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View Full Version : Remember Gibbs Last Week On Iran?

02-18-2010, 05:25 PM
Big surprise, he was wrong:


U.N. agency fears Iran may be working on nuclear warhead
By Bridget Johnson - 02/18/10 04:08 PM ET
An International Atomic Energy Agency report expresses worry that Iran may be working on a nuclear warhead, despite a 2007 U.S. intelligence assessment that found the Islamic Republic stopped such work in 2003.

The United Nations' nuclear watchdog also confirmed that Iran had indeed enriched uranium to nearly 20 percent, a claim made by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during revolutionary anniversary festivities last week but rebuffed by the White House.

"We do not believe they have the capability to enrich to the degree they say they are enriching," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said at last Thursday's daily briefing.

But the IAEA report said that Iran had hit 19.8 percent enrichment on two days last week.

"I think the conclusions of the report are consistent with what the secretary was saying in the region this week," State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said Thursday. "We have ongoing concerns about Iran's activities. We cannot explain why it refuses to come to the table and engage constructively to answer the questions that have been raised, and you have to draw some conclusions from that."

The report by the new head of the IAEA, Yukiya Amano, appears to raise greater concerns about Iran's capabilities than the assessments of his predecessor, Mohamed ElBaradei.

"Altogether, this raises concerns about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile," said the report.

"These alleged activities consist of a number of projects and sub-projects, covering nuclear and missile related aspects, run by military related organizations."....

02-18-2010, 07:02 PM
it's no surprise to anyone that Iran continues on a course of developing nuclear weapons rather than nuclear energy.....some have provided lip service to denial but not with any honesty....

Mr. P
02-18-2010, 07:10 PM
I'll bet my next heartbeat that Israel has been all over this and have a few plans to present to Ahmadinejad.

02-18-2010, 07:11 PM
But revelart says there's nothing to worry about. So did that muslim head of the IAEA. So does the administration. We can all bury our heads and let them do as they please. After all we have nukes so our enemies should too.

02-18-2010, 08:11 PM
Ostrich starts with an O too.

02-20-2010, 11:34 AM
Well, I just think Iran needs to be put in perspective. We held off the soviets for decades. They where supplying countries all over the world with weapons and changing regimes to communist rule. They had/have 1000s of nukes that could reach the U.S., Europe and Israel within hours or minutes. But thankfully it didn't happen. To this day the only nation to use nukes in war are us. Nukes have been a mild deterrent to war. I'll go out on limb here and say that if/when Iran gets a nuke it will probably deter others from attacking them but not give them more balls to start attacking there neighbors. (don't ask me to defend that last part, I won't).
but Iran has Zero Nukes we have 1000's, Israel has 100s??, we both outclass Iran in conventional, Chemical and the biological warfare arena. Iran has not openly attacked anyone, any more than we have supplied groups in the past (currently?) against them.

So yeah Iran is a problem. I just don't think we should pee in our pants as they get closer to nuclear capabilities. Panic and over stating the issue will not make it go away or get better. Bombing a sovereign country is an act of war. Arming yourself is an act of common sense. For them and for us. Lets keep our eyes open and powered dry. Talk, probe, quietly disable, and disrupt the flow in that direction, incite the public too peace as best we can in the context of thier culture and ours. I think we can survive them.

But the A Q Khan group out of Pakistan with our friends in the ISI -Pakistani intelligence- have, IMO, been a more dangerous Nuclear threat to the U.S. than Iran will ever be.

Sir Evil
02-20-2010, 02:26 PM
Well, I just think Iran needs to be put in perspective. We held off the soviets for decades. They where supplying countries all over the world with weapons and changing regimes to communist rule. They had/have 1000s of nukes that could reach the U.S., Europe and Israel within hours or minutes. But thankfully it didn't happen. To this day the only nation to use nukes in war are us. Nukes have been a mild deterrent to war. I'll go out on limb here and say that if/when Iran gets a nuke it will probably deter others from attacking them but not give them more balls to start attacking there neighbors. (don't ask me to defend that last part, I won't).
but Iran has Zero Nukes we have 1000's, Israel has 100s??, we both outclass Iran in conventional, Chemical and the biological warfare arena. Iran has not openly attacked anyone, any more than we have supplied groups in the past (currently?) against them.
