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02-08-2010, 03:04 PM
It's a shame.

Murtha served as a Marine in Vietnam. But later he started accusing his fellow Marines in Iraq, of committing atrocities they were later exonerated from, etc.

Benedict Arnold also served well and loyally in the American army in colonial times, and then he turned.

Now Murtha will have to explain himself to Someone who is not swayed by anyone's politics.


Rep. John Murtha Dead, Spokesman Says


A spokesman says Democratic Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania, a retired Marine Corps officer who became an outspoken critic of the Iraq war, has died. He was 77.

He had been suffering complications from gallbladder surgery.

In 1974, Murtha became the first combat veteran of the Vietnam War elected to Congress. He wielded considerable clout for two decades as a leader of the House subcommittee that oversees Pentagon spending. But frustration over the Iraq war led him to call for an immediate pullout of U.S. troops in 2005.

Murtha's congressional career was clouded by questions about his ethics -- from the Abscam corruption probe in 1980 to more recent investigations into the special-interest spending known as earmarks and the raising of cash for election campaigns.

Murtha was also hospitalized in December with gallbladder problems.

The 19-term Democrat was the first Vietnam veteran to serve in Congress. He leads the powerful House Appropriations subcommittee on defense spending.

02-08-2010, 06:13 PM
another significant special election?......

02-08-2010, 07:01 PM

Mr. P
02-08-2010, 07:07 PM
First Ted Kennedy and now John Murtha, could there be something to this "In God We Trust" stuff?

02-08-2010, 07:17 PM
Now if they will just hold a special election and a republican gets his seat that would truly be a blessing.

02-08-2010, 08:27 PM
I am literally dancing in the streets in celebration of the death of this lowlife.

This greedy corrupt piece of shit is possibly even lower than Teddy Kennedy.

May they both burn in hell for all eternity :dev: and then some. :dance:

02-08-2010, 08:31 PM
What if they had an election and no one came?

That's what happened in 2008. Unfortunately for the Democrats (and the rest of us), they mistook their victory as a mandate from the People for a "progressive" agenda with out of control spending.... they had it wrong.

The real message was that most people who sat out the last election were simply sick and tired of the Republicans acting like Democrats.... the REAL mandate from the American People is fiscal responsibility and smaller government.

02-08-2010, 09:12 PM
What if they had an election and no one came?

That's what happened in 2008. Unfortunately for the Democrats (and the rest of us), they mistook their victory as a mandate from the People for a "progressive" agenda with out of control spending.... they had it wrong.

The real message was that most people who sat out the last election were simply sick and tired of the Republicans acting like Democrats.... the REAL mandate from the American People is fiscal responsibility and smaller government.I suppose many of the conservatives voters figured;

"Hey, if we're gonna have a big spending wasteful government no matter which side we vote for, we may as well elect the party that is best at it".

LOL!!! :lol: :laugh2: :lmao: :laugh:

02-08-2010, 11:17 PM
Now if they will just hold a special election and a republican gets his seat that would truly be a blessing.

They have to schedule a special election within 10 days. It may be during the primary unless the Governor chooses to do so before then.

02-08-2010, 11:22 PM
I didn't very much care for Murtha, but I hope he RIP, more peace than he gave us American citizens towards the end of his life.

red states rule
02-08-2010, 11:25 PM
RIP Mr Murtha. May God have mercy on your soul and bless your family

I did not like Murtha or his politics - but I am not happy the man died. I do not like it when the left jumps for joy when a conservatibes dies (like Tony Snow, Ronald Reagan, or Bob Novak) and we should not lower ourselves to their level

02-08-2010, 11:44 PM
RIP Mr Murtha. May God have mercy on your soul and bless your family

I did not like Murtha or his politics - but I am not happy the man died. I do not like it when the left jumps for joy when a conservatibes dies (like Tony Snow, Ronald Reagan, or Bob Novak) and we should not lower ourselves to their level

I agree. I'll let God judge. Personally found the man's sacrifice and service commendable, but his treatment of the marines deplorable. God can figure it all out.

02-09-2010, 08:37 AM
Wow. First Kennedy and now Murtha. :eek:

red states rule
02-09-2010, 09:03 AM
I hope Murtha and his family finds peace.

My prayers are with them.

02-09-2010, 09:11 AM
RIP Mr Murtha. May God have mercy on your soul and bless your family

I did not like Murtha or his politics - but I am not happy the man died. I do not like it when the left jumps for joy when a conservatibes dies (like Tony Snow, Ronald Reagan, or Bob Novak) and we should not lower ourselves to their level

In total agreement. I honor the man's service but abhor his politics.

02-09-2010, 09:26 AM
So who's on deck? :salute:

red states rule
02-09-2010, 09:32 AM
So who's on deck? :salute:

If there is a solid conservative on the ticket, we could take that seat along with a Senate seat in November

02-09-2010, 09:46 AM
RIP Mr Murtha. May God have mercy on your soul and bless your family

I did not like Murtha or his politics - but I am not happy the man died. I do not like it when the left jumps for joy when a conservatibes dies (like Tony Snow, Ronald Reagan, or Bob Novak) and we should not lower ourselves to their levelI am and always will be happy to see the enemies of America go down in flames.

Make no mistake, the progressives and their Democrat Party politicians are the enemies of the United States.

When it comes to those who would destroy America, our way of life and my childrens future, I have no mercy, compassion or regrets.

red states rule
02-09-2010, 10:35 AM
I am and always will be happy to see the enemies of America go down in flames.

Make no mistake, the progressives and their Democrat Party politicians are the enemies of the United States.

When it comes to those who would destroy America, our way of life and my childrens future, I have no mercy, compassion or regrets.

Then IMO, you should wish them defeat at the ballot box, not death

02-09-2010, 10:56 AM
Then IMO, you should wish them defeat at the ballot box, not death

Defeat at the ballot box still leaves him in a position to influence and worm his way back in. Death is final. His influence dies with him. For me to wish him RIP would be hypocritical. There are plenty more like him to step up and take his place. They need to be defeated at the ballot box. And they will continue to worm their way in.

I'm not as compassionate as you are Red, a dead piece of shit is still a piece of shit.

02-09-2010, 11:00 AM
since he would have been up for re-election in November, it seems unlikely they would hold a special election before then....

not sure if they would bother with an appointment, but if they do, WV's governor is a Democrat....

Mr. P
02-09-2010, 11:20 AM
since he would have been up for re-election in November, it seems unlikely they would hold a special election before then....

not sure if they would bother with an appointment, but if they do, WV's governor is a Democrat....

I may be wrong but I don't think a WV Governor will have squat to do with appointing a PA Congressman. :poke:

Or do you mean they may appoint the WV Gov.? I don't think they can do that.

02-09-2010, 11:34 AM
RIP Mr Murtha. May God have mercy on your soul and bless your family

I did not like Murtha or his politics - but I am not happy the man died. I do not like it when the left jumps for joy when a conservatibes dies (like Tony Snow, Ronald Reagan, or Bob Novak) and we should not lower ourselves to their level

I have to agree, although sometimes I struggle with it.

I see people like Murtha and his progressive liberal cronies (whether Democrat or Republican) as the greatest enemies this country has seen since we kicked the Brits out. While others are attacking us from without, they are attacking us from within. I despise them but I don't wish death on them.

02-09-2010, 02:57 PM
Well if there is a special election Obama should maintain his perfect record of stumping for someone in a special election and help the democrat canidate. Come on Obama make it 0-4!

02-09-2010, 03:27 PM
Then IMO, you should wish them defeat at the ballot box, not deathA permanent solution to any threat of this caliber works fine for me.

Elections are no longer about political policies, but full blown ideologies struggling for control.

Progressives are just as much the enemy and no less a threat than Adolf Hitler, the Cold War communists or jihad terrorist.

I pray it can be settled at the ballot box to avoid the carnage that will follow if it cannot...America will not accept a marxist totalitarian nightmare.

02-10-2010, 12:17 AM
If there is a solid conservative on the ticket, we could take that seat along with a Senate seat in November

There may be a special election before November

02-10-2010, 12:19 AM
A permanent solution to any threat of this caliber works fine for me.

Elections are no longer about political policies, but full blown ideologies struggling for control.

Progressives are just as much the enemy and no less a threat than Adolf Hitler, the Cold War communists or jihad terrorist.

I pray it can be settled at the ballot box to avoid the carnage that will follow if it cannot...America will not accept a marxist totalitarian nightmare.

Unfortunately, I think your presuming that the loser in this war at the ballot box wont turn to carnage as a last ditch effort.

02-10-2010, 01:58 AM
RIP Mr Murtha. May God have mercy on your soul and bless your family

I did not like Murtha or his politics - but I am not happy the man died. I do not like it when the left jumps for joy when a conservatibes dies (like Tony Snow, Ronald Reagan, or Bob Novak) and we should not lower ourselves to their level

I didn't jump for joy, but I will be honest in saying that the first thing I thought was "good".....for several reasons, but the foremost being the vicious attacks against our troops over the last few years.

red states rule
02-10-2010, 06:11 AM
I didn't jump for joy, but I will be honest in saying that the first thing I thought was "good".....for several reasons, but the foremost being the vicious attacks against our troops over the last few years.

I feel as you do when it comes to the attacks on the troops. Many reports on his death in the liberal media, do not mention the attack - but praise his service as a Marine

Murtha never apoliogized to the Marines for his sliming of the troops - and like John Kerry - will be held in high estemm for his anti war crap