees.

Indeed, the fact that your sons and daughters will potentially be subject to a virtual strip search where the shape and detail of their genitalia will be visible to someone sat alone in a back room begs the question of what kind of people would want to apply for such a job. If such technology is rolled out on a widespread basis, working in airport security will undoubtedly become a pull for perverts and pedophiles who will be given free reign to lust over your naked child’s body. How far will Americans acquiesce in the name of safety?

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01-05-2010, 03:14 PM
Here's what the images show:


01-05-2010, 04:23 PM
hey, that's where I holster mine too!......

01-05-2010, 05:48 PM
Body scanners are going to be depicting children engaging in sexual acts? See, if they're not, then they won't be depicting "child porn," since mere nudity doesn't constitute "porn." Of course, this article doesn't seem particularly informed to begin with, as evidenced by the phrase "prosecuted as pedophiles." Pedophilia is a mental disorder that involves sexual attraction to prepubescent children; it's not an illegal act in and of itself. The mass media can't go a day without scaremongering, though.

01-05-2010, 05:53 PM
Here's what the images show:


Yikes, she looks a little sick.

01-05-2010, 05:53 PM
Body scanners are going to be depicting children engaging in sexual acts? See, if they're not, then they won't be depicting "child porn," since mere nudity doesn't constitute "porn." Of course, this article doesn't seem particularly informed to begin with, as evidenced by the phrase "prosecuted as pedophiles." Pedophilia is a mental disorder that involves sexual attraction to prepubescent children; it's not an illegal act in and of itself. The mass media can't go a day without scaremongering, though.

Uh.. taking pics of these kids and in a way that removes their clothing - yeah, that's sick...

In fact ... Teens are getting arrested for sending each other naked pics of themselves to their peers...

01-05-2010, 06:10 PM
More from the UK Guardian:


01-05-2010, 06:24 PM
Uh.. taking pics of these kids and in a way that removes their clothing - yeah, that's sick...

I didn't comment one way or the other on whether it was "sick." I said that nude imagery doesn't constitute "porn," particularly since there was no "prurient" intent here.

In fact ... Teens are getting arrested for sending each other naked pics of themselves to their peers...

Yes, I'm quite aware of it; the Anthony Comstocks of our day are presiding over that idiocy. Some of the arrests are probably legally valid if the pictures featured "lewd and lascivious" poses or something of that nature;many of them probably aren't. None of them are ethically valid, as far as I'm concerned.

01-05-2010, 06:53 PM
FACT...If we abandon Political Correctness, we could eliminate many useless ineffective precautions and procedures.