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02-10-2010, 01:45 PM

A related question:

How hard is the Mainstream Media trying, to find Al Gore and interview him? Or at least get his reaction to recent weather events?

It wasn't that long ago that they were lauding his expertise on Global Whatever, and praising him for his Nobel Prize.

Now that things are not going the way he predicted, where is any interest on the part of the media, to get his reaction?

I've seen no attempts to interview him or even find him. No curiosity.

Remind me again, what comprises "reporting"? Or "journalism"?

02-10-2010, 01:52 PM
They aren't going to speak to him....They are in bed with him and DC politicians.... Anyone who believes Gore and his crapola or has rushed out and bought his movie is an idiot..... :poke:

02-12-2010, 07:06 AM
Perhaps one day We The People will finally wake up and realize that when a Politician comes to us with a cause he/she cares deeply about we will take the time to investigate.

Al Gore has spent millions of dollars in the hopes of making billions of dollars. And thus far, he is doing just that, his children and grandchildren will be well taken care of for the remainder of their lives.

But perhaps one day in the near future, We the People will realize that it was all a fraud. And we will find a way to take to Court the heirs of Al Gore, and maybe in that day his great grandchildren will come to curse his name when We the People demand back the hard earned money we made and that wound up in his wallet because of the fraud.

While we work hard to make a living, going to work and paying our bills, and doing the small things we can to make a difference in the environment, we will finally charge Al Gore for flying around in private jets, and being driving in luxury town cars while he tells us we are not doing enough, knowing that he is safe because he can buy his way out of all the carbon he using, knowing that he is using more carbon than 100,000 families will use in their lifetime.

Perhaps that day will come when we take the money he has earned through his fraud and give it back to the people who really deserve to have the money. We The People!!!!!


02-12-2010, 07:23 AM
oh but didn't you hear what they were saying? That this weather is the perfect example of Man made Climate Change. Since we have screwed it up so much, weather like this becomes more intense. Even though it is just the East Coast... I guess us in the middle will get it in a few years.

02-12-2010, 07:37 AM
oh but didn't you hear what they were saying? That this weather is the perfect example of Man made Climate Change. Since we have screwed it up so much, weather like this becomes more intense. Even though it is just the East Coast... I guess us in the middle will get it in a few years.

It is simple mathematics: if A=B and B=C then A=C

rain=global warming
snow= global warming
flood=global warming
blizzard=global warming
hurricane=global warming
drought=global warming
tornado=global warming
typhoon=global warming

everything, no matter what, will = global warming to them. No matter how much evidence is shown, or how many tests they have to fake.