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View Full Version : Barak Obama passes the buck to..... who else? Bush!

01-09-2010, 01:24 PM
WASHINGTON – He says "the buck stops with me," but nearly a year into office, President Barack Obama is still blaming a lot of the nation's troubles — the economy, terrorism, health care — on George W. Bush.
Over and over, Obama keeps reminding Americans of the mess he inherited and all he's doing to fix it. A sharper, give-me-some-credit tone has emerged in his language as he bemoans people's fleeting memory about what life was like way back in 2008, particularly on the economy.

the rest of the article can be read at:


Would someone *please* remind Barak O-Braindead that he's the President of the United States and not a first grader? You know the excuse that "big bad Georgie made me do it" is something more appropriate for a 5 year old in pre-school rather than the leader of the free world.

01-09-2010, 01:30 PM
Don't expect them to change, blaming Bush with the Help of our enemies in the State run media was the reason they won..

If anything, I expect it to get much worse of, it's Booooosh and those EVIL Republicans, and of course lets not forget to blame those darn "teabaggers", the right wing conspiracy, the RACIST, etc, etc, etc..

01-09-2010, 02:42 PM
While he shouldn't be blaming Bush, since we might as well just move forward at this point since no one's going to charge him with anything, Bush does take a brunt of the blame for things of current. I'm sorry, but on that part, he is right, bush did fuck things up horribly, that's what allowed Obama to do so well to begin with, is Bush and Co. convinced Conservative Republicans to vote for a non-conservative non-republican... twice.

01-09-2010, 03:00 PM
While he shouldn't be blaming Bush, since we might as well just move forward at this point since no one's going to charge him with anything, Bush does take a brunt of the blame for things of current. I'm sorry, but on that part, he is right, bush did fuck things up horribly, that's what allowed Obama to do so well to begin with, is Bush and Co. convinced Conservative Republicans to vote for a non-conservative non-republican... twice.

Congress is to blame for the catastrophe we are in. Bush should be blamed for not pushing reform of the Community Reinvestment Act, revoking Freddie and Fannie Mae... that, my friend, is why we are in deep doo-doo.

And while we're at it.. just who was in charge of the Congressional financial oversight committees that were supposed to be ensuring that Freddie and Fannie remained solvent? Rep Barney Frank, Senator Chris Dodd.. both democrats...

And... since the Democrats are in charge of Congress, just why haven't they changed the way those two institutions operate, just why is the Community Reinvestment Act still law? Just why is Senator Dodd being allowed to retire instead of facing charges for malfeasance? Just why isn't Representative Barney Frank not being impeached?

No, if there is any blame to go around.. it's the Democrats who deserve it...

And ... let me ask just why is this Democratic controlled Congress spending money in the the trillions and placing this country's economic future on the edge of catastrophe? Hmm? Because Democrats are a bunch of blood sucking pirates who don't represent, nor respect the American Middle Class....

that's why

And when next January rolls around, a Democrat in Congress will be as rare as hen's teeth... and that is a prediction you can count on