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View Full Version : *Doing Unto Others More Than We Do Unto Ourselves*

01-13-2010, 07:51 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Well another bad thing has taken place.
2. Not in America, some Island out in the ocean.
3. Haiti another whole different country.
4. They get rocked by an earth quake.
5. And *WHO* shows up to assure them that they will all be taken care of in everyway?
5. (a) Medically, rescue, food and water, right now, reconstruction later, benifits, put everyone on SS.
5. (b) Johnny Sick Pack Americans, the white man handles it, send us the bill!
6. All the while people like myself who can't even pay for and get insurance, and if I get really sick, who will come and assure me I will not lose everything?
7. Like those in Haiti just did.
8. Crickets.
9. Yeah screw myself over to help some one else, everyones doing it yeah!
10. There will come a time, this will all makes sense to you, one way or another I'm going to pound this into you people!:laugh2:


01-13-2010, 08:52 PM
Haiti is a black nation, populated by blacks, governed by blacks and is in poverty because of black corruption.

America will send millions of dollars in aid of which most will be stolen by corrupt government officials and little to the people.

Our government knows this but doesn't care as long as they can announce to the world how kind they were to the poor black Haitians.

They couldn't care less that Americans worked hard for that money they flush down the toilets of the world.

The American government is starting to look a whole lot like the government in Haiti.