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01-10-2010, 09:19 PM
Who's with me? :salute:

01-10-2010, 09:26 PM
Not I.

01-10-2010, 09:29 PM
You're not a countryman. Following the vulgar jingoism of most rightists here, stay on your island and out of our business. So much could have been saved had that been done to begin with. :laugh:

01-10-2010, 09:33 PM
Who's with me? :salute:

now your just being naughty agna.....:dev2:

01-10-2010, 09:35 PM
You're not a countryman. Following the vulgar jingoism of most rightists here, stay on your island and out of our business. So much could have been saved had that been done to begin with. :laugh:

TrueFax, gawd knows why man chose to leave Africa in the first place /sark.

01-10-2010, 09:36 PM
Nobodies with you Mr. Prostate, you all by yourself.

01-10-2010, 09:38 PM
Who's with me? :salute:We don't require amnesty. :laugh2: We're in charge here, remember?

You work for us mudboy...I'll let ya know when my grass needs cut.

01-10-2010, 09:39 PM
Nobodies with you Mr. Prostate, you all by yourself.

Oh, I don't think so. (http://www.stolencontinent.org/) ;)

01-10-2010, 09:42 PM
We don't require amnesty. :laugh2: We're in charge here, remember?

You work for us mudboy...I'll let ya know when my grass needs cut.

That's what you think, Cletus. Aren't you whining about the welfare queens? Don't you know your power is being extracted slowly and subtly, while you're too stupid to look? And you know the end consequence. ;)


01-10-2010, 09:48 PM
We don't require amnesty. :laugh2: We're in charge here, remember?

You work for us mudboy...I'll let ya know when my grass needs cut.

:laugh2::laugh2: Well Hog, you certainly do uphold my expectations of what you will do or say...... You are such a stand -up -and -say- it -right -:beer:out sort of guy..............

01-10-2010, 10:05 PM
:laugh2::laugh2: Well Hog, you certainly do uphold my expectations of what you will do or say...... You are such a stand -up -and -say- it -right -:beer:out sort of guy..............Taken a bow Binky. :bow2:

01-10-2010, 10:11 PM
Taken a bow Binky. :bow2:

As well you should now and then....There aren't many that will open up their eyes and take a peek at America today..... much less yap about it......:clap:

01-10-2010, 10:13 PM
Is that you there, Tinkle? You look like an albino who went through a malfunctioning x-ray machine. :laugh:

01-10-2010, 10:33 PM
Is that you there, Tinkle? You look like an albino who went through a malfunctioning x-ray machine. :laugh:

Personally, I think she looks good. I betcha most the men on the board would say so too....wink

01-10-2010, 10:50 PM
Sorry bout that,

Oh, I don't think so. (http://www.stolencontinent.org/) ;)

1. Sorry ol chum, but I went to your site.
2. One thing you over look in it, all native indians are really in fact chinese.
3. Lets get back to the roots of the people who got up rooted here in the Americas.
4. China was here first, Europeans came along and educated these heatherns, and took over, thank God.
5. We did the American Indians a huge favor, thank us later when you're able to figure that out.
6. This could take some 500 years, so I can wait.


01-10-2010, 10:51 PM
That's what you think, Cletus. Aren't you whining about the welfare queens? Don't you know your power is being extracted slowly and subtly, while you're too stupid to look?LOL!...I don't "whine" about the welfare queens.

I ridicule the weak white liberals who coddle these useless helpless slugs.

These two groups make a helluva good pair, don't they?

Hey, as a matter of fact, they have been interbreeding...LOL!

And you know the end consequence. ;)

http://www.stolencontinent.org/poster_downloads/europe_your_land_thumb.jpgNo, actually I don't aggy...

I do know that 2/3 of America is white which is about 200 million people of which half are conservative which is about 100 million people of which half of them add up to about 50 million armed white warriors.

I think I have a pretty good idea of what might happen.....A house cleaning! :thumb: You have the wrong side of the looking glass confused with reality, Alice.

01-10-2010, 10:54 PM
Is that you there, Tinkle? You look like an albino who went through a malfunctioning x-ray machine. :laugh:

Wow........just goes to show others who the better person is....wait for it......:laugh2::laugh2:Damn..........it sure isn't you........

01-11-2010, 12:02 AM
LOL!...I don't "whine" about the welfare queens.

I ridicule the weak white liberals who coddle these useless helpless slugs.

These two groups make a helluva good pair, don't they?

Hey, as a matter of fact, they have been interbreeding...LOL!

Those groups are being utilized to extract wealth from European interlopers just as they parasitically stole from the established Amerindian society of the Western Hemisphere. They are merely getting their just comeuppance, and they're too stupid to figure it out or too powerless to stop it. :lol:

No, actually I don't aggy...

I do know that 2/3 of America is white which is about 200 million people of which half are conservative which is about 100 million people of which half of them add up to about 50 million armed white warriors.

I think I have a pretty good idea of what might happen.....A house cleaning! You have the wrong side of the looking glass confused with reality, Alice.

Unfortunately, you've ignorantly failed to realize something. 2/3 of the United States is white. There are other majority-white countries in America, such as Canada, Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay, etc. However, there are also countries such as Peru and Bolivia that are dominated by Amerindians, and countries such as Mexico that have a significant population. I'm aware of the fact that those American Indians have suffered under Hispanic oppression in their own countries, and of the fact that the nationals of those countries that come here are predominantly Indian working class figures. And they are not racially distinct from the Indians of this country, so that is why I look for allies among that population.


The house cleaning's gonna be landing your blotchy pink ass back in Europe after the repatriation phase, son.


Now, personally, I'm a humane type of guy. Even though you're a trespassing interloper, I'm willing to let you and your breed leave quietly and peacefully. But if you don't, forcible repatriation is the only option. Iniquities have their consequences.


Mr. P
01-11-2010, 12:07 AM
Who's with me? :salute:

No Amnesty for what?

Never mind that's what I thought.

Perhaps you should look a bit deeper into who was here first. Ya might be shocked.

01-11-2010, 12:08 AM
No Amnesty for what?

For Pilgrims or their anchor babies. Who else? Those damn illegals invaded and are destroying our culture. ;)


Mr. P
01-11-2010, 12:22 AM
For Pilgrims or their anchor babies. Who else? Those damn illegals invaded and are destroying our culture. ;)


SHIT HAPPENS. And the cream rises to the top...sorry bout that.:dance:

01-11-2010, 12:27 AM
Unfortunately, you've ignorantly failed to realize something. 2/3 of the United States is white. There are other majority-white countries in America, such as Canada, Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay, etc. However, there are also countries such as Peru and Bolivia that are dominated by Amerindians, and countries such as Mexico that have a significant population. I'm aware of the fact that those American Indians have suffered under Hispanic oppression in their own countries, and of the fact that the nationals of those countries that come here are predominantly Indian working class figures. And they are not racially distinct from the Indians of this country, so that is why I look for allies among that population.

The house cleaning's gonna be landing your blotchy pink ass back in Europe after the repatriation phase, son.

Now, personally, I'm a humane type of guy. Even though you're a trespassing interloper, I'm willing to let you and your breed leave quietly and peacefully. But if you don't, forcible repatriation is the only option. Iniquities have their consequences.
That's quite an invasion you're orchestrating there geronimo...You little fuckers sure are a scarey bunch.

Let me know when you're ready to attack so I can beat a hasty retreat back to Scotland. :dance:

01-11-2010, 12:50 AM
That's quite an invasion you're orchestrating there geronimo...You little fuckers sure are a scarey bunch.


And also remember that some political leaders in Latin America are themselves mixed or pure-blooded Amerindians that are sympathetic to these aims...the shit could hit the fan soon, Confederate Cletus. :)


Let me know when you're ready to attack so I can beat a hasty retreat back to Scotland. :dance:

Don't trip and tear your kilt, Braveheart, or Cochise's descendants just might plant a bagpipe somewhere you might not want it to go. :lol:

01-11-2010, 01:06 AM
Never mind that's what I thought.

Perhaps you should look a bit deeper into who was here first. Ya might be shocked.

Nice little edit. Are you going to enthrall me by stammering about Kennewick Man? That would at least be better than Jimmy's blubbering about "China." :laugh:

01-11-2010, 02:43 AM
Actually, it doesn't matter who was here first.....it belongs to whomever has the stamina and fortitude to hold on to it. My Amerindian ancestors failed and my European ancestors prevailed.

Aggie - no matter how much you pontificate about the Americas belonging to the Indians and not the Europeans or Spanish or other conquerors, it will not change the facts........the Indians lost and no amount of whining will bring the fairy godmother back to wave her magic wand and get rid of everyone but the Indians. Just isn't going to happen......so why don't you focus your vast talent, imagination and intellect on something worthwhile. I hate to see such brilliance be wasted on pipe dreams.

01-11-2010, 03:31 AM
Actually, it doesn't matter who was here first.....it belongs to whomever has the stamina and fortitude to hold on to it. My Amerindian ancestors failed and my European ancestors prevailed.

Oooh, another one-drop Cherokee? Let me guess; your great-great grandmother's hair was black and her cheekbones mysteriously high? ;)

Regardless, aside from the fact that your apparent social Darwinism has no ethical basis, the Europeans did not "defeat" the Amerindians. Amerindians were defeated by other Amerindians and devastated by infectious plague. Europeans certainly committed many atrocities, but could not have conquered a united and uninfected America.

Aggie - no matter how much you pontificate about the Americas belonging to the Indians and not the Europeans or Spanish or other conquerors, it will not change the facts........the Indians lost and no amount of whining will bring the fairy godmother back to wave her magic wand and get rid of everyone but the Indians. Just isn't going to happen......so why don't you focus your vast talent, imagination and intellect on something worthwhile. I hate to see such brilliance be wasted on pipe dreams.

Actually, my focus has a far more rational basis than that. I focus on repatriation of Europeans to laugh at HogWash's reactions and generally illustrate the fallacious nature of white nationalism, but it doesn't represent my actual beliefs or interests.

What's germane to contemporary political affairs is that Native Americans are known to have suffered unjust dispossession and violence at the hands of European settlers, relevant today because of the fact that the sins of the dead have created lasting repercussions that manifest themselves in the form of economic inequalities based on race. There is a perception in the U.S. that Mexican and Central/South American immigrants are foreigners, even among those that welcome them. Whether it’s that they’re hard-working laborers who should be valued as guest workers or illegal invaders that should be deported, they’re regarded as foreigners nonetheless. If this perception is challenged through knowledge that immigrants are predominantly Native American, and there is some association of them with acknowledged U.S. tribes like the Cherokee, Sioux, Navajo, etc., the perception of them as foreigners will be replaced with one of them as unjustly dispossessed natives, perhaps to an extent to shift public opinion. “La Migra” are the shock troopers behind another Trail of Tears…

01-11-2010, 10:30 AM
My wife is about 1/2 Seneca (Turtle Clan). Her grandparents on the maternal side came right off the reservation, never looked back and made something of themselves instead of whining about how they were cheated or had their land stolen. They worked hard and had good successful lives here in the Los Angeles area. Every time you look up at Mount Wilson you came be reminded that it was my wifes grandfather a non-whining, hard working, successful American who put up the CBS antenna as well as a couple others.

My family, they just killed them Kickapoos and other southern indians who kept messing with them.

01-11-2010, 10:51 AM
If I was "whining," one would think I'd be complaining about personal losses. I'm not; I've acknowledged that I haven't faced any. I've merely focused on the population as a whole.

Incidentally, I'm quite sure everyone realizes that certain Amerindian societies waged war on others, just as was the case with European societies, because there was neither homogeneity nor the perception of it. As a Southwest ("southern"?) Indian myself, I realize that the Apache attacked the Navajo and the Tarahumara. It doesn't change the fact that they all endured universal dispossession, and share an important commonality as a result.

01-11-2010, 12:46 PM
Now, personally, I'm a humane type of guy. Even though you're a trespassing interloper, I'm willing to let you and your breed leave quietly and peacefully. But if you don't, forcible repatriation is the only option. Iniquities have their consequences.

Lol, this country can't even get rid of 11 million beaner illegals. But you and your army of people are going to kick out 260 million white, Asian and black interlopers. Good luck, come back when the high, from what ever it is your taking, wears off.:laugh2:

01-11-2010, 01:36 PM
Now, personally, I'm a humane type of guy. Even though you're a trespassing interloper, I'm willing to let you and your breed leave quietly and peacefully. But if you don't, forcible repatriation is the only option. Iniquities have their consequences.

All I can say is...Bring it on.

My "one drop" is Iroquois. You know why your forefathers lived in the southwest? Because my forefathers ran their ass's out of the north long before the white man ever got here. If your not careful we wwill run your ass out of the southwest as well.

01-11-2010, 03:42 PM
Oooh, another one-drop Cherokee? Let me guess; your great-great grandmother's hair was black and her cheekbones mysteriously high? ;)

Regardless, aside from the fact that your apparent social Darwinism has no ethical basis, the Europeans did not "defeat" the Amerindians. Amerindians were defeated by other Amerindians and devastated by infectious plague. Europeans certainly committed many atrocities, but could not have conquered a united and uninfected America.

Actually, my focus has a far more rational basis than that. I focus on repatriation of Europeans to laugh at HogWash's reactions and generally illustrate the fallacious nature of white nationalism, but it doesn't represent my actual beliefs or interests.

What's germane to contemporary political affairs is that Native Americans are known to have suffered unjust dispossession and violence at the hands of European settlers, relevant today because of the fact that the sins of the dead have created lasting repercussions that manifest themselves in the form of economic inequalities based on race. There is a perception in the U.S. that Mexican and Central/South American immigrants are foreigners, even among those that welcome them. Whether it’s that they’re hard-working laborers who should be valued as guest workers or illegal invaders that should be deported, they’re regarded as foreigners nonetheless. If this perception is challenged through knowledge that immigrants are predominantly Native American, and there is some association of them with acknowledged U.S. tribes like the Cherokee, Sioux, Navajo, etc., the perception of them as foreigners will be replaced with one of them as unjustly dispossessed natives, perhaps to an extent to shift public opinion. “La Migra” are the shock troopers behind another Trail of Tears…

Why don't you repost your pic in your avatar so we can all see what your ancestors must have looked like...? come on now....say......."I can do this, I can do this.....":laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

01-11-2010, 04:21 PM
Oooh, another one-drop Cherokee? Let me guess; your great-great grandmother's hair was black and her cheekbones mysteriously high? ;)

Actually, it's me with the straight black hair, blue eyes and high cheekbones - LOL!!! There's just a bit more than a "drop" of Cherokee.

Regardless, aside from the fact that your apparent social Darwinism has no ethical basis, the Europeans did not "defeat" the Amerindians. Amerindians were defeated by other Amerindians and devastated by infectious plague. Europeans certainly committed many atrocities, but could not have conquered a united and uninfected America.

Doesn't matter whether the social Darwinism has no ethical basis.......facts are facts.........if the Amerindians had the stamina and fortitude they would still be in possession of their lands..........they didn't, and aren't, so get over it. Move on. Live in the present and not the past. You are starting to be boring.

Actually, my focus has a far more rational basis than that. I focus on repatriation of Europeans to laugh at HogWash's reactions and generally illustrate the fallacious nature of white nationalism, but it doesn't represent my actual beliefs or interests.

And how's that working for you????

What's germane to contemporary political affairs is that Native Americans are known to have suffered unjust dispossession and violence at the hands of European settlers, relevant today because of the fact that the sins of the dead have created lasting repercussions that manifest themselves in the form of economic inequalities based on race. There is a perception in the U.S. that Mexican and Central/South American immigrants are foreigners, even among those that welcome them. Whether it’s that they’re hard-working laborers who should be valued as guest workers or illegal invaders that should be deported, they’re regarded as foreigners nonetheless. If this perception is challenged through knowledge that immigrants are predominantly Native American, and there is some association of them with acknowledged U.S. tribes like the Cherokee, Sioux, Navajo, etc., the perception of them as foreigners will be replaced with one of them as unjustly dispossessed natives, perhaps to an extent to shift public opinion. “La Migra” are the shock troopers behind another Trail of Tears…

It DOESN'T MATTER Aggie whether they have a direct line to Adam and Eve(or whoever was the first American)................they are not in possession NOW and if you think those of us who have taken care of the land will just step aside and say "be my guest" you are sorely mistaken. It will be a bloodbath first.

01-11-2010, 04:36 PM
And a huge blood bath at that... Anyone who tries to come to America and take it over will discover the sleeping giant has awoken......There will be no bullshitting around. No pandering.... No ass kissing.... There will be loads of bullets flyin' high and wide....One can count on that.... If the gov't won't take care of business, then the people will have to do it....

01-11-2010, 04:59 PM
And a huge blood bath at that... Anyone who tries to come to America and take it over will discover the sleeping giant has awoken......There will be no bullshitting around. No pandering.... No ass kissing.... There will be loads of bullets flyin' high and wide....One can count on that.... If the gov't won't take care of business, then the people will have to do it....

Revival of the "Don't Tread on Me" aspect of American culture!!!

01-12-2010, 04:52 AM
Lol, this country can't even get rid of 11 million beaner illegals. But you and your army of people are going to kick out 260 million white, Asian and black interlopers. Good luck, come back when the high, from what ever it is your taking, wears off.:laugh2:

IMO, Indian/mestizo beaners don't have to leave. White beaners have no similar claim because they're usually the descendants of spic and wop interlopers, but since such a significant portion of the Mexican population is Indian, I generally have no ill will towards them. If things were to come down to what HogWash openly advocates and so many of you quietly hope for, it would be the case that countries like Peru and Bolivia would go the way of the Indians quickly, and white countries like Argentina, Cuba, the U.S., and Canada would turn eventually because it's a matter of a pan-Amerindian movement. :lol:


All I can say is...Bring it on.

My "one drop" is Iroquois. You know why your forefathers lived in the southwest? Because my forefathers ran their ass's out of the north long before the white man ever got here. If your not careful we wwill run your ass out of the southwest as well.

What the fuck are you talking about, 1/16? Aside from your lack of historical knowledge, are military helicopters named after the Iroquois or are they named after the Apache? But honestly, that's irrelevant since you're not an Indian. Most African-Americans are on average 80% black and 20% white, but would never identify as white, and similarly, your one drop doesn't make you Indian.

Actually, it's me with the straight black hair, blue eyes and high cheekbones - LOL!!! There's just a bit more than a "drop" of Cherokee.

That's nice. Refer to my previous point about the "whiteness" of African-Americans, and consider the possibility that you've simply seized on a great-great grandmother that you think of as kind of a cool little novelty. ;)

Doesn't matter whether the social Darwinism has no ethical basis.......facts are facts.........if the Amerindians had the stamina and fortitude they would still be in possession of their lands..........they didn't, and aren't, so get over it. Move on. Live in the present and not the past. You are starting to be boring.

What kind of moron are you? When an argument is made, you don't simply repeat your rebutted false claim. I've just stated that most of the Amerindian military "losses" were imposed by other Amerindians, not Europeans, so there's no matter of lesser "stamina and fortitude."

And how's that working for you????

Well. So many here are foaming at the mouth now and you should see the way that Hoggie sobs in his PM's to me. :laugh:

It DOESN'T MATTER Aggie whether they have a direct line to Adam and Eve(or whoever was the first American)................they are not in possession NOW and if you think those of us who have taken care of the land will just step aside and say "be my guest" you are sorely mistaken. It will be a bloodbath first.

"Us"? You haven't had any major consequence on the matter one way or the other yourself; I'm quite certain of that. And the culture that you refer to as "us" has "taken care of land" through unjust acquisition of productive resources, so there's no legitimate claim to it on their part. Live by the sword, die by the sword, and if HogWash's little fantasies come true, it will be him and his ilk who find themselves on the losing end when the real Americans seize real America.

And a huge blood bath at that... Anyone who tries to come to America and take it over will discover the sleeping giant has awoken......There will be no bullshitting around. No pandering.... No ass kissing.... There will be loads of bullets flyin' high and wide....One can count on that.... If the gov't won't take care of business, then the people will have to do it....

Someone already has done it, bride of Casper. Some interlopers journeyed to America from across the sea and devastated the population with infectious plague. And if the descendants of that population ever try to re-impose the racial dominance that they once enjoyed through formal state policy, it's my hope that the perpetrators find themselves six feet under. :salute:
