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View Full Version : Clinton: Repair Damaged Environment

04-22-2007, 03:51 PM
I hope her driver...peddled her butt in there, on a bicycle built for two....:laugh2:
Apr 22 03:16 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

DECORAH, Iowa (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday that it's critical to repair damage to the environment and urged young people to make it a top issue during the presidential campaign.
"Today is Earth Day, and I personally believe every day should be Earth Day," the New York senator and Democratic presidential candidate said in Iowa. "We have a duty to protect God's creation and we have a responsibility to repair the damage that we do as we go on in life."

She was speaking to about 1,000 people packed into a gymnasium Sunday at Luther College in Decorah, in northeast Iowa.

"Some of the damage ... we didn't know about, we didn't understand," she said. "But now we do—so we have no excuses left."

Clinton touted her plans to create a strategic energy fund, invest oil companies' "windfall profits" in renewable energy efforts and lead the nation to get 20 percent of its electricity from renewable resources by 2020.

She said she has introduced a bill that requires federal buildings to save energy and her campaign has even pledged to go carbon-neutral—using energy efficient light bulbs and recycled paper in an effort to cut down on pollution. (for crying out loud...I've been doing this FOR YEARS already)...:lame2:

"Please use this as a voting issue," she told the college students, who made up much of the crowd. "Energy security, the environment, you are going to make those election issues that can help us elect people who can work, and actually make it so."

Clinton, a prodigious fundraiser who is topping the polls of Democratic presidential candidates, lobbed harsh criticism at the Bush administration on the environment, health care coverage and the war in Iraq.

She said President Bush has mishandled the economy, and that the nation needs a new approach to negotiating trade agreements, including the addition of labor and environmental standards.

"We cannot have this disparity where you can't make a living in America on what people are paid in other parts of the world," Clinton said. "We enter these trade agreements, and frankly, the standard of living in a lot of these countries doesn't go up, all the benefits of the trade agreements go to the people who are already wealthy."

04-22-2007, 04:05 PM
stupid bitch says ....President Bush has mishandled the economy, and that the nation needs a new approach to negotiating trade agreements, including the addition of labor and environmental standards.

look out......what the stock market isn't high enough.....unemployment isn't low enough....

04-22-2007, 04:08 PM
stupid bitch says ....President Bush has mishandled the economy, and that the nation needs a new approach to negotiating trade agreements, including the addition of labor and environmental standards.

look out......what the stock market isn't high enough.....unemployment isn't low enough....

Well......she is speaking to college students...So she can get away with FIBBING...just a weeee bit..:poke:

Mr. P
04-22-2007, 04:15 PM
"Today is Earth Day". So that's what the Google ice burg is all about, we're melting, we're melting! :laugh2:

04-22-2007, 04:27 PM
What a stupid fucking bitch! Imagine that, trying to save the environment! How stupid is that? We're only going to be alive for a few more decades anyway. Who cares about future generations? That's their problem! Anyway Jesus is coming soon and we don't need this planet much longer anyway, so we may as well get as many resources out of it as possible as soon as possible. Thank God for conservatism, without it we might be doing stupid things like preserving nature, reducing pollution, finding fuel alternatives, alternate modes of transportation, y'know all those faggy liberal things. Where's James Watt when you need him?

04-22-2007, 04:37 PM
Yeah.....We all know the sky has been falling in on us now, for the last 30yrs....First it was global cooling.....Now it's global warming.

I don't know anyone who isn't for conservation...It's just this doom and gloom that the liberals are preaching, is what makes this whole thing........idiotic..good grief..:slap:

04-22-2007, 04:52 PM
What a stupid fucking bitch! Imagine that, trying to save the environment! How stupid is that? We're only going to be alive for a few more decades anyway. Who cares about future generations? That's their problem! Anyway Jesus is coming soon and we don't need this planet much longer anyway, so we may as well get as many resources out of it as possible as soon as possible. Thank God for conservatism, without it we might be doing stupid things like preserving nature, reducing pollution, finding fuel alternatives, alternate modes of transportation, y'know all those faggy liberal things. Where's James Watt when you need him?

in california we have been doing all that shit she is talking about for the last 20 years....stupid bitch...catch up

04-22-2007, 05:08 PM
What a stupid fucking bitch! Imagine that, trying to save the environment! How stupid is that? We're only going to be alive for a few more decades anyway. Who cares about future generations? That's their problem! Anyway Jesus is coming soon and we don't need this planet much longer anyway, so we may as well get as many resources out of it as possible as soon as possible. Thank God for conservatism, without it we might be doing stupid things like preserving nature, reducing pollution, finding fuel alternatives, alternate modes of transportation, y'know all those faggy liberal things. Where's James Watt when you need him?

And besides run their flaps about this the past 20-30 years, what have liberals ACTUALLY done that has made any positive impact on the environment?

And at what between where we are and living in caves do you draw the line?

I have no problem with conservation myself, so long as it is within reason. I DO have a problem with politicizing it with false promises that politicians have no intention of keeping.

All I see in the article is a promise to steal somebody's profit, and winding down with a rant about the US not being a socialist utopia.

Pale Rider
04-22-2007, 06:27 PM
[COLOR="Red"]"We have a duty to protect God's creation and we have a responsibility to repair the damage that we do as we go on in life." [/url]

So.... it's our duty to protect God's creation as in the environment, but it's not our duty to protect God's creation as in the life of an unborn child? So hitlery puts a greater value on the environment than human life.

04-22-2007, 06:29 PM
So.... it's our duty to protect God's creation as in the environment, but it's not our duty to protect God's creation as in the life of an unborn child? So hitlery puts a greater value on the environment than human life.

Where's that unborn child gonna live if there are palm trees growing in Alaska?

Pale Rider
04-22-2007, 06:48 PM
Where's that unborn child gonna live if there are palm trees growing in Alaska?

I believe an unborn child pretty much has to live in it's mommy's belly, no matter where palm trees grow.

04-22-2007, 06:49 PM
Where's that unborn child gonna live if there are palm trees growing in Alaska?

In a hut made of palm fronds?:poke:

04-22-2007, 07:57 PM
What a stupid fucking bitch! Imagine that, trying to save the environment! How stupid is that? We're only going to be alive for a few more decades anyway. Who cares about future generations? That's their problem! Anyway Jesus is coming soon and we don't need this planet much longer anyway, so we may as well get as many resources out of it as possible as soon as possible. Thank God for conservatism, without it we might be doing stupid things like preserving nature, reducing pollution, finding fuel alternatives, alternate modes of transportation, y'know all those faggy liberal things. Where's James Watt when you need him? So you and her are both rabid supporters of nuclear power? And windmills off Cape Cod?

04-22-2007, 07:58 PM
I believe an unborn child pretty much has to live in it's mommy's belly, no matter where palm trees grow.:laugh2:

04-22-2007, 08:22 PM
In a hut made of palm fronds?:poke:

Yeah that's why you guys are in favor of global warming, huh?!?!?!? You think the whole world will be one big Gilligan's Island. Well I got news for you pal, no Ginger or Marianne for you, you get Mrs. Howell III. :poke:

04-22-2007, 08:24 PM
So you and her are both rabid supporters of nuclear power? And windmills off Cape Cod?

I'm not sure what "nuclear" is. Is that the similar or opposite to that "nukular" thing Bush is always talking about? Well anyway if Bush is for it so am I!

Windmills off Cape Cod, maybe that's what knocked JFK Jr.'s plane off course. He deserved it, stupid liberal!

04-22-2007, 08:24 PM
Yeah that's why you guys are in favor of global warming, huh?!?!?!? You think the whole world will be one big Gilligan's Island. Well I got news for you pal, no Ginger or Marianne for you, you get Mrs. Howell III. :poke:

Then who do the girls get?

04-22-2007, 08:26 PM
Then who do the girls get?

If they're good looking, ME!:cheers2:

Mr. P
04-22-2007, 08:27 PM
Yeah that's why you guys are in favor of global warming, huh?!?!?!? You think the whole world will be one big Gilligan's Island. Well I got news for you pal, no Ginger or Marianne for you, you get Mrs. Howell III. :poke:

Thanks, she's worth millions!:poke:

04-22-2007, 08:33 PM
Thanks, she's worth millions!:poke:

What are you gonna buy when the rest of the world is underwater? :laugh2: :poke:

04-22-2007, 08:38 PM
If they're good looking, ME!:cheers2:

If you look anything like your avatar, you haven't got much going for you. :cool:

04-22-2007, 08:41 PM
If you look anything like your avatar, you haven't got much going for you. :cool:

That's my "Before" picture. The "After" looks a lot like Alec Baldwin......er.....Tom Cruise........um maybe I better quit while I'm ahead!

04-22-2007, 08:42 PM
That's my "Before" picture. The "After" looks a lot like Alec Baldwin......er.....Tom Cruise........um maybe I better quit while I'm ahead!

Hmm.. Perhaps you should... What was it the women get again?