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View Full Version : Primary time: Let the political family feuds begin

01-30-2010, 11:08 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) - 'Tis the season when Democrats and Republicans eat their own.

Eight months of primaries for party nominations get under way next week in House, Senate, gubernatorial and legislative races. The outcomes will set the stage for the first midterm elections of Barack Obama's presidency.

Political siblings square off in these family feuds. Personalities and campaign organizations take on outsized importance while differences on issues typically take a back seat.

GOP incumbents and Republicans hand-picked by party leaders are facing spirited challenges from grassroots-supported candidates. No race epitomizes the battle for the GOP's future more than the Florida Senate primary between Gov. Charlie Crist and Marco Rubio, a former state House speaker backed by anti-establishment "tea party" activists.

Democrats have their own internal battles. Among most notable are Senate primaries that drew challengers even though Obama endorsed the incumbents, Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania and Michael Bennet in Colorado.
The Illinois primary is Tuesday, when voters choose candidates for the Senate seat Obama once held and nominees to seek a full term to replace the disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Among the races to watch between now and September: GOVERNORS

Texas is home to the hottest GOP primary race. Rick Perry, the state's longest-serving governor, is trying to fend off Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, an indisputable Washington insider. The race is pitting the public's anger at Washington against its anti-incumbent fervor.

Also keep an eye on South Carolina, where four GOP up-and-comers are competing: Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, Attorney General Henry McMaster, Rep. Gresham Barrett and state Rep. Nikki Haley. South Carolina's Republican victor is likely to win the general election. The state is conservative and it plays a large role in presidential primaries. GOP Gov. Mark Sanford, who famously skipped town last year to see his mistress in Argentina, is barred from another term.

California's ultra-expensive race features former eBay chief executive Meg Whitman, a billionaire, against Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, a multimillionaire Silicon Valley entrepreneur. Both have spent millions of their own money. The winner is all but certain to face Democrat Jerry Brown, 71 and a former governor who unsuccessfully ran for president. He's California's attorney general.

Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons, woefully unpopular in a first term filled with controversy and marked by a bitter divorce, is seeking re-election. But he's drawn at least two primary opponents. They include former federal judge Brian Sandoval, backed by national Republicans. The winner probably will go up against Democrat Rory Reid, son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer also is facing at least two challengers. She's getting hammered on tax issues and is a weak incumbent. She was never elected governor; the former secretary of state assumed the post when Democrat Janet Napolitano was named homeland security secretary.

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