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View Full Version : Snow days mean less food for many students

red states rule
02-16-2010, 07:49 AM
Is is what the country has come to? Has the nation fallen so far down the abyss?

Schools are closed, therefore kids go hungry?

Isn't Michelle Obama running aorund screaming how kids are fat?

TAKOMA PARK, Md. - As back-to-back snowstorms shuttered schools for the week across the mid-Atlantic states, parents fretted about lost learning time, administrators scheduled makeup days and teachers posted assignments online. But Marla Caplon worried about a more fundamental problem: How would students eat?

The two snowstorms that pummeled the region, leaving more than 3 feet of snow in some areas, deprived tens of thousands of children from Virginia to Pennsylvania of the free or reduced-price school lunch that may be their only nutritious meal of the day. The nonprofits that try to meet the need when school is not in session also closed their doors for much of the week, leaving many families looking at bare cupboards. And many parents working hourly jobs were unable to earn any money during the week, as the snow forced businesses to close.

Caplon is a food services supervisor for Montgomery County Public Schools, where about 43,000 children are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches. Some also get breakfast, dinner and bags of staple foods to take home for the weekend. The snow days meant children would get none of that until Tuesday, because schools are closed Monday for Presidents Day.


02-16-2010, 08:02 AM
Is is what the country has come to? Has the nation fallen so far down the abyss?

Schools are closed, therefore kids go hungry?

Isn't Michelle Obama running aorund screaming how kids are fat?

The people that worship Obama are the ones that figure there kids are getting 2 squares a day at school, so while they are out selling crack or there ass they let the kids eat what they can at home, with schools closed now and there food stamp card already traded for the latest round of crack , I guess yea it is a problem :eek:

red states rule
02-16-2010, 08:04 AM
The people that worship Obama are the ones that figure there kids are getting 2 squares a day at school, so while they are out selling crack or there ass they let the kids eat what they can at home, with schools closed now and there food stamp card already traded for the latest round of crack , I guess yea it is a problem :eek:

They think the parents are to cheap to feed their kids, or the kids are to dumb to open the kitchen cabinets and find something to eat

In their minds, only taxpayer money will feed them and keep them from starvation

02-16-2010, 08:05 AM
yeah now we have "food deserts".

It's pretty amazing thet the homeless have disappeared too. Guess they flew to Mexico for the winter.

02-16-2010, 08:06 AM
Seriously, if people cannot feed their kids between food stamps and food pantries, they should just let the state take the children. Is there anyone reading this, of any political belief system here, that wouldn't give food to a neighbor in need?

02-16-2010, 08:11 AM
Seriously, if people cannot feed their kids between food stamps and food pantries, they should just let the state take the children. Is there anyone reading this, of any political belief system here, that wouldn't give food to a neighbor in need?

Kat I have and still would give food to a family in need, unless they are a family that refuses to take care of there own, or try at least, then I have and will call the state to get involved, when I went to school I had a brown bag for lunch, now the kids get breakfast and lunch, and the way it looks to me the majority of them eat for free, maybe if ya can't support your family ya ought to at least invest in birth control

02-16-2010, 08:32 AM
From what I have seen from my grand kids. Very little of real food gets eaten at school. Pizza and hamburgers are the big thing the kids eat. While their trays may be full of healthy food, most of it goes into the trash.

red states rule
02-16-2010, 08:35 AM
From what I have seen from my grand kids. Very little of real food gets eaten at school. Pizza and hamburgers are the big thing the kids eat. While their trays may be full of healthy food, most of it goes into the trash.

Along with our tax dollars

With the kids home from school, I find it hard to believe so many kids are going without. How hard is it for the parents to cook? Or the kids to make a sandwich? Or pop something in the microwave?

This is another sob story from the left designed to tug on the heart of the taxpayer, and to take more of our money from us out of compassion

02-16-2010, 08:43 AM
From what I have seen from my grand kids. Very little of real food gets eaten at school. Pizza and hamburgers are the big thing the kids eat. While their trays may be full of healthy food, most of it goes into the trash.

How true Gaffer, my kids say the food stinks, the 8 year old want Mommies food to take to school, LOL, but it is a shame that the schools have to feed our kids, my 15 yr old is in HS and he can pick all kinds of different biscuits for breakfast, hell even the little ones have a choice of meals, but if they don't get the free lunch deal and forget there lunch they can only have 1 particular meal ( I forget what they call it) but it is something ya wouldn't feed the dog, and the prices of these so called healthy meals are out of sight, as for healthy my little ones get fruit loops (as a example) all the sugar cereals they want, they even have a choice of a honey bun, they come home and the wife fixes them oat meal and they get mad, LOL

02-16-2010, 09:36 AM
When I was in school there were no free lunches. You bought the school lunch which sucked, or you brought your lunch. If you forgot your lunch you went hungry. And there was no breakfast at school.

red states rule
02-16-2010, 09:57 AM
When I was in school there were no free lunches. You bought the school lunch which sucked, or you brought your lunch. If you forgot your lunch you went hungry. And there was no breakfast at school.

Schools have become surrogate parents

02-16-2010, 10:22 AM
Schools have become surrogate parents

Yep, all they teach now days is dependency.

02-16-2010, 12:13 PM
From what I have seen from my grand kids. Very little of real food gets eaten at school. Pizza and hamburgers are the big thing the kids eat. While their trays may be full of healthy food, most of it goes into the trash.

Yeah William lives on pizza and has since the 6th grade, he's half way through the 8th now. He still only eats pizza for lunch. Good thing they offer al carte or the kid would starve, cause he most certainly would not put anything healthy in his mouth, other then fruit. lol

02-16-2010, 01:20 PM
Seriously, if people cannot feed their kids between food stamps and food pantries, they should just let the state take the children. Is there anyone reading this, of any political belief system here, that wouldn't give food to a neighbor in need?

I agree, even the smallest towns have food pantries.

Here is an eye opener. You figure an average family (4) is getting almost $700 a month for food stamps. THAT IS A LOT OF MONEY!!!!!!!!

We are a family of 6 and I spend no where near $950 a month.


Household Size
Maximum Monthly Food Stamp Benefit, 2010

1 person

2 people

3 people

4 people

5 people

6 people

7 people

Each Additional Person $150

02-16-2010, 04:51 PM
Seriously, if people cannot feed their kids between food stamps and food pantries, they should just let the state take the children. Is there anyone reading this, of any political belief system here, that wouldn't give food to a neighbor in need?

If I happened to have enough food to share I would give it to someone with little kids or an eldery person.

02-16-2010, 05:00 PM
When I was in school there were no free lunches. You bought the school lunch which sucked, or you brought your lunch. If you forgot your lunch you went hungry. And there was no breakfast at school.

That's the way it was when I was in school. But it seems since then, the taxpayers pay the bill while others enjoy the ride.... Whatever happened to making sure your kids had breakfast before going to school? It must be another way of the gov't telling us we are all needy indviduals and should rely on it fill our stomachs. Next thing it'll be wiping our butts for us as well.:eek:

02-16-2010, 05:11 PM
I agree, even the smallest towns have food pantries.

Here is an eye opener. You figure an average family (4) is getting almost $700 a month for food stamps. THAT IS A LOT OF MONEY!!!!!!!!

We are a family of 6 and I spend no where near $950 a month.


Household Size
Maximum Monthly Food Stamp Benefit, 2010

1 person

2 people

3 people

4 people

5 people

6 people

7 people

Each Additional Person $150

I agree. That's a lot of money. Right now for the most part there are 2 of us in the house and we eat mostly at home. Both of us bring out lunches to work, usually leftover from the evening before. We probably spend close to $450-500 a month on food and related items, but can afford to buy the occasional filet, tuna steaks, always buy Bounty towels, you get the picture. It's not what I'd buy if I was trying to stay close to $367. Even with the 'extras' that no one is buying for me, breakfast is oatmeal, fruit, juice, and coffee. Lunch as I said is left overs usually-the occasional lower sodium deli meat sandwich-I make, not prepared there for $4.50 each! :eek: Most dinners are crockpot meals, easiest for working, also cost effective. Weekends is when i might make something special like steak or roast.

I watch for specials on coffee, diet Dr. Pepper, La Croix flavored water, ie., the real budget killers.

If I was home I could save a lot more-I did, for over 12 years.

02-17-2010, 02:37 AM
When I was in school there were no free lunches. You bought the school lunch which sucked, or you brought your lunch. If you forgot your lunch you went hungry. And there was no breakfast at school.

Which is the way it should be!!!

My grandson goes to a private school.........my daughter makes lunch for him every single day!!!

My granddaughter goes to a charter school.......my daughter makes lunch for her every single day!!!

Schools need to put the responsibility back on the parents....every kid should get lunch....but the parents of the kids should have their credit cards charged or a bill sent home every month (with some type of consequence if not paid)....but it should not be the taxpayer's responsibility.

Joyful HoneyBee
02-17-2010, 07:38 AM
My seventeen year old hasn't eaten a single school lunch in a couple or three years. She has access to a microwave, so sometimes she takes a lunch she can heat up such as homemade spaghetti or manicotti. If she takes a sandwich, it is piled with yummy fresh deli meats, lettuce, tomato, onion, bell pepper and whatever else we can pile on. Her friends who must eat school lunches sit and drool over her lunches, so at least they have enough saliva to choke down the garbage they call 'food' in the cafeteria. And our first lady might be interested to know that this young lady has LOST WEIGHT since giving up school lunch. :coffee:

02-17-2010, 09:20 AM
that this young lady has LOST WEIGHT since giving up school lunch. :coffee: I was listening to some crazy guy talk about that. He made a good point with the whole 'meal thing and it being government apporved'. what he was really hitting on was that the program that they have now is outdated, but the Gov just keeps extending it. They need to trash it and rewrite it so that there are actually "healthy" food guidelines in it. That just made alot of sense to me and you wonder why it hasn't been done.

I also think that so much of our food has crap in it, even the healthy stuff, so that it become well.... not healthy... that also goes into the rabbit trail of our health situation. our life expectancy and what not.... not that we have such a bad healthcare system, but the crap that we put into our bodies.