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01-29-2010, 04:11 AM
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01-29-2010, 06:35 AM
This made me fully rage, its bad enough these whores get paid to show off their amazingly grotesque bodies in magazines, but now she is also able to whore out her 'love'? =/
I would seriously apply to get on a show like that just to have 2 minutes with whoever it is to tell them how tragically disgusting their life is if this is the kind of barrel they are willing to scrape from.

Sorry to be so serious in what i would suppose is a light-hearted thread, but its things like this which make life that little bit worse,

Abbey Marie
01-29-2010, 08:24 AM
This made me fully rage, its bad enough these whores get paid to show off their amazingly grotesque bodies in magazines, but now she is also able to whore out her 'love'? =/
I would seriously apply to get on a show like that just to have 2 minutes with whoever it is to tell them how tragically disgusting their life is if this is the kind of barrel they are willing to scrape from.

Sorry to be so serious in what i would suppose is a light-hearted thread, but its things like this which make life that little bit worse,

What really gets me is that they say she's an "American Icon". What? It's absurd. Comments like this make me understand a little better how Islamic people feel about the West.

01-29-2010, 09:21 AM
I've never heard of her. That alone means she's not an icon. A bimbo with a man made body. Dr. Plastic made that.

01-29-2010, 09:50 AM
Incredibly disgusting.