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View Full Version : The fallout: Democrats rethinking health care bill

red states rule
01-20-2010, 09:56 AM
While some Dems are taking a close look at the MA election results, others are ignoring it

So full speed ahead with Obamacare and ignore the cliff dead ahead

The fallout: Democrats rethinking health care bill

Republican Scott Brown’s upset win in Massachusetts Tuesday threatened to derail any hopes of passing a health reform bill this year, as the White House and Democratic leaders faced growing resistance from rank-and-file members to pressing ahead with a bill following the Bay State backlash.

White House senior adviser David Axelrod told POLITICO: “I think that it would a terrible mistake to walk away now. If we don’t pass the bill, all we have is the stigma of a caricature that was put on it. That would be the worst result for everybody who has supported this bill.” He said the administration will work with Capitol Hill to figure out how.

Obama's former campaign manger, David Plouffe, added on ABC's "Good Morning America": "I'm very confident we can pass health-care reform."

Democratic leaders insisted they planned to press ahead with health reform, and met late into Tuesday night in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office. But they made no decisions about how to proceed, now that Brown has swept away the Democrats’ filibuster-proof 60-vote majority in the Senate.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0110/31693.html#ixzz0dAGWPWju