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04-21-2007, 04:36 PM
y MIKE GLOVER, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 54 minutes ago

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa - Hillary Rodham Clinton said Saturday that if she is elected president, she would make her husband a roaming ambassador to the world, using his skills to repair the nation's tattered image abroad.


"I can't think of a better cheerleader for America than Bill Clinton, can you?" the Democratic senator from New York asked a crowd jammed into a junior high school gymnasium. "He has said he would do anything I asked him to do. I would put him to work."

Clinton spoke at a town hall-style meeting Saturday where she took questions from about 200 people. When asked what role the former president would play in her administration, she left no doubt it would be an important one.

"I'm very lucky that my husband has been so experienced in all of these areas," said Clinton, who pointed to the diplomatic assignments her husband has carried out since leaving office, such as raising money for tsunami victims.

Although former president Clinton was impeached after an affair with a White House intern, he remains a very popular figure in much of the world and is considered an effective diplomat.

That's precisely what America needs in the wake of a war in Iraq that's left America isolated and hated throughout much of the world, Hillary Clinton said.

"I believe in using former presidents, particularly what my husband has done, to really get people around the world feeling better about our country," she said. "We're going to need that. Right now they're rooting against us and they need to root for us."

The former president can also be a political asset to his wife's campaign. While his image with the electorate is mixed, he remains immensely popular among Democrats.

When it was announced last year that he would be the main speaker at the Iowa Democratic Party's largest annual fundraiser, the event sold out overnight.

On Saturday, Hillary Clinton chatted with activists in Marshalltown and mingled at a coffee shop in Newton before raising money for Rep. Leonard Boswell (news, bio, voting record).

She was scheduled to visit Dubuque on Sunday.

In Marshalltown, she was pressed on immigration issues in a city where a raid at a local meatpacking plant led to the detention of nearly 100 workers. Clinton called for more assistance for cities with significant numbers of undocumented workers.

"You've got to have more help for communities when you have a lot of undocumented workers because they have costs associated with that and they don't set immigration policy," Clinton said.

She also said any immigration reform must be tougher on businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

She said nothing will affect the issue until leaders of countries, such as Mexico, improve the economic lives for millions living in poverty.

Clinton also said she would raise taxes for the wealthy, who she said "aren't paying their fair share." She also praised the economic policies of her husband that brought budget surpluses.

"We need to get back to fiscal responsibility," she said.

04-21-2007, 04:40 PM
first thin we should do is send him to baghdad to talk some sense into those freedom fighters

04-21-2007, 04:46 PM
She has to win first but anyway better to keep him out of the WH and scandle if he does end up being the first man.

04-21-2007, 04:47 PM
She has to win first but anyway better to keep him out of the WH and scandle if he does end up being the first man.

she just wants him out of the house......

04-21-2007, 04:58 PM
she just wants him out of the house......

Well I would have divorced him, but sans that it's the next best thing.

04-21-2007, 05:03 PM
Well I would have divorced him, but sans that it's the next best thing.

she is weak to have put up with that crap....blow jobs in the oval office....my wife would have had the secrete servcie kill me

04-21-2007, 05:06 PM
She needs Bill to add to her political efforts. It would be stupid to get rid of him. Not like they really even live together anymore.

04-21-2007, 05:33 PM
she is weak to have put up with that crap....blow jobs in the oval office....my wife would have had the secrete servcie kill me

Truly, I don't think the Secret Service would, but then there's the CIA, they might. Good idea.

04-21-2007, 06:09 PM
she is weak to have put up with that crap....blow jobs in the oval office....my wife would have had the secrete servcie kill me

easier to arrange that abroad and bury the facts isnt it?

04-21-2007, 06:12 PM
He'll be ambassador to wherever the best looking chicks are.

04-21-2007, 06:17 PM
He'll be ambassador to wherever the best looking chicks are.

So he isnt going to France?

Seriously, I think he wants to be General Secretary of the UN. Obviously that is highly unlikely any time in the future, but he might be courting people for it.

04-21-2007, 06:41 PM
she is weak to have put up with that crap....blow jobs in the oval office....my wife would have had the secrete servcie kill me

I'm more suspicious of a president who doesn't get blow jobs than one who does.

Although he could have chosen more wisely than Monica L.

Isn't this nepotism? I thought the whole purpose of the War of Independence was to end dynasties (like the Bush one and the one Clinton is trying) and things like nepotism. We're going backwards.

04-21-2007, 06:46 PM
They aren't the firsts. We've had two Roosevelts in office and two Adams i do believe.

04-21-2007, 06:53 PM
They aren't the firsts. We've had two Roosevelts in office and two Adams i do believe.

The Roosevelts were not closely related and even had different parties. Don't know about Adams.

But let's talk about important issues. Don't you think there should be a special Secret Service Blow Job Specialist in order to please Clinton, but keep it................well, secret? :cheers2:

04-21-2007, 07:36 PM
she is weak to have put up with that crap....blow jobs in the oval office....my wife would have had the secrete servcie kill me

Your wife doesn't have ambitions to be the first female president though manu. I knew when it first hit and she "took it" so quietly that she was going to "suffer" for future ambitions.

04-21-2007, 07:38 PM
They aren't the firsts. We've had two Roosevelts in office and two Adams i do believe.

Well after 9 years of Bushes I don't think America is going to vote another member of a family in too soon again.

04-21-2007, 08:32 PM
He'll be ambassador to wherever the best looking chicks are.


Abbey Marie
04-21-2007, 08:37 PM
Ambassador to the Republic of Hiawannalaya?

04-21-2007, 08:52 PM
Ambassador to the Republic of Hiawannalaya?

sister nation of Comeoniwanalayya

allthough bills nation would be iwillletyoublowmeificanstickacigarinya

04-21-2007, 08:55 PM
I'm more suspicious of a president who doesn't get blow jobs than one who does.

Although he could have chosen more wisely than Monica L.

Isn't this nepotism? I thought the whole purpose of the War of Independence was to end dynasties (like the Bush one and the one Clinton is trying) and things like nepotism. We're going backwards.

You are correct Sir!

Thing is that Bill Dog is the biggest asset Hillary has both in the campaign where he is solid gold and as she suggests as a world embassador.

Down the stretch, Bill campaigning for Hillary is a 10point advantage that nobody else can remotely match.

I don't like it but with no republican candidates yet and only Obama as a dem opponent, she is a shoe in........ unless somebody kills her first.

it's happened before to prevent dynasties.....

04-21-2007, 08:56 PM


Somewhere on the Mediterranean, I like them tanned, not blonde and pale.

With that said Swedish erotica.......................................:lau gh2:

04-21-2007, 09:07 PM

Somewhere on the Mediterranean, I like them tanned, not blonde and pale.

With that said Swedish erotica.......................................:lau gh2:

how about tan sweedish chicks on malta......top that ya greek basatada

04-21-2007, 10:42 PM
You are correct Sir!

Thing is that Bill Dog is the biggest asset Hillary has both in the campaign where he is solid gold and as she suggests as a world embassador.

Down the stretch, Bill campaigning for Hillary is a 10point advantage that nobody else can remotely match.

I don't like it but with no republican candidates yet and only Obama as a dem opponent, she is a shoe in........ unless somebody kills her first.

it's happened before to prevent dynasties.....

If Bill is Hillary's biggest asset, we dont have much to worry about...

04-21-2007, 11:46 PM
That's precisely what America needs in the wake of a war in Iraq that's left America isolated and hated throughout much of the world, Hillary Clinton said.

I wholeheartedly agree. It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it.

Baron Von Esslingen
04-21-2007, 11:47 PM
She'll be the next president for sure then.

04-21-2007, 11:49 PM
She'll be the next president for sure then.
And that wouldn't be so bad.:salute:

04-21-2007, 11:54 PM
I'd like to say that I voted for the first woman president, but I doubt I'll vote for her.

04-22-2007, 12:02 AM
I'd like to say that I voted for the first woman president, but I doubt I'll vote for her.

i can say that....well sort of....

04-22-2007, 12:03 AM
She'll be the next president for sure then.

dude ... every 28 days we will go to war :poke:

04-22-2007, 12:07 AM
dude ... every 28 days we will go to war :poke:

Well....at her age, the 28 days rule is no longer in effect.

04-22-2007, 12:09 AM
Well....at her age, the 28 days rule is no longer in effect.

fuck me ... we are down to if she takes her meds:laugh2:

04-22-2007, 12:12 AM
I'd like to say that I voted for the first woman president, but I doubt I'll vote for her.

I would like to see a woman or a black elected president (if only to stop their whining) but not the ones who are running now. I'd vote for Condi!

04-22-2007, 11:43 AM
Good idea. The world is full of sexual misfits. :cool:

04-22-2007, 07:35 PM
I would like to see a woman or a black elected president (if only to stop their whining) but not the ones who are running now. I'd vote for Condi!

Well, I'm not thrilled with either of those also, Nuc. I'd like to like Obamba, but there is just something about him that makes me nervous. I think it's that he's got too much charisma and not enough experience. Condi would make a good candidate, she is smart and diplomatic, but right now with the political climate no one directly connected to this administration would have a chance.........also like Powell, she sold her soul for her job, although I do think she believes in what she is doing is right more than Powell did....but then again Powell did all the dirty work.

04-22-2007, 07:40 PM
I vote for whoever wins the primary for the dems or if that person sucks some off the wall third party person. Maybe Natar the nat that keeps coming back.

04-22-2007, 07:45 PM
Well, I'm not thrilled with either of those also, Nuc. I'd like to like Obamba, but there is just something about him that makes me nervous. I think it's that he's got too much charisma and not enough experience. Condi would make a good candidate, she is smart and diplomatic, but right now with the political climate no one directly connected to this administration would have a chance.........also like Powell, she sold her soul for her job, although I do think she believes in what she is doing is right more than Powell did....but then again Powell did all the dirty work.

I agree with everything you say here. But I'd vote for Condi anyway just because she's smart and good looking and better than any of the alternatives.

04-22-2007, 08:14 PM
I vote for whoever wins the primary for the dems or if that person sucks some off the wall third party person. Maybe Natar the nat that keeps coming back.

Going to pull the age thing on you here, LN.......I hope by the time you're old enough to vote that you'll know what you're voting for and not just a party...but if you keep up on political forums, I have no doubt that when you can vote, you will know.

04-22-2007, 08:18 PM
I agree with everything you say here. But I'd vote for Condi anyway just because she's smart and good looking and better than any of the alternatives.

You know, I'm pretty much a traditionalist.......I don't start my Christmas shopping until after Thanksgiving, I don't wear white pants until after Memorial Day......I'm holding out my excitement. I have a feeling that starting this early no one is going to come out on top and some where in the back ground waiting for this early feeding frenzy to be over with, someone worth my vote will toss in their hat.

04-22-2007, 08:28 PM
Going to pull the age thing on you here, LN.......I hope by the time you're old enough to vote that you'll know what you're voting for and not just a party...but if you keep up on political forums, I have no doubt that when you can vote, you will know.

The party goes with the vote. If the repubs ran a woman I'd vote for her just for being a woman. Third party is just throwing away your vote so if you don't like the repub or dem running that's a good option.

04-22-2007, 09:27 PM
The party goes with the vote. If the repubs ran a woman I'd vote for her just for being a woman. Third party is just throwing away your vote so if you don't like the repub or dem running that's a good option.

Well as I said, I don't see me voting for Hillary, I'd love to say that I voted for the first woman, but she scares me, also after seeing what 10 years of one family has done.......not that Bush '41 was that bad, but what I think we are seeing now is look, I can do things better than you dad......I don't want a repeat of I can do things better than you Bill. Now having Bill as ambassador isn't such a bad idea, he does have the "cred" with foreign officials.

As for third party throwing your vote away, I didn't get interested in voting until John Anderson ran. If you don't vote for third party if you like the candidate, then third party will never become a viable choice on the ballot, be it what ever third party it is.

Do I win a prize for using the word third party in a post?