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View Full Version : Military to Discipline at Least 6 Officers in Ft. Hood Case

02-11-2010, 09:48 AM
Good I say. These guys dropped the ball because they didn't wanna be racist or what not.

The military will formally discipline at least six officers, mostly from Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, for failing to take action against the officer accused of carrying out last year's deadly shooting rampage at Fort Hood, according to people familiar with the matter.

The officials said that as many as eight officers could ultimately be censured over Hasan, mostly with letters of reprimand that effectively end their military careers. I hate that it would come to this.... but I am glad that they are holding them accountable and even if it is example setting, maybe the next guy that listens to someone go on like the shooter did will do something about it.


02-11-2010, 09:59 AM
You do realize, of course, that if those same officers had taken action, they would have been receiving letters of reprimand anyway for being racists. They were doomed from the start no matter what they did. These guys are just the sacrificial lambs. Wiat unitl "don't ask, don't tell" gets thrown out and problems surface. There will be a lot more officers thrown under the bus.

02-11-2010, 10:06 AM
I understand that too... it is a double edged sword when it really comes down to it.

but I was also looking at it as, do you want a reprimand and be able to say " I was right and I stood by what I thought was right even though I got into trouble" or " I brushed it under the rug becasue I didn't want anybody to say antyhing about me". Sucks to be them, but someone should have raised a flag instead of just going "oh well".

02-11-2010, 10:12 AM
Good I say. These guys dropped the ball because they didn't wanna be racist or what not.

I hate that it would come to this.... but I am glad that they are holding them accountable and even if it is example setting, maybe the next guy that listens to someone go on like the shooter did will do something about it.


The military just as the rest of the country needs to profile and quit playing patty-cake with muslims.

02-11-2010, 12:02 PM
The military just as the rest of the country needs to profile and quit playing patty-cake with muslims.

as they say, 'Truer words were never spoken'

better to be wrong and 'racist' and check things out then look the other way.

02-11-2010, 12:09 PM
What good does it do to hold anyone accountable if the US military and government still uses political correctness in all decisions of policy?