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01-19-2010, 05:18 PM
Can anyone offer any home remedies for stress/anxiety? Some recent events have made these symptoms worse for me. I already take Xanax for anxiety and it's doing little to help. Then again, I take the smallest dosage possible, and I don't want to increase for fear of lifetime addiction. My goal down the road is to get off the Xanax altogether.

But as of now I am going through a rough spell. Nothing major happened, but enough to leave me stressed more than normal. In the past 5 days I probably got about a total of 15hrs of sleep. I am literally "shaky" the majority of the day. My temper has increased and I have a short fuse lately. As a result, I've been secluded in my computer room for days now to avoid anything that might increase my stress level.

I've also been drinking green teas and other herbal teas. Been taking sporadic warm baths via candlelight. While I don't have "aromatherapy", I did purchase some incense that is supposed to have relaxing effects. I quit my favorite drink altogether, Dr. Pepper, and am now down to 1/2 a cup of coffee per day - but the anxiety persists.

Anyone know of any good relaxing methods to use at home? Anything else I can consume that might be relaxing to the system?

Smoking is next on my list but I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I've also been exercising to try and use up some energy (and that says a lot, as I NEVER exercise!)

I do have my routine appt. with my doctor this upcoming Saturday, but I'm afraid his "fix" will be more medicine. :(

01-19-2010, 05:21 PM
Can anyone offer any home remedies for stress/anxiety? Some recent events have made these symptoms worse for me. I already take Xanax for anxiety and it's doing little to help. Then again, I take the smallest dosage possible, and I don't want to increase for fear of lifetime addiction. My goal down the road is to get off the Xanax altogether.

But as of now I am going through a rough spell. Nothing major happened, but enough to leave me stressed more than normal. In the past 5 days I probably got about a total of 15hrs of sleep. I am literally "shaky" the majority of the day. My temper has increased and I have a short fuse lately. As a result, I've been secluded in my computer room for days now to avoid anything that might increase my stress level.

I've also been drinking green teas and other herbal teas. Been taking sporadic warm baths via candlelight. While I don't have "aromatherapy", I did purchase some incense that is supposed to have relaxing effects. I quit my favorite drink altogether, Dr. Pepper, and am now down to 1/2 a cup of coffee per day - but the anxiety persists.

Anyone know of any good relaxing methods to use at home? Anything else I can consume that might be relaxing to the system?

Smoking is next on my list but I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I've also been exercising to try and use up some energy (and that says a lot, as I NEVER exercise!)

I do have my routine appt. with my doctor this upcoming Saturday, but I'm afraid his "fix" will be more medicine. :(

Might try a 'homemade' aroma mix. Include some vanilla, which is relaxing-DO NOT go and make chocolate chip cookies! (Chocolate, while the most wonderful food group on earth, has a lot of caffeine.)

You can always call a friend. ;)

Abbey Marie
01-19-2010, 05:26 PM
Basing this on what helps me to calm down enough to fall asleep: I find the computer tends to keep me awake, while reading makes me drowsy. Try reading a really good and thoughtful (not action-packed) book. A lot of time in front of the computer may actually be exacerbating your anxiety.

01-19-2010, 05:28 PM
Basing this on what helps me to calm down enough to fall asleep: I find the computer tends to keep me awake, while reading makes me drowsy. Try reading a really good and thoughtful (not action-packed) book. A lot of time in front of the computer may actually be exacerbating your anxiety.

Good idea, unless the book is really good, then I can't put it down. Also listening to music, not on ipod, but classical on radio or CD player. Of course you could also turn on C-Span, that could do it.

01-19-2010, 06:15 PM
Determine exactly what it is that stresses you and then get it away from you or you get away from it...Works beautifully. :thumb:

01-19-2010, 07:06 PM
In no particular order: accomplishment of tasks and goals, solid personal relationships, reading, exercise, hard work, sex, participation sports...

01-19-2010, 07:12 PM
Listening to audio books helps me crash at night, it might help you too.

01-19-2010, 08:23 PM
Well as you know it was only back in November I posted that I was stressed out and my company had me go see a therapist, because I couldn't stop crying. I still cry at random moments only when I posted about it last time I thought it was for no reason . But now I know why I kind of break down and so I guess its ok to do my therapist said it was. I quit going thought because I don't feel I can work on the issues that are causing it. I guess in order to eliminate stress you have to come to terms with what is causing it and then psychologically make a decision to face it and resolve it. In the meantime you can always try praying, i do and I don't even go to church. :cool:

01-19-2010, 08:31 PM
Well as you know it was only back in November I posted that I was stressed out and my company had me go see a therapist, because I couldn't stop crying. I still cry at random moments only when I posted about it last time I thought it was for no reason . But now I know why I kind of break down and so I guess its ok to do my therapist said it was. I quit going thought because I don't feel I can work on the issues that are causing it. I guess in order to eliminate stress you have to come to terms with what is causing it and then psychologically make a decision to face it and resolve it. In the meantime you can always try praying, i do and I don't even go to church. :cool:

I think prayer has its place. Kind of borrowing from 12 step here, let's call it a 'higher power.' Putting your being in the hands of a benevolent other, regardless of your own belief system. It may be just the 'basic goodness of man.'

You can 'turn over' your worries/anxieties to this 'higher power', recognizing the anxieties are bigger than you. Then do what YOU CAN do. Make life better for another.

Certainly something to this line of thinking, millions have found it helpful.

01-19-2010, 08:34 PM
I think prayer has its place. Kind of borrowing from 12 step here, let's call it a 'higher power.' Putting your being in the hands of a benevolent other, regardless of your own belief system. It may be just the 'basic goodness of man.'

You can 'turn over' your worries/anxieties to this 'higher power', recognizing the anxieties are bigger than you. Then do what YOU CAN do. Make life better for another.

Certainly something to this line of thinking, millions have found it helpful.

True, I believe in God, so that is my higher power. Prayer is always a good thing in a time of stress in my opinion. I am sure we all think good thoughts for each other here at the board whenever we here one of us is struggling, so I imagine alot of folks will also say a prayer for jim and his stressful situation.

Joyful HoneyBee
01-19-2010, 09:12 PM
Stress is a reactionary response to environmental and internal factors; and, in and of itself is not the problem. Stress is actually a natural defensive mechanism that leads us to freeze, fight, or flight in regard to aspects of life that are either threatening or overwhelming.

Xanax is the worst thing you can do for stress. It is like trying to put a tiny band-aid on a huge gaping wound. All that's going on there is that you temporarily alter your chemical make-up and repeatedly doing so will prevent you from taking decisive action to solve the problem(s) causing the stress. Plus, you will find that you need greater and greater doses to get the same level of relaxation, and too much relaxation may perpetuate the stress.

Avoid alcohol. Instead of having a drink, munch on some papaya slices, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, or melons. Fruit is the best comfort food in the world and you can consume it guilt free.

Some of the simple things that feed stress include clutter in your surroundings, not being able to say no to demands that others make on you and your time, lack of structure and organization. If you can't be sure about the source(s) of your stress, try keeping a journal for a while to log the things that make your skin crawl or make you want to bang your head against a brick wall. That will help you identify what bugs you the most.

As for relaxation and down time those warms soaks in the tub will be better with some aromatherapy. A few scented candles can change your outlook for a while. A great scent for men is pumpkin spice. Emmett and I have candles burning almost constantly around here.

One frequently overlooked stress reliever is laughter. Try watching a funny movie, one that provides lots of great belly laughs.

Find a reputable reflexology specialist for treatment. Go for massage therapy, preferably deep tissue massage. Don't make yourself stressed out about the cost or the time spent doing these things because they will pay dividends in the long run and they are a lot less expensive than triple bypass surgery.

Make sure your life is organized and that tasks are ordered in a way that gets the toughest, most perplexing tasks out of the way first while you are still fresh; and save, the simpler, more pleasurable tasks for last. Doing it the other way away causes dread and loathing, while getting the bad stuff over with first gives you something to look forward to instead.

Don't beat yourself up emotionally over things you haven't gotten done yet...just start working out a plan to knock out the undone things one at a time and work through them. Accomplishment can be a pretty heady elixir for a haggard soul.

If someone does you wrong, call them out on it. Don't let it smolder and stew. Say your piece and get it out of your system, even if it means someone gets their feelings hurt. It isn't that two wrongs make a right, but sometimes people need to be told they've exacted a wrong. I've used this response with my kids: "yes, you should feel bad about what you did and you need to think about what you could have done differently to have had a better outcome so you can do better next time". On the other hand, if you've done someone wrong, seek them out and mend the situation. Sometimes people stress over lost opportunities to do the right thing.

On another note, try to find people you can do nice things for and get involved in helping others. It might be something like helping an elderly neighbor with yard work or driving them places they need to go, or volunteering to read to small children. Whatever suits you personally is best, but doing for others tends to take your focus off yourself for a while, which can be wonderful.

I do speak from personal experience and I have suffered from the ill effects of not managing my stress appropriately in the past. I'm serious about the Xanax though...you need to drop that stuff like a hot potato. Think about this seriously because every time you alter your brain chemistry with drugs it becomes harder for your brain to cope on its own.

01-19-2010, 09:17 PM
Can anyone offer any home remedies for stress/anxiety? Some recent events have made these symptoms worse for me. I already take Xanax for anxiety and it's doing little to help. Then again, I take the smallest dosage possible, and I don't want to increase for fear of lifetime addiction. My goal down the road is to get off the Xanax altogether.

But as of now I am going through a rough spell. Nothing major happened, but enough to leave me stressed more than normal. In the past 5 days I probably got about a total of 15hrs of sleep. I am literally "shaky" the majority of the day. My temper has increased and I have a short fuse lately. As a result, I've been secluded in my computer room for days now to avoid anything that might increase my stress level.

I've also been drinking green teas and other herbal teas. Been taking sporadic warm baths via candlelight. While I don't have "aromatherapy", I did purchase some incense that is supposed to have relaxing effects. I quit my favorite drink altogether, Dr. Pepper, and am now down to 1/2 a cup of coffee per day - but the anxiety persists.

Anyone know of any good relaxing methods to use at home? Anything else I can consume that might be relaxing to the system?

Smoking is next on my list but I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I've also been exercising to try and use up some energy (and that says a lot, as I NEVER exercise!)

I do have my routine appt. with my doctor this upcoming Saturday, but I'm afraid his "fix" will be more medicine. :(

Buspar and Tegretol? Both are non habit forming and are anti-anxiety drugs.

Joyful HoneyBee
01-19-2010, 09:29 PM
Buspar and Tegretol? Both are non habit forming and are anti-anxiety drugs.

Yuck....Buspar sucks! I tried it to quit smoking a few years ago and within 3 weeks I had to quit using it. I felt as if I was in the deepest depths of despair and for no apparent reason. My pharmacist said to STOP the Buspar immediately.

If someone who isn't 'depressed' uses anti-depressants they can actually develop depression.

01-19-2010, 09:40 PM
Jim Laura has some kind of relaxing shit she puts in the tub, she also has candles that supposedly relax ya, call her she is up on all kinds of natural remedies

01-19-2010, 09:50 PM
Thank you everyone for the great tips and concern. I will reply better to everyone tomorrow. I think I overdid it a bit this evening with my regular medications, relaxing music, incense, TheraFlu, Xanax... I'm awfully tired, and I just hope I can get one good nights sleep anyway and start anew tomorrow.

01-19-2010, 09:57 PM
Been taking sporadic warm baths via candlelight. While I don't have "aromatherapy", I did purchase some incense that is supposed to have relaxing effects.

Maybe the skirt your wearing is digging into your waist and causing your anxeity?? :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

You live in NY man! $20 should buy you some decent relaxation!

01-19-2010, 10:00 PM
I recommend choking someone you don't like. It creates new stress that overwhelms the old stress.

01-19-2010, 10:33 PM
I recommend choking someone you don't like. It creates new stress that overwhelms the old stress.Ringing a liberals neck always seems to make me feel better. :o

01-20-2010, 02:39 AM
Buspar and Tegretol? Both are non habit forming and are anti-anxiety drugs.

Tegretol destroys the liver.

01-20-2010, 02:48 AM
Can anyone offer any home remedies for stress/anxiety? Some recent events have made these symptoms worse for me. I already take Xanax for anxiety and it's doing little to help. Then again, I take the smallest dosage possible, and I don't want to increase for fear of lifetime addiction. My goal down the road is to get off the Xanax altogether.

But as of now I am going through a rough spell. Nothing major happened, but enough to leave me stressed more than normal. In the past 5 days I probably got about a total of 15hrs of sleep. I am literally "shaky" the majority of the day. My temper has increased and I have a short fuse lately. As a result, I've been secluded in my computer room for days now to avoid anything that might increase my stress level.

I've also been drinking green teas and other herbal teas. Been taking sporadic warm baths via candlelight. While I don't have "aromatherapy", I did purchase some incense that is supposed to have relaxing effects. I quit my favorite drink altogether, Dr. Pepper, and am now down to 1/2 a cup of coffee per day - but the anxiety persists.

Anyone know of any good relaxing methods to use at home? Anything else I can consume that might be relaxing to the system?

Smoking is next on my list but I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I've also been exercising to try and use up some energy (and that says a lot, as I NEVER exercise!)

I do have my routine appt. with my doctor this upcoming Saturday, but I'm afraid his "fix" will be more medicine. :(

Sorry to hear about the high level of stress Jim.......I've tried the Xanax and Tegretol ......... neither are good.

Have you tried Ambien - so you get a good night's sleep? I've been on Ambien for over seven years...... I have PTSD and am hyper-vigilant. Tried all kinds of anti-depressants over the years, but seven years ago I started Ambien..........have never felt better.

If your Dr. is going to prescribe meds.....ask for Ambien.

I also started the B.E.S.T. program (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique) by Dr. Morter in 2008. It's very radical but allowed me to get off the Tegretol, HRT, Allegra and nasal sprays and I lost 20 pounds.

Good luck.

01-20-2010, 04:36 AM
Sorry to hear about the high level of stress Jim.......I've tried the Xanax and Tegretol ......... neither are good.

Have you tried Ambien - so you get a good night's sleep? I've been on Ambien for over seven years...... I have PTSD and am hyper-vigilant. Tried all kinds of anti-depressants over the years, but seven years ago I started Ambien..........have never felt better.

If your Dr. is going to prescribe meds.....ask for Ambien.

I also started the B.E.S.T. program (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique) by Dr. Morter in 2008. It's very radical but allowed me to get off the Tegretol, HRT, Allegra and nasal sprays and I lost 20 pounds.

Good luck.If you don't mind me asking Princess, what was the catalyst for your PTSD.

If you are uncomfortable answering the question please feel free to ignore it.

It's OK, I will understand.

01-20-2010, 11:28 AM
This is gonna be a lengthy reply, but I don't want to post a million times in a row to everyone individually, so it'll be in one long post!

Might try a 'homemade' aroma mix. Include some vanilla, which is relaxing-DO NOT go and make chocolate chip cookies! (Chocolate, while the most wonderful food group on earth, has a lot of caffeine.)

You can always call a friend. ;)

My eating habits are all screwed up right now. Not only no cookies, but very little of anything right now as everything seems to screw up my stomach. Also, if I attempted any type of homemade aroma mixes I would probably blow up my house!

Basing this on what helps me to calm down enough to fall asleep: I find the computer tends to keep me awake, while reading makes me drowsy. Try reading a really good and thoughtful (not action-packed) book. A lot of time in front of the computer may actually be exacerbating your anxiety.

I have been at my computer less as the stress has risen. I haven't read a book since 1993 while on vacation, and that's only because it was a book about the life of Rocky Blier called "Fighting Back" (He was a RB for the Steelers).

Good idea, unless the book is really good, then I can't put it down. Also listening to music, not on ipod, but classical on radio or CD player. Of course you could also turn on C-Span, that could do it.

I downloaded a program last night called "Natura Sound Therapy" (yes, there is no L in "natura"). It has a ton of selections including soothing sounds, piano, flutes, babbling brook, ocean, rain with thunder... It has a timer. I put on the light piano playing mixed with rain and set it to turn itself off in 3hrs and went to sleep. Don't know if it actually helped, or of it was the meds that helped, but I did sleep for about 6 hours last night.

Determine exactly what it is that stresses you and then get it away from you or you get away from it...Works beautifully. :thumb:

I'd have to kill myself as everything on Earth stresses me!

In no particular order: accomplishment of tasks and goals, solid personal relationships, reading, exercise, hard work, sex, participation sports...

Excellent and solid advice, especially about the sex part. Now if I can only find a willing partner to help me with my therapy!

Listening to audio books helps me crash at night, it might help you too.

This is what the WWOW (wicked with of the west) and my son do nightly. My boy listens to all kinds of kids crap as he falls asleep, and my wife has been listening to the Harry Potter series nightly for about a year now.

Well as you know it was only back in November I posted that I was stressed out and my company had me go see a therapist, because I couldn't stop crying. I still cry at random moments only when I posted about it last time I thought it was for no reason . But now I know why I kind of break down and so I guess its ok to do my therapist said it was. I quit going thought because I don't feel I can work on the issues that are causing it. I guess in order to eliminate stress you have to come to terms with what is causing it and then psychologically make a decision to face it and resolve it. In the meantime you can always try praying, i do and I don't even go to church. :cool:

Believe me, I honestly do know the things in life that cause me stress. I have a damn good idea what steps need to be taken to relieve the stress, but those steps are very stressful! LOL

Stress is a reactionary response to environmental and internal factors; and, in and of itself is not the problem. Stress is actually a natural defensive mechanism that leads us to freeze, fight, or flight in regard to aspects of life that are either threatening or overwhelming.

Xanax is the worst thing you can do for stress. It is like trying to put a tiny band-aid on a huge gaping wound. All that's going on there is that you temporarily alter your chemical make-up and repeatedly doing so will prevent you from taking decisive action to solve the problem(s) causing the stress. Plus, you will find that you need greater and greater doses to get the same level of relaxation, and too much relaxation may perpetuate the stress.

Avoid alcohol. Instead of having a drink, munch on some papaya slices, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, or melons. Fruit is the best comfort food in the world and you can consume it guilt free.

Some of the simple things that feed stress include clutter in your surroundings, not being able to say no to demands that others make on you and your time, lack of structure and organization. If you can't be sure about the source(s) of your stress, try keeping a journal for a while to log the things that make your skin crawl or make you want to bang your head against a brick wall. That will help you identify what bugs you the most.

As for relaxation and down time those warms soaks in the tub will be better with some aromatherapy. A few scented candles can change your outlook for a while. A great scent for men is pumpkin spice. Emmett and I have candles burning almost constantly around here.

One frequently overlooked stress reliever is laughter. Try watching a funny movie, one that provides lots of great belly laughs.

Find a reputable reflexology specialist for treatment. Go for massage therapy, preferably deep tissue massage. Don't make yourself stressed out about the cost or the time spent doing these things because they will pay dividends in the long run and they are a lot less expensive than triple bypass surgery.

Make sure your life is organized and that tasks are ordered in a way that gets the toughest, most perplexing tasks out of the way first while you are still fresh; and save, the simpler, more pleasurable tasks for last. Doing it the other way away causes dread and loathing, while getting the bad stuff over with first gives you something to look forward to instead.

Don't beat yourself up emotionally over things you haven't gotten done yet...just start working out a plan to knock out the undone things one at a time and work through them. Accomplishment can be a pretty heady elixir for a haggard soul.

If someone does you wrong, call them out on it. Don't let it smolder and stew. Say your piece and get it out of your system, even if it means someone gets their feelings hurt. It isn't that two wrongs make a right, but sometimes people need to be told they've exacted a wrong. I've used this response with my kids: "yes, you should feel bad about what you did and you need to think about what you could have done differently to have had a better outcome so you can do better next time". On the other hand, if you've done someone wrong, seek them out and mend the situation. Sometimes people stress over lost opportunities to do the right thing.

On another note, try to find people you can do nice things for and get involved in helping others. It might be something like helping an elderly neighbor with yard work or driving them places they need to go, or volunteering to read to small children. Whatever suits you personally is best, but doing for others tends to take your focus off yourself for a while, which can be wonderful.

I do speak from personal experience and I have suffered from the ill effects of not managing my stress appropriately in the past. I'm serious about the Xanax though...you need to drop that stuff like a hot potato. Think about this seriously because every time you alter your brain chemistry with drugs it becomes harder for your brain to cope on its own.

Thank you for such a long thought out and helpful reply. I think you nailed it in the beginning with the meds, and specifically the Xanax. I am currently on too many medications, IMO, but have been medically diagnosed by a professional, and concurred by another, so I believed them when they said these meds were the way to go.

As for alternatives to sleeping... I don't take much Xanax in the evening, one of my pills are only .25mg, the smallest dosage. My doctor prescribed "Seroquel" for the evenings to assist with the sleep. But like every other medicine, you build up a tolerance and I think the effectiveness of this one is long wearing off - and I do not want my doctor to increase medications causing me to have a life of dependency to chemicals.

Buspar and Tegretol? Both are non habit forming and are anti-anxiety drugs.

Never took either of them, but here is what I have had over the years: Wellbutrin, Celexa, Lexapro, Effexor, Paxil & now currently on Pristiq. In addition to the Pristiq, I also take Trileptal in the AM, the aforementioned Xanax and the Seroquel. For reference: Pristiq for anti-depressant, Trileptal for acute mania, Xanax for anxiety and Seroquel for a sleep aid (even though it's original design intent was for an antipsychotic)

Yuck....Buspar sucks! I tried it to quit smoking a few years ago and within 3 weeks I had to quit using it. I felt as if I was in the deepest depths of despair and for no apparent reason. My pharmacist said to STOP the Buspar immediately.

If someone who isn't 'depressed' uses anti-depressants they can actually develop depression.

Although the Wellbutrin was prescribed to me years ago as an anti-depressant, I did work with my previous doctor at the time to try and use it as smoking cessation as well.

Jim Laura has some kind of relaxing shit she puts in the tub, she also has candles that supposedly relax ya, call her she is up on all kinds of natural remedies

Cool, I'll talk to her. I heard of the bath thing before but can't recall what it's called. And BTW, I know she needs it from being married to you! LOL

Maybe the skirt your wearing is digging into your waist and causing your anxeity?? :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

You live in NY man! $20 should buy you some decent relaxation!

Dude, you're living in the 80's. That type of relaxation in NY will now cost you at least $50 for the tranny's and over $300 from a hottie! And I no longer wear skirts, just a loose fitting thong. :)

I recommend choking someone you don't like. It creates new stress that overwhelms the old stress.

Oh, trust me, this is my medication of choice, and I even have someone in mind that deserves that very choking. He is also a part of why I have been so stressed. And as much as I would like to give him a little beat down, I can't afford to get arrested and have anything else on my record!

Ringing a liberals neck always seems to make me feel better. :o

I gotta say, Brown's victory last night brought a ear to ear grin to my face and for a short while my stress was relieved. Then I remembered that Obama was still president, and Reid and Pelosi were still inexplicably "running" things.

Sorry to hear about the high level of stress Jim.......I've tried the Xanax and Tegretol ......... neither are good.

Have you tried Ambien - so you get a good night's sleep? I've been on Ambien for over seven years...... I have PTSD and am hyper-vigilant. Tried all kinds of anti-depressants over the years, but seven years ago I started Ambien..........have never felt better.

If your Dr. is going to prescribe meds.....ask for Ambien.

I also started the B.E.S.T. program (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique) by Dr. Morter in 2008. It's very radical but allowed me to get off the Tegretol, HRT, Allegra and nasal sprays and I lost 20 pounds.

Good luck.

Never had Ambien prescribed before but did steal a few from my Mom when she was taking them. Damn, that stuff knocked me on my ass! I once made the mistake of drinking while taking one of them. That was my last memory and I was told the following morning that I was carried into a bedroom mumbling all kinds of weird stuff. I also read reports about people having sex while on Ambien and not even knowing or remembering in the morning. Maybe I should slip a few in the wife's drink!

01-20-2010, 11:48 AM
I'd have to kill myself as everything on Earth stresses me!
Damn Jim, your only alternative may be Mars. :laugh2:

01-20-2010, 12:44 PM
This is gonna be a lengthy reply... I hope I'm not being too personal or crossing some line, but based on what I recall you saying in the past and some of the items in this post, you gotta work out the issues with your wife man.

"A happy wife is a happy life."

01-20-2010, 02:00 PM
Put on some headphones, spin some Jimmy Buffett, and smoke a blunt.

Works every time.

Seriously though, I hope you find away to rid yourself, or at least a way to deal with, the stress. It can be a killer.

01-20-2010, 02:59 PM
A quadruple heart bypass works wonders for putting things in perspective.

01-20-2010, 04:17 PM
Daily exercise would be the best remedy...

01-20-2010, 05:17 PM
I've been going through some stuff the past year (which is one reason why I hadn't been posting). I had anxiety attacks, too. I finally gave in and went to a psychiatrist. He first put me on Wellbutrin and Tegretol. That didn't help. The Wellbutrin made my anxiety even worse and I had absolutely no appetite. Then, he took me off of Wellbutrin and put me on Remeron (a tricyclic antidepressant) and added Buspar along with the Tegretol. The Remeron has been working well. I convinced him to up my dosage from the minimum 15 mg to 22.5 mg. The drawback is that I've gained some weight.

01-21-2010, 09:01 AM
Damn Jim, your only alternative may be Mars. :laugh2:

Where do I get a ticket? Do they have women there with large boobies?

I hope I'm not being too personal or crossing some line, but based on what I recall you saying in the past and some of the items in this post, you gotta work out the issues with your wife man.

"A happy wife is a happy life."

Agreed 1000000000% - now if I can only get her on board....

Put on some headphones, spin some Jimmy Buffett, and smoke a blunt.

Works every time.

Seriously though, I hope you find away to rid yourself, or at least a way to deal with, the stress. It can be a killer.

I think I had one too many blunts in my lifetime, or maybe a few thousand too many. Maybe that's part of my issues!

A quadruple heart bypass works wonders for putting things in perspective.

Yikes! My Mom had heart surgery last year and had an aortic valve replaced. Nasty, nasty, nasty seeing that scar on the top of her chest, and on "life support" after the surgery. It surely was a wake-up call, but I haven't done enough yet to show I learned from that experience.

Daily exercise would be the best remedy...

Now that I also agree with wholeheartedly. I'm trying my best, but I need to quit smoking first so I have the stamina to exercise longer than 5 minutes.

I've been going through some stuff the past year (which is one reason why I hadn't been posting). I had anxiety attacks, too. I finally gave in and went to a psychiatrist. He first put me on Wellbutrin and Tegretol. That didn't help. The Wellbutrin made my anxiety even worse and I had absolutely no appetite. Then, he took me off of Wellbutrin and put me on Remeron (a tricyclic antidepressant) and added Buspar along with the Tegretol. The Remeron has been working well. I convinced him to up my dosage from the minimum 15 mg to 22.5 mg. The drawback is that I've gained some weight.

Wellbutrin also sped up my system and made my anxiety worse. My Mom was taking Remeron, and might still be on it but I'm unsure, but I do know she was happy with it. Speaking of gaining weight, I was a smooth 145 when I was put on Xanax/Trileptal/Seroquel - and now I weigh about 195. I need to be about 175 or so for my frame. Both the Trileptal and Seroquel are known to increase weight. Seroquel will help you sleep, but you better do so quickly, as once it fully kicks in it gives you the "munchies" and you never get full!

01-21-2010, 09:04 AM
And to make matters worse...

A couple of nights ago my wife complained of cold symptoms. In my best "Nelson" voice from the Simpsons, I said (stolen from a Bullypulpit post):


Well, karma bit me in the ass and I woke up the next day with the same symptoms. They grew worse and worse and last night I wanted to off myself rather than suffer anymore. Finally, enough meds put my out of my misery and I fell asleep - only to awaken about 5 this morning when I had to run to the bathroom and throw up. Thought it was a bad cold at first, but I'm unsure if a cold would give me these stomach issues. I suck for laughing at my wife!

01-21-2010, 10:35 AM
...Agreed 1000000000% - now if I can only get her on board......Its actually pretty simple man. Just start treating her like the day you first met her, and be the man that she married.

01-21-2010, 01:53 PM
If you don't mind me asking Princess, what was the catalyst for your PTSD.

If you are uncomfortable answering the question please feel free to ignore it.

It's OK, I will understand.

No I don't mind answering - but in another thread - this one belongs to Jim.

01-21-2010, 03:52 PM
A quadruple heart bypass works wonders for putting things in perspective.

Life is fragile and emotional, I was born crying and most likely will die the same way. Jim is a sincere person I hope he works out his issues and get resolve whatever the outcome I hope its a healthy one for everyone.:cool:

01-21-2010, 04:51 PM
Life is fragile and emotional, I was born crying and most likely will die the same way. Jim is a sincere person I hope he works out his issues and get resolve whatever the outcome I hope its a healthy one for everyone.:cool:Me too Chloe and I hope Jim does it before it reeks havoc on his health...Stress will definately take it's toll.

01-21-2010, 05:56 PM
When our second child was born she was a real piece of work. The face of an angel but the personality of Kim Jog Il. She cried constantly for the first year unless you were holding her, and she slept about 35 minutes a day.

Ever since then my wife and I reset our goals. Number one was to reduce stress. If work sucked, quit and get a new job. If the commute sucks, move. If the taxes suck where you live, then move out of state. Leave the work at home, take long, simple vacations, have a cocktail when you get home, tell your boss to shove it up his ass, and don't sweat the small stuff. Live with your limitations and the limitations of those around you.

15 years later our daughter is still beautiful but she rarely cries, does OK in school, doesn't wear make-up or jewelry, and is a champion athlete. She still has a short attention span and dinners are typically in two stages, first with her yapping away with no one able to get a word in and then after she leaves normal adult conversation. She wants to go to Harvard or Wake but will most likely have to settle for Chapel Hill or Appalachian.

01-21-2010, 06:23 PM
Can anyone offer any home remedies for stress/anxiety? Some recent events have made these symptoms worse for me. I already take Xanax for anxiety and it's doing little to help. Then again, I take the smallest dosage possible, and I don't want to increase for fear of lifetime addiction. My goal down the road is to get off the Xanax altogether.

But as of now I am going through a rough spell. Nothing major happened, but enough to leave me stressed more than normal. In the past 5 days I probably got about a total of 15hrs of sleep. I am literally "shaky" the majority of the day. My temper has increased and I have a short fuse lately. As a result, I've been secluded in my computer room for days now to avoid anything that might increase my stress level.

I've also been drinking green teas and other herbal teas. Been taking sporadic warm baths via candlelight. While I don't have "aromatherapy", I did purchase some incense that is supposed to have relaxing effects. I quit my favorite drink altogether, Dr. Pepper, and am now down to 1/2 a cup of coffee per day - but the anxiety persists.

Anyone know of any good relaxing methods to use at home? Anything else I can consume that might be relaxing to the system?

Smoking is next on my list but I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I've also been exercising to try and use up some energy (and that says a lot, as I NEVER exercise!)

I do have my routine appt. with my doctor this upcoming Saturday, but I'm afraid his "fix" will be more medicine. :(

Well, if you've cut the caffeine then, well, it's not the caffeine that's doing it, so I'd go ahead and have yourself an extra Dr. Pepper. Don't try to quit smoking till your stress level is down, it doesn't work if you're already climbing up the walls, cause it'll only increase the feeling.

Honestly Jim, you don't seem like the sort that would get stress relief from candles or aromatherapy, not that these aren't awesome remedies for many, but it's one of those things that just doesn't work for you apparently.

Go play paintball, or laser tag or something. Take up boxing, do something physical that actually calls on your anger, and see if you don't just feel immensely better, hell, just imagine whatever you're hitting is Obama, Pelosi, or Reid. you'll feel better pretty quickly, just understand you may need multiple sessions.

Stress occurs, everyone has it, it's usually actually about channeling the stress into something positive until it's gone, or at least at manageable levels.

01-21-2010, 07:00 PM
Well, if you've cut the caffeine then, well, it's not the caffeine that's doing it, so I'd go ahead and have yourself an extra Dr. Pepper. Don't try to quit smoking till your stress level is down, it doesn't work if you're already climbing up the walls, cause it'll only increase the feeling.

Honestly Jim, you don't seem like the sort that would get stress relief from candles or aromatherapy, not that these aren't awesome remedies for many, but it's one of those things that just doesn't work for you apparently.

Go play paintball, or laser tag or something. Take up boxing, do something physical that actually calls on your anger, and see if you don't just feel immensely better, hell, just imagine whatever you're hitting is Obama, Pelosi, or Reid. you'll feel better pretty quickly, just understand you may need multiple sessions.

Stress occurs, everyone has it, it's usually actually about channeling the stress into something positive until it's gone, or at least at manageable levels.

There is a real point here. Consider that your depression and other acting out behaviors may be rooted in ADHD. Just an idea. Wasn't really 'around' when you were a kid. My child took up martial arts, helped a lot with energy, self-control ++++, and demeanor. Might be worth looking into.

01-21-2010, 07:04 PM
There is a real point here. Consider that your depression and other acting out behaviors may be rooted in ADHD. Just an idea. Wasn't really 'around' when you were a kid. My child took up martial arts, helped a lot with energy, self-control ++++, and demeanor. Might be worth looking into.

yup, I was ADHD growing up, and I took Karate. Even now, it helps a great deal. Another odd effect of ADHD is my reaction to caffeine. I do not get amped up with caffeine, because the caffeine speeds up the part of the brain that is running slow in an ADHD person, causing them to be more focused, actually.

01-21-2010, 07:43 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. In my view Jim, you should stay off the Doc Pepper.
2. Start eating better.
3. Learn to take some deep breaths when you are stressed.
4. Always look at the bright side of things, don't think to much about what you disagree with, poo poo it off, some people go over and over crap like that, just small things, that slow them down from what they would really want to do more, so they always are pissed they are stuck doing this other thing, teach yourself not to do that.
5. Like or enjoy what you're doing, at least learn too.
6. Don't take this site too seriously, just rant and rave like the *MASTER CWN*, then check out when your done, blowing off all those ass holes!
7. Ofcourse not all are ass holes, so don't you folks get all twisted.
8. Seems like most the ass holes have been banned, MM being the most recent.
9. You put up too long with the ass holes, OCA comes to mind, next time you get a true blue ass hole, kick his ass out when you sense it, don't give them all these freaking chances, like you always do, just pull and punt!
10. Maybe have a vote on it, with all the mod teams members, then if its a go, just punt the bastard!
11. Even if its the *RANT MASTER CWN*, needs to be punted, just do it, don't let my being here run you down, if I am.
12. I can always rant and rave else where, and I wouldn't be offened the slightest.
13. Stay off the Doctor Pepper, its not good for you, especially if thats all you do is drink that for a meal, bad idea my friend.
14. Try to get off all the dope, slowly, at first, and find a hobbie, golf is a good one, I love it!
15. I hope this helps, and you will listen, but you have so many to choose to listen too.


Abbey Marie
01-21-2010, 09:32 PM
What an interesting thread. Drugs/no drugs, caffeine/no caffeine, cigarettes/no cigarettes. ;) But if you really read it all, there seem to be some really good suggestions in here for you to try. Looks to me like we are all here for you in ways we can be.

I know that you don't like to read, so you could listen to the New Testament on CD. It even comes in DVD format. I find it gives me peace when I need it most.

01-21-2010, 11:07 PM
Sorry bout that,

What an interesting thread. Drugs/no drugs, caffeine/no caffeine, cigarettes/no cigarettes. ;) But if you really read it all, there seem to be some really good suggestions in here for you to try. Looks to me like we are all here for you in ways we can be.

I know that you don't like to read, so you could listen to the New Testament on CD. It even comes in DVD format. I find it gives me peace when I need it most.

1. This too couldn't hurt.
2. I was thinking about advising you to seek out scriptures, but didn't want to sound too preachie.
3. I think my original advise isn't bad too.


01-22-2010, 07:05 AM
Its actually pretty simple man. Just start treating her like the day you first met her, and be the man that she married.

I was 24 when I met my wife, that was 17 years ago, been married for going on 16 years now. When I met her I was a smoker, a pothead, made $21k per year at my job, dressed like the dirtbag I am and had recently had my first "real" car repossessed. Got a clunker and ended our long distance relationship by moving down to Va. to live with her. She was clearly in love with me. She then "molded" me into the preppy type of person she was. She was a fairly recent graduate from Virginia Tech and had an awesome job. Doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't swear. She was my complete opposite! She got me to quite smoking pot, started to dress like a human, got a decent car, got a job at a law firm and even had me get a gay preppy haircut! And I think herein lies the problem - since then her salary has risen by about $160k per year while I'm still a hardware/network technician who will likely never make more than $60k if I'm lucky (did make 40 per hour at Cadbury, but as a contractor, and had to pay my own taxes, was a nightmare I won't mention). Seems, and I could be wrong, that the more money she started to make, the less and less she respected and loved me.

Life is fragile and emotional, I was born crying and most likely will die the same way. Jim is a sincere person I hope he works out his issues and get resolve whatever the outcome I hope its a healthy one for everyone.:cool:

No you won't! If you are even 5% as funny and cute as you are on this community, you have many men out there dying to be with you, you just need to open up and let one in! The right one won't let you die crying. :)

Me too Chloe and I hope Jim does it before it reeks havoc on his health...Stress will definately take it's toll.

I'm trying as hard as I can. MY OWN mistakes are catching up with me and now I must suffer a little in order to put things back on track. I know where I'm at, and I know where I want to be... But getting there is the hard part...

Well, if you've cut the caffeine then, well, it's not the caffeine that's doing it, so I'd go ahead and have yourself an extra Dr. Pepper. Don't try to quit smoking till your stress level is down, it doesn't work if you're already climbing up the walls, cause it'll only increase the feeling.

Honestly Jim, you don't seem like the sort that would get stress relief from candles or aromatherapy, not that these aren't awesome remedies for many, but it's one of those things that just doesn't work for you apparently.

Go play paintball, or laser tag or something. Take up boxing, do something physical that actually calls on your anger, and see if you don't just feel immensely better, hell, just imagine whatever you're hitting is Obama, Pelosi, or Reid. you'll feel better pretty quickly, just understand you may need multiple sessions.

Stress occurs, everyone has it, it's usually actually about channeling the stress into something positive until it's gone, or at least at manageable levels.

The caffeine is definitely on it's way out. It does give me energy and the ability to think better, but I think that's because I would always be so worn out from stress, or illicit drugs in my system from previous days! LOL The drugs are done, now I'm killing the caffeine, and cigarettes are next.

I think you're right about the aromatherapy stuff. I tried a few things in the past couple of days with no help. Warm baths and showers help, soft music in a dim lit environment helps and I took the advice from a few here and have been reading a book ("War of the Bloods in My Veins" by Dashaun "Jiwe" Morris)

As for exercise, I have a 150lb heavy boxing bag in my basement that I have been kicking the shit out of when I have the energy. Hopefully as I cleanse my system and relieve the stress I will gain more energy to work out more.

There is a real point here. Consider that your depression and other acting out behaviors may be rooted in ADHD. Just an idea. Wasn't really 'around' when you were a kid. My child took up martial arts, helped a lot with energy, self-control ++++, and demeanor. Might be worth looking into.

My son is in his 3rd year of Karate. In fact, he goes every Thursday evening and last night he promoted to green belt one stripe. Had to perform up to the eighth "Kata"? and break a few boards. I love watching, but these damn 6-12 year olds have more energy than I can dream of having at 41!!!

yup, I was ADHD growing up, and I took Karate. Even now, it helps a great deal. Another odd effect of ADHD is my reaction to caffeine. I do not get amped up with caffeine, because the caffeine speeds up the part of the brain that is running slow in an ADHD person, causing them to be more focused, actually.

My doctor told me I was "in a vicious cycle that many bi-polar people fall into". Which is taking medication for my anxiety, and then guzzling coffee or other caffeine to get motivated, and then taking medication from the shakes it would give me!

Sorry bout that,

1. In my view Jim, you should stay off the Doc Pepper.
2. Start eating better.
3. Learn to take some deep breaths when you are stressed.
4. Always look at the bright side of things, don't think to much about what you disagree with, poo poo it off, some people go over and over crap like that, just small things, that slow them down from what they would really want to do more, so they always are pissed they are stuck doing this other thing, teach yourself not to do that.
5. Like or enjoy what you're doing, at least learn too.
6. Don't take this site too seriously, just rant and rave like the *MASTER CWN*, then check out when your done, blowing off all those ass holes!
7. Ofcourse not all are ass holes, so don't you folks get all twisted.
8. Seems like most the ass holes have been banned, MM being the most recent.
9. You put up too long with the ass holes, OCA comes to mind, next time you get a true blue ass hole, kick his ass out when you sense it, don't give them all these freaking chances, like you always do, just pull and punt!
10. Maybe have a vote on it, with all the mod teams members, then if its a go, just punt the bastard!
11. Even if its the *RANT MASTER CWN*, needs to be punted, just do it, don't let my being here run you down, if I am.
12. I can always rant and rave else where, and I wouldn't be offened the slightest.
13. Stay off the Doctor Pepper, its not good for you, especially if thats all you do is drink that for a meal, bad idea my friend.
14. Try to get off all the dope, slowly, at first, and find a hobbie, golf is a good one, I love it!
15. I hope this helps, and you will listen, but you have so many to choose to listen too.


All very good advice. And no, I wouldn't ban you buddy! Sometimes coming here and reading, even as just a visitor without logging in, is comforting to me. I know everyone pretty well and it's like reading a daily newspaper, but one written by all my friends!

What an interesting thread. Drugs/no drugs, caffeine/no caffeine, cigarettes/no cigarettes. ;) But if you really read it all, there seem to be some really good suggestions in here for you to try. Looks to me like we are all here for you in ways we can be.

I know that you don't like to read, so you could listen to the New Testament on CD. It even comes in DVD format. I find it gives me peace when I need it most.

I am reading a book as mentioned, and have been looking around on the 'net for some audio books but haven't found anything that has caught my interest yet. I LOVE sports books but I guess that isn't the most popular genre out there.

01-22-2010, 07:16 AM
yup, I was ADHD growing up, and I took Karate. Even now, it helps a great deal. Another odd effect of ADHD is my reaction to caffeine. I do not get amped up with caffeine, because the caffeine speeds up the part of the brain that is running slow in an ADHD person, causing them to be more focused, actually.

I second that my youngest is ADHD and both of my boy's always wanted coffee and toast for breakfast starting around the age of 8 or 9, most people thought I was nuts for letting them have coffee at such a young age, however it actually helped them both to focus and the youngest to calm down.

01-22-2010, 08:27 AM
I second that my youngest is ADHD and both of my boy's always wanted coffee and toast for breakfast starting around the age of 8 or 9, most people thought I was nuts for letting them have coffee at such a young age, however it actually helped them both to focus and the youngest to calm down.

Yeah, and it's good you realized that. Alot of parents for ADHD kids end up going the other way, paralytically avoiding caffeine, certain that we'll go bouncing off the walls in no time, but they just don't realize that the reaction is different for us. Check out the book "The Gift of ADHD" by Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D, it's really a wonderful book on the subject.

As for Jim, well, you should try some new activities, but also, you need to make a list of the things stressing you out, and prioritize that list from biggest stressers, to smallest stressers. If you see anything on that list you can get rid of, I would advise removing one at a time, and see if it has an overall effect on your stress level, and repeat as needed until you're levelled out.

01-22-2010, 08:55 AM
I was 24 when I met my wife, that was 17 years ago, been married for going on 16 years now. ....

You actually have a similar story as mine. She saw in you a "diamond in the rough". When I met my wife she was a total preppie and I smoked, did some drugs and wore stupid looking flannel shirts. Like all of my girlfriends in college she fell in love with my motorcycle, then my bod. She made me quit smoking before she'd go out with me, which was an easy decision, and tolerated an occasional drug use though never partook herself.

When we first got married I had the big job and she was in grad school, totally financially dependent on me. I kept the apartment clean while she studied. She's dress me up in preppy clothes and I'd tolerate it to a point. We eventually bought a little house on my salary, we had two kids and I sold the motorcycle.

When she got her first real job we eventually were making about the same, she kept the house up nice and learned to cook like a chef while I maintained and improved our house. Over the years her salary has grown and outpaced mine. I've slowly gotten back to more comfortable clothes and have a collection of better looking flannel shirts. Right now due the downturn in the construction industry she's the bread winner and I've become the cook. I keep the house clean and the lawn manicured, I'm renovating the house room by room, and I work my small business at home so I'm always here for our kids, taxi driver, chief cook and bottle washer. I see myself as sort of the long-term planner working to increase our equity and protect our investments.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that a marriage is a journey without a designated highway; you have a sort-of plan where you want to end up but not much of a road map. Decisions are made all the time on which road to take, to follow the compass, terrain or instinct. Or to ask for directions and whether or not to trust the stranger who gave it to you. There will be disagreements at many of the choices, and you both have to trust the others instinct and carry more load that the other from time to time, but each must carry as much as they can.

Most important is to realize that money, although important, is not the only measure of effort.

Abbey Marie
01-22-2010, 11:19 AM
I am reading a book as mentioned, and have been looking around on the 'net for some audio books but haven't found anything that has caught my interest yet. I LOVE sports books but I guess that isn't the most popular genre out there.

Jim, my husband is listening to Tony Dungy's #1 NYT bestseller book "Quiet Strength" on CD right now. There's a lot of football in it, plus also a lot on being a good father, husband, etc. My husband is really enjoying it, and you may know from posts I've made here, that I think the world of Tony. I think you will find it fun to listen to and uplifting.

About Tony: "The greatest man I've ever met in my life."
-Warren Sapp, Oakland Raiders

01-23-2010, 07:14 AM
I have a odd question, jim: Do you ever play any football? I know you watch it, but do you play.