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02-02-2010, 08:20 PM
including Canada:


Power Line - Free Falling (http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2010/02/025511.php)

02-02-2010, 08:42 PM
What's really amazing is, these countries are more free than America despite the fact that everyone of them has disarmed their civilian populations...We're slipping...What we need is change...No, not the Obama kind, real change.

We need to rid ourselves of the dead-weights, illegal aliens, liberals, homosexuals and other perverts and get back to America's conservative roots that made it the wealthiest, freeist and most powerful nation in the history of the world.

02-02-2010, 08:49 PM
What's really amazing is, these countries are more free than America despite the fact that everyone of them has disarmed their civilian populations...We're slipping...What we need is change...No, not the Obama kind, real change.

We need to rid ourselves of the dead-weights, illegal aliens, liberals, homosexuals and other perverts and get back to America's conservative roots that made it the wealthiest, freeist and most powerful nation in the history of the world.

I disagree with getting rid of folks, other than illegals. However, get government off of all of our backs.

02-02-2010, 09:08 PM
I disagree with getting rid of folks, other than illegals. However, get government off of all of our backs.Those who work to destroy the America that brought us freedom, prosperity, security and strength should be evicted.

Keep in mind...There are many who desire for government to be "on our backs".

02-02-2010, 09:15 PM
Those who work to destroy the America that brought us freedom, prosperity, security and strength should be evicted.

Keep in mind...There are many who desire for government to be "on our backs".

and many in the groups you wish to 'get rid of' are not what you portray. OTOH, part of being free is the ability to vote, debate, and fight for the type of country you want. It's the whole, 'defending your right to...' whether I agree with you or not.

02-02-2010, 09:37 PM
and many in the groups you wish to 'get rid of' are not what you portray. OTOH, part of being free is the ability to vote, debate, and fight for the type of country you want. It's the whole, 'defending your right to...' whether I agree with you or not.Why are we number 7 in the world for being free?

Because of these people who desire for the kind of leadership and government that Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi represents.

These people who elect them into positions of power are hoping they will bring about the marxist utopia they desire.

Who are these people?...They are predominately the liberals and 90% of the black and hispanic voters in America.

These people are a threat to my childrens future and they will be the majority come 2047 with their numbers still growing after that.

What do you think is coming.....THINK.....Don't be a sucker to political correctness.....Open your eyes and take a look at reality.

This has absolutely nothing to do with racism Kathianne...If it were red headed freckled people I would say the exact same thing.

02-02-2010, 09:40 PM
New Zeland's looking better and better. :cool:

02-03-2010, 04:47 AM
Why are we number 7 in the world for being free?

Because of these people who desire for the kind of leadership and government that Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi represents.

These people who elect them into positions of power are hoping they will bring about the marxist utopia they desire.

Who are these people?...They are predominately the liberals and 90% of the black and hispanic voters in America.

These people are a threat to my childrens future and they will be the majority come 2047 with their numbers still growing after that.

What do you think is coming.....THINK.....Don't be a sucker to political correctness.....Open your eyes and take a look at reality.

This has absolutely nothing to do with racism Kathianne...If it were red headed freckled people I would say the exact same thing.

Obama won because more US citizens voted for him than John McCain. Simple. Many now have changed their minds, now we await the next elections.

In IL it looks like yesterday the Illinois Republicans chose a candidate you would really like. He will not win. Thus we'll have at least another 4 years of being run by the machine. But heh, check out Bill Brady for Illinois governor.

Mark Kirk, a generally conservative on fiscal, military issues, moderate on social won handily. Likely he'll be the next Senator from IL. Will I agree with him on everything, nope. Will I agree with him more than a Senator Obama, Burris, or Durbin? Without a doubt.

While I'm pretty conservative, I've lots of good friends that aren't. We have some interesting conversations, :rolleyes: , however I don't want any of them gotten rid of or shot. Silly me.

02-03-2010, 10:41 AM
Obama won because more US citizens voted for him than John McCain. Simple. Many now have changed their minds, now we await the next elections.I was not referring to this group of people...These were simply disgruntled voters who are fed up and don't know where to turn.

In IL it looks like yesterday the Illinois Republicans chose a candidate you would really like. He will not win. Thus we'll have at least another 4 years of being run by the machine. But heh, check out Bill Brady for Illinois governor.

Mark Kirk, a generally conservative on fiscal, military issues, moderate on social won handily. Likely he'll be the next Senator from IL. Will I agree with him on everything, nope. Will I agree with him more than a Senator Obama, Burris, or Durbin? Without a doubt.

While I'm pretty conservative, I've lots of good friends that aren't. We have some interesting conversations, :rolleyes: , however I don't want any of them gotten rid of or shot. Silly me.I was referring only to full blown liberals and other people who want something for nothing and are willing to surrender control of their lives to government to get it.

More than 90% of blacks and hispanics regularly vote a straight left ticket and still support Obama and their only dissagreement with him is he is not moving to the left far enough, fast enough.

Most young people lean to the left but this is mainly due to the indoctrination they receive in the media, public schools and universities, but most wise up after they get older and move out into the real world.

02-03-2010, 12:06 PM
This may sound kinda stupid, but why is Hong Kong taken as a country? Surly its just a part of china?

02-03-2010, 05:12 PM
This may sound kinda stupid, but why is Hong Kong taken as a country? Surly its just a part of china?Not stupid at all peckerwood and in fact quite observant.

Capitalism has invaded Red China, via Hong Kong.

Chairman Mao is probably shitting in his glass tomb as we speak.


Hong Kong[7] (Chinese: 香港) is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. Situated on China's south coast and enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea,[8] it is renowned for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour. With land mass of 1,104 km2 (426 sq mi) and a population of seven million people, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world.[9] Hong Kong's population is 95% ethnic Chinese and 5% from other groups.[10]

Under the principle of "one country, two systems", Hong Kong runs on economic and political systems different from those of mainland China.[11] Hong Kong is one of the world's leading international financial centres, with a major capitalist service economy characterised by low taxation, free trade and minimum government intervention under the ethos of positive non-interventionism.[12] The Hong Kong dollar is the 9th most traded currency in the world.[13]

Hong Kong's independent judiciary functions under the common law framework.[14] Its political system is governed by the Basic Law of Hong Kong, its constitutional document. It has a burgeoning multi-party system, and its legislature is partly elected through universal suffrage. The Chief Executive of Hong Kong is the head of government.[15]

Hong Kong became a colony of the British Empire after the First Opium War (1839–1842). Originally confined to Hong Kong Island, the colony's boundaries were extended in stages so as to include the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories by 1898. It was occupied by the Japanese during the Pacific War, after which the British resumed control until 1997, when China regained sovereignty.[16][17] The Basic Law stipulates that Hong Kong shall enjoy a "high degree of autonomy" in all matters except foreign relations and military defence.[18]

02-03-2010, 05:17 PM
Why are we number 7 in the world for being free?

Because of these people who desire for the kind of leadership and government that Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi represents.

These people who elect them into positions of power are hoping they will bring about the marxist utopia they desire.

Who are these people?...They are predominately the liberals and 90% of the black and hispanic voters in America.

These people are a threat to my childrens future and they will be the majority come 2047 with their numbers still growing after that.

What do you think is coming.....THINK.....Don't be a sucker to political correctness.....Open your eyes and take a look at reality.

This has absolutely nothing to do with racism Kathianne...If it were red headed freckled people I would say the exact same thing.

90% of blacks that voted in 2008 voted for Obama. Now how about links for your generalizations?

02-03-2010, 05:39 PM
90% of blacks that voted in 2008 voted for Obama. Now how about links for your generalizations?First let me make sure I've got this right, Kat?

You deny that 90% of black voters supported Obama in 2008?

02-03-2010, 06:06 PM
First let me make sure I've got this right, Kat?

You deny that 90% of black voters supported Obama in 2008?

No, that I was agreeing with. Pretty much the number that's been thrown around since the beginning, I'll assume it's correct. Now links on 90% of Hispanics and that both traditionally vote at that percentage or within 5%.

02-03-2010, 06:35 PM
We need to rid ourselves of the dead-weights, illegal aliens, liberals, homosexuals and other perverts and get back to America's conservative roots that made it the wealthiest, freeist and most powerful nation in the history of the world.

We definitely need to expel illegal aliens. That means that we need is to deport European squatters and anchor babies like yourself back to their lands of origin.

No, but actually, "economic freedom" can hardly exist under capitalism; the nature of the labor market is fundamentally authoritarian. In terms of conventional "human" freedom, the U.S. ranked 11th in the 1991 UN Human Freedom Index, though that was pre-9/11 and did not incorporate the more draconian "security" measures that followed it. Moreover, the U.S. economy developed on the basis of substantial governmental intervention.

02-03-2010, 06:55 PM
No, that I was agreeing with. Pretty much the number that's been thrown around since the beginning, I'll assume it's correct. Now links on 90% of Hispanics and that both traditionally vote at that percentage or within 5%.Keep in mind many of the 2008 hispanic, and their numbers still lean solidly to the left.

67% of hispanic voters supported Obama in 2008 which is a very substantial majority considering that many of them have been in America for several generations.


Overall, this has to be seen as good news for Democrats — when a group that makes up half of all new voters polls in your favor by a 2-to-1 margin (Obama polled at 67% in exit polls among Hispanics).

Obama took 67% of the vote from Latinos according to exit polling. That's a problem for Republicans, especially because the Hispanic voter growth is not limited to just a few states.I suspect that if Obama manages to pull off amnesty for the illegals, along with his promise to allow them to bring their immediate families to America as citizens, he will have nearly 100% of the new hispanic vote.

Common sense Kathianne.


Fully 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate, a 2-percentage-point rise in their national turnout.

96% of black voters for the left with matching numbers from the hispanics spells disaster for political diversity in America...We will be another Venezuealla/Cuba in the western hemisphere.

The white race will be on it's way out of the Americas unless our chidren will accept their new subseviance to marxism, as aggy has been promising us.

Our childrens only option will be armed insurrection.

The left is so close to their marxist dream right now that they can smell the blood in the water.

02-04-2010, 07:11 AM
Hog, we both agree that this administration is causing a lot of heartache for generations to come. We disagree, vehemently though on the cause being the electorate.

02-04-2010, 08:00 AM
What's really amazing is, these countries are more free than America despite the fact that everyone of them has disarmed their civilian populations...

Hog, it's a measure of "economic" freedom.....bringing other factors in would clearly change the rankings.....which in answer to Noir's point also shows why Hong Kong is treated seperately from the rest of China.....the way things happen economically differs between Hong Kong and China.....

02-04-2010, 08:13 AM
Hog, we both agree that this administration is causing a lot of heartache for generations to come. We disagree, vehemently though on the cause being the electorate.Think about what you're saying Kathianne...The "electorate" is absolutely 100% of the cause.

The progressive leadership now in power is exactly what the blacks, latinos and liberals wanted.

If the electorate could make a change it would only be for Obama to move even further to the left.

02-04-2010, 08:25 AM
Hog, it's a measure of "economic" freedom.....bringing other factors in would clearly change the rankings.....which in answer to Noir's point also shows why Hong Kong is treated seperately from the rest of China.....the way things happen economically differs between Hong Kong and China.....All forms of freedom rests on the ability of the people to overthrow their government if it becomes to powerful, intrusive and oppressive.

The rest of the world has been promised security if they would surrender their right to armed self defense, leaving American the last holdout.

The world governments cannot show their true colors by bringing about their totalitarian police state untill after the Americans have been disarmed.

02-04-2010, 09:50 AM
Think about what you're saying Kathianne...The "electorate" is absolutely 100% of the cause.

The progressive leadership now in power is exactly what the blacks, latinos and liberals wanted.

If the electorate could make a change it would only be for Obama to move even further to the left.

Oddly enough, I agree that the fault lies in the electorate. The People chose these guys to run things (well, not me. I went conservative, so I'm happily not to blame for this craptastic government.), and it's not like the Dems didn't say they were going to everything under the sun. They did, but they spun to make it sound like it was going to all come up aces for everybody. Now, America is coming out of their drunken stupor to see the coyote ugly they've woken up with.

As to your last point, though, I don't think that's true, Hog, hence why the electorate is so vehemently opposed to Obamacare, and his poll numbers are dropping steadily because of it, and his stimulus package, both obviously left-wing solutions.

See, this is always the issue, is that it is just so easy to look and say that they did it on purpose to grind the country into the dirt, but that is not the truth of it. They, same as us, are looking for the answers, the big difference is that real conservatives have woken up to the point that the government isn't it.