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View Full Version : Transgender student runs for prom king

04-21-2007, 11:17 AM
Neat, wonder if she/he wins. Must have plenty of support just to get nominated and a school policy changed.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070421/ap_on_re_us/transgender_prom_king;_ylt=Apr8E3_toJZatseIw.wqdU5 vzwcF

FRESNO, Calif. - When school officials announce the name of the Fresno High School prom king on Saturday, Cinthia Covarrubias will be wearing a tuxedo just like the six boys vying for the honor. Administrators agreed to reverse a district protocol this week that limited males to compete for the title after Covarrubias was nominated by her classmates.

"I would never have run for anything if I had to wear a dress," said Covarrubias, who considers herself transgender, an umbrella term that covers all people whose outward appearance and internal identity don't match their gender at birth.

Gay youth advocates called it a landmark victory for campus gender expression and said they believe it's the first time in the U.S. that an openly transgender student has run for prom royalty.

"We are growing as a society to accept much more diversity in gender expression, and that's a positive thing," said Carolyn Laub, director of the Gay-Straight Alliance Network.

Covarrubias, who wears black-and-white Vans, baggy shorts and close-cropped brown hair, sometimes identifies herself as Tony. Her date, a close female friend, plans to wear a black dress and red corsage to the prom at an outdoor reception hall surrounded by man-made waterfalls.

On Wednesday, officials at the school of 2,700 students shifted course, saying the district's lawyers had recommended adding Covarrubias' name to the ballot to comply with a 2000 state law protecting students' ability to express their gender identity on campus.

"We always want to do the right thing by our students," Vice Principal Sheila Uriarte said. "This is why we came to this decision."

Leanne Reyes, 16, said Covarrubias had her vote.

"It's not like the stereotype where the king has to be a jock and he's there with the cheerleaders anymore," said Reyes, a senior. "We live in a generation now where dudes are chicks and chicks are dudes."

Still, some students criticized the decision to put Covarrubias on the ballot.

"I like lesbians, but they shouldn't be allowed to run for king," said senior Erich Logan, 18, as he stood outside the stately high school building.

A native of Jalisco, Mexico, Covarrubias said she has bucked rigid expectations of how a girl in her culture should behave. Explaining the meaning of terms like "queer" and "transgender" to her parents and eight siblings has at times been painful, she said.

"My freshman year I just started feeling different," she said. "When I decided to change to be like this, all of a sudden I said, 'Wow, I feel OK. I feel like finally I'm being me.'"

She has no current plans, however, to permanently alter her gender through hormones or surgery.

Tiffani Sanchez, a science teacher who advises the school's Gay-Straight Alliance, said the decision would foster understanding of the broad spectrum of gender identities.

"Cinthia is still really learning who she is," she said. "We want her to know that there's a safe space for her here and we support her."

Covarrubias is giddily looking forward to the prom, but acknowledged being a little nervous.

"I'm happy I actually made a difference about changing the law and the policy so you can run for your choice," Covarrubias said.

04-21-2007, 11:19 AM
How can the prom king be an it? This thing is an it and should be psychoanalyzed heavily.

04-21-2007, 11:21 AM
So what?

04-21-2007, 11:21 AM
How can the prom king be an it? This thing is an it and should be psychoanalyzed heavily.

I've always loved your sensitivity. :laugh2:

04-21-2007, 11:23 AM
No he is a person born female who decided to make a gender switch. If that's what makes him happy don't see much wrong with it. To each his own when it doesn't hurt others.

04-21-2007, 11:24 AM
No he is a person born female who decided to make a gender switch. If that's what makes him happy don't see much wrong with it. To each his own when it doesn't hurt others.

Translation: That girl has parents who failed her.

04-21-2007, 11:25 AM
Translation: That girl has parents who failed her.

I can say that for many of you.

04-21-2007, 11:26 AM
Some people are born with gender issues that the best parents in the world wont change. This is something that's happened throughout human history.

04-21-2007, 11:27 AM
No he is a person born female who decided to make a gender switch. If that's what makes him happy don't see much wrong with it. To each his own when it doesn't hurt others.

In other words its parents instead of enforcing what was natural at birth decided to lay down and let it become some sort of social experiment.

If it was born female than it is a female today.

04-21-2007, 11:29 AM
Maybe the parents thought that was a better option then a extremely unhappy child, hating their life, possibly becoming suicidal. You can't force everyone into one mold or the other.

04-21-2007, 11:29 AM
Some people are born with gender issues that the best parents in the world wont change. This is something that's happened throughout human history.

Actually thats a baldfaced lie, "gender issues" are simply something made up so parents don't have to do some heavy lifting and straighten their child out, its a convenient excuse.

04-21-2007, 11:30 AM
Maybe the parents thought that was a better option then a extremely unhappy child, hating their life, possibly becoming suicidal. You can't force everyone into one mold or the other.

Letting the child live a lie? Wow, parents of the year candidates.

04-21-2007, 11:34 AM
Scientific fact is beyond the idiot mind.I could post reams of fact and the idiots would say....... Duh.....it's a....... Duh..........Fucking idiots.

04-21-2007, 11:38 AM
Actually thats a baldfaced lie, "gender issues" are simply something made up so parents don't have to do some heavy lifting and straighten their child out, its a convenient excuse.
Not really. The Eunuchs of India are one example and that's not a new thing.
Plenty of others.


Transgendered people have been known throughout the course of human history. The North American Cheyenne refer to the he man eh, the Lakota refer to the winkte, and the Navajo refer to the nadle. These are merely different names for the same "two-spirited" individuals.

Many cultures perceive transgendered, or "two-spirited" individuals are perceived as being blessed. It is unfortunate that in our supposedly "enlightened" Western culture, transgendered people are frequently perceived as "mentally ill."

04-21-2007, 11:47 AM
People should be free to be whoever they want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else.

OCA doesn't value freedom apparently.

04-21-2007, 11:49 AM
People should be free to be whoever they want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else.

OCA doesn't value freedom apparently.

it emotionaly hurts me to to have a queen be king and and a queen be queen....

04-21-2007, 11:52 AM
it emotionaly hurts me to to have a queen be king and and a queen be queen....

Why? I thought you were a Republican?

04-21-2007, 11:55 AM
Why? I thought you were a Republican?

hardly.....shouldn'tother you ....you all have had queens as kings before

04-21-2007, 12:26 PM
hardly.....shouldn'tother you ....you all have had queens as kings before

Doesn't bother me at all, denial does though.:laugh2:

04-21-2007, 12:28 PM
Doesn't bother me at all, denial does though.:laugh2:

well denial of the gender you were born into disturbs you then?....

04-21-2007, 12:30 PM
well denial of the gender you were born into disturbs you then?....

NO, not me, those that deny it.

Abbey Marie
04-21-2007, 01:18 PM
Has our "king" had a penis surgically added? If not, she's really a girl in reverse drag, no? We can look on it as a kind of costume party, I suppose. :rolleyes:

04-21-2007, 01:26 PM
Some people are born with gender issues that the best parents in the world wont change. This is something that's happened throughout human history.
Some people, girls especially, have issues with their weight. They deal with those issues with disorders known as bulimia and anorexia. If you ask them if they are fat, they will tell you they are, even though they may actually resemble a walking skeleton.

If you used your logic, then we ought to let them starve themselves, because they obviously feel fat.

I think the whole gender switch issue is a blight on the medical profession. There are many doctors who are willing to make a buck off of someone else's psychosis.

I honestly can't understand why a man would pay someone else to castrate them or a woman would pay someone to remove their breasts. There is something very wrong with removing perfectly healthy organs from a person who has no health issues then condemning them to a lifetime of hormone therapy for no reason whatsoever.

04-21-2007, 01:35 PM
Some people, girls especially, have issues with their weight. They deal with those issues with disorders known as bulimia and anorexia. If you ask them if they are fat, they will tell you they are, even though they may actually resemble a walking skeleton.

If you used your logic, then we ought to let them starve themselves, because they obviously feel fat.

I think the whole gender switch issue is a blight on the medical profession. There are many doctors who are willing to make a buck off of someone else's psychosis.

I honestly can't understand why a man would pay someone else to castrate them or a woman would pay someone to remove their breasts. There is something very wrong with removing perfectly healthy organs from a person who has no health issues then condemning them to a lifetime of hormone therapy for no reason whatsoever.

Karl, Karl, Karl, Karl, Karl............I despair..........deary, deary me.

If you were a woman with a penis or a man with breasts, you might understand.

04-21-2007, 03:20 PM
I can say that for many of you.

Gab - you are a piece of crap stuck to the ass of this board. You and a few others are the ALWAYS the cause of threads going downhill. WHY do you have to take ONE topic, and use it to insult the board here? YOU now made the thread 'personal'.

Stop it, or I'll stop you, for you.

04-21-2007, 03:58 PM
I had an Architectural Design instructor in college that went away the summer of 1975 and came back a woman. This guy was married to a beautiful woman and was one of the more knowledgeable Professors in the Architecture department. He had become pretty strange over the first few years I had known him, he would sit in on critiques for other classes. His face had softened and he would be seen walking many miles from campus, he had lost a lot of weight.

That summer the head of the department called in all students that had preregistered for third year design class. He explained how this teacher had gone away over the summer and would be returning as a woman and if we had a problem he could keep us out of her class. I told him I had no problem with that instructor but didn't want the other choice....of course I ended up with the other who flunked me when I told him he was "a fuckin asshole that couldn't design his way out of a paper bag!" in front of the class, that didn't go over too well.

I ended up getting into "her" class. It was a huge waste because this once brilliant Architecture professor was now a drugged up ditzy blond with big fake breasts. This person couldn't tell you whether she had talked to you 15 minutes ago.

I would see "her" at the local clubs with dates dancing and getting close and I wondered how truthful "she " was with these guys. Well, after a year of dating men she started dating lesbians and then moved away........a once brilliant man with a great job and beautiful wife turned into a dumb blond that screwed around with lesbians.....now that's progress.:laugh2:

04-21-2007, 05:20 PM
I had an Architectural Design instructor in college that went away the summer of 1975 and came back a woman. This guy was married to a beautiful woman and was one of the more knowledgeable Professors in the Architecture department. He had become pretty strange over the first few years I had known him, he would sit in on critiques for other classes. His face had softened and he would be seen walking many miles from campus, he had lost a lot of weight.

That summer the head of the department called in all students that had preregistered for third year design class. He explained how this teacher had gone away over the summer and would be returning as a woman and if we had a problem he could keep us out of her class. I told him I had no problem with that instructor but didn't want the other choice....of course I ended up with the other who flunked me when I told him he was "a fuckin asshole that couldn't design his way out of a paper bag!" in front of the class, that didn't go over too well.

I ended up getting into "her" class. It was a huge waste because this once brilliant Architecture professor was now a drugged up ditzy blond with big fake breasts. This person couldn't tell you whether she had talked to you 15 minutes ago.

I would see "her" at the local clubs with dates dancing and getting close and I wondered how truthful "she " was with these guys. Well, after a year of dating men she started dating lesbians and then moved away........a once brilliant man with a great job and beautiful wife turned into a dumb blond that screwed around with lesbians.....now that's progress.:laugh2:

It's such a shame you can't see beyond that bump on your nose.If you could seperate the learned from percieved you may advance beyond moron in life.

04-21-2007, 05:22 PM
People should be free to be whoever they want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else.

OCA doesn't value freedom apparently.

Freedom to Samantha is to let the mentally infirmed run amok, she probably thinks it was a good decision to let that zipperhead go when they had him as good as locked up in the funny farm, I mean he wasn't hurting anyone...............at the time.

04-21-2007, 05:23 PM
It's such a shame you can't see beyond that bump on your nose.If you could seperate the learned from percieved you may advance beyond moron in life.

Have you ever had a complete thought in your obviously miserable life?

04-21-2007, 05:26 PM
Have you ever had a complete thought in your obviously miserable life?

Once or twice........I have repped you because I like your abrasive style:clap: .

04-21-2007, 05:27 PM
Have you ever had a complete thought in your obviously miserable life?

Roomy is Irish trash, better known as Pikeys. They are akin to Gypsies, their M.O. is to go into an establishment, the adults engage the employees in a conversation while the children rob the joint blind...........classy. Probably drinking a cheap version of Guiness as we speak.

04-21-2007, 05:28 PM
Roomy is Irish trash, better known as Pikeys. They are akin to Gypsies, their M.O. is to go into an establishment, the adults engage the employees in a conversation while the children rob the joint blind...........classy. Probably drinking a cheap version of Guiness as we speak.

Excuse me? Just what the fuck is "Irish trash"?

04-21-2007, 05:29 PM
Excuse me? Just what the fuck is "Irish trash"?

Yeah, me too! I want to know.

04-21-2007, 05:33 PM
Yeah, me too! I want to know.

Ask any Brit what the term "Pikey" means, they will tell you. Its not an indictment of the Irish people as a whole, think a sector of the Irish public along the lines of Britney Spears sans the money.

04-21-2007, 05:34 PM
Ask any Brit what the term "Pikey" means, they will tell you. Its not an indictment of the Irish people as a whole, think a sector of the Irish public along the lines of Britney Spears sans the money.

Can you elaborate? I mean it was your term...

04-21-2007, 05:35 PM
Can you elaborate? I mean it was your term...

Just did, you need more explanation? Seriously?

04-21-2007, 05:43 PM
ask anyone what my nationality is dumbo:clap:

You are the worlds biggest fucking loser:clap:

Delete yourself and fuck off:clap: :clap:

At least you won't have to read what is written forever more about you:clap: :clap:

:laugh2: :laugh2:

I have owned you for months, it is now set in stone you fucking idiot.:laugh2: :laugh2:

04-21-2007, 05:47 PM
You're not Irish.. But I am.. So, now can we get back to exactly what "Irish trash" is?

04-21-2007, 05:48 PM
1. pikey 795 up, 87 down

From the English "turnpike", the place where itinerent travellers and thieves would camp near a settlement.

Pikey is not a racial group, the term is used to describe anyone who lives in a caravan or shares the same values and "culture" of "the travelling community", and whose main sources of income are as follows:

Stealing cars, flogging roses in pubs for "childrens' charities", nicking lead off roofs, burgling garden sheds, blagging entry to old peoples house to rob them, doing dodgy tarmac jobs ("we've got some black stuff left over from a job up the road"), sometimes with mint imperials used as a substitute for white chippings, or, reportedly, using snow to lay slabs on when the sand ran out, stealing your bollocks if they weren't in a bag and anything else that's not nailed down and anything that is nailed down but will fit in the back of an untaxed Transit when nobody's looking.

Characterised by lurchers on a string, a unintelligible language that "isn't English, it isn't Irish, it's just Pikey" (source: Film: Snatch), a penchant for harecoursing, ketamine, lighter fuel, fighting in pubs and shopping at Lidl.

Best avoided.

trailer trash

by chimtec Jun 18, 2004 email it
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2. pikey 278 up, 70 down

A Gypsy or Circus person. British version of trailer trash. Also a dialect used by pikeys which is a cross between English and Irish.

"I fuckin' hate pikeys"

by Dacarlo Mar 13, 2003 email it
3. Pikey 377 up, 209 down

Unfortunately pikeys are the majority of today's youth, and everyone else has to suffer. Pikeys are the people who are eternally rude, make a mockery of the english language (I'm sure the person who invented the english language is having a fit). They are the people who make you feel uncomfortable for walking along the same street as then, and generally destroying today.
To get the right image in your mind:
Male pikey:
Dress - addidas or similar sports tracksuit bottoms, above the ankle of course, occasionally with the white socks pulled up over the top. astonishingly white trainers, as if they've just been stolen, popular sports make obviously. A nicholson or england polo shirt,or a polo shirt (and matching cap) with graffiti writing saying "love sex rock n' roll" or similar over and over again,
or general football shirt, a FCUK shirt and if you're lucky a cheapo "designer silk shir" (fresh from the local market) and usually an addidas or similar training jacket, or if not a hoodie pulled up over the cap. Large cheap gold chains hanging aroung their neck, fake of course but about 5 inches thick, and one gold earring. Fake burberry headwear of course, a nice fake burberry cap planted on their greasy heads under a hood, or a white cap covered in basketball team logos perched on top of their heads, not even in an attempt to stay on. Hair is usually very short, often shaved, if not completely gone, extremely greasy.

Traits: Young pikeys in cheap cars with spoilers, alloys and neon lights underneath of course. And just so you know you can hear a pikey coming from about 10 miles off, you can hear the "UMTA UMTA UMTA UMTA" of the drum and bass blasting out of their cars with their 3000 watt speakers. Council houses are their home, older pikeys usually don't work because "the country owes them a living and the government works for them" and young pikeys often don't go to school, intelligence is not their strong point. You will also see pikeys hurling abuse at innocent bystandersand often beating them up. Pikeys always hang around in groups of at least 10 at bus stops, parks, actually anywhere where there is something. You will also see pikeys standing on street corners smoking (no matter what age) and possibly with a bottle of white lightning or similar cheap alcohol. Shoplifting and fighting are good hobbies.

Female Pikey:
Dress- female pikeys often change their style of dress but of course are instantly recognisable. The first type of female pikey dress is not unlike the male pikey's, addidas tracksuit bottoms (of course about 3 inches above the ankle), sometimes not addidas, but usually, the sporty trainers or if not the "loafers" hard to describe because in a pikey sense they are slightly different but i'm sure you get the picture. Again a nicholson or england polo shirt or usually again FCUK with an addidas or Kappa training jacket or with a white parka, white puffer jacket with the grey furry hood (unfortunately they seem to have dropped the "hoodie and the denim jacket with the hood hanging on the outside of the denim jacket on"), this is of course complimented by the fake burberry scarf. The jewellery is really something, again the large gold chains, with gold crosses usually, and their ears are usually pierced about 10 times, with the largest gold hoops you have ever seen in your life, now these hoops can either be so large you could make animals jump through them, or so thick that the pikey must have industrial strength ears to keep them on their head. The other type of female pikey has the same sort o tops and the same jewellery, but usually has tight jeans, three quarter length, and a pair of beige or black quite flat fabric boots, usually suede effect, or if not an extremely short miniskirt that a normal person would usually describe as a belt. Of course all female pikeys have the same hair and make-up, usually dyed blonde with quite evident black roots (unless they're a true blonde, then they're just very lucky *sarcasm*), all pikey females will have their hair scraped back up into a very tight pony tail towards the top of their head, usually with gel and about 20 hair clips and of course a fake burberry hair tie, in fact the pony tail usually pulls their skin up so they find it quite hard to move their face or make any expression (also known as the pikey face lift). The make-up is a pikey art, foundation, as much foundation as possible in a pikey's opinion, i personally think that they must spread it on with either rollers or paintbrushes, but either way at the end of the day their faces are so alarmingly orange that if you look at them for too long not only will you be beaten up but you may be blinded. In general as much make-up as possible.

Traits: Usually found in groups of at least 10 alongside the male pikeys, usually following the male pikeys in what they do. Usually chewing gum and staring at every person that walks past and giving them "evils" and if you so much as glance at them you get the reply "wot you starin' at?", "you lookin' at me?", "wos your problem?" and if you dare going within 10 feet of one "wot you doin'" or "you breavin on me?". Poular pastimes include smoking, drinking, skiving off school, shoplifting and getting pregnant, most pikeys are mothers by at least 17.

There is so much more i could say about pikeys, but I'd be here all night and it makes me very angry. I hope this helps you in your everyday lives, good luck, the streets are dangerous out there.

also known as:
chavs, townies, rudies, kevs, neds (non educated delinquents), wiggers(those who think they are black), tracky bashers the list goes on

Vicky Pollard from little britain
(though really with the pikey spelling it should be Vikki)

by drufus (not saying real name or the pikeys will come and beat me up) Dec 8, 2004 email it
4. pikey 155 up, 38 down

Originally a harmless slang name for a gypsy and/or traveller, being derived from the word 'turnpike.'

Now generally regarded as a term of abuse that encompasses any persons perceived as common, tasteless, flashy, in-bred, thieving and a whole host of other sins, the primary term is till applied to gypsies.

Once thought of as the type of person who sold you useless lucky heather whether you wanted it or not, the pikey is now the type of person who will uselessly tarmac your driveway whether you want it or not.

A popular hobby amongst pikeys is collecting; mainly dogs, horses, scrap metal and stolen goods.

Jesus, mate, who did your patio; a gang of pissed-up pikeys?

by Pike-less Feb 9, 2004 email it

5. pikey 232 up, 133 down

Somebody who wears more rings than they have fingers.

Alternitavely, any person who decides to hang a gold clown from their neck.

by joe-**** Nov 7, 2003 email it
6. pikey 147 up, 105 down

An unsavoury man or woman who sponges off the state and exploits the European Human Rights legislation in order to ruin beautiful countryside locations by covering it in hardcore and tarmac, then moving caravans and vehicles on to the land.

Do not mistake the wealth or power of these people. They milk the fact that 60 years ago a facist German leader sent gypsys (pikeys) to gas ovens for obvious reasons.

They are dishonest, steal from pensioners, are violent, (Fred West, the serial killer was a pikey) and marry their own sisters/brothers/aunts/un cles.

They are are a sub-human species, and although I would not expect them to receive the 'gas oven' treatment, it would be best in the long run, if lethal injection might eradicate this foul race of people.

They make peoples life a misery, and honest and hard working folk are thrown into jail, just for looking at them in an unfriendly manner.

Tony Blair: How would you like a hundred pikeys on your back lawn: No you wouldn't, by the way, they have more money in the bank than you Tony!

Wiltshire was invaded by pikeys and they renamed the county 'pikeshire'.

by Clinton Sounds Mar 27, 2005 email it
7. pikey 122 up, 81 down

Humanoid, Resident of Aldershot or similar, hunts in packs, usually 4 per Rood Vauxhall Nova, wearing 'Bling-Bling' gold chains and nugget rings from Argos - baseball caps at a jaunty angle. Seen to have a real problem with navigation as they drive up and down the high st all night without finding their destination.

Oh fucking hell here come the PIKEYS again - aren't they bored of driving in circles??

by MrZen Jul 14, 2003 email it

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04-21-2007, 05:49 PM
ask anyone what my nationality is dumbo:clap:

I have owned you for months, it is now set in stone you fucking idiot.:laugh2: :laugh2:

Irish Pikey.

Owned, me? :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Your creativity isn't 1/10th of mine. Don't you have some roses to flog?:laugh2:

04-21-2007, 05:52 PM
Irish Pikey.

Owned, me? :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Your creativity isn't 1/10th of mine. Don't you have some roses to flog?:laugh2:

I leave the roses to the greeks when I am on holiday:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Fucking idiot.:laugh2:

04-21-2007, 06:00 PM
You're not Irish.. But I am.. So, now can we get back to exactly what "Irish trash" is?

Already explained, or in your opinion are the Irish a pristine race without scumbags? Hell even I know we Greeks got some serious trash amongst us.

04-21-2007, 06:02 PM
I leave the roses to the greeks when I am on holiday:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Fucking idiot.:laugh2:

I'm fucking destroying you tonight, calling me idiot the best you got?

04-21-2007, 06:02 PM
I can say that for many of you.

Yeah, you could. But then youd be lying. Not really a stretch for you though.

04-21-2007, 06:03 PM
Well this thread is done with. Nothin worth reading on the whole third page.

04-21-2007, 06:04 PM
Is there a shake my head in disbelief smilie?

04-21-2007, 06:05 PM
Some people, girls especially, have issues with their weight. They deal with those issues with disorders known as bulimia and anorexia. If you ask them if they are fat, they will tell you they are, even though they may actually resemble a walking skeleton.

If you used your logic, then we ought to let them starve themselves, because they obviously feel fat.

I think the whole gender switch issue is a blight on the medical profession. There are many doctors who are willing to make a buck off of someone else's psychosis.

I honestly can't understand why a man would pay someone else to castrate them or a woman would pay someone to remove their breasts. There is something very wrong with removing perfectly healthy organs from a person who has no health issues then condemning them to a lifetime of hormone therapy for no reason whatsoever.

I agree. These Doctors who mutilate people needlessly for a buck should be reigned in for the harm they are causing society.