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View Full Version : Democrats shelve health care overhaul

red states rule
01-29-2010, 08:32 AM
It took one year, but it looks as if Dems are listening to the voters on this issue

Looks like Obamacare is

Democratic leaders on Thursday shelved plans to push through a major health care overhaul, casting aside President Obama's top legislative goal, which has bedeviled congressional Democrats for more than a year.

Senate Democrats put a positive spin on it, arguing that they're sidelining it until later this year - possibly until the summer - so they could deal immediately with Mr. Obama's State of the Union call to address the economy and job creation.

But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who said a comprehensive bill is still a priority, already has plans to pursue small, targeted health bills, such as a repeal of insurance companies' antitrust protection.

Rank-and-file Democrats aren't optimistic about the fate of a comprehensive overhaul.

Sen. Mary L. Landrieu, Louisiana Democrat, classified the legislation as on "life-support" and with a pulse, but warned that resuscitating the legislation would take a lot of work.

"Can we come out of the dugout in the second half and fight and come back and win in the second half of the game?" she said. "Yes. But it's going to take some serious strategic excellence ... and absolutely extraordinary communication and coordination to do that."

Mr. Obama said Wednesday that he still wanted a health care reform bill - an uphill legislative effort that headlined his first year in office - but suggested that lawmakers take a step back before renewing their work.


01-29-2010, 08:35 AM
I don't believe them. They will take that 2000 page piece of crap and break it up; attach the smaller pieces to other bills (so nobody will notice) and get it passed that way if all other measures fail.

red states rule
01-29-2010, 08:39 AM
I don't believe them. They will take that 2000 page piece of crap and break it up; attach the smaller pieces to other bills (so nobody will notice) and get it passed that way if all other measures fail.

I do not take them on their word either, but the math does not add up for them

There are enough Dems who are worried about their election chances in November, and those Dems see the anger the voters have

Every poll I have seen shown a majority of voters do not want this tax bill

Even CNN had bad news for Obamcare

Washington (CNN) -- Only three in ten Americans say they want Congress to pass legislation similar to the health care reform bills that have already been approved by the House and Senate, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey also indicates that nearly half the public, 48 percent, would like federal lawmakers to start work on an entirely new bill, and 21 percent feel Congress should stop working an any bills that would change the country's health care system.

The survey's Tuesday release comes one week after Republican Scott Brown's victory in a special senate election in Massachusetts. The GOP win means once Brown is sworn in as a senator, the Democrats will lose their 60-seat super-majority in the chamber, making their chances of passing the current health care reform legislation extremely difficult.
