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01-14-2010, 09:04 AM
Why does the Government decide that a group practicing religious beliefs has no legal right to? Polygamy was practiced in the Bible times, so why is the government censoring that right? If you are 18 yrs old and want to marry into a polygamy family by choice whats wrong with that?

01-14-2010, 09:08 AM
Why does the Government decide that a group practicing religious beliefs has no legal right to? Polygamy was practiced in the Bible times, so why is the government censoring that right? If you are 18 yrs old and want to marry into a polygamy family by choice whats wrong with that?

Creates too many tax deductions.

01-14-2010, 09:09 AM
Why does the Government decide that a group practicing religious beliefs has no legal right to? Polygamy was practiced in the Bible times, so why is the government censoring that right? If you are 18 yrs old and want to marry into a polygamy family by choice whats wrong with that?

Not that i am really in favour of such relationships, however, i do agree that the gov should have no say in it being legal or not for those who are in favour of having a polygamist marriage.

01-14-2010, 09:11 AM
Creates too many tax deductions.

Well if 5 out of the 8 wives have high powered high salaried careers the government would still be getting a fair amount of taxes from them. Plus it balances out when you get some of the wives who dont work and there 8-10 kids each off the welfare system, medicaid, food stamps, cash subsidies.

01-14-2010, 09:13 AM
Not that i am really in favour of such relationships, however, i do agree that the gov should have no say in it being legal or not for those who are in favour of having a polygamist marriage.

Noir I think the same thing. I have worked with different polygamist women and they have explained to me their spiritual beliefs on it. They really feel strongly about there commitment to their husband and sister wives and children. I don't see whats wrong with it if everyone is an adult.

01-14-2010, 09:24 AM
Noir I think the same thing. I have worked with different polygamist women and they have explained to me their spiritual beliefs on it. They really feel strongly about there commitment to their husband and sister wives and children. I don't see whats wrong with it if everyone is an adult.

Exactly, as i said in another thread, if a man turns to two women, and says be loves them both, and wants to marry them both, and all three agree, thats against the law. But if a man has a wife, and then deceives her by having an affair the law is a-okay with that =/

01-14-2010, 09:27 AM
Exactly, as i said in another thread, if a man turns to two women, and says be loves them both, and wants to marry them both, and all three agree, thats against the law. But if a man has a wife, and then deceives her by having an affair the law is a-okay with that =/

It is a good point. I know how religious people say Gya marriage is wrong and they explains their religious reasons why they are against it, but why is polygamy wrong? They used to do it in the bible times and so why did it end?

01-14-2010, 09:43 AM
Sorry bout that,

It is a good point. I know how religious people say Gya marriage is wrong and they explains their religious reasons why they are against it, but why is polygamy wrong? They used to do it in the bible times and so why did it end?

1. In old testement times, some took many wives.
2. In New Testement times, it was forbidden.
3. So to do it now, is agaisnt God, and man.
4. Its just plain heathernistic.
5. Its immoral, and gives children a low standard of morality.
6. The girls of these types of unions, become sex slaves, sold off to other men, who already have wives, its a crime in so many ways.


01-14-2010, 09:49 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. In old testement times, some took many wives.
2. In New Testement times, it was forbidden.
3. So to do it now, is agaisnt God, and man.
4. Its just plain heathernistic.
5. Its immoral, and gives children a low standard of morality.
6. The girls of these types of unions, become sex slaves, sold off to other men, who already have wives, its a crime in so many ways.


no they dont. The Allred family have been around 100 years and they don't sell the wives off, its a spiritual belief. Heavenly Father wants man to procreate and it take woman 9 months to make a baby, but man can impregnant several women at once to be fruitful and multiply, also in the next existance if we love on other planets, man can populate them by having several wives. Why did the bible stop polygamy? You didnt even that question/

01-14-2010, 09:51 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. In old testement times, some took many wives.
2. In New Testement times, it was forbidden.
3. So to do it now, is agaisnt God, and man.
4. Its just plain heathernistic.
5. Its immoral, and gives children a low standard of morality.
6. The girls of these types of unions, become sex slaves, sold off to other men, who already have wives, its a crime in so many ways.


If you're going to base laws on the morality values in instils in children why isn't having an affair against the law?
annnnnd you say its banned in the New Testement...well that would then explain way a Christain church would not marry a man and 2 women, however what if a religion does believe that having more than 1 wife/husband is ok? why should the government impose the rule of one church on another?
and your point about sex slaves is pure tosh,

01-14-2010, 10:05 AM
Sorry bout that,

no they dont. The Allred family have been around 100 years and they don't sell the wives off, its a spiritual belief. Heavenly Father wants man to procreate and it take woman 9 months to make a baby, but man can impregnant several women at once to be fruitful and multiply, also in the next existance if we love on other planets, man can populate them by having several wives. Why did the bible stop polygamy? You didnt even that question/

1. Even in the Old Testement, there were already cracks showing in taking many wives.
2. A king wanted a certain mans wife after gazing on her as she bathed on a roof top, so the king, sent the married womens husband into a battle, with orders to the general, that this man should be sent up into the very hotest position of fighting.
3. He was killed, and the king took this widow for his wife.
4. Just one example why allowing men to marry more than one wife brings in sin.
5. Nothing changes, even today, something like this could happen.


01-14-2010, 10:12 AM
Sorry bout that,

If you're going to base laws on the morality values in instils in children why isn't having an affair against the law?
annnnnd you say its banned in the New Testement...well that would then explain way a Christain church would not marry a man and 2 women, however what if a religion does believe that having more than 1 wife/husband is ok? why should the government impose the rule of one church on another?
and your point about sex slaves is pure tosh,

1. Sure its already a law, and people's marriages fall apart everyday, because of it.
2. This is a Christian Nation.
3. Founded on Christianity.
4. Thats why the laws on the most part are Christian based.
5. We Americans have felt some setbacks, due to the ACLU, which are a bunch of heatherns.
6. If you go to Malaysia/Indonisia, you can convert to islam, and take many wives, and the other hell hole countries that are muslim.
7. Its a fact older men will pay big bucks for a young girl, to have there ways with, you think that is tosh huh?
8. You're very green if so.


01-14-2010, 10:12 AM
I believe alot of anti-polygamy sentiments are religious and feminest based.

It is definately not an unnatural relationship, still being a male/female union.

The only way I could successfully practice polygamy is to be a complete tyrant.

I don't believe most modern women would tolerate a tyrant as the man of the house.

01-14-2010, 10:24 AM
I believe alot of anti-polygamy sentiments are religious and feminest based.

It is definately not an unnatural relationship, still being a male/female union.

The only way I could successfully practice polygamy is to be a complete tyrant.

I don't believe most modern women would tolerate a tyrant as the man of the house.

But that is just your personality. There are very successful career highly educated women in Utah that are polygamists. They are polygamists because it is their religious belief. I don't understand why that is wrong. America is supposed to allow freedom of religion. If a girl is 18 yrs old or older and wants to enter into a polygamist marriage why should she fear that she is breaking the law and will be thrown in jail for practicing her religious belief?

01-14-2010, 10:27 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Even in the Old Testement, there were already cracks showing in taking many wives.
2. A king wanted a certain mans wife after gazing on her as she bathed on a roof top, so the king, sent the married womens husband into a battle, with orders to the general, that this man should be sent up into the very hotest position of fighting.
3. He was killed, and the king took this widow for his wife.
4. Just one example why allowing men to marry more than one wife brings in sin.
5. Nothing changes, even today, something like this could happen.


That makes no sense to me as to why polygamy became against the law. Your story is talking about coveting another mans wife. The woman was alreayd married and he committed murder so he could steal another mans wife. I am asking why polygamy is against the law? If a woman who is NOT already married wants to marry into a polygamist family because it is her religious belief, wy does the government say it is illegal? Also what bible story actually gives the reason of why polygamy is wrong? Thanks.

01-14-2010, 10:43 AM
But that is just your personality. There are very successful career highly educated women in Utah that are polygamists. They are polygamists because it is their religious belief. I don't understand why that is wrong. America is supposed to allow freedom of religion. If a girl is 18 yrs old or older and wants to enter into a polygamist marriage why should she fear that she is breaking the law and will be thrown in jail for practicing her religious belief?It's not a personality thing....I'm talking about chaos.

I believe a man would have to be a tyrant to keep the peace in a house full of women and children.

01-14-2010, 10:47 AM
It's not a personality thing....I'm talking about chaos.

I believe a man would have to be a tyrant to keep the peace in a house full of women and children.

That may be the case for you then, but still that is just your perception and that is not a reason to censor everyone else's right to practice their religious belief that is also grounded in polygamy.

01-14-2010, 11:12 AM
I think the main reason its currently against the law is because mankind has been very prone to be abusive with this institution. I dont think there is necessary anything inherently wrong since the end result is providing a good environment for children to be created and thrive. But just looking at history, it seems that few people such as Abraham, Jacob, maybe Moses have been responsible in their multiple relationships. Many people tend to abuse them.

It also provides incentive for division between the rich and the poor since the rich would much more easily be able to afford such a relationship.

With that said, id much prefer to see a polygamous man who took care of his wives and raised his children than a man who just slept around with lots of women, got them pregnant and ran.

I just dont think people can handle it as a general rule.

01-14-2010, 11:37 AM
I think the main reason its currently against the law is because mankind has been very prone to be abusive with this institution. I dont think there is necessary anything inherently wrong since the end result is providing a good environment for children to be created and thrive. But just looking at history, it seems that few people such as Abraham, Jacob, maybe Moses have been responsible in their multiple relationships. Many people tend to abuse them.

It also provides incentive for division between the rich and the poor since the rich would much more easily be able to afford such a relationship.

With that said, id much prefer to see a polygamous man who took care of his wives and raised his children than a man who just slept around with lots of women, got them pregnant and ran.

I just dont think people can handle it as a general rule.

Well people have a right to disagree with any religious viewpoint or belief, but still freedom of religion should mean that people who believe in polygamy for religious reeasons should also have the free right to practice it without the fear of the government. As long as everyone involved is a legal age whats the problem?

01-14-2010, 03:06 PM
Well people have a right to disagree with any religious viewpoint or belief, but still freedom of religion should mean that people who believe in polygamy for religious reeasons should also have the free right to practice it without the fear of the government. As long as everyone involved is a legal age whats the problem?I agree...If the people are happy then no harm is done.

01-14-2010, 03:19 PM
I'm against it because it's always a man with several women and not a woman with several men! LOL!!

However, I have told my husband that I would rather he marry a second wife than have an affair.........I want that b*&^h to be just as reponsible for cleaning, cooking and laundry as I am!!!

01-14-2010, 03:31 PM
Polygamy is a domination/submissive thing. It inevitably leads to abuse. Religion is just an excuse to justify it. It's mostly one man with two or more wives. Ever hear of anyone purporting one woman and six husbands. I don't believe there is a religion out there that justifies that, though it's possible.

In poly situations the man is always on the look out for new wives. The cheating is still there, its just justified under the guise of religion.

01-14-2010, 03:31 PM
I'm against it because it's always a man with several women and not a woman with several men! LOL!!

However, I have told my husband that I would rather he marry a second wife than have an affair.........I want that b*&^h to be just as reponsible for cleaning, cooking and laundry as I am!!!I can't imagine finding even two women that would put up with me, much less a harem. :dunno:

01-14-2010, 03:40 PM
I can't imagine finding even two women that would put up with me, much less a harem. :dunno:

Well, there are a lot of women that would love to take care of my hubby, but he says it takes all he has to keep one Princess happy, much less 2 or 3!!!! :laugh2:

01-14-2010, 03:41 PM
Who wants more than one mother-in-law?

01-14-2010, 03:43 PM
Why does the Government decide that a group practicing religious beliefs has no legal right to? Polygamy was practiced in the Bible times, so why is the government censoring that right? If you are 18 yrs old and want to marry into a polygamy family by choice whats wrong with that?

Like queer marriage, its damaging to society as a whole.

01-14-2010, 03:48 PM
Like queer marriage, its damaging to society as a whole.I disagree...Queers are sick disgusting desease infested perverts who belong in the gutters and back allies.

01-14-2010, 03:55 PM
Like queer marriage, its damaging to society as a whole.

How is it damaging ? Even if you don't want more then 1 wife if in the olden days it was practiced and God thought it was ok then why aren't people allowed to practice it if they believe it for religious reasons?

Here is a group that I have worked at my job with some of the wives and they are really nice people, also my youngest daughter had play dates with a different group of polygamists nearby and the moms and kids were all nice, and they don't do drugs or drink or swear or anything. The Allred family has a website explaining why polygamy is ok. Also nobody has really explained to me why it is against the law. I mean everyone has only given a personal opinion of why they don't agree with it or why they don't approve of it. But they haven't told me why it is against the law to practice it as a freedom of religion.

01-14-2010, 04:01 PM
here is just an excerpt of what the locals tell me:

4. How can individuals who strive to follow Christ and biblical teachings believe in or practice polygamy?

"Mormonism claims to be a restoration of God's work in all previous dispensations. The Old Testament teaches that the patriarchs—those men favored of God in ancient times—had more than one wife under divine sanction. In the course of the development of the Church in the nineteenth century, it was revealed to the leader of the Church that such a practice of marriage again should be entered into." (Gordon B. Hinckley, What of the Mormons?, p.10.)
5. How many modern polygamists are there?

The press has often used numbers in the 20,000 to 30,000 range to describe the number of polygamists living in the West. This number may be too high.
The largest polygamists groups include the United Apostolic Brethren, led by Owen Allred with headquarters in south Salt Lake City valley. They carry around 6000 members on their rolls. There may be additional members in Montana and elsewhere. Estimates for the Fundamentalist LDS Church (FLDS) lead by Rulon Jeffs located in Colorado City, Utah on the Utah-Arizona border have been around 8000. A smaller group located nearby called the "First Warders" may support another thousand or so. The Kingstonites have a over a thousand. The "True and Living Church" (TLC) of Manti, Utah whose prophet is James Harmston has a few hundred.
Beyond these groups, numerous "Independents" exist around the area. They are not associated with any of the main entities. Whether there are hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands in all, it is difficult to say.

6. What are some of the other differences between Mormon Fundamentalists and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

About a dozen or so complaints are repeatedly lodged against the Church by Mormon Fundamentalists. The practice of polygamy is by far the most visible. Other disagreements include:

Through Joseph Smith, God revealed an economic plan called the "Law of Consecration." It retains a person’s full free agency while providing for the poor and the needy. The "Law of Consecration" is very different from communism. Members in the 1830s and again in the 1870s were given the privilege of living this inspired plan. Notwithstanding, Church members were not totally successful and God subsequently replaced it with a lesser law called "tithing."
Mormon Fundamentalists assert that the "Law of Consecration" must be lived today. They forget that to practice it, they must have divine permission and authorized leadership. This they do not possess.

Through Joseph Smith the Lord commanded that missionaries should travel without "purse or scrip." Dissenters claim that this is the only acceptable method of accomplishing missionary work. They refuse to accept prophetic guidance which came later. Through His mouthpiece on earth, God instructed that providing support to missionaries in their field of labor is acceptable and even expected.

Dissenters claim that specific words must always be used in an exact manner whenever priesthood authority is conveyed from one man to another. They assert that improper words have been used by Church leaders in the past. As a result they claim that many brethren in the Church today think they have priesthood authority when in reality they do not.
These dissidents fail to realize that from the beginning of the Church in 1830, a variety of words have been successfully used to confer priesthood.

Modern revelations mention that there will be a gathering to "one place" prior to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. That "one place" has been specified as Independence, Missouri. Dissenters believe that all new converts should be "gathered" to that location, or at least to North America.
Joseph Smith plainly taught that the "gathering" was designed to bring individuals out of spiritual darkness and into the light of the gospel. This is accomplished as they accept revealed truth and participate in saving ordinances such as baptism.

A Church policy dating back to the time of Brigham Young forbade men with African ancestry from receiving priesthood ordinations. Details as to why this policy was required have never been fully revealed.
In 1978, Church President Spencer W. Kimball received a revelation which allows all worthy males to receive the priesthood. Mormon Fundamentalists reject that prophetic declaration.

In the early 1830s Church members were striving to settle the western boarders of Missouri. Members were slow to follow inspired council. Contentions, envyings, strifes and lustful and covetous desires existed among them. As a consequence, the Lord promised that an individual referred to as, "one mighty and strong" might be dispatched to accomplish two things: (1) "to set in order the house of God" and (2) "to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints" on the properties then being purchased in that area.

Mormon Fundamentalists completely ignore the second duty listed above. Then they assert that the "house of God" mentioned is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the twenty-first century with its headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. Consequently, they believe that some individual will eventually appear to "set in order" the Church according to their specific notions and to vindicate them. In fact, over twenty men have made the claim to be the "one mighty and strong" during the last 100 years. Most of them are now deceased.
Mormon Fundamentalists fail to realize that much of the work of the "one mighty and strong" was dependent upon the continued unrighteousness of the Church members in that area at that time. In addition, nothing exists to suggest that his responsibilities would ever expand to a time and place far beyond that implicit in the original revelation.

Polygamy was openly practiced between 1852 and 1890. Participation was often felt to be a demonstration of devout faith. The United States government started in 1862 passing laws designed specifically to stop the practice. In 1890, then Church President Wilford Woodruff, went to the Lord to inquire if plural marriage was still required as a manifestation of devotion and faith. He received a revelation which formed the basis for a document now referred to as the "Manifesto." It specified that polygamy was no longer a necessary practice for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mormon Fundamentalists reject the "Manifesto."


Abbey Marie
01-14-2010, 04:05 PM
Aren't the wives usually quite young and chosen from children who are raised within the community? I remember seeing one of these wives on TV who had broken away and wrote a book about it. Sorry, I don't remember the name. The life wasn't pretty, and the add-on wives were usually very young. It sure seems like a guy getting his jollies by putting the old wife on the back burner to make room for a new 16-17 year old on a regular basis. Still not necessarily a problem, except that these young women can be so cloistered that they do not realize the rest us of do not have to share our man and our home.

01-14-2010, 04:07 PM
Aren't the wives usually quite young and chosen from children who are raised within the community? I remember seeing one of these wives on TV who had broke away and wrote a book about it. Sorry, I don't remember the name. The life wasn't pretty, and the add-on wives were usually very young. It sure seems like a guy getting his jollies by putting the old wife on the back burner to make room for a new 16-17 year old on a regular basis. Still not necessarily a problem, except that these young women can be so cloistered that they do not realize the rest of do not have to share our man and our home.

The families I live near and interact with are not like a "warren jeffs" cult. Also there are Priests in a Catholic religion who have molested choir boys. That is not the majority of Priests, just like some offbeat polygamist group that violates children or young girls is not the majority of polygamy experiences.

01-14-2010, 04:10 PM
I can certainly understand a personal opinion or an aversion or disagreeing with the lifestyle of Polygamy. But what I am trying to find out is why it is against the law if it is a religious belief, and why people who do have a religious belief in regards to polygamy are not allowed to practice it legally in this country. So if the women are legal adults and it is their religious belief and they want to enter into a Polygamy marriage why is that against the Law?

Abbey Marie
01-14-2010, 04:11 PM
The families I live near and interact with are not like a "warren jeffs" cult. Also there are Priests in a Catholic religion who have molested choir boys. That is not the majority of Priests, just like some offbeat polygamist group that violates children or young girls is not the majority of polygamy experiences.

What is the average age of the "new" wife? Is she older, younger, or the same age as the "old" wife? Are there any women with multiple husbands? Is that even allowed?

01-14-2010, 04:16 PM
What is the average age of the "new" wife? Is she older. younger, or the same as the "old" wife? Are there any women with multiple husbands? Is that even allowed?

The ages vary they can range from 18-30's There are many different Polygamist sects, so if it is a modern group then a woman may be in older, a more traditional polygamist group the woman might be just out of high school. However, there are plenty of 18 yr old that are mainstream mormons that get married right out of high school and they are not polygamists. In utah alot of people marry quite young. In the bible times I think they married all ages too. But I can't swear on that. Anyways even if a person doesn't agree with it, Our country said we are allowed to have freedom of religion, so why is it against the law ? Also do you know what happened to make it change that we don't have polygamy anymore in most religions, can anyone give me some reference to read ? Thanks.

Abbey Marie
01-14-2010, 04:26 PM
The ages vary they can range from 18-30's There are many different Polygamist sects, so if it is a modern group then a woman may be in older, a more traditional polygamist group the woman might be just out of high school. However, there are plenty of 18 yr old that are mainstream mormons that get married right out of high school and they are not polygamists. In utah alot of people marry quite young. In the bible times I think they married all ages too. But I can't swear on that. Anyways even if a person doesn't agree with it, Our country said we are allowed to have freedom of religion, so why is it against the law ? Also do you know what happened to make it change that we don't have polygamy anymore in most religions, can anyone give me some reference to read ? Thanks.

My point wasn't about the age of the women in general, but rather the age of the trade-up wives. Because if this is just a perfectly good but alternate "religious" view, why does it seem that the new wives are always younger? After all, women are fertile for a long time, if that's the handy excuse. And why are there no women with multiple hubbys? Don't those two things strike you as the least bit suspect?

As for the moral/legal question, many of our laws are based in morality. It would be hard to separate the legal from the moral. Supporting the free exercise of religion, while making restrictive laws for the perceived common good, are not always mutually exclusive. You may personally believe that polygamy is not bad, but that is a separate question.

01-14-2010, 04:31 PM
How is it damaging ? ....

For every polygamist with two wives there is a single man out there without a wife. Women provide a stabilizing influence to men and help them to reach their God-given potential.

Same with queers. A man-wife, being unnatural, can only degrade a man's potential. Further, and worse, any children involved are subject to the obvious negative influences.

01-14-2010, 04:31 PM
My point wasn't about the age of the women in general, but rather the age of the trade-up wives. Because if this is just a perfectly good but alternate "religious" view, why does it seem that the new wives are always younger? After all, women are fertile for a long time, if that's the handy excuse. And why are there no women with multiple hubbys? Don't those two things strike you as the least bit suspect?

As for the moral/legal question, many of our laws are based in morality. It would be hard to separate the legal from the moral. Supporting the free exercise of religion, while making restrictive laws for the perceived common good, are not always mutually exclusive. You may personally believe that polygamy is not bad, but that is a separate question.

Ok but then how is it freedom to practice religion ? If it is from a moral view then how come the government allows abortion which is morally wrong to be legal? How come other religions even religions against christians like muslims are allowed their freedom but a mormom polygamist family that loves america is not allowed to practice their belief? If it is against God then when did that happen? I am not able to answer all of your questions about polygamy because I am not a polygamist, I am only thinking about the issues they say they have and wondering why it is agains the law because it is a major issue for them out here. I don't believe in the muslim religion and how they treat women but they are allowed to practice their religion legally in america.

01-14-2010, 04:32 PM
For every polygamist with two wives there is a single man out there without a wife. Women provide a stabilizing influence to men and help them to reach their God-given potential.

Same with queers. A man-wife, being unnatural, can only degrade a man's potential. Further, and worse, any children involved are subject to the obvious negative influences.

Why did God let it happen in the first place but then now it is wrong?

01-14-2010, 04:34 PM
Why did God let it happen in the first place but then now it is wrong?

God allows free will..............at one time some wanted to practice it and now the majority doesn't.

01-14-2010, 04:34 PM
Why did God let it happen in the first place but then now it is wrong? Because God gives man free will.

01-14-2010, 04:38 PM
Because God gives man free will.

God allows free will..............at one time some wanted to practice it and now the majority doesn't.

ok I accept that. But then shouldn't the mormons have the legal right to choose polygamy or not? Muslims live in this country and are allowed to suppress their women or treat them bad or cover them up in veils. That seems more like a violation then a grown women choosing polygamy marriage because she believe in it. If they are wrong then God will judge them. I mean Muslims are allowed more legal rights then mormons. Isn't that kind of true?

Abbey Marie
01-14-2010, 04:39 PM
Ok but then how is it freedom to practice religion ? If it is from a moral view then how come the government allows abortion which is morally wrong to be legal? How come other religions even religions against christians like muslims are allowed their freedom but a mormom polygamist family that loves america is not allowed to practice their belief? If it is against God then when did that happen? I am not able to answer all of your questions about polygamy because I am not a polygamist, I am only thinking about the issues they say they have and wondering why it is agains the law because it is a major issue for them out here. I don't believe in the muslim religion and how they treat women but they are allowed to practice their religion legally in america.

People of any and all religions are free to fully exercise their faith- right up until that exercise breaks the law. (In fact, we bend over backwards in prisons to ensure that this is so, even for Satanists, apparently). The majority of people of this country have believed since its inception that one man/one woman is the traditional and enduring formula for the family. Hence the laws.

I think most people just know innately when something isn't good. That is why I posed those two questions above. For me, the questions help to pull out those underlying gut feelings and give them an airing and a name.

01-14-2010, 04:45 PM
People of any and all religions are free to fully exercise their faith- right up until that exercise breaks the law. (In fact, we bend over backwards in prisons to ensure that this is so, even for Satanists, apparently). The majority of people of this country have believed since its inception that one man/one woman is the traditional and enduring formula for the family. Hence the laws.

I think most people just know innately when something isn't good. That is why I posed those two questions above. For me, the questions help to pull out those underlying gut feelings and give them an airing and a name.

I see what you are saying, but you don't live out here, and sometimes when I talk to different people it makes sense to me. Not that I would be a polygamist myself but this guy at work grew up a polygamist he asked me why america censors mormons not muslims and they allow abortion but not plural marriage. Then I start wondering why that is the case if we supposedly have freedom of religion. Also he pointed out how in the bible we used to practice it and also how God said be fruitful and multiply. So when did religion decide it was wrong?

01-14-2010, 04:49 PM
ok I accept that. But then shouldn't the mormons have the legal right to choose polygamy or not? Muslims live in this country and are allowed to suppress their women or treat them bad or cover them up in veils. That seems more like a violation then a grown women choosing polygamy marriage because she believe in it. If they are wrong then God will judge them. I mean Muslims are allowed more legal rights then mormons. Isn't that kind of true?

God doesn't disallow it; our government does.

Abbey Marie
01-14-2010, 04:52 PM
I see what you are saying, but you don't live out here, and sometimes when I talk to different people it makes sense to me. Not that I would be a polygamist myself but this guy at work grew up a polygamist he asked me why america censors mormons not muslims and they allow abortion but not plural marriage. Then I start wondering why that is the case if we supposedly have freedom of religion. Also he pointed out how in the bible we used to practice it and also how God said be fruitful and multiply. So when did religion decide it was wrong?

Chloe, I have no real answer to the question why do we allow abortion. It is a national tragedy. All I can say is that we give too much broad, unchecked power to our USSC; a situation I believe our founding father's could not have truly intended.

I would tell your friends to just hold on- the way our country is going, and the way the legislature and the courts ignore the will of the people, we will have legal polygamy before you know it.

01-14-2010, 05:17 PM

Try this. Some interesting things there. Polygamy is NOT a federal crime.

Historically polygamy was practiced my the ancients to increase population. More girls are born to people than boys and since boys were important, for work and defense multiple wives were acceptable. Religions encouraged it.

As I said before, today religion is used to justify polygamy by those that practice it. It's legality is up to the state however. Polygamy laws date back to the 1800's and for the most part were aimed at the Mormons.

01-14-2010, 05:23 PM

Try this. Some interesting things there. Polygamy is NOT a federal crime.

Historically polygamy was practiced my the ancients to increase population. More girls are born to people than boys and since boys were important, for work and defense multiple wives were acceptable. Religions encouraged it.

As I said before, today religion is used to justify polygamy by those that practice it. It's legality is up to the state however. Polygamy laws date back to the 1800's and for the most part were aimed at the Mormons.

Thanks Gaffer, so basically it was to populate the planet, which is what they intend to do in the next phase of life. While I could not myself be a polygamist I guess it doesn't really bother me if someone else honestly wants to.

01-14-2010, 05:23 PM
Chloe, I have no real answer to the question why do we allow abortion. It is a national tragedy. All I can say is that we give too much broad, unchecked power to our USSC; a situation I believe our founding father's could not have truly intended.

I would tell your friends to just hold on- the way our country is going, and the way the legislature and the courts ignore the will of the people, we will have legal polygamy before you know it.

Not if harry reid has anything to say about it.

01-14-2010, 05:28 PM
Chloe, I have no real answer to the question why do we allow abortion. It is a national tragedy. All I can say is that we give too much broad, unchecked power to our USSC; a situation I believe our founding father's could not have truly intended.

I would tell your friends to just hold on- the way our country is going, and the way the legislature and the courts ignore the will of the people, we will have legal polygamy before you know it.

Thanks Abbey, yeah well surprisingly the polygamists support Ron Paul and are not interested in much federal Government. they also oppose abortion and clearly they are also racistsd. I could never be apolygamist. But I also could never be a Muslim so it just seems weird that mormons aren't allowed to practice marriage as a polygamist. The way it is now the wives that are legally unwed qualify for all sorts of welfare and assistance. Polygamists don't seem to mind taking advantage of the government while cursing the governments laws in the next breath. Still some of the things they say did make me wonder why things are that way even if I don't agree with them. I am afraid you are right though our country seems to be allowing abortions, illegal immigration and enjoys bailing out other countries more then repairing the problems in our own.

01-14-2010, 07:07 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Well another thing to consider is, the~ *COST*.
2. Lets say some Harry Joe Freakon, has like ten wives up in Salt Lake City, all happy and doing his best to crank out some tax exemptions.
3. Lets say this guys got it down to an art form too.
4. Having each wife pop out one every two years, for 15 years on average, just sayin as an example, you do the math, its just an example.
5. So all in all he has some 50 dependents in a short time, maybe 12 years whatever.
6. Oh crap he dies in a car accident.
7. Now the good ol Government, *Johnny Come Lately* has to pay for all that Social Security bennies.
8. Ten wives get checks.
9. And so does each child recieve a check.
10. Thats the law, they could be raking in no less than 50k a month after the ol stiffner passes on.
11. Thats just one reason why the Governmant does not want to support this sin.
12. And neither should the tax payers of America.
13. This happens already enough with all the *Native Chinese*


01-14-2010, 07:44 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Well another thing to consider is, the~ *COST*.
2. Lets say some Harry Joe Freakon, has like ten wives up in Salt Lake City, all happy and doing his best to crank out some tax exemptions.
3. Lets say this guys got it down to an art form too.
4. Having each wife pop out one every two years, for 15 years on average, just sayin as an example, you do the math, its just an example.
5. So all in all he has some 50 dependents in a short time, maybe 12 years whatever.
6. Oh crap he dies in a car accident.
7. Now the good ol Government, *Johnny Come Lately* has to pay for all that Social Security bennies.
8. Ten wives get checks.
9. And so does each child recieve a check.
10. Thats the law, they could be raking in no less than 50k a month after the ol stiffner passes on.
11. Thats just one reason why the Governmant does not want to support this sin.
12. And neither should the tax payers of America.
13. This happens already enough with all the *Native Chinese*


Ok so its more expensive to legalize Polygamy then it is to fund the unwed mothers and their children on the welfare system. Well that makes sense its about money is why its against the law.

01-14-2010, 07:57 PM
Why does the Government decide that a group practicing religious beliefs has no legal right to? Polygamy was practiced in the Bible times, so why is the government censoring that right? If you are 18 yrs old and want to marry into a polygamy family by choice whats wrong with that?

Not much. I mean, yeah, there have been abuses over the years, but then there have been abuses of regular marriages for a long time as well. I think the defining point of why people have a difficulty with it is because it's different than what people are used to.

Actually, as I think on it a bit more, the whole reason the abuses of it have been so bad is in large part because it's been kept illegal. This allows it to exist in the shadows, and that kind of thing will always see abuse by the unscrupulous.

01-14-2010, 08:08 PM
Not much. I mean, yeah, there have been abuses over the years, but then there have been abuses of regular marriages for a long time as well. I think the defining point of why people have a difficulty with it is because it's different than what people are used to.

Actually, as I think on it a bit more, the whole reason the abuses of it have been so bad is in large part because it's been kept illegal. This allows it to exist in the shadows, and that kind of thing will always see abuse by the unscrupulous.

The Polygamists I know seem happy, it doesn't seem forced. But I think from what i read on peoples opinions and also some facts they provided it is because , it would be expensive to legaliza it because there would be a lot of issues especially if the husband died which wife would collect social security or retirement. Plus I think it must be cheaper to have it illegal even if the unwed wives are on government welfare. Morally most people don't agree with it and then factually we don't really need to populate the planet here anymore. So I think I understand why its illegal now is mostly because of money.

Mr. P
01-14-2010, 08:25 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Well another thing to consider is, the~ *COST*.
2. Lets say some Harry Joe Freakon, has like ten wives up in Salt Lake City, all happy and doing his best to crank out some tax exemptions.
3. Lets say this guys got it down to an art form too.
4. Having each wife pop out one every two years, for 15 years on average, just sayin as an example, you do the math, its just an example.
5. So all in all he has some 50 dependents in a short time, maybe 12 years whatever.
6. Oh crap he dies in a car accident.
7. Now the good ol Government, *Johnny Come Lately* has to pay for all that Social Security bennies.
8. Ten wives get checks.
9. And so does each child recieve a check.
10. Thats the law, they could be raking in no less than 50k a month after the ol stiffner passes on.
11. Thats just one reason why the Governmant does not want to support this sin.
12. And neither should the tax payers of America.
13. This happens already enough with all the *Native Chinese*


All that and YOU want the Government to provide YOU health care.
Paid for by who?

Hypocrite!!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

01-14-2010, 08:28 PM
I think if you legalize polygamy then we would also have to legalize bigamy because that is truly what is happening.

Think about this ............ how would companies (i.e., health care) determine dependents......... the children are still children of the father and will be considered dependents, however, most companies are not set up to deal with more than one spouse.

Imagine having to change the deed on the house every time a new wife comes aboard.........or changing the auto registrations........or life insurance beneficiaries.

I am a military dependent and even though I had a marriage certificate I could not be put into the DEERs system until we showed the divorce decree. One spouse only allowed!!!

I haven't done the research but I would imagine that we had bigamy laws and the Mormoms were abusing that law so another, more powerful law was enacted. I don't think God or religion had anything to do with it.

01-14-2010, 08:38 PM
Why does the Government decide that a group practicing religious beliefs has no legal right to? Polygamy was practiced in the Bible times, so why is the government censoring that right? If you are 18 yrs old and want to marry into a polygamy family by choice whats wrong with that?

I know of no instance where it benefitted the female, which would actually make more sense physically. However seems to me the prohibition makes more sense for the 'welfare of the children.'

01-14-2010, 08:38 PM
Polygamy is a domination/submissive thing. It inevitably leads to abuse. Religion is just an excuse to justify it. It's mostly one man with two or more wives. Ever hear of anyone purporting one woman and six husbands. I don't believe there is a religion out there that justifies that, though it's possible.

In poly situations the man is always on the look out for new wives. The cheating is still there, its just justified under the guise of religion.

Yeah, but how many of those abuses are because polygamy cannot be done legally. Were it able to be held up in court as legal marriage, the same as monogamous marriage, you would see so much less abuse than occurs of current, by simple point of it occuring in the light, where police can do what they need to do.

01-14-2010, 08:48 PM
Sorry bout that,

All that and YOU want the Government to provide YOU health care.
Paid for by who?

Hypocrite!!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

1. The old geezer duster with medicaid and medicare throws out his hypocritical point of view.
2. As I have stated many many times to you people, I can not buy insurance.
3. Now if that makes me a hypocrite, there's millions just like myself.
4. YOU are the only real hypocrite geezer duster in this thread, believe it or not.


01-14-2010, 10:08 PM
Sorry bout that,

4. Thats why the laws on the most part are Christian based.

How about a list of U.S. laws that are based on UNIQUELY Christian principles? This should be extremely entertaining!

Mr. P
01-14-2010, 10:30 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. The old geezer duster with medicaid and medicare throws out his hypocritical point of view.
2. As I have stated many many times to you people, I can not buy insurance.
3. Now if that makes me a hypocrite, there's millions just like myself.
4. YOU are the only real hypocrite geezer duster in this thread, believe it or not.


Splash #1 I'm not on either.
Splash #2 You can buy insurance you just chose not to pay the premium.
#3 YES
#4 Not likely

01-14-2010, 11:20 PM
Sorry bout that,

Splash #1 I'm not on either.
Splash #2 You can buy insurance you just chose not to pay the premium.
#3 YES
#4 Not likely

1. Oh the all seeing all knowing Mr. P.
2. Your wrong again pumkin!
3. Something tells me you are on Medicaid call me all seeing too.


Mr. P
01-15-2010, 12:10 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh the all seeing all knowing Mr. P.
2. Your wrong again pumkin!
3. Something tells me you are on Medicaid call me all seeing too.


:laugh2: You have no clue pal..:laugh2: