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01-14-2010, 08:42 AM
You must dig to find this information because it is NEVER reported.

The politicaly incorrect statistics that rarely make the Headline News.

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Racial-Rape Statistics ~

U.S. Justice Department 2006 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus0602.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 32,443 White women raped by black men, 0 black women raped by white men.

U.S. Justice Department 2005 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus0502.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 37,460 White women raped by black men, 0 black women raped by white men.

U.S. Justice Department 2004 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus0402.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 11,611 White women raped by black men, 0 black women raped by white men.

U.S. Justice Department 2003 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus0302.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 20,309 White women raped by Negro men, 0 black women raped by white men.

U.S. Justice Department 2002 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus0202.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 17,572 White women raped by black men, 8,447 black women raped by white men.

U.S. Justice Department 2001 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus0102.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 31,320 White women raped by black men, 4,017 black women raped by white men.

U.S. Justice Department 2000 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus0002.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 13,955 White women raped by black men, 2,364 black women raped by white men.

U.S. Justice Department 1999 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus9902.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 20,003 White women raped by black men, 0 black women by white men.

U.S. Justice Department 1998 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus9802.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 22,307 White women raped by black 3,414 black women raped by white men.

U.S. Justice Department 1997 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus9702.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 18,784 White women raped by Negro men, zero Negro women raped by White men.

U.S. Justice Department 1996 rape statistics URL: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus9602.pdf
Scroll to Table 42. --> 19,070 White women raped by black men, 6,060 black women raped by white men.The politicaly incorrect reality that rarely makes the Headline News.

Racial Gangrape: Another Diversity Disaster
By Sam Francis

No doubt because of the influence of xenophobia and nativism in this country, America has not yet had an opportunity to welcome a new sport that the glorious multiracial diversity of the new millennium has already created. But in more cosmopolitan centers like Paris and Australia, the game is blossoming. It consists in the ritual gang rape of white women by non-white immigrants.

Back in April, 11 young black males went on trial in Paris for the gang rape of a 14-year-old white girl seven years ago. Rapes happen all the time, of course, but this one was unusually notable. It turned out to be a ritual for initiation into a gang. (VDARE note: The Guardian story on this case refers to the rapists as “French youths”. See Peter Brimelow’s review of Paved with Good Intentions for a discussion of this media phenomenon.)

The ritual is known as a “tournante,” meaning “Take your turn,” and it consists of a black male becoming “friendly with” (seducing) a white female, preferably a teenager. Once they’ve become chums, the male lures the girl to a location where his buddies in the gang “take their turns” with her. In the case on trial in Paris, it was no fewer than 14 buddies. Unlike many victims of such fun, this young lady lodged a complaint with the police. As a result, she was gangraped a second time—this time, allegedly, by the 11 who went on trial in April.

The incident is not isolated. Police investigations of similar rapes were underway in three other French cities, and one French magistrate says the game has been going on since at least the 1980s. “Their technique was to pick up a young girl—a white girl—and once she had become the girlfriend of one of the members, he would allow his mates to make use of her,” magistrate Sylvie Lotteau told the press last spring. (VDARE: Click here to read it in the French language. Computer translation here.)

But France isn’t the only nation to experience the pleasures of diversity. Reports from Australia reveal that racially motivated rapes of white women are catching on there as well.

The Australian Sun-Herald reports that police data show that some 70 racially motivated rapes of young white girls, one as young as 13, by Middle Eastern immigrants have taken place in the last two years. “Fifteen youths and men have so far been charged with more than 300 offenses relating to matters since mid-2000 alone. They are all of Middle Eastern extraction. None of those involved is presently before the courts. Their alleged victims have all been Caucasian, aged between 13 and 18.”

Unlike the French white rape sport, those in Australia don’t seem to be part of a gang initiation, but they are nonetheless clearly racially driven. “Before being brutalized,” the Australian paper reports, “other victims have reportedly been questioned about their Australian heritage or forced to endure taunts about their attackers’ prowess.” But, like the rapes in France, those in Australia follow a similar pattern in which one non-white male becomes intimate with a white girl, whom he then delivers to his friends for sexual violation, beating and humiliation.

As I remarked, these particular sports, rather like soccer a few years ago, have just not caught on in the United States—at least not yet. But a recent report from Sacramento suggests that times are changing. There four men who are immigrants from Fiji are facing trial for kidnapping and rape as part of a gang initiation, and they are part of a group of 11 suspects facing similar charges of kidnapping and raping at least nine women, most of them prostitutes. There’s no word in the Sacramento Bee story that reported these facts as to the race of the victims—no doubt because race just isn’t important, you know. (VDARE note: The Sacramento Bee did a year-long project on rape in the Sacramento area. Both their breakdown on the details of Sacramento area rapes, and their “profile of a rapist” avoid any mention of race, culture, or citizenship. They do use the word macho, but with reference to Americans.)

And that of course is the whole point, isn’t it? In the glorious diversity of the new millennium the brutal truth is that race is important—so important that non-whites who know this truth will commit rape against white women because of it. Importing millions of non-whites into what for centuries have been majority white countries doesn’t diminish the importance of race; it increases it.

Because American and some other Western governments refuse to protect their own citizens, rape, like other violent crimes, is no longer uncommon. What is uncommon—so far—is for rape to be openly committed for racial reasons, and the diversity mania and its supportive ideologies have utterly destroyed the capacity of white Westerners to understand this. Human beings aren’t really motivated by racial loyalties and racial hatreds, are they? Human beings are just interested in getting better jobs and making more money.

Racial rape is only the latest contribution of multiracialist diversity to the growth of Western civilization and its narrow-minded ethic and world-view. Just imagine what other contributions multiracialism will make possible once whites cease to be a majority in their own countries and the immigrants who are now on trial are able to take control.


August 09, 2001
http://www.vdare.com/francis/gang_rape.htmThere is one thing that is extensively reported on.

Whenever a white on black crime is suspected, it is splattered all over the news non-stop.

Remember the Duke University Lacrosse Team that alledgedly raped the black stripper which turned out to be a big lie?

Go figure?!

This is the reality of life in America folks...Wake Up before it's too late!!!

01-14-2010, 08:53 AM
Are there statistics on how many white slave owners raped black men and women?

01-14-2010, 09:03 AM
That black crime rates are higher than white crime rates is well-known, but that white-on-black rapes vary from several thousand to zero is evidence of serious methodological deficiencies (or, as is more likely, misreporting by the OP here rather than the DoJ) more than anything else.

01-14-2010, 09:30 AM
Clearly something is wrong with those stats, i mean just look at them,

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Racial-Rape Statistics ~

2006 - 0 black women raped by white men.

2005 - 0 black women raped by white men.

2004 - 0 black women raped by white men.

2003 - 0 black women raped by white men.

2002 - 8,447 black women raped by white men.

2001 - 4,017 black women raped by white men.

2000 - 2,364 black women raped by white men.

1999 - 0 black women by white men.

1998 - 3,414 black women raped by white men.

1997 - zero Negro women raped by White men.

1996 - 6,060 black women raped by white men.

01-14-2010, 11:11 AM
Are there statistics on how many white slave owners raped black men and women?Are you justifying modern day black on white crime because of injustices that took place 145 years ago?

The perfect politically correct response to avoid the issue.

And being a woman, you should be outraged by these statistics.

Very interesting Chloe.....I believe you might have a secret? :confused:

01-14-2010, 11:13 AM
And you're a woman who should be outraged by these statistics.

Very interesting Chloe.....I believe you might have a secret? :confused:

You think that Chloe is a rapist? =/

01-14-2010, 11:17 AM
You think that Chloe is a rapist? =/Hmmm?...Not sure?...Whata you think?

01-14-2010, 11:18 AM
Are there statistics on how many white slave owners raped black men and women?

Whats your point?...Don't you like the truth ?

Do events that happened 150 years ago have some relevance to the last decade?

Do events of 150 years ago justify recent events ?

01-14-2010, 11:21 AM
Hmmm?...Not sure?...Whata you think?

Personally, no, but i'm not the one asking making vague statements,

but more on topic, do you not find the stats...odd?

01-14-2010, 11:31 AM
Are you justifying modern day black on white crime because of injustices that took place 145 years ago?

The perfect politically correct response to avoid the issue.

And being a woman, you should be outraged by these statistics.

Very interesting Chloe.....I believe you might have a secret? :confused:

I should be outraged ? Shouldn't everyone or just me specifically? I don't even get whatever the hint is about a secret, you will have to be more direct sorry. I am not justifying anything I just noticed your statistics seem official like a government file and I wondered how far back it goes.

01-14-2010, 11:32 AM
Whats your point?...Don't you like the truth ?

Do events that happened 150 years ago have some relevance to the last decade?

Do events of 150 years ago justify recent events ?

I actually asked a question I didn't make a point I inquired to know more historical information on the subject on how far back those statistics can go.

01-14-2010, 11:33 AM
Personally, no, but i'm not the one asking making vague statements,

but more on topic, do you not find the stats...odd?Yes I do, but they are government statistics from the US Department of Justice.

I assumed it might possibly have alot to do with events that may have happened in certain years that provoked people to either report or not report a crime.

In other words the occurence of crime was not irregular or "odd", just the reporting of it...Get it?

If you read the entire report in the links, it will most likely explain the extreme variations.

01-14-2010, 11:39 AM
Yes I do, but they are government statistics from the US Department of Justice.

I assumed it might possibly have alot to do with events that may have happened in certain years that provoked people to either report or not report a crime.

In other words the occurence of crime was not irregular or "odd", just the reporting of it...Get it?

If you read the entire report in the links, it will most likely explain the extreme variations.

It "might" "possibly" have alot to do with "event" that "may" of happened in "certain" years

Don't be too specific :laugh2:

Stats are well skewed, you don't go from 6000 on year, to none the next, to 3000 the year after, then to zero the year after. Utter tosh.

01-14-2010, 11:55 AM
I should be outraged ? Shouldn't everyone or just me specifically? Everyone should be outraged, especially white women.

And I referred to you specifically because we were having a personal discussion at that moment in time.
I don't even get whatever the hint is about a secret, you will have to be more direct sorry.You appear to be mostly consevative but you spend alot of time defending the indefensible when it concerns minorities, as do most liberals.

I was just curious if there was some ulterior motive and I was also being a little bit silly I suppose. :o

I am not justifying anything I just noticed your statistics seem official like a government file and I wondered how far back it goes.
Now-now Chloe, no word games please. :no:

01-14-2010, 11:59 AM
Everyone should be outraged, especially white women.

And I referred to you specifically because we were having a personal discussion at that moment in time.You appear to be mostly consevative but you spend alot of time defending the indefensible when it concerns minorities, as do most liberals.

I was just curious if there was some ulterior motive and I was also being a little bit silly I suppose. :o

Now-now Chloe, no word games please. :no:

I am Independant. I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I vote to whatever I understand and agree with. I have told you ad-nauseum that my sisters kids are a mixed race. So you will not convince me to segregate my nieces and nephews from my life. Sorry if that makes me a Liberal in your eyes.

01-14-2010, 12:09 PM
It "might" "possibly" have alot to do with "event" that "may" of happened in "certain" years

Don't be too specific :laugh2:

Stats are well skewed, you don't go from 6000 on year, to none the next, to 3000 the year after, then to zero the year after. Utter tosh.Like I said, the answer to your question is somewhere in the DOJ report I provided.

If you are really curious then take the time to look it up but I suspect what you are actually doing is avoiding discussing the issue as it conflicts with your politically correct indoctrination.

You have been PC programmed to avoid the facts and reality...I'm sorry that you can't see that...When you are prepared to rationally discuss this problem, come back and see me.

01-14-2010, 12:37 PM
I am Independant. I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I vote to whatever I understand and agree with. I have told you ad-nauseum that my sisters kids are a mixed race. So you will not convince me to segregate my nieces and nephews from my life. Sorry if that makes me a Liberal in your eyes.There is much more at stake here than your "nieces and nephews" Chloe.

America's future generations are depending on you to make the right choices.

Please use your head and not your emotions when making these important decisions.

01-14-2010, 12:42 PM
There is much more at stake here than your "nieces and nephews" Chloe.

America's future generations are depending on you to make the right choices.

Please use your head and not your emotions when making these important decisions.

what choices have I made so far Hog ? Also what important choices are pending for me to make?

01-14-2010, 12:47 PM
Are there statistics on how many white slave owners raped black men and women?

I didn't know there were any white slave owners left in this country.

Didn't we fight a major war, just to get rid of that sort of thing?

01-14-2010, 12:51 PM
I didn't know there were any white slave owners left in this country.

Didn't we fight a major war, just to get rid of that sort of thing?

I asked how far back in history the government statistics went. There used to be white slave owners in this country, I've read they raped black women. But I have not seen a statistic of it. Doesn't the word history imply I mean't the past tense? Is there something wrong with me asking that question?

01-14-2010, 12:52 PM
Like I said, the answer to your question is somewhere in the DOJ report I provided.

If you are really curious then take the time to look it up but I suspect what you are actually doing is avoiding discussing the issue as it conflicts with your politically correct indoctrination.

You have been PC programmed to avoid the facts and reality...I'm sorry that you can't see that...When you are prepared to rationally discuss this problem, come back and see me.

I honestly looked up some of the pages, and thats just a minefield, i can't make head nor tail of it, and so i will just settle to leave this topic as confused as i entered it.

01-14-2010, 12:55 PM
Are you justifying modern day black on white crime because of injustices that took place 145 years ago?

The perfect politically correct response to avoid the issue.

And being a woman, you should be outraged by these statistics.

Very interesting Chloe.....I believe you might have a secret? :confused:

Whats your point?...Don't you like the truth ?

Do events that happened 150 years ago have some relevance to the last decade?

Do events of 150 years ago justify recent events ?

I actually asked a question I didn't make a point I inquired to know more historical information on the subject on how far back those statistics can go.

I am asking if there are historical statistics so we can compare this horror crime of rape on women. I imagine that rape occurs in all races all religions throughout modern times and historical times. It certainly is something that Everyone should be outraged about. Men & Women of all races & religions or non religions. Rape is an awful crime for anyone to have endured. Don't all of you agree?

01-14-2010, 01:34 PM
what choices have I made so far Hog ? Also what important choices are pending for me to make?Make the choice to join forces with the people who wish to ensure that the white race never becomes the minority in America by whatever peaceful means necessary.

-Support whatever policies that will make this a reality;

-Absolutely no amnesty.

-Remove all illegal aliens from our nation.

-Stop all minority immigration.

-Repeal the law that grants citizenship to children of illegal aliens.

-Promote white only immigration.

-Do away with affirmative action and all racial quotas in the workplace, government, schools and universities.

-Teach your children not to breed with minorities.

-Elect white politicians that support white rights.

-Do away with hate crime legislation that unfairly targets white people.

-Declare a boycot war on hollywood and the main stream media that promote political correctness and marxist/liberal ideology.

-But above all, stop the destructive practice of political correctness by yourself, others and especially government.

What is wrong with any of these policies if they help to ensure a safe, prosperous and free America for your childrens future?

Read over them again very carefully...Is their anything unfair to American citizens of any race?

01-14-2010, 01:37 PM
Make the choice to join forces with the people who wish to ensure that the white race never becomes the minority in America by whatever peaceful means necessary.

-Support whatever policies that will make this a reality;

-Absolutely no amnesty.

-Remove all illegal aliens from our nation.

-Stop all minority immigration.

-Repeal the law that grants citizenship to children of illegal aliens.

-Promote white only immigration.

-Do away with affirmative action and all racial quotas in the workplace, government, schools and universities.

-Teach your children not to breed with minorities.

-Elect white politicians that support white rights.

-Do away with hate crime legislation that unfairly targets white people.

-Declare a boycot war on hollywood and the main stream media that promote political correctness and marxist/liberal ideology.

-But above all, stop the destructive practice of political correctness by yourself, others and especially government.

What is wrong with any of these policies if they help to ensure a safe, prosperous and free America for your childrens future?

Read over them again very carefully...Is their anything unfair to American citizens of any race?



01-14-2010, 01:44 PM
I am asking if there are historical statistics so we can compare this horror crime of rape on women. I imagine that rape occurs in all races all religions throughout modern times and historical times. It certainly is something that Everyone should be outraged about. Men & Women of all races & religions or non religions. Rape is an awful crime for anyone to have endured. Don't all of you agree?I think we are all aware that the rape of slaves was a rather common practice that took place prior to 145 years ago and I doubt you will find anyone who will deny this.

The fact is it has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about here but we could start another thread to discuss the history of slave rape if you like.

Is there anything you would like to say regarding this subject while we're all here?

01-14-2010, 01:52 PM
I think we are all aware that the rape of slaves was a rather common practice that took place prior to 145 years ago and I doubt you will find anyone who will deny this.

The fact is it has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about here but we could start another thread to discuss the history of slave rape if you like.

Is there anything you would like to say regarding this subject while we're all here?

No I apologize for going off topic.

01-14-2010, 02:36 PM

/sarkNot any longer...Racial diversity and multiculturalism is slowly destroying the American dream and knowing that I have failed my future generations is hard to accept.

The minorities do not wish to be Americans...They wish only to harvest the crop planted by the founding fathers and fertilized by the blood, sweat and sacrifice of their children.

The final straw that broke my country's back and destroyed my childrens future happened on my watch...I am responsible...I can either accept that and give up or fight to get it back.

I choose to fight...It is my nature.

01-14-2010, 03:16 PM
Wow Hog amazing stats. While I agree with Noir that something's fucked up about them even so the differences are amazing.

There's definitely something wrong with the black male culture.

When I was in Jamaica I got to know our house keeper pretty well. She walked about 4 miles each way to work and her two daughters walked about 4 miles in the opposite direction to private school, which she paid for along with all the house expenses. Her "husband" never went inside her house and she didn't say it, but from what I can tell never contributed financially to the family. We had her and her daughters over for dinner one evening (we cooked for them) and anyone would be proud of having daughters like that.

The man who took care of the pool lived like that as well. He slept in a tiny little shack about 100 yards between our little development and the highway.

When I was in my 20's I had a friend from Haiti that I may have written about before. He had a lovely wife and young daughter, but used to visit his brother-in-law (his wife's brother!) who would set him up with a girlfriend during his visits. When his wife found out about it she divorced him immediately.

01-14-2010, 04:16 PM
It appears the liberals only wish to approach this subject on a political correctness level with absolutely no discussion of the topic.

This is exactly how political correctness prevents any racial problem from being solved...You can't fix what you can't even talk about.

01-14-2010, 04:21 PM
Liberal aren't interested in fixing it, in fact do what they can to propagate it.

01-14-2010, 04:24 PM
Rape is outrageous, perpetrators should be punished.

01-14-2010, 05:11 PM
Hog, can you aslo supply White on White and Black on Black rape stats?

01-17-2010, 12:55 PM
No I apologize for going off topic.What you need to understand is that what you did was a politically correct programmed response to avoid a subject you had no rational argument against by creating a diversion to distract away from the original topic.

It is not easy to undo the damage caused by four full decades of total submersion in political correctness indoctrination and programming and restore people to good ole fashion rational thought and common sense reasoning.

01-17-2010, 12:59 PM
Hog, can you aslo supply White on White and Black on Black rape stats?If it pertained to the point of my discussion I could.

I refer you to the post above[33] as it directly applies to what you are attempting.

01-17-2010, 03:08 PM
You must dig to find this information because it is NEVER reported.

The politicaly incorrect statistics that rarely make the Headline News.
The politicaly incorrect reality that rarely makes the Headline News.

There is one thing that is extensively reported on.

Whenever a white on black crime is suspected, it is splattered all over the news non-stop.

Remember the Duke University Lacrosse Team that alledgedly raped the black stripper which turned out to be a big lie?

Go figure?!

This is the reality of life in America folks...Wake Up before it's too late!!!

So what's yer point, asshat? Besides being a white supremacist piece of shit, that is.

01-17-2010, 03:38 PM
So what's yer point, asshat?I thought it was evident...Sorry you missed it.

Besides being a white supremacist piece of shit, that is.White seperatist, not "supremacist".

You should really work on your anger issue.

01-17-2010, 03:49 PM
I thought it was evident...Sorry you missed it.
White seperatist, not "supremacist".

You should really work on your anger issue.

You say that (separatist not supremacist) and then go on to talk about how Black people are biologically inferior, more barbaric ect ect. You think that the races should be separate because you think your race is supreme

01-17-2010, 06:52 PM
You say that (separatist not supremacist) and then go on to talk about how Black people are biologically inferior, more barbaric ect ect. You think that the races should be separate because you think your race is supremeTrue, but that has nothing to do with "supremacy"...To think rationally you must first abandon political correctness.

I admit that north asian orientals score higher intellectually than the european caucasion race but I definately wouldn't say that whites are inferior.

Orientals sense this difference and I believe because of it, they find us diffucult to live with...Have you noticed they tend to keep to their own areas here in America.

The african blacks and native western browns are definately the least intelligent people in the world and this makes them not only diffulcult but dangerous to coexist with.

Less intelligent people tend to be much more violent and even savage and this is extremely disturbing, to say the least, to more intelligent civilized people.

The most dangerous places in America are without a doubt the areas where minorities live and I would say this is most likely true in the UK and the rest of Europe.

This is what I base my belief that crime and violence will escalate as the numbers of whites decrease while the numbers of minorities increase in all of the white nations.

If you believe there is something I don't know about that might indicate my beliefs are false, please let me know...I would like to hear something positive to set my mind at ease.

01-17-2010, 06:58 PM
I thought it was evident...Sorry you missed it.
White seperatist, not "supremacist".

You should really work on your anger issue. He's pissed because Chimpy Obama is a failure.

01-17-2010, 07:00 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Nope SirHogTrash, you pretty much nailed it.
2. There isn't a chance even in hell anyone can refute that.
3. You can go up to even Washington DC and see the same stuff.
4. There isn't a safe neighborhood or even a Nation that is lived in or run by minorities.
5. I guess you will have to remain not at ease, sorry bout that.


01-17-2010, 08:42 PM
What you need to understand is that what you did was a politically correct programmed response to avoid a subject you had no rational argument against by creating a diversion to distract away from the original topic.

It is not easy to undo the damage caused by four full decades of total submersion in political correctness indoctrination and programming and restore people to good ole fashion rational thought and common sense reasoning.


01-17-2010, 09:05 PM
ohTry not to hate me too much...I mean well. :o

01-17-2010, 09:11 PM
Try not to hate me too much...I mean well. :o

There are only a few people in my life that i have ever hated, and it took alot for me to feel that strong emotion.:cool:.....plus I publicly proclaimed what I wanted to do with you in the lounge under the al & hog thread....wink

01-17-2010, 09:15 PM
There are only a few people in my life that i have ever hated, and it took alot for me to feel that strong emotion.:cool:.....plus I publicly proclaimed what I wanted to do with you in the lounge under the al & hog thread....wink


01-17-2010, 09:17 PM

um...did you read it?...I kinda doubt he'd be down for that kind of evening....just doesn't seem like it would be his thing:laugh2:

01-17-2010, 09:20 PM
um...did you read it?...I kinda doubt he'd be down for that kind of evening....just doesn't seem like it would be his thing:laugh2:

Nope I didn't read it, lol, but I thought I would throw my 2 cents in and make Hog feel good till ya replied, LOL

01-17-2010, 09:22 PM
Nope I didn't read it, lol, but I thought I would throw my 2 cents in and make Hog feel good till ya replied, LOL

I'm sure Hog always feels good he seems pretty confident as far as I can tell.:cool:

01-17-2010, 09:29 PM
I'm sure Hog always feels good he seems pretty confident as far as I can tell.:cool:

Now I am back to DAMMMMMMMM, LOL

01-17-2010, 09:33 PM
There are only a few people in my life that i have ever hated, and it took alot for me to feel that strong emotion.:cool:.....plus I publicly proclaimed what I wanted to do with you in the lounge under the al & hog thread....winkUnfortunately I ignored that thread as I do many of Aggy's threads but I went back and checked to see what it was you had in mind, Chloe.

If an "MLK dinner" consisted of soul food I would have loved it, but I don't think my tired ole back would have held up to the rigors of "break dancing" my dear.

01-17-2010, 09:35 PM
Unfortunately I ignored that thread as I do many of Aggy's threads but I went back and checked to see what it was you had in mind, Chloe.

If an "MLK dinner" consisted of soul food I would have loved it, but I don't think my tired ole back would have held up to the rigors of "break dancing" my dear.


01-17-2010, 09:35 PM
Unfortunately I ignored that thread as I do many of Aggy's threads but I went back and checked to see what it was you had in mind, Chloe.

If an "MLK dinner" consisted of soul food I would have loved it, but I don't think my tired ole back would have held up to the rigors of "break dancing" my dear.

LMAO, I didn't read the thread, but the soul food and break dancing says it all, LMAO

01-18-2010, 08:05 AM
LMAO, I didn't read the thread, but the soul food and break dancing says it all, LMAOActually soul food is nothing more than slight variations of southern cooking...I personally love both.

01-18-2010, 03:52 PM
Actually soul food is nothing more than slight variations of southern cooking...I personally love both.

I moved to the south from NJ , when I got here all the food they call southern cooking is what we called soul food, and I had never ate it, but your right it is fantastic, I had to go back up north ( Trenton NJ to be exact) and went to a southern cooking place, in other words a soul food restaurant, the man just stared at me, I asked if there was a problem and he told me no not at all, he had just never had a white customer before, LOL

01-18-2010, 04:11 PM
what is soul food?

01-19-2010, 12:53 AM
what is soul food?

Up North it was considered what Blacks ate in the South it is considered good country cooking, LOL,

01-19-2010, 02:20 AM
what is soul food?

Anything that soothes the soul.........for me it is fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and a good fruit cobbler!!!