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View Full Version : Parents arrested for failing to register home-schooled kids

01-05-2010, 05:54 PM
A Montgomery County couple has been arrested on child endangerment charges for failing to register their children with the school district as they were home-schooled, the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office said Monday.

Richard Cressy, 47, and Margie Cressy, 41, both of the town of Glen, never registered their four children or their home-schooling curriculum with the local school district, said the Sheriff's Office.

The Superintendent of the Fonda-Fultonville Central School District confirmed the four children, ranging in age from 8 to 14, had not been registered with the school district for the last seven years.

The Cressys were issued appearance tickets to appear in the Town of Glen Court at a later date. The case has been turned over to the Montgomery County District Attorney and the Child Protective Unit.


01-05-2010, 09:18 PM
Government is in charge of children. Not parents.

The government giveth, and the government taketh away.

01-05-2010, 09:28 PM
It is a shame the Government has to do this but I understand the reasoning, I had a friend of mine that had his Grandchild pulled out of school cause the parents didn't like the teacher, they were going to Home school her, the state gave them or helped in the purchase of a computer and also gave them the programs needed, the parents were to busy and the little girl wound up way behind, far enough that she couldn't make it up, so the state stepped in , she is now is back in public school and is doing great, if they hadn't registered her they would of had no way to make sure this girl was really being home schooled

I think we ought to be able to take care of our own kids, but apparently not all do

01-05-2010, 11:34 PM
The government has no right to tell me how to school my children. People tend to take a single case and extrapolate the supposed evils of shunning the public indoctrination system and extrapolate that to the whole of the home schooling community. It is a crying shame as I have never met a home schooler who wasn't working their behinds off to give their children the best indoctrination free education possible.

01-05-2010, 11:59 PM
The government has no right to tell me how to school my children. People tend to take a single case and extrapolate the supposed evils of shunning the public indoctrination system and extrapolate that to the whole of the home schooling community. It is a crying shame as I have never met a home schooler who wasn't working their behinds off to give their children the best indoctrination free education possible.

I gave 1 example that I knew of why the Gov. would need to, I have many friends that home school there kids and there kids are fine, but if 1 family may do it is it not possible others would also?

And the only reason that little girl was caught was because she had failed to log enough hours on the computer