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View Full Version : Sarah Palin Brings House Down At Tea Party Convention

red states rule
02-07-2010, 07:12 AM
Great speech, delivered without a teleprompter, with style, and real emotion

The left is already lashing out with their usual personal attacks - so that should tell you she struck some liberal nerves

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VtBP4tOy27E&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VtBP4tOy27E&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

red states rule
02-07-2010, 08:52 AM
I loved it when Ms Palin asked the folks in the audience and watching on TV how the "hopey changey thing" was going, or how the C-SPAN viewers were welcome at the Tea party convention - when they were not welcome in Congress during the healthcare reform debate

02-07-2010, 09:23 AM
She again made a ass out of the Dems, it is no wonder they will spin and lie to make her look bad, hell tomorrow you will more than likely here about her girls, they can't find anything of intelligence to attack her with so they will attack what ever they can or just make shit up, funny thing is though is she beats them with facts , no wonder she is hated and feared by them

red states rule
02-07-2010, 09:36 AM
She again made a ass out of the Dems, it is no wonder they will spin and lie to make her look bad, hell tomorrow you will more than likely here about her girls, they can't find anything of intelligence to attack her with so they will attack what ever they can or just make shit up, funny thing is though is she beats them with facts , no wonder she is hated and feared by them

I was watching a local political show from DC, where this week they did had 4liberals and a lib mod

It was Colby King - oped writer for the Washington Post - he called the folks at the Tea party Convention the "Taliban wing of the Republican party"

They normally have Charles Krauthammer lone conservative on the panel - after this and other blatant BS the tossed out - I understand why they did not have him on

02-07-2010, 11:05 AM
she sends a shiver up my mind....

red states rule
02-07-2010, 11:19 AM
she sends a shiver up my mind....

I am starting to like her even more. I hope she speaks her mind, does not listen to handers, just be herself

She gave a great hard hitting speech, and one of the best lines was "We need a CIC and not a Law Professor"

02-07-2010, 12:07 PM
Great speech, delivered without a teleprompter, with style, and real emotion

The left is already lashing out with their usual personal attacks - so that should tell you she struck some liberal nerves

Not that there was much of one to bring down...only 600 or so could afford the price of the ticket. And Caribou Barbie doesn't strike liberal nerves so much as she gets on them with her uninformed populist rhetoric. Never mind that she had to write crib notes on the palm of her hand.

<center><img src=http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2010-02-07-palinhandclose.jpg></center>.

And, of course, she referred to her hand repeatedly during the Q&A session. This means that A -She knew the content of the questions beforehand, or B - She still couldn't answer the agreed upon questions without some help. In either case, the whole thing was a farce. And given the likelihood of both being the case, she shows herself for the intellectual fly-weight she is.

That you and your fellow travelers continue to cling to her every word as if it were straight from God shows a certain paucity of intellectual wherewithal on your part.

But keep it up...the antics of Caribou Barbie and her slavish followers are a comedy gold-mine. :laugh2:

02-07-2010, 12:08 PM
How wonderful for Palin to pander to the teabaggers with her usual overage cheerleader speech. Lots of attacks, very little substance.
The hateful left-wing media got it right:

Sarah Palin, in a speech that was short on ideas but big on enthusiasm, took aim at President Barack Obama and the Democrats, telling a gathering of “tea party” activists that America is ripe for another revolution.

red states rule
02-07-2010, 12:11 PM
Hey Gabby - BP, how is all that hope and change going for you?

As Ms palin asked and I ask you

Dems passed the 787 billion "stimulous" package,she asked the crowd----"Do you feel stimuated?"

On the elections in Virginia,NJ and MA,she advised Obama-----When you're 0-3 you better stop lecturing and start listening"

Any comments on what she said - or are you still stuck on insults and dismissing what the voters are saying?

Mr. P
02-07-2010, 02:15 PM
The full 59 mins.


Like it not Bully, Gab an the rest..she REFLECTS the majority of the USA. If ya doubt that explain the dropping approval numbers for the current Admin..

red states rule
02-07-2010, 02:19 PM
The full 59 mins.


Like it not Bully, Gab an the rest..she REFLECTS the majority of the USA. If ya doubt that explain the dropping approval numbers for the current Admin..

Obama's numbers had a brief bounce after the SOTU speeh, now they are in freefall


Sunday, February 07, 2010

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 26% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove which gives Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17




02-07-2010, 02:39 PM
Did we ever hear such nonsense as to how much it cost all those people to fly out and how much it must of cost for their hotel rooms for the Obama inauguration?

Yet this is the type of crap that our so called (unbiased) media is reporting and all the lefties are screeching about. I mean REALLY:poke:

Sarah Palin draws people as much or maybe even more so than the Obama (especially today with his poll numbers), that is what has the Lefties-Progressives in a panic.

good show Mrs. Palin and Tea Party Patriots
I wonder if they can HEAR US NOW??:salute:

red states rule
02-07-2010, 03:30 PM
Did we ever hear such nonsense as to how much it cost all those people to fly out and how much it must of cost for their hotel rooms for the Obama inauguration?

Yet this is the type of crap that our so called (unbiased) media is reporting and all the lefties are screeching about. I mean REALLY:poke:

Sarah Palin draws people as much or maybe even more so than the Obama (especially today with his poll numbers), that is what has the Lefties-Progressives in a panic.

good show Mrs. Palin and Tea Party Patriots
I wonder if they can HEAR US NOW??:salute:

People like BP and Gabby have yet to explain how if Bush's reckless spending got the US economy in the condition it is in - how Obama's INCREASED reckless spending will get us out

I alos noticed BP and Gabby have yet to jump in on threads that show what the "stimulus" funds were actually spent on. Or why even with the stimulus plan 4 MILLION people have lost their jobs since Obama took office. Or why Dems are tunring on Obama.

Seems they are still stuck in attack mode, and would rather blame Bush for all of Obama's failures

02-07-2010, 03:38 PM
The full 59 mins.


Like it not Bully, Gab an the rest..she REFLECTS the majority of the USA. If ya doubt that explain the dropping approval numbers for the current Admin..

She does...? Got any independent figures to back up that assertion? That you and your fellow travelers continue to think so shows just how little you really think of the average American.

red states rule
02-07-2010, 03:47 PM
She does...? Got any independent figures to back up that assertion? That you and your fellow travelers continue to think so shows just how little you really think of the average American.

How about the election results in VA, NJ, and MA?

•61% Say It’s Time for Congress To Drop Health Care

Voters Strongly Oppose Excise Tax on ‘Cadillac’ Health Plans, Even More So When Union Members Are Exempted
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/healthcare/january_2010/voters_strongly_oppose_excise_tax_on_cadillac_heal th_plans_even_more_so_when_union_members_are_exemp ted

Republicans Still Trusted More on Most Key Issues

Congressional Performance
61% Say Congress Doing a Poor Job


02-07-2010, 07:52 PM
More of Caribou Barbie's BS...

<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/research/201002070017>Palin's tea party speech full of false and misleading national security claims</a></center>

And gosh...It's apparently alright for El Rushbo to talk about "retards" in the most denigrating of terms multiple times. But anyone else, especially if they're liberals, should be fired if they use the word in passing. Hypocrite...or political windsock? Shameless opportunist...or brazen political hack? Or, more likely, all of the above.

Tell me, honestly, why do any of you buy her BS and lap it up as if it were manna from heaven?

red states rule
02-07-2010, 07:59 PM
More of Caribou Barbie's BS...

<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/research/201002070017>Palin's tea party speech full of false and misleading national security claims</a></center>

And gosh...It's apparently alright for El Rushbo to talk about "retards" in the most denigrating of terms multiple times. But anyone else, especially if they're liberals, should be fired if they use the word in passing. Hypocrite...or political windsock? Shameless opportunist...or brazen political hack? Or, more likely, all of the above.

Tell me, honestly, why do any of you buy her BS and lap it up as if it were manna from heaven?

So you ignore the direct question I asked, and the links showing how out of touch Dems are to the voters

As usual you try and change the subjet BJ

It is common knowledge Rush was REPEATING Rahm Emanuel and his quotes about f'ing retards

That is all you have BP. It sucks to be a liberal and a supporter of Obama.

02-07-2010, 08:03 PM
More of Caribou Barbie's BS...

<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/research/201002070017>Palin's tea party speech full of false and misleading national security claims</a></center>

And gosh...It's apparently alright for El Rushbo to talk about "retards" in the most denigrating of terms multiple times. But anyone else, especially if they're liberals, should be fired if they use the word in passing. Hypocrite...or political windsock? Shameless opportunist...or brazen political hack? Or, more likely, all of the above.

Tell me, honestly, why do any of you buy her BS and lap it up as if it were manna from heaven?

the article you quote might have been more credible if they had actually mentioned a comment that wasn't true....

02-07-2010, 08:39 PM
Not that there was much of one to bring down...only 600 or so could afford the price of the ticket. And Caribou Barbie doesn't strike liberal nerves so much as she gets on them with her uninformed populist rhetoric. Never mind that she had to write crib notes on the palm of her hand.

<center><img src=http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2010-02-07-palinhandclose.jpg></center>.

And, of course, she referred to her hand repeatedly during the Q&A session. This means that A -She knew the content of the questions beforehand, or B - She still couldn't answer the agreed upon questions without some help. In either case, the whole thing was a farce. And given the likelihood of both being the case, she shows herself for the intellectual fly-weight she is.

That you and your fellow travelers continue to cling to her every word as if it were straight from God shows a certain paucity of intellectual wherewithal on your part.

But keep it up...the antics of Caribou Barbie and her slavish followers are a comedy gold-mine. :laugh2:

Wow all you can come up with is 6 words written on her palm as notes yet your messiah, Chimpy Obama, can't address an elementary school class without a teleprompter. You are so unbelievably lame, Liberal. :lol:

red states rule
02-07-2010, 08:45 PM
Wow all you can come up with is 6 words written on her palm as notes yet your messiah, Chimpy Obama, can't address an elementary school class without a teleprompter. You are so unbelievably lame, Liberal. :lol:

Or how Obama says "Corpse Man" :laugh2:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZlKIfzoC8D0&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZlKIfzoC8D0&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

02-07-2010, 08:46 PM
More of Caribou Barbie's BS...

<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/research/201002070017>Palin's tea party speech full of false and misleading national security claims</a></center>

And gosh...It's apparently alright for El Rushbo to talk about "retards" in the most denigrating of terms multiple times. But anyone else, especially if they're liberals, should be fired if they use the word in passing. Hypocrite...or political windsock? Shameless opportunist...or brazen political hack? Or, more likely, all of the above.

Tell me, honestly, why do any of you buy her BS and lap it up as if it were manna from heaven?

You post a so-called rebuttal from MEDIA MATTERS???!?!??!!? Ha freakin' ha. Got ANYTHING other than a bit of phlegm from the Forest Gump of modern liberal stupidity?

02-07-2010, 09:09 PM
Wow all you can come up with is 6 words written on her palm as notes yet your messiah, Chimpy Obama, can't address an elementary school class without a teleprompter. You are so unbelievably lame, Liberal. :lol:

Thats what I was thinking too. Nothing wrong with needing notes,but a teleprompter for grade schoolers?

I thought her speech was great and she seemed very comfortable and true in what she was saying. I'm so glad there is a true conservative woman in the spotlight who apparently refuses to be brought down by the mainstream media! I bet they thought they were rid of her when she stepped down as governor....not a chance guys!: :salute:

02-07-2010, 09:46 PM
More of Caribou Barbie's BS...

<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/research/201002070017>Palin's tea party speech full of false and misleading national security claims</a></center>

And gosh...It's apparently alright for El Rushbo to talk about "retards" in the most denigrating of terms multiple times. But anyone else, especially if they're liberals, should be fired if they use the word in passing. Hypocrite...or political windsock? Shameless opportunist...or brazen political hack? Or, more likely, all of the above.

Tell me, honestly, why do any of you buy her BS and lap it up as if it were manna from heaven?

Because she is 180 degrees from people like you and Gabby. :slap:

02-08-2010, 02:51 AM
More of Caribou Barbie's BS...

<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/research/201002070017>Palin's tea party speech full of false and misleading national security claims</a></center>

And gosh...It's apparently alright for El Rushbo to talk about "retards" in the most denigrating of terms multiple times. But anyone else, especially if they're liberals, should be fired if they use the word in passing. Hypocrite...or political windsock? Shameless opportunist...or brazen political hack? Or, more likely, all of the above.

Tell me, honestly, why do any of you buy her BS and lap it up as if it were manna from heaven?

omg, Mediamatters, now how did I know. Rush Limbaugh is not in the Obama administration. Palin was addressing Rahm Emunuel for calling his comrades Fxxking retards. but you all keep pushing the Rush thing, it is only making you look stupid and people are laughing at you all.

red states rule
02-08-2010, 06:09 AM
omg, Mediamatters, now how did I know. Rush Limbaugh is not in the Obama administration. Palin was addressing Rahm Emunuel for calling his comrades Fxxking retards. but you all keep pushing the Rush thing, it is only making you look stupid and people are laughing at you all.

Actually Stephanie, the picture BP used was a picture of Ms Palin's emails. It is her way of keeping liberals hackers from gaining access to them :laugh2:

02-10-2010, 05:12 AM
Because she is 180 degrees from people like you and Gabby. :slap:

More like on another world entirely. Apparently you haven't heard about Caribou Barbie's misuse of state funds or that her snow machine ridin' guy, Todd, was co-governor of the state. Which, incidentally, he believes should be its own nation. Never mind that she resigned halfway through her term as governor for no more apparent reason that she was tired of it. And her self proclaimed past-time of shooting wolves from choppers...pfffft! And forget her scribbling crib notes on her hand like an 8th grader cheating on her history test. All this just makes her wonderfully normal and sympathetically human to you and your fellow travelers.

I watched her speech. Each and every tortured minute of it, and it was a big ole bowl of right wing-nut talking points, lies and bullshit which she vomited forth for her eager listeners to lap up as if it were manna from heaven. But hey, she got her speaking fee, so what does she care.

But Sarah gets graded on the hot chick curve. Men wanna bang her and women crippled with low self-esteem wanna be her. So whatever she does just reaffirms she is hot and hoseable to those so inclined. Oh, and she gets to travel too. Face it folks if she was 10 years older and 50 pounds heavier, no one would be talking about her.

And it's not just Caribou Barbie. If Hillary Clinton looked like her she would be POTUS now. If Barak Obama looked like Dennis Kucinich, he wouldn't be. The sad fact of the matter is that, in 21st century America, shallowness is a quality and depth makes you an out of touch "elitist".

Sarah and Todd remind me of nothing more than a pair of grifters out to get whatever they can before life drags them down like the wolves, which she enjoys shooting, drag down a wounded caribou.

red states rule
02-10-2010, 06:04 AM
How about the election results in VA, NJ, and MA?

•61% Say It’s Time for Congress To Drop Health Care

Voters Strongly Oppose Excise Tax on ‘Cadillac’ Health Plans, Even More So When Union Members Are Exempted
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/healthcare/january_2010/voters_strongly_oppose_excise_tax_on_cadillac_heal th_plans_even_more_so_when_union_members_are_exemp ted

Republicans Still Trusted More on Most Key Issues

Congressional Performance
61% Say Congress Doing a Poor Job


BP, your lack of response tells me all I need to know. However, the current Dem strategy of ignore may work here - but it is politically fatal at the ballot box

As Ms Palin asked BP, how is that hopey changey stuff doing for you? :laugh2:

02-10-2010, 08:19 AM
BP, your lack of response tells me all I need to know. However, the current Dem strategy of ignore may work here - but it is politically fatal at the ballot box

As Ms Palin asked BP, how is that hopey changey stuff doing for you? :laugh2:

My lack of response is due to your lack of relevance.

red states rule
02-10-2010, 08:32 AM
My lack of response is due to your lack of relevance.

More like your lack of acknowledgment of how the voters are saying. Keep flipping off the voters BP, I love the voters reaction in VA, NJ, and MA

You are like a spoiled child BP. Happy when you get what you want, and when you do not get what you want (like now) you have you have a temper tanturm

During the Bush years BP, you loved the polls and always told us what the voters were saying. Now you ignore them when they are going against you

That hope and change is not so great for you - is it BP?

02-10-2010, 08:52 AM
And it's not just Caribou Barbie. If Hillary Clinton looked like her she would be POTUS now. If Barak Obama looked like Dennis Kucinich, he wouldn't be. The sad fact of the matter is that, in 21st century America, shallowness is a quality and depth makes you an out of touch "elitist"...... Wow you're going overboard with hypocrisy today Bully. I recall your incessant ridicule of Bush 43 due to his looks. How many times did you call him "Chimpy McPresident"?

You pussy. :slap:

red states rule
02-10-2010, 08:57 AM
Wow you're going overboard with hypocrisy today Bully. I recall your incessant ridicule of Bush 43 due to his looks. How many times did you call him "Chimpy McPresident"?

You pussy. :slap:

It is not easy being a liberal these days Glock. All the dreams the left had on Jan 20, 2009 of all the power and control they were about the take - are slipping away

It is very hard for them to deal with reality

02-10-2010, 11:47 AM
will the Democrats be the first Lame Duck Party?.....

02-10-2010, 02:55 PM
It is not easy being a liberal these days Glock. All the dreams the left had on Jan 20, 2009 of all the power and control they were about the take - are slipping away

It is very hard for them to deal with reality They did exactly what I expected to, and hoped that they would do. They went hard and fast left, angered the shit out of this center-right nation, and now the voters have spoken and will speak loudly in November, and again in 2012. I figured out a long time ago that 'Rats hate the Constitution and cannot be trusted, and now most people realize this as well. :laugh2:

red states rule
02-10-2010, 03:03 PM
They did exactly what I expected to, and hoped that they would do. They went hard and fast left, angered the shit out of this center-right nation, and now the voters have spoken and will speak loudly in November, and again in 2012. I figured out a long time ago that 'Rats hate the Constitution and cannot be trusted, and now most people realize this as well. :laugh2:

In BP's world Obama is not to blame for anything

To him, Obama inheritied this mess, Fox News is out to destroy Obama, talk radio is spreading nothing but lies, Obama has to spend the money to avoid America going bankrupt, Republicans - and only Republicans - are to blame for the failure of Obamacare becoming law, the voters in MA, VA, and NJ did not understand the complex issues and were sucked in by their natural racist beliefs, and America as a whole is shoing how bitter and fearful they are a black man is President

Did I forget anything?

02-10-2010, 03:09 PM
In BP's world Obama is not to blame for anything

To him, Obama inheritied this mess, Fox News is out to destroy Obama, talk radio is spreading nothing but lies, Obama has to spend the money to avoid America going bankrupt, Republicans - and only Republicans - are to blame for the failure of Obamacare becoming law, the voters in MA, VA, and NJ did not understand the complex issues and were sucked in by their natural racist beliefs, and America as a whole is shoing how bitter and fearful they are a black man is President

Did I forget anything?

That more or less sums it up. Bully chooses to ignore reality the same way he chooses to ignore his past incessant "Chimpy McPresident" remarks. :laugh2:

02-10-2010, 03:11 PM
Well, here in Mich. that hope and change thing isn't going so well. Many out of work. Millions losing their homes or already have. Anyway, given that, it still doesn't mean I'd vote for Palin should she run. I like her. I think she's in touch with the people, but face it, she's still a repug. And subject to listen to other repugs. People change once they get in office. The power does something to them. Maybe she'd stay the same as she is now. We don't know that as yet. Besides, being as disillusioned as I am with ither of those parties, I don't even want to think about them... They are both corrupted. They both have their agendas. And they've both been part of the problem of America coming to her knees.....And they both want bigger and bigger gov't intrusion into our lives and far more control over us all....

red states rule
02-10-2010, 03:12 PM
That more or less sums it up. Bully chooses to ignore reality the same way he chooses to ignore his past incessant "Chimpy McPresident" remarks. :laugh2:

Glock, as you know - being a liberal REQUIRES you ignore reality. It was fine for BP to insult Pres Bush. BP was here on a daily basis, smearing Pres Bush

Now, he hardly posts here - and has little desire to offer the liberal insight for the growing failures of Obama, and he refuses to comment on how the polls are now showing growing opposition to the Dem agenda

Maybe he thinks if he ignore the polls and dissent - they will simply go away

red states rule
02-10-2010, 03:14 PM
Well, here in Mich. that hope and change thing isn't going so well. Many out of work. Millions losing their homes or already have. Anyway, given that, it still doesn't mean I'd vote for Palin should she run. I like her. I think she's in touch with the people, but face it, she's still a repug. And subject to listen to other repugs. People change once they get in office. The power does something to them. Maybe she'd stay the same as she is now. We don't know that as yet. Besides, being as disillusioned as I am with ither of those parties, I don't even want to think about them... They are both corrupted. They both have their agendas. And they've both been part of the problem of America coming to her knees.....And they both want bigger and bigger gov't intrusion into our lives and far more control over us all....

Correct me if I am wrong Binky - but Dems have run the state of MI for what - decades?

They have had total control, and yet the state is nothing short of a economic disaster

02-10-2010, 03:20 PM
Correct me if I am wrong Binky - but Dems have run the state of MI for what - decades?

They have had total control, and yet the state is nothing short of a economic disaster

Yep, this is true...I'm thinking it's time to get rid of our gov......She's been in long enough...Fresh meat would be better..

red states rule
02-10-2010, 03:24 PM
Yep, this is true...I'm thinking it's time to get rid of our gov......She's been in long enough...Fresh meat would be better..

Only when the voters have had enough of tax and spend liberalism, and want real change - will that happen

I am very impressed with the Tea party. they are also going after Republicans who are spending tax money on the pork, or who are going along with Obama on his excessive spending

02-10-2010, 03:25 PM
Well, here in Mich. that hope and change thing isn't going so well. Many out of work. Millions losing their homes or already have. Anyway, given that, it still doesn't mean I'd vote for Palin should she run. I like her. I think she's in touch with the people, but face it, she's still a repug. And subject to listen to other repugs. People change once they get in office. The power does something to them. Maybe she'd stay the same as she is now. We don't know that as yet. Besides, being as disillusioned as I am with ither of those parties, I don't even want to think about them... They are both corrupted. They both have their agendas. And they've both been part of the problem of America coming to her knees.....And they both want bigger and bigger gov't intrusion into our lives and far more control over us all....

There is a lot of truth to this but because of how hard the 'Rats have gone the People are very pissed off. The GOP is listening and instead of weaklings like Specter and Snow going along on health care, for example, they are listening to their conservative base, resulting in a tough, 41 seat "majority" in the Senate to contain this mess.

Three off-year elections have resulted in GOP victories. Then we had Scott Brown in Massachusetts. Mass-a-facking-chew-sets!

And don't forget Palin got into power by going against the GOP establishment in Alaska. She told the "old boys" to pound sand and slashed bureaucrats' power and reigned in spending.

She riles not simply the 'Rats but the GOP elite on the federal level. If she gets in it won't be because of them and she won't owe them anything other that a slap in the face.

The American politic hasn't seen anything like Palin in modern times and I'd like to see what becomes of it. It will surely rock the GOP like nothing we've ever seen, and that's exactly what they need.

02-10-2010, 03:27 PM
Glock, as you know - being a liberal REQUIRES you ignore reality. It was fine for BP to insult Pres Bush. BP was here on a daily basis, smearing Pres Bush

Now, he hardly posts here - and has little desire to offer the liberal insight for the growing failures of Obama, and he refuses to comment on how the polls are now showing growing opposition to the Dem agenda

Maybe he thinks if he ignore the polls and dissent - they will simply go away
Sure his refusal to comment on many issue is a clear indicator that he simply cant without obvious, blatant hypocrisy or admission of his past foolishness. :lol:

red states rule
02-10-2010, 03:28 PM
Sure his refusal to comment on many issue is a clear indicator that he simply cant without obvious, blatant hypocrisy or admission of his past foolishness. :lol:

or as BP often says - he becomes "bored" with the discussion and leaves :laugh2:

02-10-2010, 03:35 PM
or as BP often says - he becomes "bored" with the discussion and leaves :laugh2: Based on how he posted during Bush's term if he was able to make any points at all, false or otherwise, he wouldn't be bored. He's obviously a pussy who can't admit to being wrong. :laugh2:

02-10-2010, 03:35 PM
There is a lot of truth to this but because of how hard the 'Rats have gone the People are very pissed off. The GOP is listening and instead of weaklings like Specter and Snow going along on health care, for example, they are listening to their conservative base, resulting in a tough, 41 seat "majority" in the Senate to contain this mess.

Three off-year elections have resulted in GOP victories. Then we had Scott Brown in Massachusetts. Mass-a-facking-chew-sets!

And don't forget Palin got into power by going against the GOP establishment in Alaska. She told the "old boys" to pound sand and slashed bureaucrats' power and reigned in spending.

She riles not simply the 'Rats but the GOP elite on the federal level. If she gets in it won't be because of them and she won't owe them anything other that a slap in the face.

The American politic hasn't seen anything like Palin in modern times and I'd like to see what becomes of it. It will surely rock the GOP like nothing we've ever seen, and that's exactly what they need.

I had forgotten she told the good old boys that. She does rock.....I have to give her that. Actually I think she and Scott Brown scare the hell out of our old, lifetime politicians... New ideas. Youth. Listens to the people. Damn.....there's a concept we haven't seen in years and years....Politicians who actually listen... Still...........I would like to think if she ran, she'd not become corrupted as others have. She is the nicest breath of fresh air we've seen in a very long time....and to think she doesn't even hang or has hung around with creepy people... Now there's another concept in her favor.

red states rule
02-10-2010, 03:37 PM
Based on how he posted during Bush's term if he was able to make any points at all, false or otherwise, he wouldn't be bored. He's obviously a pussy who can't admit to being wrong. :laugh2:

He is having a hard time digesting his pride, and the big ol' shit burger Obama has delivered to him on a silver platter Glock

02-10-2010, 03:41 PM
He is having a hard time digesting his pride, and the big ol' shit burger Obama has delivered to him on a silver platter Glock In other words, he a pussy. :laugh2:

02-10-2010, 03:45 PM
I had forgotten she told the good old boys that. She does rock.....I have to give her that. Actually I think she and Scott Brown scare the hell out of our old, lifetime politicians... New ideas. Youth. Listens to the people. Damn.....there's a concept we haven't seen in years and years....Politicians who actually listen... Still...........I would like to think if she ran, she'd not become corrupted as others have. She is the nicest breath of fresh air we've seen in a very long time....and to think she doesn't even hang or has hung around with creepy people... Now there's another concept in her favor.

With all this TEA Party shit going down I honestly think we're going to see a revolution in the political landscape. I can actually see some bureaucracies getting axed and a President Palin telling the UN to go to hell. The GOP is talking about building 100 new nuclear power plants and I heard someone mention 180. If we do all that along with oil and natural gas exploitation things could turn around very fast in the US.

02-10-2010, 07:23 PM
With all this TEA Party shit going down I honestly think we're going to see a revolution in the political landscape. I can actually see some bureaucracies getting axed and a President Palin telling the UN to go to hell. The GOP is talking about building 100 new nuclear power plants and I heard someone mention 180. If we do all that along with oil and natural gas exploitation things could turn around very fast in the US.

Yep, I agree with ya. Altho', I think we are in the beginnings of another revolution already. Certainly the time is ripe of one. I believe we are going to witness a political tidal wave across this country in the next few years. We, the people, have awakened from our nap. And the politicians had better enjoy their times in office now because there's a new agenda in town. And this one is going to bounce them out of their cushy, money grabbing, let's control the populace, little jobs.

02-10-2010, 08:02 PM
Yep, I agree with ya. Altho', I think we are in the beginnings of another revolution already. Certainly the time is ripe of one. I believe we are going to witness a political tidal wave across this country in the next few years. We, the people, have awakened from our nap. And the politicians had better enjoy their times in office now because there's a new agenda in town. And this one is going to bounce them out of their cushy, money grabbing, let's control the populace, little jobs. Those little jobs pay big bucks. I heard the contractors around DC are busy putting up lots and lots of expensive new homes for all those new government workers.

02-10-2010, 10:23 PM
Those little jobs pay big bucks. I heard the contractors around DC are busy putting up lots and lots of expensive new homes for all those new government workers.

Which is why they want to keep those jobs. Guess they should heed what the people are saying now and then, shouldn't they? The 2012 pres. election ought to prove an interesting one. I wonder how many people will switch to indep. Scott Brown thru them for a loop. But whether or not they will heed the warning remains to be seen....

02-11-2010, 06:05 AM
With all this TEA Party shit going down I honestly think we're going to see a revolution in the political landscape. I can actually see some bureaucracies getting axed and a President Palin telling the UN to go to hell. The GOP is talking about building 100 new nuclear power plants and I heard someone mention 180. If we do all that along with oil and natural gas exploitation things could turn around very fast in the US.
It won't happen in 2012... it will begin to happen next January. The CONGRESS will be pushing through legislation that will undo the damage inflicted on this country by the present Congress.

Obama is such an idealouge, he won't give an inch when that happens. He will be vetoing every piece of legislation that comes his way then. We need a Congress that will override those vetoes... and I pray that we get one.

red states rule
02-11-2010, 06:11 AM
It won't happen in 2012... it will begin to happen next January. The CONGRESS will be pushing through legislation that will undo the damage inflicted on this country by the present Congress.

Obama is such an idealouge, he won't give an inch when that happens. He will be vetoing every piece of legislation that comes his way then. We need a Congress that will override those vetoes... and I pray that we get one.

Read what Obama calls bi-partisanship


Mr. Obama said he "won't hesitate to embrace a good idea from my friends in the minority party." But he wants his way. He wants his energy policy enacted along with his jobs bill, his financial regulatory reform and his health care plan.

And if the opposition continues to block his objectives, he said he "won't hesitate to condemn what I consider to be obstinacy that's rooted not in substantive disagreement but in political expedience."

When a sitting president calls for bipartisanship by the opposition – he really means surrender. And if they block his proposals, its "obstinacy" and not political views they hold as strongly as he holds his.


02-11-2010, 07:14 AM
Not that there was much of one to bring down...only 600 or so could afford the price of the ticket. And Caribou Barbie doesn't strike liberal nerves so much as she gets on them with her uninformed populist rhetoric. Never mind that she had to write crib notes on the palm of her hand.

<center><img src=http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2010-02-07-palinhandclose.jpg></center>.

And, of course, she referred to her hand repeatedly during the Q&A session. This means that A -She knew the content of the questions beforehand, or B - She still couldn't answer the agreed upon questions without some help. In either case, the whole thing was a farce. And given the likelihood of both being the case, she shows herself for the intellectual fly-weight she is.

That you and your fellow travelers continue to cling to her every word as if it were straight from God shows a certain paucity of intellectual wherewithal on your part.

But keep it up...the antics of Caribou Barbie and her slavish followers are a comedy gold-mine. :laugh2:

From the picture you can see six words scribbled on the hand. Hmm let us compare this to the Messiah, who uses the teleprompter with ever word written by someone else is listed.

With out the teleprompter what does the messiah do?? Ahh, ohh, uhhh, ehh, umm, daaa. What is he trying to teach people the vowels, A, E, I, O and U?????


red states rule
02-11-2010, 07:19 AM
Is there anytime Obama does not use the teleprompter?

Obama uses a teleprompter at a staff meeting

President Teleprompter strikes again — Obama uses teleprompter for ‘chat’ with a dozen members of his middle class task force
The prompter that keeps on giving. If you thought that bringing the teleprompter to an elementary school was bad, President Obama was not capable having a six minute chat with HIS middle class task force without relying on his teleprompter.

Vice President Biden (who heads up the task force) and Tim Geitner met with about a dozen members of the White House middle class task force that President Obama setup about a year ago. They were to review the work the task force has been doing.

President Obama stopped in at the end of the meeting to chat with the dozen members of the task force and just for fun, brought his teleprompter.



02-11-2010, 07:23 AM
How wonderful for Palin to pander to the teabaggers with her usual overage cheerleader speech. Lots of attacks, very little substance.
The hateful left-wing media got it right:

Unfortunately for you it seems that America is agreeing with her. Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts have all kicked to the curb the democrats in favor of republicans, and in the case of Massachusetts, poor Teddy must really be turning over in his grave, for in his very liberal seat we now have a conservative.

So tell me how is that hopey, changey thing going again??????

Unemployment is up, and unfortunately Obama can't blame Bush, for if it is still Bush's fault, screw the Constitution we need to reelect him immediately for him to still have so much power and influence this far out of office.

Hope is gone.

Change, what happened to the open door debate on health care, so far it has all been behind closed doors with deals made in the middle of the night. Hell the great messiah waited 13 months to invite Republicans to the table to talk. Again, Bush did it immediately, even asking Teddy Kennedy in on education reform.

So much for change.

Nancy Pelosi swore in healthcare reform she would take on the insurance industry, and what was the result???? The insurance industry won.

Too bad the left-wing media has failed to report all the bad news. But let them keep on attacking Sarah. It only makes her more popular, and them less so, and come election time they will have little power to influence anyone with a mind of their own.


red states rule
02-11-2010, 08:06 AM
Liberals hate Ms Palin and the Tea Party for one reason - both are a threat to their desire for power

Now that Obama has shown he is in over his head, his polices are failing, the Reid/Pelosi Congress is fumbling around - the left must go back to what they do best


I have noticed whenever liberals and their policies fail - they then shift their attention to ensuring that everyone else fails as well. Instead of admitting their mistakes, and changing polices, they set out to destory their political foes, and anyone who dares to speak out against them

What makes the left increase their level of hate, is when they see more and more people agree with Ms Palin, and the Tea Party members. They can see and feel the treat to their power growing

02-11-2010, 08:10 AM
More of Caribou Barbie's BS...

<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/research/201002070017>Palin's tea party speech full of false and misleading national security claims</a></center>

And gosh...It's apparently alright for El Rushbo to talk about "retards" in the most denigrating of terms multiple times. But anyone else, especially if they're liberals, should be fired if they use the word in passing. Hypocrite...or political windsock? Shameless opportunist...or brazen political hack? Or, more likely, all of the above.

Tell me, honestly, why do any of you buy her BS and lap it up as if it were manna from heaven?

Because she appeals to the majority of people in this country who work hard and want to keep the money we earn. We are sick and tired of the government who earns no money spending the money we earn.

We want the government to focus on doing its job, which is protecting we the people, yet our borders remain unsecured, but the government has no problem spending money on those who came to this country illegally with all kind of health care and social services. While we the people earn our money and pay our own way we find ourselves paying the way of others. We are sick and tired of it.

We are tired of a government that spends money it does not have, when we the people cannot. This is a nation with a government of, for and by the people, and we expect it to act and spend like the people, and furthermore we expect it to listen to the people, something that right now it is not doing.

This government is willing to spend 1 trillion dollars to help cover 30 million people with healthcare, but wait a minute, what happened to the 47 million that didn't have healthcare, I guess those other 17 million no longer exist.

Or is it that in a year or two the government will be back for another 1 trillion for them???

87% of Americans are happy with the healthcare coverage that they have, they would like to see the money the spend reduced, yet the bills thus far presented have failed to do that.

Nobody is truly interested in real reform, for they ignore all the things that would actually reduce the cost. THE CBO has stated tort reform would save the people 50 billion dollars, yet why is this missing. Oh that is right, the Dems need the money from trial lawyers. Hope and Change, no Lies and Fraud!!!!!


02-11-2010, 08:28 AM
More like on another world entirely. Apparently you haven't heard about Caribou Barbie's misuse of state funds.

Hmmm Governor Palin repaid the state $8000 in travel funds for taking her daughter, Piper to a convention in which she was invited as governor to give a speech.

So tell me bully, when is President Obama gonna repay the Country for taking his wife on a date to a Broadway musical?????

Misuse of funds, travel to a convention or travel to a date.

The next time you want to bring up this matter you damn well better make sure that the Messiah has paid back all the money it has cost to take his wife out on dates, all on the dime of the taxpayer.

So if I were you bully, I would let this matter lie, because Governor Palin has repaid the money, President Obama the cheapskate has not!!!!!


02-11-2010, 08:38 AM
or that her snow machine ridin' guy, Todd, was co-governor of the state.

At least Todd had a real job, he didn't get a job making $350,000 a year because his spouse was a United States Senator. And we know this is true for because when Michelle quit, the job was never refilled.

One has to wonder, perhaps one of the reasons that Governor Palin had to take Piper on that trip in which she repaid the state was because Todd was working, so tell me again what is Barrack's excuse for having to use taxpayer money to take his wife on a date??????????????????????????????????

Todd never claimed to be co-Governor, he was happy and proud to be First Dude. The only person to ever claim to be co-anything was Hilary.

So much for that barb. By the way bully when is BO gonna repay the American taxpayer for his dates??????????????????

I mean come on, he makes a six figure salary and can't afford to take his wife on a date????? Damn what a cheapskate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!


02-11-2010, 08:51 AM
Wow you're going overboard with hypocrisy today Bully. I recall your incessant ridicule of Bush 43 due to his looks. How many times did you call him "Chimpy McPresident"?

You pussy. :slap:

Just pointing out how shallowness has become a virtue in America. Oh, and...Eat me.

red states rule
02-11-2010, 08:54 AM
Just pointing out how shallowness has become a virtue in America. Oh, and...Eat me.

While at the same time, ignoring and dismissing the polls, that show a majority of America agree with Ms Palin and the Tea Party members

So how do expalin that BP? Or are you "bored" with such direct questions?

02-11-2010, 09:06 AM
Never mind that she resigned halfway through her term as governor for no more apparent reason that she was tired of it.

No she resigned because she had some 30 plus ethic complaints filed against her costing her some $600,000 in lawyer fees. Not to mention the fact that just about every complaint she herself had previously turned in for review and they had been dismissed.

Time and again, people who disliked her continued to file them and then broke state law by announcing that they had filed them.

Yet it was Sarah who wound up with the bills to pay for attorneys even though she had been cleared not once but twice in each and every complaint.

Do you really want to go into Troopergate?

Let's see the supposed trooper in the investigation had been disciplined for using his stun gun on his 10 year old nephew, had been caught sleeping on the job, and had been found with alcohol in his State vehicle.

Hmm lets see, anyone else wondering why he is still a trooper beside me????? I can tell you that of the 15 state troopers I personally know, they all just shake their heads and refuse to answer. I won't tell you what some of them say when we are hanging out drinking after a hard night, you might not like it bully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


red states rule
02-11-2010, 09:20 AM
Liberals like BP are easy to understand - if you know a few things about them

Libs like BP say, believe, think, and act the opposite to what a calm, objective, and rational person would do.

Nearly verything a liberal does is ass backwards

It makes no difference if it is regarding financial, social, or national security issues

That makes libs so predictable - at least to me

02-11-2010, 09:47 AM
Just pointing out how shallowness has become a virtue in America. Oh, and...Eat me. How ironic, you pointing out shallowness.

Sorry Bull but I don't swing that way. Perhaps you can find a fellow queer at you local DNC meeting.

red states rule
02-11-2010, 02:26 PM
Like most of the Obama drones, BP walks around with his fingers in his ears, and sings "La, la, la" while ignoring how the people feel

BP was all for polls during the Bush years - but somehow is not interested in polls now that Obama is President


02-11-2010, 02:58 PM
While at the same time, ignoring and dismissing the polls, that show a majority of America agree with Ms Palin and the Tea Party members

So how do expalin that BP? Or are you "bored" with such direct questions?

<center><a href=http://www.pollster.com/polls/us/fav-palin.php>National Favorable Rating: Sarah Palin</a></center>

And given that a majority of those polled, some 70%, deem her unqualified to hold the office of POTUS, what's your point? And never mind that Rasmussen polls tend to be skewed to the right

So if the birthers, deathers, non-citizeners, racists and fascists that make up the base of the tea-bagger movement, with Caribou Barbie at their forefront, is what gets your political nut off...Well just keep strokin' it.

red states rule
02-11-2010, 03:18 PM
<center><a href=http://www.pollster.com/polls/us/fav-palin.php>National Favorable Rating: Sarah Palin</a></center>

And given that a majority of those polled, some 70%, deem her unqualified to hold the office of POTUS, what's your point? And never mind that Rasmussen polls tend to be skewed to the right

So if the birthers, deathers, non-citizeners, racists and fascists that make up the base of the tea-bagger movement, with Caribou Barbie at their forefront, is what gets your political nut off...Well just keep strokin' it.

So you ignore how the voters are opposed to Obamacare, opposed to the spending, opposed to the massive deficits, how a huge majority say the country is on the wrong track, and Obama's falling approval numbers - and continue to attack Ms Palin

Just a thought BP, your efforts would be better spent trying to help your party regain that hopey changey stuff that got them elected - and not worry about the minority party

Do you go to sleep at night muttering "It's Bush's fault, and that damn Palin!" You really need a dose of reality BP

02-11-2010, 06:28 PM
<center><a href=http://www.factcheck.org/2010/02/tea-party-fact-checking/>Tea Party Fact-Checking</a></center>

<center><a href=http://www.politifact.com/personalities/sarah-palin/statements/?page=1>Fact Checking Sarah Palin</a></center>

In the second link red, if you give her credit for "half true", Caribou Barbie like in 19 of 39 instances. But if you include the half truths with the rest of her prevarications, her number of falsehoods jumps to 25 of 39 instances.

Give it up Red. Actually, don't. Sarah Palin is one of the best weapons the Democrats have to use against the tea-baggers and the GOP. So y'all kepp on keepin' on! :laugh2:

02-11-2010, 06:35 PM
<center>Tea Party Fact-Checking (http://www.factcheck.org/2010/02/tea-party-fact-checking/)</center>

<center>Fact Checking Sarah Palin (http://www.politifact.com/personalities/sarah-palin/statements/?page=1)</center>

In the second link red, if you give her credit for "half true", Caribou Barbie like in 19 of 39 instances. But if you include the half truths with the rest of her prevarications, her number of falsehoods jumps to 25 of 39 instances.

Give it up Red. Actually, don't. Sarah Palin is one of the best weapons the Democrats have to use against the tea-baggers and the GOP. So y'all kepp on keepin' on! :laugh2:

I see you attacking a woman who is not currently in office nor currently running for office, but I never see you responding to the facts about Obama and his failures thus far. Would you care to address him and all the hope and change he has brought forth thus far. You may want to start in the other thread about monitoring cell phone calls. I believe you were VERY against the patriot act and I'm now curious to your thoughts on how they want to monitor Americans.

red states rule
02-11-2010, 06:38 PM
<center><a href=http://www.factcheck.org/2010/02/tea-party-fact-checking/>Tea Party Fact-Checking</a></center>

<center><a href=http://www.politifact.com/personalities/sarah-palin/statements/?page=1>Fact Checking Sarah Palin</a></center>

In the second link red, if you give her credit for "half true", Caribou Barbie like in 19 of 39 instances. But if you include the half truths with the rest of her prevarications, her number of falsehoods jumps to 25 of 39 instances.

Give it up Red. Actually, don't. Sarah Palin is one of the best weapons the Democrats have to use against the tea-baggers and the GOP. So y'all kepp on keepin' on! :laugh2:

Once again BP I will refer you to post#15

The voters do agree with what Ms Palin said in her speech. You choose to ignore those polls, and what the fact you and your party are ignoring the very voters that put you in power

People are fed up with Obama, his spending, and his arrogance

BTW BP I remember very well how libs wanted Ronald Reagan to "keep it up" and looked forward to Reagan VS Carter

red states rule
02-11-2010, 06:51 PM
I see you attacking a woman who is not currently in office nor currently running for office, but I never see you responding to the facts about Obama and his failures thus far. Would you care to address him and all the hope and change he has brought forth thus far. You may want to start in the other thread about monitoring cell phone calls. I believe you were VERY against the patriot act and I'm now curious to your thoughts on how they want to monitor Americans.

BP is a one trick pony. I have asked BP many times about the accomplishments of the Obama administration, the recent election results, the falling poll numbers of Obama and the Dem Congress, and the many flip flops of Obama

BP is not interested in commenting on any of those topics. BP is now nothing more then a loyal drone who thinks he can brow beat the opposition into submission. He thinks by ignoring the polls and flipping off the voters, those voters will vote Democrat in the November election. He thinks it is all the fault of the minority Republicans that Obamacare is not the law of the land. BP ignores the fact it is Dems who preventing its passage

Being a liberal is not easy these days, but it is much easier to be an attack dog. In BP's case, the attack dog is nothing more then an ankle nipper. More of a pest then a threat

02-15-2010, 01:14 AM
Liberals like BP are easy to understand - if you know a few things about them

Libs like BP say, believe, think, and act the opposite to what a calm, objective, and rational person would do.

Nearly verything a liberal does is ass backwards

It makes no difference if it is regarding financial, social, or national security issues

That makes libs so predictable - at least to me

Or as Ronald Reagan so eloquently stated in A Time for Choosing

"Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."


02-15-2010, 01:54 AM
<center><a href=http://www.factcheck.org/2010/02/tea-party-fact-checking/>Tea Party Fact-Checking</a></center>

<center><a href=http://www.politifact.com/personalities/sarah-palin/statements/?page=1>Fact Checking Sarah Palin</a></center>

In the second link red, if you give her credit for "half true", Caribou Barbie like in 19 of 39 instances. But if you include the half truths with the rest of her prevarications, her number of falsehoods jumps to 25 of 39 instances.

Give it up Red. Actually, don't. Sarah Palin is one of the best weapons the Democrats have to use against the tea-baggers and the GOP. So y'all kepp on keepin' on! :laugh2:

Sort of like Obama and his some 500 plus promises in which thus far he has kept what 105. Hmmm Obama truthfulness is at 21% where by your count Sarah's turhtfulness stands at 48% over twice that of Obama's. Thanks for the numbers and the link!!!

Damn you just really have to hate that, you own link comes back to bite you in the ass showing your messiah as a bigger liar than Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks again Bully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


02-15-2010, 07:41 PM
democrats give donkeys a bad name


She again made a ass out of the Dems, it is no wonder they will spin and lie to make her look bad, hell tomorrow you will more than likely here about her girls, they can't find anything of intelligence to attack her with so they will attack what ever they can or just make shit up, funny thing is though is she beats them with facts , no wonder she is hated and feared by them

red states rule
02-16-2010, 06:23 AM
Liberals are constantly screaming about Ms Palin's lack of experience to be President. OK, but rememebr there two valid points

Her resume during the election was better then Obama's

and two, her poll numbers are after 2 years of savage attacks on her (and her family) by the Obama partisan media

As people see more and listen to Ms Palin, her numbers will go up

Meanwhile, all the left does is attack instead of debating the points she brings up

02-16-2010, 06:30 AM
Liberals are constantly screaming about Ms Palin's lack of experience to be President. OK, but rememebr there two valid points

Her resume during the election was better then Obama's

and two, her poll numbers are after 2 years of savage attacks on her (and her family) by the Obama partisan media

As people see more and listen to Ms Palin, her numbers will go up

Meanwhile, all the left does is attack instead of debating the points she brings up

I'm not a liberal, I agree she doesn't have the experience.

Seems to me that you are arguing like a liberal, "GW incurred deficits, why is it not ok for Obama?" Because the 'other guy did' all is ok?

It's not ok, not the levels of inexperience we are talking about with either. JFK served in the Navy in WWII, served in the Senate, he was TOO inexperienced also, it led to Bay of Pigs, then the Cuban Missile Crisis. He learned, but at a very high cost. I don't know that Obama has those kind of smarts, I KNOW he doesn't have the caliber of advisors; I see nothing that would lead me to believe that at this time, Palin would do better with experience or advisors, she's just not keyed in at the national level, yet.

red states rule
02-16-2010, 06:36 AM
I'm not a liberal, I agree she doesn't have the experience.

Seems to me that you are arguing like a liberal, "GW incurred deficits, why is it not ok for Obama?" Because the 'other guy did' all is ok?

It's not ok, not the levels of inexperience we are talking about with either. JFK served in the Navy in WWII, served in the Senate, he was TOO inexperienced also, it led to Bay of Pigs, then the Cuban Missile Crisis. He learned, but at a very high cost. I don't know that Obama has those kind of smarts, I KNOW he doesn't have the caliber of advisors; I see nothing that would lead me to believe that at this time, Palin would do better with experience or advisors, she's just not keyed in at the national level, yet.

I am going by what Ms Palin is saying, but I do have issues with her.

Why is she supporting McCain? Out of loyality? Even after he tossed her under the bus? Blaming the economic meltdown on "Wall Street greed"?

I liked her speech at the Tea Party convention, and she made many good points. All I am saying is at this point I like her. I do want her to answer several questions if she decides to run

She will have a crowded field if she does, and she will have to explain her positions much more clearly

And yes, I want to see who she surrounds herself with for advice and guidance.

02-16-2010, 06:41 AM
I am going by what Ms Palin is saying, but I do have issues with her.

Why is she supporting McCain? Out of loyality? Even after he tossed her under the bus? Blaming the economic meltdown on "Wall Street greed"?

I liked her speech at the Tea Party convention, and she made many good points. All I am saying is at this point I like her. I do want her to answer several questions if she decides to run

She will have a crowded field if she does, and she will have to explain her positions much more clearly

And yes, I want to see who she surrounds herself with for advice and guidance.

It's impossible to gain that kind of experience outside of either business or politics at national level. Her 6 weeks running for VP isn't enough. Neither is city or state level experience in Alaska. She cannot gain enough experience by 2012 and encouraging her as a candidate for GOP is not a winning proposition, even if she managed to win.

That is what I meant.

red states rule
02-16-2010, 06:51 AM
It's impossible to gain that kind of experience outside of either business or politics at national level. Her 6 weeks running for VP isn't enough. Neither is city or state level experience in Alaska. She cannot gain enough experience by 2012 and encouraging her as a candidate for GOP is not a winning proposition, even if she managed to win.

That is what I meant.

Fair enough, but it is something the Obama supporters and liberal media, should be reminded of when they start on about her lack of expericance.

Anyone who voted for Obama and then attacks Palin for lack of expericance needs to explain why they are not hypocrites.

I did not support Obama due to his liberal tax and spend policies, and appeasement foreign policy. Obama could have had 10 years in the US Senate, and would not have supported him

Palin did indeed accomplish more for Alaska furing her years in office in Alaska, yet the left try to blame others, and make excuses for Obama's failed stimulus and failed policies after his first year in office

I honestly do think the left is in panic mode when the see Ms Palin

02-16-2010, 06:57 AM
Fair enough, but it is something the Obama supporters and liberal media, should be reminded of when they start on about her lack of expericance.

Anyone who voted for Obama and then attacks Palin for lack of expericance needs to explain why they are not hypocrites.

I did not support Obama due to his liberal tax and spend policies, and appeasement foreign policy. Obama could have had 10 years in the US Senate, and would not have supported him

Palin did indeed accomplish more for Alaska furing her years in office in Alaska, yet the left try to blame others, and make excuses for Obama's failed stimulus and failed policies after his first year in office

I honestly do think the left is in panic mode when the see Ms Palin

They are obsessed with her. Recognize though that they are goading those without much thought behind their choices, to grab onto her as a candidate. That is not the road to success.

Now as a force for conservative ideas? Yes. If she wants to really have a shot at Presidency though, she needs to gain the experience through business, (probably not in the cards); Congress, (she doesn't seem interested); broad knowledge of foreign affairs, (have to accept diplomatic postings from a conservative President, (somehow I don't see her happy in New Zealand or like?)

To elect the conservative version of Obama would not be good for the USA.

red states rule
02-16-2010, 07:05 AM
They are obsessed with her. Recognize though that they are goading those without much thought behind their choices, to grab onto her as a candidate. That is not the road to success.

Now as a force for conservative ideas? Yes. If she wants to really have a shot at Presidency though, she needs to gain the experience through business, (probably not in the cards); Congress, (she doesn't seem interested); broad knowledge of foreign affairs, (have to accept diplomatic postings from a conservative President, (somehow I don't see her happy in New Zealand or like?)

To elect the conservative version of Obama would not be good for the USA.

Time will tell if she even runs. I agree, the depth of experienced conservative candidates on our side in thin

Ms Palin is the only on who actually gets the crowd excited. She gave the McCain campaign a much needed boost - and I believe kept the election close

We still need to get thru the mid terms, and a crushing defeat for the Dems might help Obama in the long run as it did Clinton

All we can do is sit back and watch the plot unfold

02-16-2010, 07:17 AM
I think there may be some possibilities. Romney I'm not crazy about, but he does have experience and he does have a record. My guess is he learned a lot about healthcare in MA.

There are others, especially with business experience, something I thinks been missing too long. You're right, time will tell with the possibilities. I think Obama out, the country is much more cynical since '94, not too mention in much worse shape. I don't see him recovering, even with large opposition Congress, which isn't likely. (I think the GOP may take both houses, but won't be by huge margins in either case.)