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02-22-2010, 05:48 PM


Outlook no brighter for Obama's new health plan

24 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Starting over on health care, President Barack Obama knows his chances aren't looking much more promising. A year after he called for a far-reaching overhaul, Obama unveiled his most detailed plan yet on Monday. Realistically, he's just hoping to win a big enough slice to silence the talk of a failing presidency.

The 10-year, $1 trillion plan, like the current Democratic version in the Senate, would bring health insurance to more than 31 million Americans who now lack it. Government insurance wouldn't be included, a problem for Democratic progressives. Republicans are skeptical about where the money would come from — and about Obama's claim that the plan wouldn't raise the federal deficit.

Striking out in one fresh direction that should have wide appeal, Obama would give federal regulators new powers over the insurance industry, a reaction to a rash of double-digit premium hikes that have infuriated policy holders in California and other states.

The plan is supposed to be the starting point for Obama's televised, bipartisan health care summit Thursday — a new beginning after a year of wrangling and letting Congress take the lead. Yet Republicans were quick to dismiss it as a meld of two Democratic bills the public doesn't want. Democrats, while reaffirming their commitment to major changes, reacted cautiously, mindful that Obama is asking them to stake their political fortunes in the fall elections....

02-22-2010, 06:22 PM


Obama is trying anything he can do to go down in history as the President that brought health care, I read this earlier and the article I read stated it would help 34 mil , now it is at 31, and it wont raise the deficit ??? Is he going to pay for it out of his pocket? Every time this guy opens his mouth more lies come out, he is kinda like Howard Stern now, ya listen just to see what he will say next:eek:

02-23-2010, 04:13 AM
Obama is trying anything he can do to go down in history as the President that brought health care, I read this earlier and the article I read stated it would help 34 mil , now it is at 31, and it wont raise the deficit ??? Is he going to pay for it out of his pocket? Every time this guy opens his mouth more lies come out, he is kinda like Howard Stern now, ya listen just to see what he will say next:eek:

We'll see if they get it done this time. The CBO says they can't confirm the White House claims regarding the next 20 years of costs by Thursday.

The Dems appear to have the votes to bring jobs bill to vote. Perhaps the cry for hope from the left is that Scott voted with the Dems on the 'jobs bill' to go forward.

02-23-2010, 04:23 AM
Obama already has a legacy. He has made history by being the first President to have an approval rating below 50% in his first year. And for many Americans he will become known as Carter II. One and done!!!!!!!

After claiming to bring hope and change, he has brought e neither, and there is little that can be done now that will make millions turn out to vote for him again.

Perhaps he will be like Jimmy and go on to do good work with charity work, but I bet he will find a way to work with ACORN and find new and interesting ways to defraud the government and the American Taxpayer.


Sir Evil
02-23-2010, 08:03 AM
Lowered expectations? I thought it was supposed to be that way when obamarama was voted into office, no? :salute: