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red states rule
02-19-2010, 10:11 AM
This is spell total doom for the Dems if they do this. It will show the voters they could not care less what they think, only that Dems are obsessed with more power and control

Voters are saying forget Obamacare and fix the economy. Obama is telling them to sit down, shut up - I know what is best for you

Part of me wants the Dems to do this so they will lose even worse in November, but the other part of me knows the damage this tax bill will do to the country and the economy

President Obama is working on health care legislation intended to reconcile differences between House and Senate Democrats that could be attached to a budget bill and avoid a Republican filibuster, according to a published report.

The president's proposal, which is still being written, will be posted on the Internet by Monday morning, senior administration officials and Congressional aides told the New York Times.

By piggybacking the legislation onto a budget bill, Democrats would be able to advance the bill with a simple majority of just 51 votes, averting a Republican filibuster in the Senate.

The White House signaled Thursday that an aggressive, all-Democratic strategy for overhauling the nation's health system remains a serious option, even as Obama invites Republicans to next week's televised summit to seek possible compromises.

"It will be a reconciliation bill," the Times quoted a Democratic aide as saying. "If Republicans don't come with any substantial offers, this is what we would do."

The administration's stance could set the stage for a political showdown, with Democrats struggling to enact the president's top domestic priority and Republicans trying to block what many conservatives see as government overreach.

Obama's plan, like the House and Senate bills, would expand coverage to some 30 million, require most Americans to carry insurance or face financial penalties, and block insurers from denying coverage to people with pre-existing medical conditions, the Times reported.

One Capitol Hill Democrat told the Times abortion remains "a wild card."

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Thursday that Obama plans to have a health proposal that "will take some of the best ideas and put them into a framework" ahead of the Feb. 25 summit.


02-19-2010, 10:30 AM
This is spell total doom for the Dems if they do this. It will show the voters they could not care less what they think, only that Dems are obsessed with more power and control

Voters are saying forget Obamacare and fix the economy. Obama is telling them to sit down, shut up - I know what is best for you

Part of me wants the Dems to do this so they will lose even worse in November, but the other part of me knows the damage this tax bill will do to the country and the economy
I think the average person already realizes that is what is going on, or that this admin doesn't know what the hell it is doing, went into panick mode and tried to shove everything in at once since hey, "you don't let a crisis go to waste".

sad thing is the only way to get out of this mess that we are in is to cut spending (which I don't think anyone really disagrees on) but to also raise taxes a bit.

red states rule
02-19-2010, 10:36 AM
I think the average person already realizes that is what is going on, or that this admin doesn't know what the hell it is doing, went into panick mode and tried to shove everything in at once since hey, "you don't let a crisis go to waste".

sad thing is the only way to get out of this mess that we are in is to cut spending (which I don't think anyone really disagrees on) but to also raise taxes a bit.

Speaking of reckless spending


02-19-2010, 11:16 AM
hahaha yah... that pictures says it all

Joe Steel
02-19-2010, 01:30 PM
This is spell total doom for the Dems if they do this. It will show the voters they could not care less what they think, only that Dems are obsessed with more power and control

You think the Democrats will be doomed because they are execercizing the power the Constitution gives them to implement the mandate the voters gave them?

That's weird.

02-19-2010, 01:35 PM
I think the average person already realizes that is what is going on, or that this admin doesn't know what the hell it is doing, went into panick mode and tried to shove everything in at once since hey, "you don't let a crisis go to waste".

sad thing is the only way to get out of this mess that we are in is to cut spending (which I don't think anyone really disagrees on) but to also raise taxes a bit.

Seems that with Obamacare being pushed, some really do disagree, no?

02-19-2010, 01:35 PM
This year, I am blessed that I get to vote against 3 Democrats this November...

My Congressman, Maurice Hinchey, and my 2 senators, Chuck Schumer and, because it's a special election, Kirstin Gillibrand (or however you spell her name)...

that's three fewer Democrats that will be voting for Obamacare and against defense, tax breaks and what we really need to get our economy back on track....

I intend to help make the next two years of Obama's life sheer, utter hell...

cat slave
02-20-2010, 08:58 PM
You think the Democrats will be doomed because they are execercizing the power the Constitution gives them to implement the mandate the voters gave them?

That's weird.

They will be feeling a lot more than weird come November...look at all the
creepy politicians jumping ship so they dont get fired.

They have spat on the constitution in so many ways I dont know where to
start. It could be summed up in one statement.....refusal to do the will of the
people! Wonder how many of them have even read the constitution?
We could probably count them up on one hand.

Can we say...dictator....totalitarian....oh but wait....hes the messian.
Almost forgot he has come to show us the way. Almost slipped my mind.:lol:

02-20-2010, 09:02 PM
You think the Democrats will be doomed because they are execercizing the power the Constitution gives them to implement the mandate the voters gave them?

That's weird.

You think that after seeing the American people all over this country telling the moron inbred class in Washington that we don't want their socialized tripe that they have a mandate?

You really should read "news" that doesn't come from the Hufftards, ThinkProgress, and Common Dreams.

Washington is declaring war on the American people.

cat slave
02-20-2010, 09:02 PM
Osamacare.....total destruction of our economy and health. Stupid people
who think they will get free health care will be very disappointed but then it
will be too late.

OSAMACARE! Bad, bad ideas.

Joe Steel
02-20-2010, 09:14 PM
They have spat on the constitution in so many ways I dont know where to start.

Try starting with an example of disrespect for the Constitution.

Joe Steel
02-20-2010, 09:17 PM
You think that after seeing the American people all over this country telling the moron inbred class in Washington that we don't want their socialized tripe that they have a mandate?

All you've seen is a relatively small bunch of misfits, malcontents and miscreants. They're a freak show. They're a spectacle but they're hardly representative of the American People.

02-20-2010, 09:30 PM
All you've seen is a relatively small bunch of misfits, malcontents and miscreants. They're a freak show. They're a spectacle but they're hardly representative of the American People.

Don't watch the news much do ya Slow Joe? Guess the results of the election in Mass totally escaped your attention.

Joe Steel
02-21-2010, 06:46 AM
Don't watch the news much do ya Slow Joe? Guess the results of the election in Mass totally escaped your attention.

Try again, dumbass.

I'm familiar enough with the results to know you're misinterpreting them.

Turnout was down by about 26%, mostly in precincts which voted overwhelmingly for Obama in 2008. Know what that means? Democrats didn't vote. That doesn't mean we're seeing a groundswell of conservatism. It means the Democratic base is disgusted with the Democrats' lack of spine. That's easy to fix, though. Cram-down health care. Cram-down EFCA. Cram-down another stimulus. Democrats will come back and happy days will be here again.

red states rule
02-21-2010, 07:01 AM
Yea Joe, those damn voters tunring out across the nation at Town Halls, millions in DC at the Tea Party protest, and Obama goes in to three states to srump for Dems - and loses all three

Meanwhile EVERY poll I have seen shows a MAJORITY say NO TO OBAMACARE - yet libs continue to try and ram it thru

Last poll I saw - 58% oppose


That is Obama is tanking in the polls. Down to 45% in yesterday's tracking poll



By al means Joe, keep fliping off the voters and ignore what they are telling you

Now you may post how Rasmussen is biased, how America wants Obamacare, wants to pay more in taxes, how they want the Federal governemnt to have more control over them, and how anyone who opposes Obamacare is doing so only because they are racist

red states rule
02-21-2010, 07:05 AM
All you've seen is a relatively small bunch of misfits, malcontents and miscreants. They're a freak show. They're a spectacle but they're hardly representative of the American People.

This photo is from the 9/12 rally in DC - during the heart of the Town Halls

So this is what you call a "small bunch of misfits, malcontents, and miscreants?"


and from one Town Hall in Raleigh NC - are these malcontents or misfits?


02-21-2010, 09:23 AM
Try again, dumbass.

I'm familiar enough with the results to know you're misinterpreting them.

Turnout was down by about 26%, mostly in precincts which voted overwhelmingly for Obama in 2008. Know what that means? Democrats didn't vote. That doesn't mean we're seeing a groundswell of conservatism. It means the Democratic base is disgusted with the Democrats' lack of spine. That's easy to fix, though. Cram-down health care. Cram-down EFCA. Cram-down another stimulus. Democrats will come back and happy days will be here again.

Take off the blinders, Slow Joe, turnout was low across the state, as is typical in special elections. Brown's win was due to a swing in independent voters. And the swing WAS a statement AGAINST the liberal policies the Obama/Reid/Pelosi team is trying to cram through.

from http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections2/election_2010/election_2010_senate_elections/massachusetts/a_final_look_at_massachusetts_election_night_poll

The picture gets even murkier when you look at the correlation between approval of the health care plan.

· Among those who Strongly Oppose the plan, 98% voted for Brown.

· One key to Brown’s victory is that 41% Strongly Opposed the plan while just 25% Strongly Favored it.

Last February, President Obama listed four priorities for Congress to act upon. Voters in Massachusetts, like voters nationwide, named deficit reduction as the top goal and health care second.

· Among those who named deficit reduction as most important, Brown won 79% to 21%.

There was a strong correlation between opinions about the president and votes in the Massachusetts race.

· Among those who Strongly Disapprove, Brown won 97% to two percent (2%).

· Brown also won the vote from 95% of those who Somewhat Disapprove of the president’s job performance.

Joe Steel
02-22-2010, 08:01 AM
Take off the blinders, Slow Joe, turnout was low across the state, as is typical in special elections. Brown's win was due to a swing in independent voters. And the swing WAS a statement AGAINST the liberal policies the Obama/Reid/Pelosi team is trying to cram through.

While some "independents" did shift, the overall total for Brown was only slighty more than for McCain in '08 but the total for Coakley was far lower than for Obama. Examining the turnout by precinct shows far lower turnout in heavily Democratic precincts. Turn out was low because Democrats stayed home.

02-22-2010, 09:41 AM
While some "independents" did shift, the overall total for Brown was only slighty more than for McCain in '08 but the total for Coakley was far lower than for Obama. Examining the turnout by precinct shows far lower turnout in heavily Democratic precincts. Turn out was low because Democrats stayed home.

You are ignoring the political makeup of the state. 51% of the voters in Mass are independent but more often than not, vote Dem. What you call heavily Democratic precincts are in reality nothing more than "usually vote Dem" areas. There is only one county in Mass where the percentage of voters is signficantly higher than the average 36%.

You can look at the numbers for yourself:


red states rule
02-22-2010, 10:28 AM
This photo is from the 9/12 rally in DC - during the heart of the Town Halls

So this is what you call a "small bunch of misfits, malcontents, and miscreants?"


and from one Town Hall in Raleigh NC - are these malcontents or misfits?


Cat got your tongue Joe? Cough up that furball and answer the questions

red states rule
02-22-2010, 10:31 AM
Where do Dems get their numbers when they say people want Obamacare?

Final Health Care Tracking Poll: 58% Oppose the Plan Before Congress

Friday, January 22, 2010

Rasmussen Reports has been tracking support and expectations for the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats regularly since last June and weekly for the past six months. Yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said House Democrats do not have the votes to pass the legislation in its current form. As a result, this is the final tracking update for that legislation.

If the Democrats in Congress develop another approach, Rasmussen Reports will resume tracking as appropriate. However, polling released earlier today shows that 61% of voters nationwide want Congress to drop the health care plan and focus on the economy and jobs.

The final tracking numbers indicate that public expectations for the legislation fell sharply following Tuesday’s Senate vote in Massachusetts. Prior to Republican Scott Brown’s stunning victory in that overwhelmingly Democratic state, 70% of voters nationwide said it was at least somewhat likely the legislation would pass. Polling on Wednesday and Thursday nights found that number had fallen to 42% while 50% said it was unlikely to pass.

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/healthcare/january_2010/final_health_care_tracking_poll_58_oppose_the_plan _before_congress

Joe Steel
02-23-2010, 07:50 AM
You are ignoring the political makeup of the state. 51% of the voters in Mass are independent but more often than not, vote Dem. What you call heavily Democratic precincts are in reality nothing more than "usually vote Dem" areas. There is only one county in Mass where the percentage of voters is signficantly higher than the average 36%.

You llink is just tables. What do you think they prove?

Joe Steel
02-23-2010, 07:53 AM
Cat got your tongue Joe? Cough up that furball and answer the questions

Attendence at the event was less than 100,000. In a country of over 300 million, that's nothing.

As I said at the time, had the attendence been unusual, Washington DC would have been frozen in gridlock. No one would have ben able to get a hotel room or a seat on a train, bus or airplane. None of that happened. This was a minor rally.

Sir Evil
02-23-2010, 08:04 AM
All you've seen is a relatively small bunch of misfits, malcontents and miscreants. They're a freak show. They're a spectacle but they're hardly representative of the American People.

Damn, talk about the pot calling the kettle black..... You're an idiot! :laugh2:

red states rule
02-23-2010, 08:05 AM
Attendence at the event was less than 100,000. In a country of over 300 million, that's nothing.

As I said at the time, had the attendence been unusual, Washington DC would have been frozen in gridlock. No one would have ben able to get a hotel room or a seat on a train, bus or airplane. None of that happened. This was a minor rally.

So the above picture shows only 100,000? Get real Joe, people do not want this tax and spend government. They are fed up with their tax dollars being wasted on pork, handouts, and bloated entitlement programs

Across the nation, people are untied in their opposition to the Hope and Change Obama is bringing. That is why he is down to 45% approval, and Congress is in the 20's

02-23-2010, 06:26 PM
You llink is just tables. What do you think they prove?

It proves that YOUR assessment of what happened in Mass is way off the mark.

02-23-2010, 07:54 PM
Try starting with an example of disrespect for the Constitution.

Let's see. They are upset over a Supreme Court decision to affirm Freedom of Speech. And they want to create a massive health care program when the Constitution specifically limits the Federal Government in what they can react and holds all other programs for the States. The Congress isnt reading or writing the bills as they should be. They are passing 1000+ bills written by small special interest groups.

The real question is what aren't they doing to disrespect the Constitution.

02-23-2010, 07:56 PM
While some "independents" did shift, the overall total for Brown was only slighty more than for McCain in '08 but the total for Coakley was far lower than for Obama. Examining the turnout by precinct shows far lower turnout in heavily Democratic precincts. Turn out was low because Democrats stayed home.

You'd think that if the Democrats cared about health care so much, they would have shown up.

See your excuses to explain why you think Health care is still wanted by a majority of the people still doesnt hold up because people voted against it and refused to support it when it was up for a vote in the one state that understands what government run healthcare is.

red states rule
02-24-2010, 06:34 AM
Now Obama is bringing in the union thugs to FIGHT for Obamacare

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- "I'm tired of rallies. I want to fight!" So said Tim Burga, operations director of the Ohio AFL-CIO, addressing the hundreds who had braved the cold Feb. 20 to attend a "Pass It Now" rally for health care reform at the SEIU Local 1199 hall here.

There was a sense of real urgency in the hall, as speaker after speaker pounded on the point that, as Brian Rothenberg of Progress Ohio stated, "We now have 6 weeks to win the fight our people have been fighting since the Truman administration: health care for all!"

Becky Williams, president of SEIU, 1199, was interrupted by loud cheers as she led off the rally, telling the crowd, "We have three things to tell the administration and the majority in congress.

"One -- we worked for and voted for change last year. That means actually changing what was there when you got there.

"Two -- we need for you to lead with courage, not be intimidated by Fox News and Teabaggers.

"Three, don't be fooled by lies!" she said. "If you do these things we'll be with you, and the 66% of Americans who, according to polls are demanding that health care reform be passed."


So the union thugs say, have the government take over the health insurance industry, do not listen to the truth about what is in the bill, and when the polls show a majority of voters do not want Obamacare - lie and make up poll numbers that support your position

red states rule
02-24-2010, 06:57 AM
CBO is saying they can't score the "new" Obamacare bill - they have not been provided the details

CBO Can’t Score Obama Plan, No Details

The Obama Administration’s Health Care Proposal
Monday, February 22nd, 2010 by Douglas Elmendorf

This morning the Obama Administration released a description of its health care proposal, and CBO has already received several requests to provide a cost estimate for that proposal. We had not previously received the proposal, and we have just begun the process of reviewing it—a process that will take some time, given the complexity of the issues involved.

Although the proposal reflects many elements that were included in the health care bills passed by the House and the Senate last year, it modifies many of those elements and also includes new ones. Moreover, preparing a cost estimate requires very detailed specifications of numerous provisions, and the materials that were released this morning do not provide sufficient detail on all of the provisions.

Therefore, CBO cannot provide a cost estimate for the proposal without additional detail, and, even if such detail were provided, analyzing the proposal would be a time-consuming process that could not be completed this week.

Of course it is no accident that Mr. Obama’s plan doesn’t provide the CBO either the details or the time to give a cost estimate.

That way Mr. Obama can continue to pretend that his $1 trillion reform plan doesn’t raise the deficit.


Joe Steel
02-24-2010, 01:20 PM
Across the nation, people are untied in their opposition to the Hope and Change Obama is bringing. That is why he is down to 45% approval, and Congress is in the 20's

Nonsense. Obama's approval is down because he's not implementing what the American People want -- comprehensive government services.

Joe Steel
02-24-2010, 01:21 PM
It proves that YOUR assessment of what happened in Mass is way off the mark.


You can't just dump a bunch of numbers and say they mean something. You have to provide an analysis.

Sir Evil
02-24-2010, 01:27 PM
Nonsense. Obama's approval is down because he's not implementing what the American People want -- comprehensive government services.

He not implementing a damn thing he said he was going to and thas why his approval is down. Just accept the fact that he can't carry out all the bullshit demands the left promised. They cried for change and what exactly has changed? He sucks just like you do....

02-24-2010, 05:12 PM

You can't just dump a bunch of numbers and say they mean something. You have to provide an analysis.

The numbers directly contradict your statement that Brown won because of low voter turnout in heavily Democrat precincts. There's only ONE county in the whole state that could be considered heavily Democrat. The percentages in the rest of the counties are very close to the average 36% or lower.